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Beyond - Legends Losing Her Edge? (Mara musing)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by lukemaraben, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. lukemaraben

    lukemaraben Jedi Knight star 1

    Sep 2, 2012
    Title: Losing Her Edge?
    Time frame: after Union
    Disclaimer: Disney and Zahn own all characters....

    Mara Jade Skywalker…. it still seems surreal. Skywalker – I married Luke Skywalker! Me?!

    From the last command to marriage…. ohhh…Farmboy, you must have a death wish or just an innate ability to achieve the impossible. Who am I kidding this is Luke Skywalker! The man who redeemed kriffing Darth Vader – that Skywalker, well, no one can say Luke does things the easy way or for that matter the normal way.

    Normal people don’t go around redeeming Sith Lords, saving the galaxy time and time again, and nor do they marry hot-tempered red heads who at one point wanted nothing more then to kill them. But that’s what makes him, Luke. Because he did do all three of those things and somehow still stayed his farmboy self throughout it all.

    I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t annoy me at times, but Luke’s idealism is one of the things that drew me to him in the first place. It baffles me, how a person who’s seen and endured so much pain still see the good, even in a bitter and angry assassin.

    Honestly, I think he would have let me kill him had I been so inclined.

    As much as I said I would kill Luke, part of me knew I wouldn’t ever pull that trigger. (The clone doesn’t count – besides I saved Luke’s life when I chopped his doppelganger down.) Funny, how even back on Myrkr Luke knew that I wouldn’t physically hurt him. Either the Force was at work even back then or I’m just one hell of a bad assassin. I prefer the Force theory.

    Dang the Force anyway! Since when was its job matchmaker…oh right…when it’s dealing with two VERY stubborn people who can’t see what’s right in front of them. Don’t get me wrong I’m incredibly happy Luke and I finally woke up and realized that we are two half’s of whole.

    Sith! I’ve not even been married a week, and I’m already becoming a sap.

    I have to wonder what Palpatine is doing. Probably cursing the Jedi and Vader to the ends of the galaxy. Palpatine’s Hand marries Darth Vader’s son – it’s really the ultimate revenge against that man.

    There really was no other match for Luke and I. Even when I was cursing his name back on Myrkrr he understood better then I wanted to admit. Luke knew what loss felt like, and even though I was mourning for a monster, Luke still understood that correcting the lie I had been told wouldn’t do anything to change what I was feeling. Maybe it was because Luke knew the truth would be harder to handle then the lie.

    I wonder how he did it? How did he pretend for a year after Bespin that it was all ok? Even though Palpatine wasn’t my father, finding out what a twisted man I had once served tore me to shreds. How much harder it had to have been when it was your own flesh and blood.

    Anyway that is an entire topic on it’s own… The Force knows some things are just better not to know. Like very few people would be insane enough to marry Darth Vader’s son or the Emperor’s personal assassin.

    Unless you’re Han Solo…. then again Solo is just nuts.

    The good news is, being married to Luke life won’t ever be dull. Our poor children! I need to ask Leia about that…how does one go about explaining family history when it involves Darth Vader? I imagine that’ll be one awkward conversation when Luke and I do have kids. Though when the time comes, I’ll leave it to Luke – after all Vader was his father.

    Even though we haven’t had the children discussion yet, I’m fairly certain Luke knows I don’t want children right away. One of the many perks to having a Force bond with your husband (it’s also is nice during other activities…).

    Great! Now I’m blushing and Farmboy is looking at me with this curious expression on that adorable face of his.

    Boy, I hope this isn’t a permanent part of being married…. I don’t want to lose my edge. Skywalker really has gotten to me.

    Since I now have his attention there is nothing stopping me from having some fun with my new husband.

    Hope you enjoyed!
    Belle1214 likes this.
  2. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Unless you’re Han Solo…. then again Solo is just nuts.

    Bahahahahaha! I adored the entire fic, but that line made me crack up! Sooo Mara. The entire fic was very in-character. I really enjoy your voice for Mara. Luke has softened her up, and that's one of the many reasons why I admire him :*
  3. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Very very good insight into Mara's thoughts. =D=

    Our poor children! I need to ask Leia about that…how does one go about explaining family history when it involves Darth Vader? I imagine that’ll be one awkward conversation when Luke and I do have kids. Though when the time comes, I’ll leave it to Luke – after all Vader was his father.

    I was toying t«with this idea the other day and your story brought it back to my mind. :)
  4. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Wonderful tone and sweet blend of joyfulness, love, and snarkness [face_laugh] Mara's right about, and for, Luke, and that's a fact. [:D]
    lukemaraben likes this.
  5. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005
    hahahahahaa poor Mara. That Farmboy just ties her up neatly in knots. [face_devil]

    There really was no other match for Luke and I.

    And that just says it all! [face_love]
    lukemaraben and Jade_eyes like this.
  6. Lady_Misty

    Lady_Misty Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 21, 2007
    Han Solo is insane on some level but so was Anakin.

    Ah Mara, you will lalways be my favorite EU character.
    lukemaraben and Jade_eyes like this.