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Letters To Those Who Will Listen

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction Stories--Classic JC Board (Reply-Only)' started by Jedi Milan-Kenobi, May 8, 2000.

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  1. Jedi_Master_Insei

    Jedi_Master_Insei Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 1, 2000
    Insei Katsuo Jr., named after his father, walked somberly down the steel corridors of the Old Senate Building. 24 years after he was born, he could finally walk down the halls that stormtroopers once walked down.

    The Empire. The reason I know not where my parents are?

    He held the three small datapads, the black-box video, and the reddish-orange handled lightsaber that were all that he knew of his ancestry close. And to think, I was going to join the Imperial Navy? If he had stayed, Force knows how many innocents he would have had to slaughter. The orange flight suit was the reminder of the path he took, a true path. One that helped to end this holocaust that the Empire caused. At first, he had wondered why Yen prohibited his application to the Academy, why there seemed to be so much hatred whenever Yen uttered anything even remotely dealing with the Empire. He was just trying to protect me, protect me from the possibility that they would find out my true heritage. Insei kicked angrily at a small mouse droid rolling by, causing it to roll over a few time before finally re-resting on its wheels again. Shocked, but not shaken from its programming, the small robot continued on its way.

    Unlike me. My parents were Jedi, so it was down to the dark bowels of Coruscant for me. I never knew any other kids; it was just Yen and I the whole time. Home schooled, for obvious reasons, Yen didn?t want the Empire to find out that I was Force-sensitive.

    The doors to room 64 loomed in front of Insei suddenly. A quick jab to the call button on the side of the entrance marked Insei?s path. He was going to tell all that he could of his parents? if he could stand it himself? For some reason, he thought he could feel his parents smiling down on him.
  2. Jedi Milan-Kenobi

    Jedi Milan-Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 7, 2000
    Finish it! I get dibs on the story after!
  3. Jedi_Daphne

    Jedi_Daphne Jedi Youngling star 2

    Apr 30, 2000
    What Jedi wears black? Doesn't he know?

    //He doesn't know Clara. Tell him.//


    Her mother's presence once again slipped away from her as she came face to face with the one who would rebuild the Jedi order.

    "Hello Miss...."

    "Orion. Clara Orion. Good afternoon Commander."

    "Luke, please." Slipping into the chair he had indicated, Clara drew the piece of flimsy from her pocket.

    "My mother sent this to my father before the trial. Both my parents were Jedi."

    Surrendering the letter, Clara watched his face as he read it.

    Dearest Nicholae,

    There is to be a trial. A farce I am sure, but a trial nevertheless. They charge the Council with conspiracy against the new empire. No matter though. After the attack on the Temple, only Master Yoda and I still live, and only I remain on Coruscant.

    In the dark moments, here, alone, I must stop myself from reaching out for you. I trust the Force that you and the others have found safety in the rim. I could not bear to continue the fight knowing all has been for naught.

    K'vel came to see me. He was disguised of course, and it broke my heart to see the day when Jedi must forswear their identity in lieu of survival. His shields found their purpose however, and the dark ones knew nothing of his training. I sent Clara with him. I have trusted my life to him since his twelfth year, and now I entrust our daughter's as well.

    They will be coming shortly Nicholae. I am afraid, but I will not betray the only family I have known. The Jedi. You. K'vel. Clara.

    Nicholae, you know so well why words aren't necessary. Only this - forgive me, and know my love goes with you forever. May the Force be with us all.


    "Would you like to tell me about it?"

    Clara paused. That certainly wasn't the question she expected. Reaching out for the Force and pleading for strength, she closed her eyes and allowed her words to flow to the Jedi. The strength to speak them didn't exist for her.

    My mother was beautiful. She was a member of the Council by the time I was born and I spent my childhood trailing her through the Temple. She had visions of my future. She refused to let me be trained. I felt so out of place then, but now I'm thankful - because of that I had 7 years with two loving parents. With a family.

    My father spent his life traveling the galaxy. My childhood was no exception, but there was never any doubt in my mind that we were a family and loved each other.

    I was in the Temple the day of the attack. So many people dying... Mother found me and took me to the Council chamber, and she left me there. I thought she had to be dead when the Imperials came for me. The Temple was in ruins, but instead they took me to her.

    There was a room full of Jedi, everyone was injured or dying. Mother was the only one still standing to care for them, that is until they took her away and I with her. They charge the Council with treason, but she was the only one left.

    Clara cut herself off from the Force so quickly that even the Commander was shocked. The reason was apparent - her tears flowed. Slowly collecting herself, Clara dried her eyes.

    We must never forget, for the ones who have gone live in us.

    She began again.

    One day, my Uncle K'vel came. He was mother's first padawan and he...

    "What is a padawan?"

    Clearing her head, Clara reminded himself that he didn't know. Anakin's son didn't know.

    "A padawan is an apprentice. Padawans and Masters were very close, like parent and child. They were together for almost a decade, from 12 or 13 to 23 or 24 when the padawan passed their trials. My mother thought of K'vel as a son."

    K'vel had very strong shields. Mother said it was his strength, from childhood. The dark ones never knew he was a Jedi. He was there to take me away. He wanted to help mother escape too, but she said that Anakin knew her too well, he would come for her.

    Clara watched as the Commander winced a bit at his father's name.

    "He was... he was a good man, Commander. I still remember how he and Master Kenobi used to always spend time with
  4. Maelisaandii

    Maelisaandii Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 3, 2000
    This is really a great idea! So, do we all wait for one person to be finished, or can we all just start at once? I don't mind waiting, if I need to.
  5. HealerLeona

    HealerLeona Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 18, 2000
    Wow. These are so good, and so very tragic. I always leave this thread with such a heavy heart.

    Well done, everyone!!
  6. Jedi Milan-Kenobi

    Jedi Milan-Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 7, 2000
    Just jump in when you want need for wait!
  7. Jedi Milan-Kenobi

    Jedi Milan-Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 7, 2000
    Mother, wherever you are, please give me the strength to do this. Please make me feel as that I'm not alone. I am doing this for you....
    I won't let your name die in vain.

    Arianna Li in front of the old Senate building on Coruscant. Her arms were crossed across chest which she held a small data card to her. Arianna, you can do this...tell them what you know Arianna herd her mothers voice clearly inside her. Even though she was one with the force now, she was still with her in spirit.

    But can I get the nerve to go in? Arianna put her hand on the iron gate and let out a small sigh. Why was this so hard? She felt a hand touch her shoulder.

    "Are you here to give information about the Jedi?" The female asked. Arianna shook her head yes, not able to form words. "Are you allright?" Arianna shook her head no. The woman put the hand on her shoulder again to give her the strength to go in. "You are doing the right thing." Ariana pushed the gate open and walked through the gates with a new determination to put light onto a dark past that threatend to eat her inside.

    The knights who have died will now be given the memorium that they so dearly deserved

    Hey are all these people going to meet up in sometime. I think it would be interesting for them to swap memories and such.
  8. Maelisaandii

    Maelisaandii Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 3, 2000
    It was as cold and dark as any other godforsaken hole on Corescant. Such wastepits were decieving to the eye... they could hold endless wealth to one who cared to look hard enough. And Dela Torre cared. She cared very much, for this was how she lived. Her lavender eyes seemed to glow in the oppressing dankness. This particular hole seemed to her to have a scent of evil, more than was normal. It made her skin crawl. But it had to be explored. She crept through the dark with a stealth born of mistrust of everything and anything. This dark place especially.

    Presently she came upon a row of doors. Barred doors.

    So, this was a prison. For whom?

    No wonder it was so tightly locked up. But there is always a way in. Always. She kicked the first one open. The stench of death was stronger here as she lit her glowstick. Nothing here. The next one held a small glint of metal. She crouched and inspected it. A medallion. Shiny, but was it worth anything. That Dela would find out later. She stuffed it in her bag with the rest of her salvage.

    Hold it... what's this?

    She picked up a long scrap of brown cloth. Worthless, obviously. But was it? She held her glowstick close. There was something written on it... dark, hard to read. She squinted at it.

    ...hear anything again. I watched you die, my daughter. Killed before my eyes. I survived, and you did not. Why, why oh why did they only take my...

    What in...?

    But the patrols were coming. She knew how they felt about scavangers. Adeptly switching off the glowstick, she tucked the scrap away, to read later. She let her eyes and instincts guide her out of the dark, slipping away before anyone saw her. Returning to the out-of-the-way place she called home, she settled down to read the strange letter. Stringy strands of dusky blond hair fell into her face as she read.

    My daughter,

    Is there justice in the galaxy? As a Jedi, I once was an advocate of such. Peace and justice. My life. My code. My existence. Until you. Until you filled my life with a joy few can ever experiance. Joy from sorrow, what a perfect redemption for someone like me....

    She looked up when she finished, lavender eyes sparkling. Jedi! The NR was looking for Jedi information. Any at all. This letter may be more useful to Dela than any medallion.

  9. Maelisaandii

    Maelisaandii Jedi Youngling star 2

    Feb 3, 2000
    UP! Where did everyone go?
  10. darthwiz

    darthwiz Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 1, 2000
    Does anyone have experience using the sabers from hasbro in a fan film. We are on a strict budget, and getting a "real" one is out of our reach. We figure that even if we bust a hasbro, we can run out to the store and get a new one. I think i remember reading that New World used the Hasrbo lightsabers. Thoughts, comments?
  11. schnarf283

    schnarf283 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 17, 2000
    They used them in TNW, but because the blades were too short, they had to draw them longer, which is tedious. The bases are hard to make. So buy a 3ft long, .75 in diameter wooden dowel, and screw it into the hasbro base. Slightly more durable blades, at the right length. perfect.
  12. Jaycen_Kayde

    Jaycen_Kayde Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 14, 2000
    Check out my website, in the photos section, we used a 4 foot PVC pipe and a one foot piece off a vacuum cleaner. It looks nice and is very durable. You can sub the PVC with a wooden dowel.

  13. Flamberge

    Flamberge Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 17, 2000
    Like the guy above, I am using PVC. A few differences though. 1/2" SCH40 PVC for the blades, at 36" long. 1" SCH40 PVC at 11" long for the handles. Then an adapter, some aluminum tape, some electrical tape, and some spit and rubberbands. (Okay just kidding about the spit and rubberbands.) I will be taking pictures while I film, so I can send advanced pics to my website for you guys/gals to check out. (I was going to use the aluminum machined sabers, but they aren't ready yet, so they will be in EP II.)
  14. schnarf283

    schnarf283 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 17, 2000
    I don't use PVC, cause in really intense fights, they bend. The dowels are pretty nice, but one tip. No matter what you use, stripe it two different colors. They should be very far from each other. The best it probably green and red. Then, at the end, so you can tell where it is when you rotoscope, use a different color (try masking tape). Scotch makes some really sticky cloth tape that's pretty good and cheap. I just like the dowels, because the cost of four sabers with plenty tape is about $7.
  15. darth_paul

    darth_paul Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 24, 2000
    We used Hasbro's sabers in "Patriot Wars" due to not money (sabers are not that expensive to build) but time. I don't recommend it -- we broke all but one!
  16. Crunchacca

    Crunchacca Jedi Youngling

    May 24, 2000
    If I were you and on a strict budget, I'd go with the hasbro sabers, for the simple fact that they are on clearance right now.
  17. MaxVeers

    MaxVeers TFN FanFilms Staff, Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 24, 2000
    I actually used Parksabers for my films. It may seem like a hefty investment at the time, but its looks, durability, and easily-replaced blades make it a steal. Jeff ( actually has one model, the Defiance, at only $45. These are T3 aircraft grade aluminum, and they securely house a .75" dowel. These dowels cost about $2 apiece, and when one breaks, a replacement is quick, easy, and cheap. Also, a dowel's width makes it better suitable for rotoscoping than the thicker Hasbro saber. I'd definately recommend this over a Hasbro saber. If you have any more questions, I'd be glad to answer them, or send a few pics of the Parksaber that I picked up.

    Kurt Luther
    Affiliation Pending
  18. naw ibo

    naw ibo Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 18, 1999
    This is good one.
  19. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    Did someone want this story found? If so, you're most welcome. :)
  20. Rani Veko

    Rani Veko Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 22, 2000
    Idiots Array, thank you so much!!!
  21. Idiots Array

    Idiots Array Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 3, 2000
    My pleasure Rani Veko. You find some interesting things at the bottom of the forum. :)
  22. Jedi Milan-Kenobi

    Jedi Milan-Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jan 7, 2000
    NOw if anyone is still interested in this.

    EMPRESS Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Jul 10, 2000
    This is awesome. is there anymore?
  24. _Derisa_Ollamhin_

    _Derisa_Ollamhin_ Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2000
    Deserving an "UP", from someone who simply doesn't *do* "ups"... but my reasons are entirely selfish, I assure you.

  25. _Derisa_Ollamhin_

    _Derisa_Ollamhin_ Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 31, 2000
    "What is it, Master?" Garehj asked, tugging at Veria Skywalker's robe. The Jedi Master turned her sky-blue eyes, the gift of a long forgotten ancestor, and faced her young Apprentice. She held up her pale hand in a graceful gesture to ward off further questions, as she examined the object enclosed in the newly opened container.

    A few centimetres square, the case appeared fogged by dust and time, but she could even still see the shimmer and gleam of a data crystal inside. The transparisteel of the box that had held it lay in shards on the dusty nap of fabric that padded the small prize, and Veria felt a powerful stir through the Force.

    "It is important, whatever it is, Garehj. Please use my comm and send a message to Chief Archivist Erlivar Fesh: we're going to need his help with this."

    As her Padawan hastened to reply, Veria considered the possible dates on the datacrystal she held in her reverent gaze. //At least a thousand years old: Erlivar will be able to date it better. But have we anything that can even *read* it?//

    Who knew what treasured pieces of the Jedi's history would be found within that ancient crystal?


    (Oh yeah, and UP!!!)

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