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Star Wars CLOSED Legacy of the Guardians (Always Accepting New Players)

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Bardan_Jusik, Mar 10, 2017.

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  1. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    IC: Semajj Nosrep
    Noris Spaceport

    The Jedi thought to himself silently, could the dark siders they had encountered on Sardonia Prime be in someway connected to the terrorist attack? It may seem like quite the coincidence, though the Jedi were certainly drawn here for a reason.
    He spent a few minutes trying to draw connections to the incidence mentally, but he lost his train of thought when they stopped in front of another ship.
    For a few seconds the Ongree wasn't sure what had caught his fellow Jedi's eye, though just as Cora turned back to flirt with their guide it clicked for him. This had to be the ship their "lost nerfs" had arrived on. Semajj had never been a major connoisseur of ships, though he remembered this one now.
    Jo Sodi recommended they split up, and Semajj new what he was getting at. "We shouldn't get too split up either, smaller groups would allow us to explore further, but I don't want trouble should we run into a mad bomber or something."
    If they had to they could circle back here, and search the ship when eyes were no longer on them.

    Tags: @Bardan_Jusik, @TheSilentInfluence, @galactic-vagabond422, @Mitth_Fisto, @SkywalkerShine, @Kyber Acyk
    Mitth_Fisto and Bardan_Jusik like this.
  2. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    OOC: Sorry for the lateness of this. I wanted to give everyone a chance to respond and then last week was spring break for my kids and it was...busy, very busy. So here it is, a bit late and not much, but hopefully enough to keep us moving forward a bit.

    GM Update
    IC: Knight Troi (GM restricted use NPC)
    Noris spaceport, examining the GoL shuttle

    Knight Troi was still examining the old vessel from afar when he turned to say something to Knight Avarray and discovered the crafty Jedi was no longer there. Instead he had moved in for a closer look while their "guide" was distracted by Knight Cora. The well built Mandalorian Jedi took a step forward, placing himself within the line of sight between Claudius and the ship, further obstructing his view. He didn't know what else the senior Knight was hoping to find, but he would at least try to give him a chance to do so. His efforts though were interrupted by a new presence that was felt shortly before the grizzled old Chiss announced himself.

    "Hey what are ya doin' thar!?" The question was shouted out to them by a being that could only be the harbor master. "Is that your ship?" He approached them rapidly, his anger and frustration roiling off of him in waves. "Because if so, the berthing fees are past due!" Troi grimaced slightly, looking to Knight Nosrep and Sodi, trusting Cora to keep Claudius distracted and hoping the yard master hadn't yet seen Knight Avarray. "One day was paid fer, one!" The angry Chiss shouted again, "so I want what's owed or else it's going to auction. I already have a buyer lined up, so no funny business!"

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto

    IC: Padawan Min'ord'krizoo "Nord" (NPC)
    Refugee Camp, Noris

    "If only it were that easy," Nord kept his composure cool as padawan Colcha replied to Livvie with a smooth smile. "We'd love to have you. Unfortunately though, it isn't, and it's a very hard life. Though I suppose things aren't exactly easy for you here either, are they?" The girl nodded with a wide eyed expression on her face even as Nord hid the scowl that was beginning to form on his own. None of them had felt the slightest bit of force using ability from the young girl, she had no place in the Temple of Light, yet here Colcha was telling her they would love to have her.

    He bit his lower lip. He supposed that wasn't untrue, and that Colcha hadn't lied to her. He just hadn't told her the whole truth of it. What was the phrase Master Rand often repeated? "The truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view..." It was a difficult lesson to learn, yet it seemed padawan Colcha was well along the way of mastering it.

    The doctor came in and gave Livvie a new set of instructions, ones that Colcha rapidly volunteered to help her fulfill. Given that they hadn't really learned much here but the basics, Nord figured it was as good an idea as any to meet the incoming and see what they could learn from them. With a shrug he looked over to padawan Octa, who had remained bizarrely silent through much of the time in the camp, and shrugged. "Come on, let's go with them."

    a short time later

    The four rushed through the camp, towards the entrance where a trio of vehicles, two trucks and a hover bus were just puling in as they arrived. They headed towards the same open area of the camp where the supply trucks had been offloaded, though those vehicles now were gone, and began offloading their own cargo; people. Nord observed them closely as they jumped off the back end of the hover truck or climbed down the stairs on the bus. They were all Chiss, or at least they seemed to be, Nord didn't see any aliens among them, and though they were all curious and some confused, by their new surroundings, to a being they all held within them a resoluteness and determination to make things right. From many he could also see and feel the relief they felt at being here at long last. For some it had obviously been an arduous journey, and looking to the rear hover truck Nord could see a pair of stretchers being laid out on the ground, each with a wounded but conscious Chiss strapped down. "I think those are for us," he called out to his fellow Jedi.

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha @Khalia Octa

    IC: Knight Gim (NPC)/padwan Elle (NPC)
    Surface of Blue Haven, Unknown Regions

    The porcine face of Knight Gim contorted itself into a scowl as the hot winds gained strength, picking up sand blasting him with it. It was already hot, hotter than hot really, and he wondered how bad things had to get out there for someone to seek sanctuary here. Not that it mattered, it would be nigh impossible for the Jedi to find the encampment in this sandstorm, save for the Force which seemed to guide them in the right direction while also keeping their own members close to hand. Already he had lost sight of all aside from his own padawan, Elle, who somehow managed to remain close to him and help him through the deeper drifts with nary a word. Hopefully the other Jedi wouldn't see her actions, it was embarrassing enough to not be able to guide the way through this mess, but to be seen getting help from being stuck would hurt his pride even further.

    The others were having issues of their own, perhaps not as much he was, though Sandstrider seemed to be living up to her name and almost enjoying this. Her steady hand and words helped to keep the Jedi together as much as the force did. Why didn't Master Kasumi just put an end to it all? Gim had his doubts that his own mastery of the Force would be enough to calm the sudden sandstorm, but from what he had seen of Master Kasumi, she might. Instead though she had merely kept her own counsel as the Jedi trudged through it towards (Gim hoped) their destination. In the end it mattered not as the wind began to subside slightly on it's own, though not enough to truly break up the storm as yet. "I think it's almost over," Gim began to say optimistically though he never quite finished as sand filled his mouth. He spat it out angrily even as his (and everyone else's) comm device crackled to life as a radio signal from the Pegaus tried to break it's way through the storm. What could they want Gim wondered as he brought the device as close to his ears as possible in order to hear the faltering signal. They were supposed to be maintaining radio silence, if they were transmitting it must be important.

    "Ha.. ..ceive. ...tress sig... .earby ... are respo..... Will ..turn ... .oon .. able, you... .. your own, ..od luck ... may ..e Force be .... you."

    The signal was barely coming through, and Gim was certain the Pegasus could have cut through the interference if they had simply boosted power to the transmitter. That they hadn't meant they were at least trying to maintain some semblance of secrecy. The only part that was totally clear to him was that they were on their own for now. With a sigh, that quickly turned into a coughing fit as he inhaled particulate matter kicked up by the storm, he focused on what was up ahead of them just as the harsh winds began to die down and some semblance of visibility returned. He could see now that they were on a high dune, overlooking what could almost be considered a valley, a valley tinged with a green oasis at it's heart. All around the oasis were a multitude of tents, perhaps a dozen or so, still drawn tight against the now dying winds. On the far side of the wadi they could see a parked freighter, it's sides streaked with rust and half covered in sand. Though slight of stature Gim threw himself to the ground. He wanted to make himself as small as possible to avoid being seen by anyone in the camp, even if there was still enough windblown dust in the air to keep that from happening. As the wind died down further and more visibility returned he could see his actions were at least so far premature. The camp seemed dead, there was no movement as yet though the Jedi could sense the beings that stirred with purpose and resolve within the confines of the tents below.

    TAG: @Skywalker_T-65 @Coffee_Ninja @Sarge @TheRynJedi @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
  3. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    IC: Vanora Cinali, on Blue Haven

    To Vanora's intense relief, the winds finally died down, which made slogging through the sands much easier. The disjointed message coming through her comm device was unnerving in the extreme. Now what ... if the Pegasus had left the vicinity? What if they encountered hostiles, or the refugees needed more help than the landing team could provide?

    These worrying questions had to be put aside as she scanned the area, taking note of the tents and the oasis, with seeming little activity. Apparently, their presence was still unnoticed.


    @Bardan_Jusik @Sarge

    @Coffee_Ninja @Skywalker_T-65

    Sarge and Bardan_Jusik like this.
  4. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Knight Cora, Claudius
    Noris Spaceport

    Claudius felt a little startled. It's clear that the attraction is mutual, sometimes women just flirt with me for fun but it's never been a human woman. I wonder if this is normal outside of Chiss territory. He smiled down at Cora as she ran her hands along his arm and looked down at it. "I could tell you how I got all my tattoos if you like." He replied, moving his arm so it was around her shoulders as he pulled Cora into his side. She seems to like physical contact. I suppose this is alright. When Cora didn't shy away he felt lighter, happy.

    Cora smiled back, a little shyer; and noticed the older Chiss coming to demand docking fees from them. She panicked just for a moment, until Knight Troi blocked Claudius's line of sight. Cora relaxed again and tilted her head as Claudius met her gaze. He can't keep his eyes off me. Cora realised, and then when Claudius turned his head up to look over at the commotion, Cora reached up and pulled him down enough so she could kiss him.

    What have I done today to get kissed like this? Claudius thought as he placed a hand on Cora's back as she kissed him. Human's are so small, where do I-" Claudius frowned a little, disappointed as Cora suddenly pulled away. "You couldn't wait to get me to the Cantina to do that could you?" He managed, not sure if he should let go. Or when.

    "I can save you another one for later if you like."

    Claudius made a sound somewhere between a laugh and a deer caught in the headlights. Humans are trouble.

    Tag: @Bardan_Jusik @SkywalkerShine @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
  5. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Rak Avarray
    Noris Spaceport

    His disappearance had worked, while maybe some of his companions know where he's gone but others didn't seem to notice him. He made his way up to the shuttle bringing his hands closer to the access panel he checked to make sure no one was coming closer. Well, some were coming closer, just not to him. The grin could be felt for miles as we watched Cora and the smuggler do a little dance around each other. She was nearly hanging off him and it was like no one but her existed. He couldn't help his chuckle watching her take that one step closer and single handedly quiet the talkative spacer.

    With a shake of his head he got to work. Well, it wasn't work since he was aware of the Temple security protocols. Putting a code that should unlock the door he gave one last look around the craft seeing the dockmaster shouting at his fellows. He could fix it just give him a bit. The door popped open and Rak made himself at home. Mostly by ransacking the place looking for anything that might give them some clue as to where their lost friends had gotten to. He also checked all the small places, where things of value could be hidden, in case of emergencies. He had probably a thousand credits stashed away on the Vagabond in little hiding places here and there. Insurance policies his father used to call them. Failing that well, surely there was something around to sell. Something to get the dockmaster off their backs.

    "Semajj," he started contacting his former padawan, "inform the dockmaster that your captain is looking for payment. If that fails do you recall the mission on Yaga Minor, that messiness with the Administrator. There is always someone above an official, then someone above them such is the nature of bureaucracies are they not?"

    TAG: @Bardan_Jusik @SkywalkerShine @TheSilentInfluence @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
    Sarge and Bardan_Jusik like this.
  6. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    IC: Knight Troi (GM restricted use NPC)
    Noris spaceport

    With the dockmaster (and some of the Jedi as well apparently) distracted by the unanticipated actions of Knight Cora, Knight Troi managed a brief smile as a message came out to Knight Nosrep from inside the shuttle. "Semajj," the message was from Knight Avarray who must be finding some success within the shuttle Troi thought. "Inform the dockmaster that your captain is looking for payment. If that fails do you recall the mission on Yaga Minor, that messiness with the Administrator. There is always someone above an official, then someone above them such is the nature of bureaucracies are they not?" The Mandalorian Knight had no idea what the mission to Yaga Minor had entailed, though it was clear that Nosrep should. However the Ongree Knight stood unwavering for a moment, and Troi thought perhaps he had become too caught up in Cora's distraction. Troi took it upon himself therefore to step in.

    "Our captain is pulling together the funds required to cover the back fees as we speak," he told the dockmaster who regarded him with an up swept eyebrow. "How much will be required?" The dockmaster grunted an amount in response, it seemed high to Troi, but not exorbitant. Troi repeated the number, so Avarray could hear it over the comm link before telling the dockmaster, "I'm sure we can come up with that..."

    Meanwhile, inside the shuttle and unseen by those still outside, Knight Avarray's search had inadvertently activated the playback of the shuttle's security holo cam. It was imagery from just after the shuttle's arrival. On it the forms of Knight Klusd'dil'remuw, as well as padawan Octa, Colcha and Min'ord'krizoo could be seen departing the docking area before the holo-cam deactivated, only to be reactivated several minutes later. The new image was of a single heavily robed Chiss who approached the shuttle warily, making sure to stay far enough away to avoid tripping the vessel's active defenses.

    "They're Jedi," the being could be heard speaking to someone, or something, just off camera. "Follow them. Take them prisoner if you can, but kill them if you must." There was a pause as he examined the shuttle from afar again. "And remember, do it quietly, no witnesses." The being nodded to himself at the robotic sounding reply from just off camera.

    "By your command."

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto

    IC: Padawan Min'ord'krizoo "Nord" (NPC)
    Refugee Camp, Noris

    Nord looking to the others to see what they should do when their comm links all chirped at once. The shuttle that had brought them here, the one they had left in the starport, was pushing an alert to them. It had been accessed, though Nord was confused as to how. Their Mandalorian security chief knew his business, and tended towards a more lethal response for the security systems when challenged. How could someone have broken through them, and so easily since this was the first they had heard of it? Looking to the simple text based message it seemed someone had actually used the appropriate access code, something which shouldn't have been possible, even for a skilled slicer. It had to have been a Jedi, a fellow Guardian. It just had to be. Nord grasped hold of the idea, seeing now that a single holo-image of the interloper inside the shuttle had been forwarded along with the alert. The Chiss padawan gasped in surprise as he and the other two recognized who it was, though even now Nord still hissed out a whispered question in surprise.

    "Is that, Knight Avarray?"

    TAG: @Kev-Mas_Colcha @Khalia Octa

    IC: Knight Gim (NPC)/padwan Elle (NPC)
    Blue Haven, Unknown Regions

    Still lying on his stomach, Knight Gim continued to observe the ramshackle camp with the others, though so far no one had come with a new plan or any ideas of how, or even if, to contact those still inside their tents. It seemed perhaps that their best course of action was to simply observe until a better alternative presented itself. It didn't take long as soon enough a tall, ramrod straight, Chiss male emerged from one of the tents located at the center of the camp. He wore robes well suited to the environment, ones eerily reminiscent of Jedi robes, and a set of thick goggles that would protect his eyes from the harsh sun and wind borne sand. The Chiss surveyed the camp from his open tent flap, and looked to the sky before calling out in his native language. Knight Gim had no idea what he was saying, but it must have been an all clear signal as soon enough other tent flaps began to open as their occupants, other Chiss, men, women and children, began to emerge and greet one another. Their clear feelings of relief were clear to the Jedi even at this distance.

    The Ugnaught Jedi looked to the others again, they still hand't been spotted, should they continue to observe or was it time to introduce themselves. If this colony really was under threat it might be best to talk to the people first and warn them. They seemed...

    A cold pit formed in the base of Knight Gim's stomach, an empty feeling that he was sure that the other Jedi were feeling now too. He looked frantically for the source of the feeling, it stank of the dark side, but his efforts were cut short even as the Chiss leader was cut down by a blaster bolt to the chest. More blaster bolts followed soon after, from the opposite side of the valley as dozens of those war droids swooped down over the sands, firing as they went. Fully one in ten of the Chiss refugees were cut down in the first volley as the war droids literally decimated them.

    Gim shot up standing, his hand going to his lightsaber. Like the Jedi, the droids too must have used the sandstorm to approach the camp covertly. It was only luck that the two groups hadn't staggered into one another before this atrocity could take place. It was then that he noticed that the droids weren't alone. At their center was a single humanoid figure, draped in black robes he was leading them into the carnage with a red bladed lightsaber held high over his head...

    TAG: @Skywalker_T-65 @Coffee_Ninja @Sarge @TheRynJedi @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    OOC: The droids (figure maybe two dozen) and the Obscurum Chiss warrior leading them are free use for you all. So you may observe/damage/maim/destroy/kill them in your posts as you deem fit. You may assume for your posts that the Obscurum Chiss is the one from the holo recordings on the dead freighter.
    Khalia Octa, Mitth_Fisto and Sarge like this.
  7. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    IC: Vanora Cinali
    Blue Haven, Unknown Regions

    Vanora watched as the inhabitants of the camp started to emerge from their tents. The air of relief and return to normalcy was palpable, and she smiled, feeling her shoulders relax from an overly tense state of vigilance...

    She felt a sudden gust of ominous portent and it was swiftly followed by movement in the direction of the opposite side of the valley, as 2 dozen war droids swooped down over the sands, firing as they went.

    In the first volley, the war droids efficiently cut down the refugees.
    At the center of the pack of droids was a single humanoid figure, clothed in black robes; he held a red-bladed lightsaber.

    Vanora gasped in sudden realization. That was the Chiss from the recordings they'd all watched earlier from the devastation on the derelict vessel.
    She glanced around at the other knights -- what should their next move be?

    TAG for: @Skywalker_T-65 \ @Sarge \ @Coffee_Ninja


    Last edited: May 13, 2019
    Bardan_Jusik and Sarge like this.
  8. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    IC: Sir Peregrine Bonaventure
    Vengeance is Mine

    Hackles rose all over my neck and both forearms. I felt my blood pressure spike and adrenaline pumped through my veins like water through a fire hose. My jetpack lit and I was in the air in an instant, probably showering my fellows with sand, but that was no matter, I needed to get between the attackers and the refugees. Pistol in hand, I opened fire on the wardroids, shots glancing off their armor to no avail. A swerve to the left and an arc back to the right brought my flight path in front of the attackers descending the side of the valley. My buckler was activated in my left hand, blocking a couple of blaster bolts, not nearly enough, refugees were being mown down like ripe wheat, shots still flashed past me and into the camp. Light wings extended, I pulled up into the sky, still shooting with my pistol, trying to draw fire away from the refugees.

    As I climbed higher into the air, I looked across the distance and straight into the red eyes behind the red saber blade.
    "NO MORE!" I shouted with the Force adding volume and strength to my professional NCO voice. "THIS ENDS NOW!!!"

    TAG: @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha @Skywalker_T-65 @Coffee_Ninja @TheRynJedi
  9. Skywalker_T-65

    Skywalker_T-65 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 19, 2009
    IC: Lenea Sandstrider
    Refugee Camp Outskirts

    No. No. Not again.

    Lenea, better than most, recognized the sick, cloying feeling. She had felt it before. Her arm and her chest twinged with phantom pain. Her hand snapped up to her arm, gripping the faded scar beneath her thick robe. Dark Side. Sith. She didn't need to see the droids. She didn't need to hear the blaster fire or the shouts of the Jedi. Frankly, she didn't even need to see the Chiss charging in with a red lightsaber. The Sith was practically a beacon in the Force. A beacon of darkness, that rolled down her spine like thick oil.

    She was terrified. Her bravado faded. The last time she'd seen a Sith, it had nearly killed her.


    I'm no Jedi, not like Danny. I am a soldier, though, and those are civilians.

    Biting back a curse, Lenea pulled her robes open. A black hilt snapped into her hand, the dark metal shining in the bright sunlight. Her thumb pressed down on a single button, a brilliant orange blade springing to life. Her lightsaber. Danny had built it for her, and used it himself to protect her, so long ago. Now she was using it to protect others. Heh. Fitting.

    "Unless anyone feels like helping, I'll...I'll try and keep the Sith occupied." Lenea didn't look at the actual Jedi. Half of them were Padawans. One of the Knights was an Ugnaught, hardly fit to duel someone twice his size. Yoda, he was not.

    Right. I need to do this.

    Hopefully that strange woman, who seemed more experienced, helped. Lenea did not like the idea of fighting a Sith. She wasn't as good as her brother. She was still, quite probably, the only one here with any experience dueling. No pressure.

    And so, she jumped down the dune. Her feet easily gaining traction on the sand, as blaster bolts began to fly towards her. Lenea sucked in a deep breath, and reached for the Force. Her hands came up, bright orange catching flaming red. No bolt hit her, though she struggled to keep it up. The Jedi flying in the sky, firing blaster bolts of his own, kept most of the pressure off of her. It let her focus on the Chiss Sith, leading the group. She knew that he had seen her.

    She knew that he was going to go after her.

    TAG: @Bardan_Jusik @Coffee_Ninja @Sarge @TheRynJedi @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
  10. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Rak Avarray
    Noris Spaceport

    Rak was happily pawing his way through the interior. When Troi came over the com.

    "Our captain is pulling together the funds required to cover the back fees as we speak," A slight smirk pulled at the wandering knight's cheek. "How much will be required?" The dock master spoke, Troi repeated, and Rak knew what to look for now. Leaning underneath the control panel his hand groped for something checking for secret storage places. As he did his other hand pressed a button pulling up recording of the group that had come here. He made a note of their direction and planned to follow up once they were done here. As he was lowering his head to look underneath the recording continued showing a robed chiss barking orders at a figure offscreen. They knew who was here, it seemed the old enemy had followed them, or had sensed them.

    His eye narrowed, now they needed to move, other Knights were in danger, padawans were in danger. There was no more time to waste. They needed to track them down now.

    With a brush of his finger a small box popped open. Looking down he saw a stash of hard currency. His eyes glimmered a little. They had found their docking fee. Collecting it he stood up straight righting his long coat. He came down the ramp running his fingers through his hair to push it back behind his pierced ears. Bringing his shoulders back he put a little swagger into his steps, he was a captain he had to act like it.

    "Yes, yes," He said coming up to the group, his tone was a little annoyed like he had a better place to be than paying for docking fees. "Here's your pound of flesh." he tossed the currency at the dockmaster. "Now if we'll all done here, we have some place to be." He checked the chrono on his wrist, lifted from a rather odious administrator from another planet. "Soon." His words and tone gave some inkling to the double meaning of his words. They needed to move quickly. With a flick of his coat he turned in the direction the group of other jedi had left hoping to find some better evidence as to where they were.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @Bardan_Jusik @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
    Last edited: May 16, 2019
    Sarge and Bardan_Jusik like this.
  11. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Jo Sodi
    Noris Spaceport

    Remaining calm as the other handled the Dock Master and the other their Chiss tour guide, Jo had to admit that this was all rather a bit out of his depth. He was a Knight, both Jedi and Kage, not a secret agent man that this situation seemed to call for. He was deeply and profoundly glad as the others had stepped up, as it saved him from likely making a blunder of it. After all before Troi had talked with Dock Master, he had been ready to try and sway over and proffer what creds he had in pocket. Likely not enough.

    Then when the other had come out after that amount had proven to be more than he could give without trading something in town, he was deeply and had nodded respectfully to the both of them when the Dock Master wasn't looking. "Speaking of soon. It might be now unless we want to be late." he simply added picking up the tones of urgency that he knew might be faked or based on what Rak had learned inside the ship.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @Bardan_Jusik @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk ; @galactic-vagabond422
    Bardan_Jusik likes this.
  12. Coffee_Ninja

    Coffee_Ninja Jedi Master star 2

    Jul 29, 2011
    IC: Kasumi
    Refugee Camp

    Kasumi knew what it was like to lay low, and she understood that others didn’t know what that was like. She could feel the frustration of some of the others about the sandstorm, and her not just waving it away, but they needed to use this as a cover. Unlike the others, she had lived in hiding for so long before the fall of Vader, that she had, at times, almost forgotten that hiding was not something that was necessary… least not as much. She felt the darkness as the storm cleared, she felt the same sick feeling she had so many times and then she watched in horror as refugees were struck down right and left.

    There was a flash, and those people there were no longer refugees, but the younglings Vader had killed, the innocent on Alderaan who gave their lives for the resistance, and to those that she had lost through the years due to the dark side and its ever present will to destroy the light. She shook her head slightly and came face to face with what she was seeing in the here and now.

    With a swift snap hiss she lit both her sabers, and without a second thought used Force Speed to get down the dune to the camp as fast as she could. All she saw was the green glow on her right and the blue glow on her left from the blades of her two sabers. It was one thing to see soldiers giving their lives for what they believed in, but now it was affecting children…..those that had not had a chance to live their lives yet. That was one thing that Kasumi couldn’t stand by and watch.

    Before she knew it her saber blades were connecting with droids. Her objective was to ensure the safety of the innocent, especially the young ones. Kasumi yelled to those in the camp still living to get back and find safety, to protect the children. Kasumi deflected as many of the droid blaster bolts as she could in between slicing through them. She saw the red blade wielded by the black cloaked figure. She blinked and saw Vader, and when she blinked again the other figure was there. Why was this happening again? The same idea, the same hatred, and the same people suffering….those that didn’t deserve it. Kasumi had to take a breath, she knew that her past was now showing itself again, and she knew if she gave in to the hate….she could be lost. That is something she could not allow. She would deal with her past resurfacing later. For now, there were innocents to protect and the rest of the group to keep an eye on.

    TAG: @Bardan_Jusik, @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, @Sarge, @Skywalker_T-65, @TheRynJedi
  13. SkywalkerShine

    SkywalkerShine Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 16, 2007
    IC: Rosana Zorbo
    Noris Spaceport

    Being here with the Jedi, Rosana began to think on if she was truly worthy to be here. One side of her wanted to prove to the others that she could help them through this mess. But the other side of her wanted to go to a cantina and hang out. She could definitely use a relaxation and drink.

    Then she felt that something was wrong. She knew it was the Force telling her something. A disturbance of some sort... Zekk her binjinphant glanced around when he jumped off of Rosana's right shoulder. He looked to be sniffing the place and snorting, shaking his head. She didn't blame him. She was no fan of the smell around them either. Kneeling down, the young smuggler petted Zekk's small, furred head.

    "Good boy, Zekk. And don't worry. We'll get outta here. Hopefully soon," she said to him, mumbling the last sentence.

    @Bardan_Jusik @TheSilentInfluence @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto
    Mitth_Fisto and Bardan_Jusik like this.
  14. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    IC: Semajj Nosrep
    Noris Spaceport

    The Ongree hesitated as the dockmaster came yelling in their direction, and Semajj froze for a moment preferring not to draw attention to himself. He glanced at Knight Troi, and looked back to where Cora stood distracting Claudius. With any luck his companions would think of something fast. Semajj could work with whatever story they came up with, but he wasn't that good at improvisation in the heat of the moment.
    His former masters voice jarred him from his thoughts. It took him a couple seconds to realize he was being spoken to directly, and his mind backtracked, trying to recall exactly what the human had said while his mind had wandered.

    "Semajj", yes his name was definitely what drew his attention. Looking for payment? What did he mean by that?
    Yaga Minor, oh he remembered that. There was something rather amusing about going a bossy bureaucrats head to get to ones goal. Of course a simple mind trick would probably work just as well.

    It took the Jedi about five seconds to piece together their strategy, but apparently it was five seconds too long as Troi interjected first. "Our captain is pulling together the funds required to cover the back fees as we speak, How much will be required?"
    As the Mando dealt with that pay Semajj refocused his mind, before stepping to Troi's side. "Perhaps we ought to meet the Captain at the cantina or something?" He whispered. "Lurking here will just make things awkward."
    Before anyone even took a step away, Rak Avarray appeared at the top of the ramp, his search apparently complete.
    "Yes, yes, Now if we'll all done here, we have some place to be. Soon."

    Semajj put on a sower expression, befitting a smuggler robbed of his drink. But his masters countenance gave him the impression that he had uncovered something, their friends could be in danger. "Fine. Lets get this over with then."

    Tags: @Bardan_Jusik, @TheSilentInfluence, @Mitth_Fisto, @SkywalkerShine, @Kyber Acyk, @Mitth_Fisto, @galactic-vagabond422

    OOC: I apologize for being late here. School ended and work began, just had to get use to my new schedule. Hopefully will be more timely in the future.
    Last edited: May 22, 2019
  15. Bardan_Jusik

    Bardan_Jusik Former Manager star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 14, 2009
    GM Update
    IC: Padawan Min'ord'krizoo "Nord" (NPC)
    Refugee Camp, Noris

    "Is that, Knight Avarray?" Padawan Nord's question hung in the air between he and the other two padawans even as the little Chiss girl, Livvie looked on at them confused. They were supposed to be helping her get the wounded to the hospital tent, but they were all standing there looking at some dumb miniature hologram. The Chiss padawan however payed her no mind as he repeated the question to his fellow apprentices even as the hologram suddenly switched off.

    "Is," he caught himself. "Was, that Knight Avarray?" he looked at them, his eyes narrowing as they seemed to be as confused as he was. What was Knight Avarray doing here, and on their shuttle? It had been left back at the starport. Was he here to find them? To rescue them? They had to find out, but the others seemed to stunned to even react. Taking a deep breath Nord looked to his com link and activated it...

    IC: Knight Troi (GM restricted use NPC)
    Noris spaceport

    "Now if we'll all done here, we have some place to be." Knight Avarray checked the chrono on his wrist, lifted from a rather odious administrator from another planet. "Soon."

    With the situation with the dockmaster squared away, Knight Troi looked askance at Knight Avarray. He had found something useful, that much was certain from his abrupt actions, though he doubted that the dockmaster or their guide Claudius had noticed. The dockmaster because he only had eyes for the money he had been given and Claudius because he seemed to only have eyes for something, or someone rather, else. The other Jedi however caught on to Avarray's coded message to them.

    "Fine. Lets get this over with then." Knight Nosrep seemed just as eager for them to be on their way, though Troi supposed his restless demeanor was a part of his act. In any case they followed after Knight Avarray, with Knight Troi calling out to Knight Cora. "Leave him, we're fine on our own now." He was eager to leave Claudius behind, though he had a feeling it wouldn't be quite that easy. With a sneer of disgust he turned his attention back to Avarray, it was clear he had seen something abaord, and was leading them somewhere, though he wasn't sure yet what it was or where they were going. Maybe they still did need Claudius after all. It was then that Knight Avarray's comm link chirped at him, and a lone voice wafted quietly from it.

    "Knight Avarray? Is that you?" There was a slight pause to allow the Jedi Knight to respond, though Troi wasn't sure if the padawan actually allowed for a response before continuing on. "This is padawan Min'ord'krizoo, we're in a refugee camp out beyond the city." There was another pause, this one lasting a beat or two longer than the preceding one. "We're not in immediate danger, but there is trouble here..."

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto @Kev-Mas_Colcha @Khalia Octa

    IC: Knight Gim (NPC)/padwan Elle (NPC)
    Defending Blue Haven, Unknown Regions

    Calling his lightaxe to his hand Knight Gim ignited it and let loose with a porcine war cry that to his padawan Elle seemed more like a squeal than anything else. Still the seriousness of the situation suppressed her laughter as she too drew out her lightsaber, adding it's blazing yellow blade to the colors that now surrounded the group of Jedi as they rushed down to defend the small camp.

    Not all were rushing down the dune into the valley, the Togruta apprentice, Cinali seemed taken aback by the sudden display of violence and was looking at the Jedi with a look of horror on her face. Knight Bonaventure meanwhile took to the sky on his contraption and was blasting away at the droids, drawing their fire even as he took several down. The quick actions seemed to aggravate Gim who cleaved through a droid with his lightaxe as he finally got close enough. "Wings and a blaster! That's cheating!" He scowled, knowing deep down that they would still count, and it was saving lives that was the goal here. There was a roar from the sky then as Bonaventure turned his attention to the black robed Chiss with the red lightsaber.

    "NO MORE!" Bonaventure shouted louder than was humanly possible. "THIS ENDS NOW!!!" Padawan Elle did find herself smirking at that. "Well he's got his attention now," she exclaimed as she redirected a droids blaster fire with her lightsaber back towards it's origin, destroying the droid. Gim grunted, "Three," in reply as another droid fell to his axe before responding to Elle. "Aye, but not for long," he had barely time to indicate Sandstrider's headlong rush towards the black robed being and in that moment they could feel the anticipation building in his dark thoughts.

    Master Kasumi was with them too, her blades creating a whirring shield around the children nearest her, keeping them safe from incoming bolts even as she too took out droid after droid. Their numbers had been cut in half (literally and figuratively Elle smirked), but that still left a dozen droids to deal with even as the Black Robed Chiss' red blade collided with Sandstrider's orange one. He forced her back under his assault even as a grin formed on his face. "You're too weak, you're all too weak to face me, and you will all die by my hand."

    TAG: @Skywalker_T-65 @Coffee_Ninja @Sarge @TheRynJedi @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    OOC: Just a dozen droids left now, feel free to take out the remainder as you see fit. Likewise feel free to take on and defeat the Chiss darksider as well in as stunning a fashion as you all choose. :p
  16. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    IC: Vanora Cinali, Blue Haven

    Vanora's look of "what?! Ack!" turned to admiration of Knights Kasumi's and Bonaventure's deft handling of the adversaries. She grinned at a sudden idea.

    She had always been good at telekinesis. She wasn't sure if she was up to lifting starfighters or 100 large boulders at once, but she had an idea about what to do with a couple or three of the droids. She closed her eyes and concentrated. She "shoved" them into each other, lifted one to somersault over the other 2, and then yanked their treads out from under the other 2, so they landed in a tangle, with the consequence that sand got all in their photoreceptors and other orifices.

    She glanced over at Sanchari. "That should clog them up for more than a minute." She said with satisfaction.

    @Sarge \ @Coffee_Ninja \
    @Bardan_Jusik \ @TheRynJedi
    Last edited: May 28, 2019
    Sarge likes this.
  17. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Jo Sodi
    Noris spaceport

    Knight Avarray seemed to be trying to get them all out of here and this weird situation, but to be honest didn't really understand how their Chiss guide was still being distracted in the first place, not to mention their prime distractions lack of attention to everything it seemed. . .unless of course there really was something there that wasn't there before.

    Luckily the dockmaster seemed to only had eyes for the money he had been given and was away with his gains. The other Jedi however caught on to Avarray's coded message to them.

    Knight Nosrep seemed just as eager for them to be on their way. In any case they followed after Knight Avarray, with Knight Troi calling out to Knight Cora. "Leave him, we're fine on our own now." He was eager to leave Claudius behind although if anything was true about this mission nothing was likely to go properly. It was then that Knight Avarray's comm link chirped at him, and a lone voice wafted quietly from it.

    "Knight Avarray? Is that you?" There was a slight pause to allow the Jedi Knight to respond, though Troi wasn't sure if the padawan actually allowed for a response before continuing on. "This is padawan Min'ord'krizoo, we're in a refugee camp out beyond the city." There was another pause, this one lasting a beat or two longer than the preceding one. "We're not in immediate danger, but there is trouble here..."

    "Which one?" Knight Sodi quickly whispered, hoping they could get this over with quickly. "Errant Cabin Boy." he added as an after thought. Padawan and Knight were not exactly smuggler handles. At least none that he had run into.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321@Kyber Acyk @Bardan_Jusik , @Kev-Mas_Colcha @Khalia Octa
    Bardan_Jusik, Khalia Octa and Sarge like this.
  18. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    IC: Rak Avarray
    Noris Spaceport

    Rak was trying to get the crew to move but, there seemed to be some hesitation. He was about to speak up when his com chirpped.

    "Knight Avarray? Is that you?" Rak's brow rose just just a little hearing the quiet voice coming from his comlink. He turned away slightly to keep the sound from reaching the Chiss smuggler that was still giving eyes to Cora. "This is padawan Min'ord'krizoo, we're in a refugee camp out beyond the city." Rak nodded his head looking out toward where Claudius had pointed out the refugee camp. "We're not in immediate danger, but there is trouble here..." He knew what danger was heading their way. It was not a danger he wanted them to face alone.

    "Which one?" Knight Sodi whispered drawing Rak's attention. "Errant Cabin Boy." Maintaining a cover even when it seemed everything in the galaxy wished to tear it down. Rak smiled just a little.

    "Yes, and it seems he might have gotten himself into a bit of bother." Rak replied. "Alright everyone we have a location," he waved toward the camp. "Let's get a move on, we are already behind schedule. He hoped that would be enough to get them moving again. Time was of the essence. "Thank you for your help Claudius but, I think we can take it from here. We can have a drink sometime once this is all over." He gave a small smile to Cora who would be no doubt heart broken at having to leave his arm. With a nod he turned around with a flourish of his coat and marched towards the refugee camp hoping that he wasn't too late again.

    TAG: @TheSilentInfluence @SkywalkerShine @Mitth_Fisto @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Bardan_Jusik @Kev-Mas_Colcha @Khalia Octa
    Last edited: May 30, 2019
    Bardan_Jusik, Khalia Octa and Sarge like this.
  19. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014
    IC: Knight Cora, Claudius
    Noris Spaceport

    Cora stepped away and gave her friends and fellow Jedi a hard look. He seems to know his way around. Why should we leave him behind? She opened her mouth to protest and Claudius placed a hand on her arm, looking at her friends suspiciously.

    "I'd like to go with you, if I may." Claudius interrupted quietly. "I know this area quite well, and it would be more beneficial to you if you let me help." He turned to look at Cora who gave Knight Troi a calm look.

    "If there's a chance he could help us then I think we should take it." Cora added. She rolled her shoulders and nodded at the group. "But if you want to turn down the help of an experienced explorer who knows how this planet works, what to avoid...then turn down his help." The last part came out as a challenge, as if Cora was usuing her Mandalorian Heritage as leverage against her friends.

    Tag: @Bardan_Jusik @SkywalkerShine @galactic-vagabond422 @ConservativeJedi321 @Kyber Acyk @Mitth_Fisto @Kev-Mas_Colcha @Khalia Octa
  20. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    IC: Sir Peregrine Bonaventure
    Blue Haven

    Kasumi, Sandstrider, and Gim had all managed to advance to sabre range with the droids and the Chiss. I had to be careful where I aimed my shots, both the ones from my blaster pistol and the ones my buckler was bouncing back at the shooters. As the old saying goes, friendly fire isn't.

    A few of the droids were still targeting me, so I kept a little altitude, maybe 10 meters over the sand, and moved past the battle line, so the enemy would have to either leave their back exposed to my fire or turn and expose their backs to my allies.

    I felt a surge of lightside power from a youngster, and three droids slammed together, falling in a tangled heap on the ground. I redirected a hostile plasma bolt into the pile and followed it up with a series of shots from my pistol, until I was rewarded with a satisfactory secondary explosion. They wouldn't be a threat for a while, maybe ever.

    Sandstrider was falling back from the Chiss, who was raining blows on the knight with manic glee. I swooped down toward the duelists, keeping behind him and in front of her. Yet somehow I knew he was aware of my approach, and that if I got too close he'd be swinging his blade at me. Which I had no problem with. Saber spikes extended from either edge of my buckler, I dove toward his back. Sure enough, a red blade leaped toward me in a lightning thrust. I caught it with a circular parry, momentarily trapping his blade above his head, leaving him vulnerable to Sandstrider for a split instant...

    TAG: @Skywalker_T-65 @Coffee_Ninja @TheRynJedi @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
  21. TheRynJedi

    TheRynJedi Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 20, 2018
    OOC: Sorry been a bit busy. Assume Sanchari's there, helping herd children and other non-combatants out of the way. I give permission for @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha and @Sarge to use her as needed.
  22. Khalia Octa

    Khalia Octa Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    IC: Padawan Khalia Octa
    Refugee Camp, Noris

    Khalia was surprised when her comlink chimed and went to check it when she heard Padawan Nord whisper "Is that, Knight Avarray?"

    "It is," She muttered as she listened to Nord relay a message. She looked over to Livvie who has an expression of concern mixed with confusion on her face. The young padawan didn't know what to say to Livvie, the situation was good for them, but not so good for her. "Nord, what do we do now?"

    TAG: @Bardan_Jusik, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @galactic-vagabond422, @TheSilentInfluence, @ConservativeJedi321, @Kyber Acyk, @Mitth_Fisto
    Bardan_Jusik likes this.
  23. Skywalker_T-65

    Skywalker_T-65 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 19, 2009
    IC: Lenea Sandstrider
    Blue Haven

    Lenea would, if asked, say she had a habit of jumping in head-first. Her brother would call her reckless. Her friends would say she didn't always think things through. She would deny that. After the Sith incident, she was always extremely careful if there was even a hint of a Sith involved. She'd lost badly enough to prompt her to at least try working with her Brother, and learning how to properly fight. Nothing else had done that. Nothing else could have done that. Near-death experiences had a habit of doing that, who knew?

    All of that being said?

    Kriff kriff kriff kriff kriff KRIFF---

    Lenea, right now, was regretting jumping up against the Sith. No one else had been doing it, and she at least had experience in this. That didn't stop his red blade from clashing against her orange, pushing her back. Her return swings connected, plasma pushing against plasma, as she grunted with the effort. Her rough swings and stabs had none of the elegance of her brother's unique take on Makashi. She battered and reflected with the lack of grace that only someone who rarely dueled could have. Lenea grit her teeth, ducking under a swing from the Sith.

    His red eyes and blue face twisted in glee, as he attempted to kick her.

    Oh no you don't!

    Shooting her own leg out, Lenea caught the Sith and pushed him away. She used the momentum to spin away, her orange blade cutting a gash across his chest. Black robes fell away, scorched armor underneath. The Chiss grinned, and didn't even hesitate to jump right back in. Crimson clashed against orange, as the two blade-locked. Red eyes stared into blue, and Lenea saw madness. She saw nothing but darkness.

    "You are pitiful, woman. Is this all the Jedi have?" His rough, coarse, voice was hauntingly familiar. The same tone.

    Glaring back, Lenea pushed with all her strength, knocking her blade free. She held the weapon up, warily staring at the Sith. "You think I'm a Jedi? Cute. You're losing to someone who never was a Jedi!"

    Taunting him was probably not the best idea. However, where she lacked in Jedi skills, Lenea made up for in her military training. She saw that airborne Jedi falling towards the Sith. She heard his jetpack flaring up.

    She saw the Sith spin around, his blade caught on the Jedi's weapon.


    Her brother would never have been so pragmatic. He was a Jedi, through and through. He would have fought fair. Good thing, then, that Danny wasn't here. With the Sith trapped and unable to retaliate, Lenea thrust her lightsaber forward with all her strength. The Sith turned his head, eyes his armor provided no resistance. Orange burned through black, stabbing out his back and through his chest.

    Red eyes faded. Crimson shut off.

    And the Sith fell, dead at her feet.

    @Bardan_Jusik @Sarge @TheRynJedi @Coffee_Ninja @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
  24. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    IC: Semajj Nosrep

    Semajj took a quick glance around, hopeful that nobody had noticed the chatty commlink.
    When his confidence that they had gone unnoticed had increased, he allowed a small sense of relief to flow through him. At very least they wouldn't be stumbling across the corpses of their fellow Jedi while here.
    The Ongree didn't say anything however as he did not wish to risk drawing unwanted attention their way.

    Master Avarray pointed them in the direction of their "errant cabin boy", and the Jedi nodded, ready to get moving.
    "Well that was fortunate. Looks like we won't be scouring every inch of this planet looking for our people."

    Tags: @Bardan_Jusik, @galactic-vagabond422, @Mitth_Fisto, @TheSilentInfluence, @SkywalkerShine, @Kev-Mas_Colcha, @Kyber Acyk, @Khalia Octa
    Mitth_Fisto and Bardan_Jusik like this.
  25. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    IC: Sir Peregrine Bonaventure
    Blue Haven Refugee Camp

    Sandstrider's orange blade skewered the Chiss. I dropped my pistol and seized his hands, pinning them to the saber they held. After a moment, I felt a rush of darkness as his life force left his body. It slumped to the ground as I pulled the saber from its grip. Some things shouldn't be left lying around.

    The others were mopping up the remaining handful of battledroids. I glanced at Sandstrider, checking her for wounds.
    "Are you hurt? A lot of people here are. Lets get busy with medkits; we may be able to save a few of these refugees."

    The padawans were certainly getting some serious experience on this expedition, a real trial by fire and blood. They seemed outwardly calm, but I sensed some strong emotions bubbling under the surface. That was a good thing, in my opinion. Jedi who simply squashed all feelings were in danger of becoming unfeeling, cold, and uncaring.

    We did the best we could for the refugees, but the battledroids had been proficient killing machines, programmed to exterminate, not to wound. After a few minutes I looked around to see what else needed to be cleaned up. Scattered wreckage reminded me that I had snagged the Chiss' lightsaber and hung it from my belt.

    I examined the hilt, not seeing anything remarkable about it. Of course it held an aura of darkness, having been used to slaughter innocents, and being clutched in the hands of the darksider at the moment of his passing. Since there was not a prisoner to interrogate, perhaps the Light could illuminate our path forward through this weapon.

    Clearing my mind, I prepared to open myself up to the essence of the saber. Then I stopped. It wasn't my place to do this. The Light was nudging me, prodding me toward another. Sanchari caught my eye. Was she ready to face these demons? From what she's told me about her life, she's already faced demons. This is her chance to confront them on her terms and overcome them.

    I beckoned the young Ryn to come aside a little way from the carnage.

    "You've done well here, Sanchari, and I think it's time for you to take another step. Have you ever opened yourself up to the Force and let it teach you through visions? Sometimes objects can trigger Force visions, and a lightsaber can be a potent trigger. This is the blade used by the Chiss. It has darkness infused into it. And hidden in that darkness, there may be clues and hints that could bring us closer to ending the ones spreading the darkness. You have survived much darkness, and I believe it is your place to face the darkness in this weapon so that we may find its source and cleanse it with Light. Are you willing to face that?"

    TAG: @TheRynJedi @Skywalker_T-65 @Coffee_Ninja @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
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