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mace windu is the jedi traitor. proof here!

Discussion in 'Archive: Attack of the Clones' started by the_homeless_jedi, Jun 15, 2002.

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  1. Jabachile

    Jabachile Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 16, 2001
    Interesting theory. It's possible, but I highly doubt it.
  2. Maceo_Windu

    Maceo_Windu Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 16, 2001
    kampilan, you would only "disarm" a bounty hunter who just killed at least one Jedi?(and a council member at that?) I don't know, maybe those digital screens make people like The Homeless Jedi think they see all kinds of stuff, huh? (Golly, Lando was a traitor; gee, that MUST mean Mace is one, too. Man,i man be super intelligent to uncover this obvious parallel.) :p

    Oh yeah, LOL Darth Rich and Lando's Pimp Hand. Way to hold it down. funniest thread i've read in a long time. Special Shout out to the AOTC Playas Club. :cool: out.

  3. Yin-Jun

    Yin-Jun Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 1, 2002
    I didn't read thru all of this Thread, but If someone else has already mentioned it, then you are welcome to beat me down, hehe.. but I think its quite obvious that Count Dooku erased those files from the archive memory, as he was "ONCE" a Jedi, who was also apart of the Council and the Jedi Order and so on, It's not proof, its my speculation, that it was Count Dooku that erased such information from the archives!

  4. LustrousBust

    LustrousBust Jedi Youngling

    Jun 15, 2002
    I don't think it is proof, but I think these type threads are on to something. Watch Mace's face when he tells Anakin to go speak with Palpy about Padme. He could be setting everyone up. possibly
  5. Macewindu77815

    Macewindu77815 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 13, 2002
    Stormchewie: I AGREE WITH YOU SO MUCH ROCK ON!!!!!!
  6. Iconmatrix

    Iconmatrix Jedi Youngling

    Jun 11, 2002
    i totally agree Yin-Jun ive only seen the movie twice and it was quite obvious that dooku erased the files after ordering the clone army under the name of sifo-dyas and then turns to the dark side and joins sidious its a great play for sidious cuz instead of waiting another twenty years to train up a whole new apprentice he turns someone thats already knowledgable in the force makes it ten times easier....see its quite obvious....okay maybe not but anyways thats what i got
  7. JediLord

    JediLord Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 15, 2000
    Hey, all I'm saying is that if he had disarmed Jango instead of killing him and questioned him, they would have founf out that Dooku is also Tyranus. That might make them wonder about somethings, like the Clones and Dooku's claims of a Sith Lord being in control. But b/c of Mace, they will never know now.
  8. homeless_jedi

    homeless_jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 16, 2002
    and rb. i am not 15 ok. im 29 yrs old. and I have studied psychology. I can tell when people are lying just by their facial expressions. I have the capability to notice these small things. and ive seen the movie 10 times.
    if you read the thread, you will find out that he is in fact the traitor. I am not racist. i was not saying is a traitor because he is black.

    the proof is there. he uses a sith style of fighting.
    and one thing I learned about traitors. it is the one you least expect to be evil, that really is.
    mace windu just seems too interested in what yoda is up to. he appears to be scared of yoda. and when the issue about sifo dyas came up he got nervous and began to change the subject. and yoda noticed that.

  9. Crimson-Larko

    Crimson-Larko Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 14, 2001
    RB, I find that comment most insulting. Not so long ago I was 15, and currently I'm 16. Your comment basicly says "If you're 15, you couldn't possibly have anything intelligent to say and are not worth my time." Tisk tisk.
  10. Adali-Kiri

    Adali-Kiri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 31, 2000
    Landos_Pimp_Hand ---

    Back on page 2 you're labelling me a frickin' rascist. I strongly suggest you go back and actually read my post on page 1 and offer an apology as soon as you can. That piece of utter crap you delivered is unbelievable. It is a huge insult.

    I am officially very very mad right now, and that doesn't happen often.
  11. 1stAD

    1stAD Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 10, 2001
    "I have studied psychology. I can tell when people are lying just by their facial expressions."

    -No practicing psychologist does this, or has learned this, or anything.
  12. Adali-Kiri

    Adali-Kiri Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 31, 2000
    homeless_jedi ---

    You're shooting yourself in the foot. If it's the one you least expect who is always the traitor, it can't be Mace. He's the one you think it is. It would be Yoda by your line of reasoning.

    And just repeating that your initial post offers proof is not going to make it true. On page 1 I responded to your rather weak theory and asked a few questions, but you ignored that. Repeating the theory every couple of pages without taking responses into acount is not good debating...
  13. Sapno Krei

    Sapno Krei Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Feb 23, 1999
    I find homeless_jedi's "proof" to be flawed in several places, but there is enough there to perhaps shed some doubt on Windu's loyalty.

    A good mystery story is able to wave the bad guy's identity right in front of your nose and not have you notice it. How shocking would it be if Mace Windu, a Jedi we've felt we could trust all these years, turned out to be a pawn of Sidious?
  14. Andy_Wan_Kenobi

    Andy_Wan_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 12, 2002
    I believe that Mace is a traitor and I believe that will be the big shock of the PT!

    The OT was originally going to be about a character called Mace Windu and I don't believe that Lucas would have written in Windu for the PT without a reason!

    I think that Windu will be a traitor!

    I can't wait till all the doubters are proved wrong!
  15. uncw

    uncw Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 4, 2001
    i hope he is not a bad guy, b/c i would really like to see this play out.......

    mace walking to a transport to meet yoda on a secret marsh planet, just as he gets to the ship.... he looks up and his eyes go wide and we hear the breathing....bye bye mace.
  16. digitalyodarules

    digitalyodarules Jedi Youngling

    Jun 14, 2002
    If you want to go by facial expressions, check out Yoda's when he's talking the Palpatine in the beginning of the film, he doesn't seem to be too happy meeting with the Chancellor.

    Is there a traitor in the Jedi Council? Maybe someone has their own agenda, like Mace thought Dooku did, without going to the Dark Side. But if you think you can trust Ben Kenobi in episodes 4-6, the only real traitor will be Anakin, who helps the Emperor hunt down and destroy the the Jedi.

    The only bizarre turn of evens is how did Yoda's Padwan become evil, if Yoda is such a good teacher?
  17. Darth-Richard

    Darth-Richard Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2002
    homeless jedi, you said you had all sorts of proof, but I countered that easily. You said Mace tells Anakin to watch Amidala. No. Yoda does. You said he defends Dooku. But Ki Adi Mundi does first. It's Mace that takes the initiative to watch the Senate when Yoda blows it off.

    And why does Mace have to look nervous because someone is coming close to figuiring him out? Why can't he be nervous because someone is messing with the Jedi, putting the galaxy in upheaval and he (as the leader) seems powerless?

    And BTW, the badguy IS being dangled in front of our faces. His name is Palpatine. Y'know? He's really a sith lord named Sidious.

    And Mace doesn't know the guy shooting at him with lasers and flamethrowers is the bounty hunter Jango. He just knows it's Dooku's bodyguard and that (well) HE'S SHOOTING LASERS AND FIRE AND TRYING TO KILL HIM! No time to disarm and arrest anybody. It's war now. Jango must become a casualty. Mace is a warrior. I think it's cool he can balance the dark and lightside of the force. Maybe Mace is the one who can really bring balance since he knows how to do it.

    Mace is the best Jedi ever, nyeah, nyeah, nyeah. Better than Yoda. He knows how to bring balance in his own means. Too bad he doesn't have the confidence to know he's the true chosen one. He gave it to some li'l kid who ended up killing all his people.

    If only he had more confidence in himself. Awwwwwww ... Maybe he's only betrayed himself. Poor Mace, a tragic hero with no self esteem
  18. yoda900

    yoda900 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 28, 2002
    Well, I have 2 things, after watching ATOC, I don't really think Mace windu is a traitor but that dooku is, however,,,,

    When I saw TPM, wihle ani was in front of the jedi counsel, while Mace an yoda were discussing him not being trained, ani looked at yoda and looked normal.
    But 3 times he looked at Mace windu and had this look in his eyes like "i just don't like you"

    I thought after seeing that in TPM that we would see mace as the new sith apprentice or one of the los t20 or whatever, however I really don't see it it anymore.

    I would like to hear comments on this issue, it would be interesting to hear both positve and negatevie things about it.
  19. Mas_Amedda

    Mas_Amedda Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 16, 2002
    I think there is enough evidense (in the film) to confidentally support a theory of Mace being a villain pretty well. Though the saber color doesn't affect anything, he asked for purple. My friend a long time ago said he found a picture (I think it was AOTC character sketched or something) and he had a blue saber. And while I think there is good evidence in the films that can lead people to believe Mace is a bad guy:

    - He quickly dismissed the possibility of Dooku trying to kill Padme

    - In TPM he did not think the Sith could return

    - He sent Padme back to Naboo (so she couldn't vote on the army?) and when Anakin said she wouldn't go for it he made a really disappointed face

    - When Yoda was sensing Anakin in pain and Mace walked in Yoda stopped sensing the event

    - Mace initially thought that Anakin should not be trained while Obi-Wan did and after training was progressed in AOTC Obi-Wan was having second thoughts while Mace was pushing them on.

    - Is more agressive then most other jedi

    Evidence against Mace being evil:

    - Ki-Adi-Mundi quickly dismissed the possibility of Dooku trying to kill Padme as well

    - Ki-Adi-Mundi also thought the Sith were extinct

    -Yoda also thought the queen should go to naboo

    -Mace lead the attack to Geonosis putting himself in danger (I do not think a villain would do this).

    -Mace looked angry towards Dooku and when they were on that balcony all alone they didn't have to, plus Mace didn't have to go after Dooku at all had they been allies.

    -Only TWO there are (Dooku and Sidious)

    -Sam Jackson has expressed interest in dieing a HEROIC death in Episode III

    Conclusion: Mace IS NOT a Sith though he surprisingly makes alot of bad decisions for being a council member. He seems like an amateur rather than the second best jedi in the universe. He seems to be on par with Ki-Adi-Mundi and it is this evidence that has pointed me toward the conclusion that there is absolutely nothing special about Mace. He has good intentions but (sadly) like Jar Jar he makes alot of bad mistakes.

    Obi-Wan + Jar Jar = Mace
  20. sidious1

    sidious1 Jedi Youngling star 6

    Jun 5, 2002
    The homeless jedi- clouded your judgment is! Mace Windu is no more of a traitor than Obi Wan or any of the other Jedi are.Proof of this you have not!
  21. Darth-Richard

    Darth-Richard Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2002
    I guess we have to find a blame for Mace on something. He's a 2nd rate Jedi? Jeeezus Christ! All of the Jedi, including precious Yoda, are being fooled. Remeber Yoda's line, "Do not underestimate the powers of the Empreor, or suffer your father's fate you will.", as well as the rest of the Jedi.

    He knows the guy is tricky. He tricked ALL the Jedi. Sidious has got them on the ropes. All of them.

    As for Mace being the most aggressive. Yoda went to find Dooku to personally beat his ass. Obi Wan looked like he couldn't wait to have a lightsaber to go up against the Aklay, even up against Dooku he had a stern face. Look at his battle with Maul. What about Qui Gon's arrogant line (although I loved it) "We'll handle this.". He was waiting for another chance to take on Maul. It's about being a warrior. BTW, Anakin is the most aggressive and aloof.

    And as for the Yoda being disturbed by Mace's entrance, should the scene continue to have Yoda sensing Anakin while Mace stares awkwardly at him for several more minutes wondering if Yoda is constipated? Think like a director for a second.
  22. Landos_Pimp_Hand

    Landos_Pimp_Hand Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 13, 2002
    AWWWWW shi+ look who's back! wud up Darth Richard way to hol' it down playa. Now I must apologize to that Adali-Kiri, I never called you a racist hommie, I am just sensitive to the struggle. Now if yall want a real racist see *Nephrite*. Next time you make some stupid @ss, pea sized brain, comments like " He leans against the wall, and shaves his head" me and The AOTC Playaz Club Will slap the taste out of your mouth! Play on playaz!
  23. Mas_Amedda

    Mas_Amedda Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 16, 2002
    "And as for the Yoda being disturbed by Mace's entrance, should the scene continue to have Yoda sensing Anakin while Mace stares awkwardly at him for several more minutes wondering if Yoda is constipated? Think like a director for a second."

    But Yoda didn't have to stop immediately plus he could have went back to listening to the event after they stopped talking for a few seconds.
  24. ADONIAH32

    ADONIAH32 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 18, 2002
    If Yoda is so strong with the force...why would he not sense something in Mace? Why would he let him remain on the council?

    I think this is just pulling at random coincidences. I could probably come up with the same thing saying that Yoda is evil because he let Dooku get away.
  25. Darth-Richard

    Darth-Richard Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 22, 2002
    Why doesn't he go back to meditating? I'm sure the meditation is straining. And the suffering imagery stops BEFORE Mace enters, which means Yoda lost connection, Mace didn't disturb him OR wipe it away by using dark powers. I believe it's Anakin who disturbs the reading, Qui Gon's spirit makes it possible. Anakin's disobedience disconnects him to those who only use the good side of the force.
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