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Star Wars CLOSED Legacy of the Guardians (Always Accepting New Players)

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Bardan_Jusik, Mar 10, 2017.

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  1. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    IC: Vanora Cinali on the Bridge

    "Chiss refugee ship carying Chiss to a planet just outside Chiss space attacked by probably Chiss..." Gim shrugged. "Do we even have jurisdiction?"

    Vanora stifled a sardonic chuckle in agreement. Sounded like an internal struggle to her. Unless ... her attention was immediately caught by Padawan Elle:

    "These people were slaughtered, and it sounded like that whoever did it was looking for someone." She blinked twice, "what if that someone is already at Blue Haven, and this is just the beginning?"

    Vanora shuddered with dread at the implications of such a prospect! The Jedi would have to intervene... to forestall any further atrocities.

    @Skywalker_T-65 \ @Coffee_Ninja
    @Bardan_Jusik \ @Sarge \ @TheRynJedi
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
  2. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Rak Avarray
    The Vagabond

    "Um... well... All I can say is that you have to be cool about it. Say the right things your buyers want to hear. Negotiate and don't slip up." Rak leaned in a little seeing the gamut of emotions wash over the young woman's face. "I'm sorry. I'm usually don't let things get to me. It's just... I can't do this. My master... It was all my fault that she died. I feel that this is a punishment. I punishment I deserve..."

    The older knight shook his head. Reaching out with the force to reassure the young woman.

    "This isn't punishment, this is recovery." He looked down himself, "The loss of a master is a great pain, I've seen it before. But, you cannot beat yourself up over it. You will simmer in that pain, that suffering and only darkness lays down that path. You do not have to forget your mistakes, but, you must grow and move on. Not keep holding it in, you are only hurting yourself." He looked back up with a smile, "You seem to know what you are doing, you have a handle on this smuggling thing. Everything is going to be fine. You will be fine. Life is a constant movement from highs and lows," he moved his hand up and down creating peaks and valleys. "right now you are in a low point." He held his hand low to the table demonstrating his point. "But, soon it will start rising up, and you will see the light again. Soon you will be happy again. Maybe this mission is that turning for you."

    He gave a smile trying to reassure the young woman. He might not have known much about smuggling but, he did know about keeping spirits up. Could be the difference between life and death.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @Bardan_Jusik @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
  3. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    IC: Sir Peregrine Bonaventure
    Leaving the Bridge

    87% chance the cloaked attacker was Chiss… Well, that was something to go on, but nothing to count on. In this galaxy, things happen that defy the odds on a daily basis. I moved on from that thought to answer Gim's question about jurisdiction.

    "I'm sure we don't have jurisdiction there, or anywhere else. As far as people who concern themselves with legal matters like jurisdictions are concerned, the whole order of the Guardians doesn't even exist, right?"

    I sighed as I glanced around the bridge. My gut was telling me we had learned all that we could on this ship, and that it would be unwise to linger. But my head insisted that we hadn't searched the whole ship yet. Time for a compromise, then.

    "We should get back to Pegasus, but I feel obliged to search the rest of this ship first. I suggest we split up into pairs and each pair sweeps an area on our way out. Let's rendezvous back at the airlock in ten minutes. I'll go check engineering; one of you padawans care to come along with me? The rest of you can check crew quarters, captain's cabin, galley, or whatever else this ship has. Everyone all right with that?"

    TAG: @Skywalker_T-65 @Coffee_Ninja @TheRynJedi
  4. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Jo Sodi
    The Vagabond

    Sitting back and letting stuff happen was a good standby, especially when somebody said something like feeling responsible for another's death, like say their Master. He was lucky that his Master was still alive, that his family was still alive. He had known others on his homeworld that had been taken and eaten by the more advanced species on his world, and when he had left to the first Force group he had known some that died because of the wilds of that world. It was hard to give it words, it was something that became a part of you in a way, you came to know death, the unfairness of life. That nothing was guaranteed, not even the next breath.

    The other Knight seemed to have a differing point of view and he didn't know what to say about it. He didn't want to be that cold hard fellow, not to his fellow Jedi, but. . . "If you stop helping people, stop being a Jedi, mope and rest on the comfort your Master died to give you. . .that is far worse fate and a true punishment. There is not death, there is the Force, and your Master didn't die let alone live to let you merely cry eternal."

    Karp, he was that guy. Looking down he fiddled with his helmet. Not sure what he had really just done.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @Bardan_Jusik @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk , @galactic-vagabond422
  5. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Knight Cora
    The Vegabond

    Cora listened patiently as the others talked,not wanting to interrupt. She glanced over at Jo Sodi as he spoke and nodded in agreement. "He's right you know. You should live for your Master. Its not like anyone truly leaves us when they pass on." She paused for a moment. "And you have all of us if you ever need to talk. About anything."

    It must have been hard to lose her Master so suddenly.

    She settled back into her chair and wrapped her cloak around her. She felt exhausted, but Cora thought that it might just be the uncertainty of the mission getting to her. "Wake me when we get there okay?" She tilted her head back and shut her eyes, and soon Cora dozed in a light slumber.

    Tag: @Bardan_Jusik @SkywalkerShine @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @galactic-vagabond422 @Mitth_Fisto
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2019
  6. Skywalker_T-65

    Skywalker_T-65 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 19, 2009
    IC: Lenea Sandstrider

    Chiss. Hm. Not something I see very often, even now. They don't normally move much beyond their own borders. What could this haven be? Why would they all be refugees?

    As a Captain, especially hailing from a planet in the Unknown Regions, Lenea knew CDF markings. The ship that attacked this freighter wasn't from the Chiss government. Well. Darksiders would tend to indicate it wasn't the government to begin with, but they weren't even trying. Either the murderers didn't care about people knowing who they were- why else have a recognizable symbol? -or the Chiss had bigger problems than their government let on. With how little came out of the Ascendancy, it could be anything from a Sith offshoot to a full-blown Civil War.

    For her part, Lenea rather hoped it was the former.

    At any rate, though...

    "Jurisdiction? I mean, I'm not even a Guardian myself," Lenea looked over at the Jedi, smiling sardonically. "But I tend to agree. Jurisdiction doesn't even matter out here, as long as we don't go charging into Chiss space." Holding her hands up, the Captain shrugged her shoulders. "'There be dragons'. This is the Unknown Regions. No one really cares about something like that, honestly."

    Though, I should probably not advertise I'm part of the Abydonian Navy. Y'know, just to be safe.

    "Anyway, if we're going to explore, I'd like to come along to Engineering myself. I'm an engineer, first and foremost, and if there's anything to figure out down there..." Lenea trailed off, eyes drifting over the gutted bridge.

    There probably wasn't much to find down there. Just the engineering spaces of a standard old freighter. Right?

    @Bardan_Jusik @TheRynJedi @Sarge @Coffee_Ninja
  7. Khalia Octa

    Khalia Octa Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    IC: Khalia Octa
    Refugee Camp, Noris

    Khalia walked with the other Padawans as they followed the young Chiss girl. She ducked into the medical tent and a wave of misery washed over her in the Force. She didn't understand how all of these Chiss could be here, in pain and dying, but no one looking after them. It seemed Nord felt the same way, as he voiced her thoughts well. Khalia listened as the young girl spoke, feeling helpless as she heard of the camp's low medical supplies.

    Khalia nodded at Kev-Mas' words, "Yes, if you need any help with please tell us." She wanted to help out somehow and this seemed to be the way.

    TAG: @Bardan_Jusik, @Kev-Mas_Colcha
  8. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    IC: Semajj Nosrep
    The Vagabond

    The Ongree watched Rak Avarray comfort the young human female. He contemplated saying something, offering words of comfort himself, but eventually decided against it. Both his Masters were alive, one of them was in this very room, any platitudes he presented could easily be taken the wrong way and for this reason he found himself simply nodding along as the others spoke. Compassion was essential for a Jedi, he sympathized with the former apprentice, but he had not lived her pain.

    Placing his hands on his knees Semajj listened in part, but also reached into the force to help rejuvenate him. He had to stay alert for the coming mission.

    Tags: @galactic-vagabond422, @Mitth_Fisto, @SkywalkerShine, @Kyber Acyk, @TheSilentInfluence
  9. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    GM Update

    IC: Knight Troi (GM restricted use NPC)
    Aboard the Vagabond, departing Saridona Prime

    Knight Troi listened as the other Jedi comforted Zorbo. They were good words he thought, and ones she should heed, though whether she would do so remained to be seen. What was certain though was their arrival soon thereafter at their destination, the Noris system on the Chiss frontier, as demonstrated by the slight warbling alert heard back in the lounge. Troi followed Avarray up to the cockpit, he was still their captain and it was his ship. Still before following he turned to the other Jedi. "Come on," he said to them all. "We should probably all be in on this in case our welcome isn't a warm one." He looked to Zorbo specifically. "Especialy you, we may need some fats smuggler talking." He winked to show he doubted things would get too serious, but with the Chiss you never knew.

    The Jedi piled into the now very cramped cockpit, with Avarray at the controls as Troi slid into the co pilot's chair. A moment later the lever was thrown and the ship reverted back to normal space with a flash. Troi immediately looked to the sensor screen, though the scene outside the cockpit windows told the same story. "Awful lot of traffic out there," he commented. "A lot more than I would expect of a sleepy frontier colony." He was right, the space lanes around the planet were crammed full of vessels, some large but mostly small to medium sized craft, like the Vagabond. There seemed to be little organization to their positioning or course, and just as many seemed to be departing as were headed towards the planet. A pair of Chiss Clawcraft screamed overhead, giving them a cursory look, before racing off towards another freighter without even bothering to contact them. Troi watched the fighters for as long as he could before he lost them in the clutter.

    "Well, that's odd." he mumbled. Neither the fighters nor orbital approach had contacted them yet, though that was a situation soon remedied as the comm system crackled to life. "This is Noris orbital control," the contact was in basic, though with a clear Chiss accent. "We have you on our screens now freighter, if you're carrying relief supplies please wait in the holding pattern," the Chiss didn't even bother asking them to identify themselves and he sounded harried and rushed. "You'll get landing instructions after we've cleared the incoming..." he trailed off as he was clearly distracted by something else before coming back to them.

    "If you have just passengers," he emphasized the word strangely, "we can clear you for immediate approach to bay..." he paused as he checked his display screen presumably, "bay 87", he finished.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto

    IC: Padawan Min'ord'krizoo "Nord" (NPC)
    Refugee Camp, Noris

    "We're hungry actually, as well as in need of some rest," said Padawan Colcha pointing to himself, an action that raised the eyebrow of the harried looking human doctor. "But as you can see we don't really belong here. So instead of just making ourselves at home we decided to work for it. Consider us volunteers to help your relief effort you've got going on here." The doctor looked unconvinced, though too tired to actually to question them farther. Padawan Octa then backed up Colcha's offer. "Yes, if you need any help with please tell us." She wanted to help out somehow and this seemed to be the way.

    The Doctor shrugged his shoulders before looking to Nord. "And you, do you belong here or are you offering to help as well?" His tone was clipped, rushed, though his weariness could still be felt by all. "I'm here to help in any way I can doctor," he explained. A beat passed as the doctor regarded them all before sighing heavily. "I can't hope that any of you are actually doctors, or even nurses can I?" Nord looked at the ground before shaking his head no. "No, I didn't think so...," he sounded somewhat disappointed, yet relieved to have the additional hands. "It's been just me and Livvie here for so long..." His eyes glazed over for a moment before he looked back to the trio of Jedi.

    "I've got wounded to deal with, and the next convoy will be bringing more refugees, many of them probably injured so I have to get to work." He pointed back towards the rear portion of the medical tent, it was closed off by hanging curtain serving as a door. Beyond it the Jedi could all feel pain and suffering. "If you can handle dispensing water and this medicine," he faltered at the saying the word slightly, and the Jedi could sense a bit of sorrow, and even deception from him, "it would free me up to work on the more severely wounded before more patients arrive." He smiled wearily to them, but a smile bereft of warmth. "Livvie can show you the way.."

    The young Chiss girl smiled at the mention of her name as she led them back towards a small cabinet at one end of the tent even as the Doctor watched them for a moment before headed back behind the curtain, where the wounded lie waiting for him. "I do this every day," Livvie said as she grabbed a large bottle that rattled with the sound of pills inside. She sounded excited at the prospect of new friends. "It won't take us long."

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha @Khalia Octa

    IC: Knight Gim (NPC)/padwan Elle (NPC)
    Aboard the derelict freighter, Unknown Regions

    "We should get back to Pegasus," padawan Elle caught Knight Gim's emphatic nodding in agreement at Knight Bonaventure's statement, but the Knight wasn't finished yet. "...I feel obliged to search the rest of this ship first." That caused a rather obvious frown to form on her Ugnaught master's porcine face. "I suggest we split up into pairs and each pair sweeps an area on our way out. Let's rendezvous back at the airlock in ten minutes. I'll go check engineering; one of you padawans care to come along with me? The rest of you can check crew quarters, captain's cabin, galley, or whatever else this ship has. Everyone all right with that?"

    Sandstrider piped up, offering to help with the search of the engineering area. "I'd like to come along to Engineering myself. I'm an engineer, first and foremost, and if there's anything to figure out down there..." Lenea trailed off, eyes drifting over the gutted bridge as Elle shrugged to her Master. It would a natural fit for the pair of them to team up, but he seemed to have his own plan in mind now. She was one of the more experienced apprentices here, they would need her to lead one of the groups. "OK I'll take Sanchari and check out the aft cargo bay," he knew it would be more of the same and he hoped the impressionable young Ryn could take it. "Elle you take Cinali and check out the crew and officer quarters, be careful." He looked to the last pair of Jedi. "Which leaves the mess deck and kitchen for Master Kasumi and padawan Raine." He looked to them all as he got nods of agreement and affirmative remarks in reply. "OK then, let's find what we can and meet back at the airlock in ten minutes," Elle gave an eye roll and a slight, barely preceptible shake of her head as her master spoke as if the idea were his own. "C'mon Cinali," she said. "Let's get going..."

    IC: Knight Gim (NPC)
    Cargo bay 2, Aboard the derelict freighter, Unknown Regions

    The minutes seemed to pass slowly for Knight Gim, almost at a crawl even, as he led Initiate Sanchari back down the ladder into the forward cargo hold before working farther aft to cargo bay two. There the pair found just more of the same. Dead bodies of Chiss men, women and children scattered about. Most had succumbed to blaster fire, though there were a few lightsaber wounds as well among them. It was a slaughterhouse, and Gim couldn't wait to get off this death ship, though he tried his best to hide that behind his own bravado.

    "I don't think there is anything more for us to find here," he said in a low voice to the young Ryn and her droid who followed behind them. So far she was keeping her cool he thought, it reflected highly on her ability and candidacy for the Guardians of Light. "Nothing here but death anyway," he sounded more morose now as he looked about the darkened room. "It's time to..." he started before tripping on something hard. He was horrified to think it was another body, but upon straightening himself up he found it was one of those wardroids, blasted in half it was no longer functional. "Well. there's something you don't see everyday," he mumbled to himself before calling out to Sanchari so she wouldn't worry. "I'm OK, just found one of the attackers, dead." He picked up the droid's head and looked to her with a smile but her own gaze was fixed on something else. It was one of the Chiss crew, she too was dead with a lightsaber strike clear across her chest. In her hands she held a blaster rifle and Gim thought to himself that at least she had managed to take down one of the droids before meeting her end. It wasn't much, but at least it was something.

    "You all right?" he asked the Initiate, tossing the head aside hearing it clatter loudly onto the deck.

    TAG: @TheRynJedi

    IC: Padawan Elle (NPC)
    Crew quarters, Aboard the derelict freighter, Unknown Regions

    Time seemed to move quickly as padawans Elle and Cinali explored the crew and officer quarters of the derelict freighter. Here they'ed run into no bodies, it seemed that the entire crew had been alerted with enough lead time to get to their stations before the attack began, but that didn't mean everything here seemed normal. In the low light caused by the ship's lack of power they could see that every room they entered had been ransacked. Indeed, ransacked didn't do the situation justice, they had been torn apart, with bulkheads removed and mattresses cut open and turned inside out. Rank seemed to have nothing to do with it, as the same scene greeted them in the captain's spartan quarters as in the crew quarters which held four beds to a room.

    "Yeah, whoever they were they were looking for something, and they seemed pretty thorough about it." Elle mentioned to her Togrutan colleague.

    TAG: @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    IC: Padawan Raine (NPC for now)
    Mess deck, Aboard the derelict freighter, Unknown Regions

    Time was at an absolute standstill for Padawan Raine as she and Master Kasumi, who had remained ominously silent for much of their time aboard the freighter, searched the mess hall and kitchen areas of the mess deck. It wasn't a large area, just a small kitchen once served by a cooking droid that had been torn apart while the mess itself contained just two bare tables. There were no bodies, no remnants of meals, though the dishes had been all tossed from the cabinets and now lay broken on the deck. Aside from that there was nothing here of any interest that Raine could see or feel.

    "We should be starting to head back now right Master?" The young Mirialan/Human hybrid spoke up with a slight tremble in her voice. Master Kasumi hadn't said much of anything so far and while Raine didn't want to speak out of turn, but this was clearly a dead end and Raine didn't want to spend any more time on this ghost ship than she had to.

    TAG: @Coffee_Ninja

    IC: Captain Ro/LT Kendra (GM restricted use NPCs)
    Pegasus bridge, monitoring the situation.

    The pair of GSF Officers looked at each other nervously as the minutes wore on. They had kept in contact with the away team, and though Ro hand't been thrilled with the idea of splitting up to make one last sweep of the dead ship, she hadn't objected either. It was the Jedi's mission, best to get out of their way and let them do it. She and her crew were just here to support them in any way that they could. That didn't mean that she wasn't worried though.

    "Ma'am," LT Kendra moved beside her and spoke softly, "there's a problem." Immediately the captain's worry deepened, though clearly there was no reason to panic. Kendra herself seemed rather reserved after all. "Yes LT, what is it?"

    "Knight Bonaventure and Sandstrider mentioned they were headed aft to the ship's engineering spaces." Ro nodded at that, she had heard the same communique that Kendra had. "And?" The junior officer swallowed. "Our scans show that area to be highly irradiated, probably a damaged fusion reactor." That would be a problem, "How long can they surv..." Kendra interrupted her question, risking the Captain's ire. "No danger where they are now, but we're showing a ruptured hull in the freighter's engineering spaces. The area has been opened to space. Nothing could survive there." The captain arched her eyebrow, forgiving Kendra for her minor lapse in protocol. "Very well, let Bonaventure know."

    With a brief nod of her head LT Kendra moved away from her commanding officer and to the communications equipment where she relayed the warning to the Jedi headed to the engineering deck. Little did she know that they had already encountered a problem of their own. The way back to engineering was blocked as the corridor had compacted ahead of the main hatch, which of course was sealed to keep the vacuum at bay, and was filled with debris from the deck above...

    TAG: @Sarge @Skywalker_T-65

    OOC: To the group on the derelict freighter, feel free to finish up the searches and rally back at the airlock in your posts. Any questions from anyone, just PM me.
  10. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Vanora Cinali in the Crew Quarters on the Derelict

    Vanora and Padawan Elle explored the crew and officer sections.

    Thankfully, they had found no more victims, Vanora thought with a surge of relief.

    Vanora and Elle found devastation in captain and crew quarters alike. Bulkheads and mattresses were demolished.

    "Whoever they were they were looking for something, and they seemed pretty thorough about it." Elle mentioned to her Togrutan companion.

    "Sure seems like it. At least there was enough warning for the crew to evacuate, for the most part." Vanora said. "Let's head back to the airlock."

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2019
    SkywalkerShine and Bardan_Jusik like this.
  11. Kev-Mas_Colcha

    Kev-Mas_Colcha Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 15, 2002
    IC: Kev-Mas Colcha III
    Refugee Camp, Noris

    The doctor spoke so fast that Kev-Mas wasn't able to get a word in edgewise, but it was alright because he wouldn't have felt the need to do so anyways. Before he knew it, he was given directions to help dispense water and medicine, which by the doctor's tone of voice he could tell was probably a placebo meant to serve as a placeholder until something more sufficient was made available.

    "I do this every day," said the young Chiss girl, who Kev-Mas now knew to be named Livvie, "It won't take us long."

    "It sounds like you've been here for a while," Kev-Mas replied grabbing some paper cups and a pitcher of water as he helped her aid the wounded, pouring water and giving it to the wounded, assisting the ones who weren't able bodied enough to drink on their own when need be, "What happened exactly? We only arrived planetside fairly recently so we weren't exactly around to see whatever went down here."

    If Kev-Mas was a capable healer, he would be using his Jedi talents in tandem to mend wounds. Unfortunately that was one area of the Force he struggled with. Instead, he focused on healing them in other ways, with the one area he showed most promise in - the mind. One by one, as he assisted each patient he reached out to their mind with the Force, not probing for anything or intruding at all but rather projecting an aura of peace and calm as he tried to ease their minds and dull their pain. He still didn't want anyone there to know that they were Jedi, but he also wasn't going to let his Jedi powers go to waste when they could be used for good.

    Tag: @Bardan_Jusik @Khalia Octa
  12. TheRynJedi

    TheRynJedi Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 20, 2018
    IC: Sanchari

    Sanchari followed Master Gim through the ship's flickering darkness. She liked him. He was the only one of the Jedi who was shorter than she was.

    Sanchari had managed, finally, to filter out the fading echoes of terror and death in the Force, and was just left with the images and scent of death around her. That wasn't quite as horrible, she had seen death before, slave camps had their share of cruel masters.

    A loud clatter made her jump, Master Gim was saying something.

    "You all right?"

    "Aye, I... I be ok." Sanchari replied, watching the droid head rocking slightly as it settled to the deck. "It just all be so, senseless. This be done by the beings who put those droids on the ship I stole."

    She thought briefly about the Zabrak man she had stolen the cargo ship from, and wondered if he had known the kind of beings he had been dealing with. He hadn't felt any more unsavory than most of the traders, smugglers and other "businessbeings" she encountered on the casino ship.

    "Might we be able to get any information out of the droid's memory banks?" Sanchari wondered. There wasn't really anything else useful in here that she could see. Maybe some supplies they could salvage. She retrieved the droid's head, putting it in a large sachel she found in a corner. Then followed Master Gim through the rest of the cargo area.

    Tag: @Bardan_Jusik
  13. Coffee_Ninja

    Coffee_Ninja Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 29, 2011
    IC: Kasumi
    Mess Deck

    The footage of the video that was seen reminded Kasumi of what happened a long time ago. When one of their own turn on all, even the innocent. She couldn’t help but stay quiet, for there was nothing for her to say. All she could do was to say silent prayers she was taught on Alderaan and on Endor for lives that were lost.

    Now she stood in the mess hall. Chaos surrounded them. Items carelessly thrown from their storages areas, and a droid that had met its end while it was just doing its job. Kasumi shook her head at the destruction.

    She heard in her mind and then spoke the words aloud. “In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way.” Kasumi let the words sink in a moment. “Padawan Raine, even in this destruction there may be something that we can learn. Tell me what you see, besides the chaos and disorder. Are there places for people or even things to hide? Information can be everywhere…and hiding things in the last suspected places is always a good way to ensure their chances of getting where they are going.” Kasumi’s ghostly light blue eyes glanced at Raine and waited for a response. She could sense the uneasiness, and understood the feeling. But, for now, she wanted Raine to see past that, and see what other things, if any, they could find in this now dark place.

    TAG: @Bardan_Jusik
  14. SkywalkerShine

    SkywalkerShine Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 16, 2007
    IC: Rosana Zorbo
    Aboard the Vagabond, departing Saridona Prime

    Every word from her comrades brought tears to the young smuggler. The time of dwelling in the past had to be done. She had to move on. Not only for these guys and the mission... but for her deceased master. It would be a long and hard journey, but Rosana had to stay focused and strong. As one of them said, this was not a punishment. But rather, a recovery. She smiled softly at everyone.

    "Thank you all for the encouraging words. I'll do my best to keep them to heart."

    Moments later, they were contacted by a man with a Chiss accent. "This is Noris orbital control. We have you on our screens now freighter, if you're carrying relief supplies please wait in the holding pattern."

    Something was off. Wouldn't they normally ask for a ships ' identification? It seemed very likely.

    "If you have just
    passengers," he emphasized the word strangely, "we can clear you for immediate approach to bay..." he paused as he checked his display screen presumably, "bay 87."

    Yeah. This whole thing was bantha fodder somehow. But as a smuggler, Rosana had to keep her caution up. This situation was bigger than her and she felt that she had to help. Sure, Rosana would still find a way to get away and live life in peace. Her and her binjinphant Zekk.

    "Um... Does anyone else feel suspicious about this whole thing? I smell something fishy..."

    @Bardan_Jusik @TheSilentInfluence @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2019
  15. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Rak Avarray
    The Vagabond

    Rak smiled hearing the young woman's words, she wasn't going to let this darkness swallow her up. That was always good to hear.

    "Stick close to us, we won't let you stray." He said with a wink as he moved to the cockpit. His eyes widened seeing the lanes packed with ships. This was different. Something about it was off or maybe things were worse here than they knew. Though it was curious that so many were trying to a supposed small fontier world.

    "If you have just passengers," Rak arched his brow. Well that was clearly a specific mention. In the silence the wandering knight looked to his companions. "bay 87", he finished.

    "Um... Does anyone else feel suspicious about this whole thing? I smell something fishy..." Rosana said, her words giving Rak pause for thought.

    "It does seem peculiar the stress he put on that word. Almost like he wants us to say yes." Rak again looks to the others. "I say we take the offer, time is of the essence we don't have time to wait in line. If this gets us to the ground faster I say we take it. Though I do think we should be prepared for unpleasantness, or a welcome wagon. It is hard to tell which. However I won't make that decision alone, I might be the captain but, I'd like to get your ideas...I would suggest thinking fast and going with your instincts. We don't want to keep Noris control waiting too long."

    TAG: @Bardan_Jusik @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
  16. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    IC: Sir Peregrine Bonaventure
    Dead End on a Dead Ship

    Sandstrider and I stopped short of engineering. Not only was the corridor choked with wreckage, but it seemed that this section of the ship's frame was twisted by battle damage. The bulkheads were obviously distorted and there was no doubt the hatch was jammed shut. We weren't going any farther in this direction, not without taking a lot more time than we had. But I still had one more trick up my sleeve if I wanted to find out what lay beyond the bulkhead.

    Gesturing for quiet, I turned to the nearest clean section of wall paneling. Lightly resting my fingertips on the metal plate, the knuckles of my other hand began a rapid tapping on the wall. I could feel the vibrations travelling through the ship's frames, echoing back clear and clean where all was well, but more muffled and distorted where the structure was bent and broken. And beyond the bulkhead, nothing but the dead zone of hard vacuum.

    With my senses open to the Force, I was also feeling a kind of sickly, smothering warmth from the engineering spaces.

    "It's hard vacuum past that bulkhead, major structural damage all around us, and dangerous levels of radiation from the engines. I'd say it's time to get out and report back to Pegasus, unless you've had some other brainstorm."

    Still closely in tune with the guidance of the Force, I impulsively closed my eyes, reached into the debris, and grabbed something. It was small, lightweight, and uneven. A broken circuit board. Something to examine later.

    TAG: @Skywalker_T-65
  17. Khalia Octa

    Khalia Octa Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    IC: Khalia Octa
    Refugee Camp, Noris

    Khalia nodded at the doctor's instructions, but wondered if this was really medicine, noticing the doctor hesitate slightly at the word, his aura tinged with deceit. Khalia stored that in the back of her mind and smiled slightly at Livvie as she reassured them it wouldn't take a while. They had time, so that didn't really matter, but it was nice of Livvie to assure them.

    She grabbed several cups too, not wanting to give the patients the wrong dosage of medicine and helped Kev-Mas pour the water. Khalia felt her fellow Padawan project a sense of peace and calm into his aura and followed suit, hoping it would help alleviate the patients' pain, though she wondered what the pain was from. Hopefully Livvie would explain.

    TAG: @Bardan_Jusik, @Kev-Mas_Colcha
  18. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Knight Cora
    Aboard the Vagabond

    Cora woke up and stretched just as Knight Troi started to gather everyone up to follow him to the bridge as they entered the Noris System. Her sleep had been a little uneasy, but she felt better now that she was more relaxed. As they entered the atmosphere, Cora was surprised that the fighters didn't even try to contact them.

    "That was strange." Cora commented as she manoeuvred her way up to the the front of the bridge. She sighed as the Chiss contacted them, directing them to bay 87. That was even stranger. How does he know we have passengers. Cora turned to Rak. "I think we should let him know we have passengers too." And then she nodded at the others. "Stay ready though, they could come in with blasters firing if we give too much away. Just do what they say for now."

    Cora pressed the com. button on the front panel. "This is The Vagabond, we have a few passengers. Are there any decontamination procedures we need to follow before we disembark in Bay 87?"

    Tag: @Bardan_Jusik @SkywalkerShine @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
  19. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Rak Avarray
    The Vagabond

    "I think we should let him know we have passengers too." Knight Cora made her idea known. Rak nodded stroking his chin. He looked to the others looking to see what they had to say, or who wanted to volunteer as 'passengers' on a old freighter like the Vagabond. Might be a good fit for Rak's former padawan, though being navigator would still work. Rak himself would still be the captain, it was his ship after all.

    While he was waiting Cora reached forward and activated the com. Rak reached out to stop her but, it was already too late. She had already contacted Noris control taking them up on their offer of passenger drop off. The knight winced hearing her mispronounce the name of his ship. He pursed his lips turning back to the controls.

    "Thank you," Rak started, once the channel was closed and it was just jedi talking. "Com officer," He began decent procedures calling out over his shoulder, "I should have expected a Mandalorian to be a being of action." He smiled looking to the others. "Well, hands up, how whats to be a passenger onboard this tramp of a freighter?"

    TAG: @Bardan_Jusik @SkywalkerShine @TheSilentInfluence @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
  20. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    GM Update

    IC: Knight Troi (GM restricted use NPC)
    Aboard the Vagabond, arriving at Noris

    Knight Troi cocked his head to one side and folded his arms across his chest as he listened to the Jedi discussing the orders issued to them by Orbital Control. Zorbo of course spoke first, lending her expertise.

    "Um... Does anyone else feel suspicious about this whole thing? I smell something fishy..."

    Fishy wasn't even the word for it the Mandalorian Knight thought to himself as he nodded along with her assessment. This was downright strange. "It does seem peculiar the stress he put on that word." Knight Avarray seemed to be thinking along the same lines as Zorbo. "Almost like he wants us to say yes." Rak looked to the others. "I say we take the offer, time is of the essence we don't have time to wait in line. If this gets us to the ground faster I say we take it. Though I do think we should be prepared for unpleasantness, or a welcome wagon. It is hard to tell which. However I won't make that decision alone, I might be the captain but, I'd like to get your ideas...I would suggest thinking fast and going with your instincts. We don't want to keep Noris control waiting too long."

    Knight Troi rubbed his chin. If there was unpleasantness it would fall to him and the other Mandalorian Knight, Cora, to do the heavy lifting. "Stay ready though," she told the other Jedi after agreeing with their sentiments. "They could come in with blasters firing if we give too much away. Just do what they say for now." Troi arched an eyebrow at that. Do as they say? if the Chiss down there came at them guns blazing he was going to do his best to defend the others and himself. Before he could mention that Knight Cora took action, comming out to orbital approach.

    "This is The Vegabond, we have a few passengers. Are there any decontamination procedures we need to follow before we disembark in Bay 87?" There was a brief pause from the other end, followed by what sounded like some frustrated cursing in one of the Chiss dialects. "Decontamination of your passengers," this time he stressed two of the words oddly, "will be handled by groundside at inprocessing." The tone of the controller went from bored and frustrated to snarky and rude. "You want to delouse your ship,that's on you. We aren't going to do that for you." The message ended curtly as the comm channel switched off.

    "Thank you," Rak started, once the channel was closed and it was just jedi talking. "Com officer," He began decent procedures calling out over his shoulder, "I should have expected a Mandalorian to be a being of action." He smiled looking to the others, one that Troi returned sardonically. "Well, hands up, how whats to be a passenger onboard this tramp of a freighter?"

    Troi turned to the others, seeing no hands immediately going up. "I doubt any of us are in a hurry to be 'decontaminated', whatever that means." He gave a short, gruff snort that was almost a laugh. "Not if he was serious about delousing..." The wording made the Mandalorian Jedi frown. Why would a ship need to be deloused after delivering passengers? He wondered to himself as Avarray followed the steering cues to Bay 87, figuring they would find out soon enough...

    A short time later...

    The ship settled down on the duracrete landing pad that was bay 87 without much in the way of further drama, though the oddness of their interactions with orbital control and approach still nagged at Troi. The situation that greeted them on the ground did nothing to ease his troubled mind. Across the way, on pad 86 was another freighter, it's Chiss pilot sitting on the craft's landing strut, while parked in between them was a large hoverbus. Old and decrepit, it still seemed more than capable of seating 40 persons comfortably, or more than 40 uncomfortably the Mandalorian Knight thought absent mindedly noting it was nearly filled to capacity with various bedraggled Chiss. Outside the bus stood a pair of Chiss security officers holding stun rods. They seemed relaxed, but full of purpose.

    "Are those for the passengers?" Troi wondered aloud to his fellow Jedi as the boarding ramp of the Vagabond was lowered. "Or is it for all of us?" The Knight rolled his shoulders slightly anticipating a fight. Those more in tune with the force might have sensed no malice though from the guards, only a weary determination to get the job done tinged with a bit of sadness. That sadness turned to confusion as the Jedi disembarked.

    "Is that all of you?" One of the guards asked looking to his comrade and then to the bus driver who raised his own arms in surprise. Troi looked back to his companions, not sure just how to answer. "Where are your...passengers?" Now Troi was as confused as the locals. What passengers were they expecting? He noted the Chiss pilot from across the way looking at them with curiosity now, a bemused look on the man's face. "Look these bays are reserved for the loading and unloading of...passengers." the Guard said in exasperation. "If you've none on your ship you'll have to..."

    "Hold on now," the Chiss freighter pilot from across the way called out, sauntering over to the guards and their bus. "I think these folks are here to pick up, ain't that right?" He looked to Troi and then Avarray, giving the slightest hint of a wink that went unseen by the guards. Troi took the hint. "That's right, we're here for pick up, sorry for the confusion." He still had no clue what was going on or why this Chiss freelancer had intervened, but he thanked the force he had. The guards though seemed less than happy about the situation.

    "Well, this load is only half full," the guard indicated the nearly full bus making Troi wonder how many people were being stuffed aboard. The bus driver honked the horn. "If this is it, this is it, I want to get this load to processing, and then convoy work." The guard grunted in disgust. "That convoy won't wait for me and i get paid by the load, so if this is it, this is it," he repeated himself. The pair of guards looked at each other and shrugged before boarding the bus which chugged off as soon as the doors closed behind them. Troi watched it, noting the young child with dirty blue skin that peered out the back window at them, sorrow very evident on her face.

    "What was all that about?" Troi asked, figuring the direct approach was the best one right now. This freelancer probably already had them figured as something they weren't. "Well you know how it is," the Chiss shrugged. "Folks like us gotta stick together." He flashed a smile as he looked Knight Cora up and down appreciatively. "You needed to land quickly, and so told the port authority what they wanted to hear, old smuggler's trick." He looked at the rest of the Jedi, his gaze resting on Zorbo for a moment as if he recognized her and then dismissed the notion. "Though you all have more of a soldier of fortune vibe to you than smugglers..." He shrugged again. "No matter, still glad to help." Troi regarded the Chiss suspiciously, though he certainly sensed no deception from him. "And you are?"


    "Oh sorry," he came forward and proffered his hand, one covered in grease, "Zuz'tuw'lurio," he smiled knowing the name would be all but unpronounceable by these non Chiss. "But you all can call me Claudius," he shrugged. "Freighter captain and pilot extraordinaire," he winked to Knight Cora, "though I haven't done a solid cargo run in three months." He frowned at that. "Just passenger runs..." he emphasized the word similarly to the other Chiss, though with an added bit of disgust at using the word.

    "Passengers, these uptight government types are just wired too tight to call them what they really are, refugees..."

    "Refugees?" Troi asked in surprise, forgetting for the moment why they were really here and unintentionally giving up all pretext that they knew what was going on. "From where?" The Chiss looked at the Jedi like they were idiots. "Csilla,, Sposia, Sarvchi, you name it..." He noted that Troi still looked confused. "You know, the bombings..." he looked at them quizzically. "Look I know you're not from around here," he indicated his blue skin, "but you all really don't have a clue do you?" Troi looked to his comrades before finally, slowly, shaking his head no. "Figures." The Chiss chewed his lower lip, looking again at Knight Cora. "All right, well then just who are you and what are you doing here then?"

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto

    OOC: If any of your characters would have liked to volunteer to act as the passengers in the time before the Vagabond landed that's cool (and would be rather amusing to me as well), but as the update demonstrates, it's not really necessary. Claudius is the creation of TheSilentInfluence who has been gracious enough to let me use him for a bit for expository purposes. So please feel free to have your characters ask anything of Claudius that comes to mind and I'll do my best to answer quickly for him to keep us moving along.

    IC: Padawan Min'ord'krizoo "Nord" (NPC)
    Refugee Camp, Noris

    Nord hung back a bit as his two fellow padawans talked to the young Chiss girl Livvie. It seemed odd, but the situation had him feeling withdrawn, reserved. Maybe it was the suffering of his people which soured everything, but to him the very air seemed heavy with sadness, a sadness that didn;t seem to touch this girl. That, or perhaps something else, left him feeling uneasy. Luckily the other two were far more engaging with her.

    "It sounds like you've been here for a while," Kev-Mas replied grabbing some paper cups and a pitcher of water as he helped her aid the wounded, pouring water and giving it to the wounded, assisting the ones who weren't able bodied enough to drink on their own when need be. Livvie nodded her own head enthusiastically at that. She seemed eager to help, both the wounded and the Jedi strangers. Padawan Octa too now was helping and so Nord reluctantly began as well, though he avoided looking into the haunted eyes of his countrymen as they took his proffered aid

    "What happened exactly? We only arrived planetside fairly recently so we weren't exactly around to see whatever went down here."

    Livvie shrugged, and her outgoing persona suddenly became much more guarded. "We're all here because of the attacks, the bombings." Her red eyes flickered, it was clear she was reliving a traumatic experience. "Some back on Csilla, some out on Spiosa..." she trailed off, sounding as if she could have mentioned a dozen more locations. "The wounded had their convoy attacked on their way out to one of the other camps, so their ship turned around and headed here." She helped an elderly woman with her "medication", the young girl had no idea it was just a sugar pill.

    "Most here are just sick from being in the camp too long." Her statement was punctuated by a raspy cough from the patient being tended to by Nord, but it didn't seem to faze Livvie. "Noris refugee camp is one of the biggest in the Ascendancy," she said that with a tinge of pride to her voice. "We get refugees from all over on account that we're one of the few Chiss worlds that haven't been touched by the bombings."

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha @Khalia Octa

    IC: Knight Gim (NPC)
    Cargo bay 2, Aboard the derelict freighter, Unknown Regions

    "Might we be able to get any information out of the droid's memory banks?" Sanchari wondered, Knight Gim looked to her, clearly that was something that he hadn't thought of. She retrieved the droid's head, putting it in a large satchel she found in a corner a few moments before the Ugnaught called out to her. "Yes, excellent, let's put the droid's head in that bag over there and take it with us." He said as if the whole thing had been his idea before he led her back towards the air lock...

    IC: Padawan Elle (NPC)
    Crew quarters, Aboard the derelict freighter, Unknown Regions

    "Sure seems like it. At least there was enough warning for the crew to evacuate, for the most part." Vanora said causing Elle to raise an eyebrow. While they hadn't been slaughtered in their quarters, it seemed to her they had just been killed elsewhere on the ship. "Let's head back to the airlock." That Elle couldn't disagree with and so she followed the other padawan back towards the front of the ship...

    IC: Padawan Raine (NPC for now)
    Mess deck, Aboard the derelict freighter, Unknown Regions

    “In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way.” Kasumi let the words sink in a moment. “Padawan Raine, even in this destruction there may be something that we can learn. Tell me what you see, besides the chaos and disorder. Are there places for people or even things to hide? Information can be everywhere...and hiding things in the last suspected places is always a good way to ensure their chances of getting where they are going.” Raine looked into Master Kasumi’s ghostly light blue eyes, which only seemed to add to the eeriness of the situation. She was so unlike her own master, left behind at the Temple, still it was best to listen to her and her teachings.

    Closing her own eyes she tried to reach out with her own feelings, but she felt nothing but death around her. There was nothing here, nothing worth finding anyway, and she said as much to the Master. "I think we should meet back with the others," she said dejectedly...

    IC: Knight Gim (NPC)/padwan Elle (NPC)/Captain Ro (GM restricted use NPC)
    Back aboard the Pegasus, a short time later, Unknown Regions

    The group had reassembled quickly, and after leaving the derelict behind, headed back to the Pegasus in silence. It seemed all the Jedi were coming to terms with what they had just witnessed. Back aboard the corvette they were greeted by the Captain "We followed your progress via comms but is there anything else you've found?" From the looks on everyone else's face Gim surmised that it wasn't much, if anything.

    "We ran across a wrecked droid," the Ugnaught announced. "I had Sanchari here bag up it's memory banks and bring them back" He pointed to her and the satchel she was holding as he again took credit for her idea, an act that surely fooled no one by this time thought his padawan, Elle. Captain Ro though raised an eyebrow and summoned forth a crewman who took the bag and th droid head inside. "We'll have it analyzed..." she paused for a brief moment as she considered them all. "I know this was just supposed to be a short training cruise, but this changes things." Knight Gim nodded along with her .

    "We've contacted the council and they want us to head to this 'Blue Haven' that was mentioned in the freighter's logs." She sounded worried, but determined. "Maybe whatever, or whoever, these dark siders are looking is there." She took a step back and looked to Sandstrider. "Looks like your reunion at the Temple is going to have to wait for a little while longer, we could use the extra help."

    TAG: @Skywalker_T-65 @Coffee_Ninja @Sarge @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    OOC: I'll have the group arrive at Blue Haven in my next update. Wanted to give you all a chance to react to events before we arrived. Any questions feel free to PM me.
  21. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    IC: Vanora Cinali on board the Pegasus

    Knight Gim was apprising the Captain of their findings, soon after the group reassembled.
    "We ran across a wrecked droid. I had Sanchari here bag up its memory banks and bring them back."

    Vanora caught the Captain's raised eyebrow, as she summoned one of her crew to take charge of the droid's head for examination. Vanora hoped they discovered something useful.

    The Captain continued:
    "We've contacted the council, and they want us to head to this 'Blue Haven' that was mentioned in the freighter's logs. Maybe whatever, or whoever, these dark siders are looking is there."
    Her tone was determined, hoping to inpire everyone in the room with a similar resolve.

    Vanora glanced around again, knowing her own feeling of being swept along in a vortex of events was doubtless shared by the Padawans, although doubtless what they had encountered on the derelict had tested even the Knights' ability at maintaining composure.

  22. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Rak Avarray
    Noris Spaceport

    It was a simple thing getting to the ground. Though things looked, interesting. A large bus, or transporter of some sort looked like it was being packed with beings, each of them looking like Chiss. He quirked his brow at the guards going back and forth. It seemed they didn't look like they were bringing 'Passengers'. Rak was about to intervene but, another traveler, a local, well more local than them, stepped in.

    "Hold on now," The pilot that had been sitting on the strut of his craft, "I think these folks are here to pick up, ain't that right?" Rak didn't miss the wink the other man thought they were running a game or he was more perceptive than wanderer gave him credit. They were looking to pick someone up.

    The driver spoke up eager to get with the convoy and earn his pay. There was no fault with that, as it drove away the Knight gave a wave to the little being looking out the window of the craft. He'd seen this all before. More times than he would like. This was a hub a stop off for people that had nowhere else to go and that the administrators had little time to prepare for their arrivals. The signs were all there, the freighters clogging up the lanes, the near industrial process of shuttling beings from the port to some nebulous elsewhere.

    "What was all that about?" Troi said turning to the newcomer.

    "Well you know how it is," The other man acted nonchalant, "Folks like us gotta stick together." Rak knew this ploy, the we're all in this together. He also caught the look the Chiss gave to Cora. Not necessarily leering but, it wasn't just looking for threats. "You needed to land quickly, and so told the port authority what they wanted to hear, old smuggler's trick." His gaze swept across the rest of the crew Rak bowed his head. "Though you all have more of a soldier of fortune vibe to you than smugglers..." He shrugged again. "No matter, still glad to help."

    "And I thank you." The wandering knight said stepping up to block the man's sight of Zorbo. "It seems we were a little unprepared for this venture."

    "And you are?" Tori interjected wanting to get to the bottom of this mystery man's deal.

    "Oh sorry," He stepped up offering his grease covered hand. "Zuz'tuw'lurio," Rak tried to work out how to repeat that name the syllables were a little difficult for his mind to make sense of. "But you all can call me Claudius," he shrugged. "Freighter captain and pilot extraordinaire," Another wink, this time directed at Cora, he was playing the rogue, and a dashing one at that. Rak would admit Claudius had charm. The undercover knight took the hand that was still hanging between them.

    "Diomede Falkirk." He introduced himself using an old treasure hunter's name he'd read about. A Duros that was lost on some search for a lost hoard or something. "And we do a bit of everything transporting," he gestured to Zorbo behind him, "security," his hand swept to Cora and Tori the two mandalorians, "and acquisitions." He rested a hand under the amethyst gem around his neck. If this man was in the game we would get the inference, smuggling, mercenary work, and thievery. "It is good to have a balanced portfolio in case one revenue stream dries up."

    "though I haven't done a solid cargo run in three months." He frowned at that. "Just passenger runs..." Again the emphasis though this time with disgust.

    "Passengers, these uptight government types are just wired too tight to call them what they really are, refugees..."

    Diomede allowed himself to smile a little he thought so.

    "Refugees?" Diomede gave a stern look at Tori giving away the game before they even had a chance to really play. "From where?"

    "Csilla,, Sposia, Sarvchi, you name it..." The condescension could be felt in each word. Troi wasn't helping the crew's chances either. "You know, the bombings..." Claudius looked confusion on his face. "Look I know you're not from around here," It was Diomede's turn to shrug his shoulders, "but you all really don't have a clue do you?" Troi looked around, then shook his head. "Figures." The Chiss chewed his lower lip, looking again at Knight Cora, could he be more obvious in his wandering gaze. "All right, well then just who are you and what are you doing here then?"

    "We were a little rushed on this one. Looking to pick up a few lost nerfs. An acquisition if you will. They were part of our crew and we got separated. Last we heard they were here. How they got here is anyone's guess." Rak was making this up on the fly but, he was putting as much conviction as he could into his words. "I advised that we take a breath learn a little more about this system but," He gave a harsh glare to Troi, "Someone wanted to get here yesterday so we didn't have time to prep. I thank you for your assistance. Now you seem to know your way around. Where would you suggest we start looking for a few lost souls on this planet."

    TAG: @Bardan_Jusik @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
  23. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Knight Cora
    Bay 87

    Cora sighed as they walked off the ship, and stood a little off to the side as the guards came up, ready to fight if she had to but hoping she didn't. When they started talking about passengers, Cora glanced over and caught the little Chiss child's gaze, feeling her heart tug. She hadn't heard anything about attacks before she came here. What's going on?

    But her thoughts were drawn away as a rather good looking Chiss pilot caught her gaze. She didn't miss the appreciative look he gave and smiled back at him rather shyly. That's new. Cora thought to herself. When he introduced himself, Cora tilted her head and looked him over, especially interested in the tattoos that seemed to cover her body. So he's a pilot too? That might be useful. She didn't miss the wink he gave her, and Cora felt herself heat up. Cora get a grip.

    Cora straightened out as Rak introduced her and took Claudius's words. "Refugees? Is there anything I...I mean we can do to help?" Cora asked it gently, like she didn't to make him say anything he didn't want to. "I'm Alpha." She said quickly, before Claudius could say anything, she glanced over at Rak quickly and then turned back to Claudius. "And could you help us find our missing crew as well? Information or anything?"

    Tag: @Bardan_Jusik @SkywalkerShine @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2019
  24. Kev-Mas_Colcha

    Kev-Mas_Colcha Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 15, 2002
    IC: Kev-Mas Colcha III
    Refugee Camp, Noris

    "We're all here because of the attacks, the bombings," replied Livvie, as Kev-Mas noticed a sense of unease about her, "Some back on Csilla, some out on Spiosa..."

    She trailed off, and it seemed like there was likely more locations than she mentioned.

    "The wounded had their convoy attacked on their way out to one of the other camps," she continued as she helped an elderly woman with her placebo pill, "so their ship turned around and headed here."

    "Most here are just sick from being in the camp too long," she said as the patient being tended to by Nord gave out a raspy cough, but Livvie continued unphased.

    "Noris refugee camp is one of the biggest in the Ascendancy," she said with a tinge of pride to her voice, which Kev-Mas found to be an odd thing to be proud of, but it reassured him nonetheless - she at least didn't lose all hope, "We get refugees from all over on account that we're one of the few Chiss worlds that haven't been touched by the bombings."

    "I'm so sorry to hear that," replied Kev-Mas empathetically as he again projected a sense of peace and calm, this time to Livvie, "Do you have any idea who is responsible for these bombings? Is there any recordings that were made of the event?"

    Kev-Mas' words might give away his actual intentions of being on this planet to anyone here that was perceptive enough to catch on, however he at least hoped his actions would prove that he was on their side.

    Tag: @Khalia Octa @Bardan_Jusik
    Bardan_Jusik and Khalia Octa like this.
  25. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    IC: Sir Peregrine Bonaventure
    Pegasus Bridge

    I breathed deeply as I left the death ship behind me. It felt good to have air untainted by bloodshed around me again.

    As the Pegasus crew collected the droid head, I offered my own finding.
    "Here, this is a broken circuit board that caught my attention back near engineering. It might mean something, or it might not." I shrugged and dropped it in the bag with the cranial unit.

    The hulk was still drifting outside the bridge windows. I asked the bridge at large,
    "Does anyone know anything about Chiss funeral rites? I don't want to leave them like that. Most societies accept burial or cremation as proper and respectful. We could put a tractor on the wreck and tow it onto a course where it will drift into a black hole or a star. That should count as burial or cremation, the way I see it."

    And the sooner that horror is cleansed from the galaxy, the better. Next step, cleanse the ones who committed the crime.

    TAG: @Skywalker_T-65 @Coffee_Ninja @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
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