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Fanclub Mara Jade Skywalker Fan club

Discussion in 'EU Community' started by Jedi_Liz, Dec 27, 2002.

  1. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    I mean that is a fair point, even if don´t feel it was really just Luke who accepted her, all the protas did that relativley quickly. And of course Karrde took her in even before that, so this doesn´t have to lead to a romance.
    Bia Surik and Tarsier like this.
  2. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    True, but it made for a thrilling romance, enemies become lovers, The Emperor’s Hand and the Emperor’s Bane together.
  3. RK_Striker_JK_5

    RK_Striker_JK_5 Force Ghost star 7

    Jul 2, 2003
    Mara's death in LOTF will forever **** me off and is one of the MANY reasons I loathe that book series with every fiber of my being. She was done dirty and deserved better.
  4. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    It was cruel to fans. I really wish Disney would correct that, they adopted Thrawn, and have made a book series for him, why not Mara Jade?
  5. Darth Invictus

    Darth Invictus Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 8, 2016
    I don't particularly think it was out of character?

    Mara was deeply concerned for her son, and so chose to go after Jacen in the night.

    Jedi mode went on the backburner and she re activated Imperial Hand mode, though with an aggressive motherly motivation.

    She was going to do to Jacen what she had done to countless others in over twenty years of service. She just ended up dying because her love of Ben was a weakness Lord Caedus used against her.
    Sadie Erso and Anedon like this.
  6. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    The ultimate irony behind this, is that Jacen was doing what he was doing to save his child. In the end he and Mara weren´t that different from each other.
  7. Darth Invictus

    Darth Invictus Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 8, 2016
    Perhaps in a different galaxy, they could have fought together for those they loved.
    Sadie Erso and Darth Caliban like this.
  8. adalmentia

    adalmentia Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 12, 2020
    Do you think Mara has a chance of being brought back into canon through The Mandalorian ?
  9. godisawesome

    godisawesome Skywalker Saga Undersheriff star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 14, 2010
    I feel that simultaneously there's decent reasons and pressure to bring her back to, but also one irritating big reason not to: while she can and does stand on her own in several works, her relationship with Luke is the big force multiplier to her appeal and characterization, and right now, it would also be a force multiplier to the type of Luke story they deliberately tried to subvert in current canon. There's an argument to be made that if they deployed a new version of Mara, and she eventually gravitated towards Luke, and eventually someone gave into the temptation like so:'d reignite and exacerbate some of the debate around Luke.

    Having said that, I'd totally do it, because I hate TLJ!:p

    In all fairness, I'd say her chances would rely on whether or not LFL considers using The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, or the other shows and material, to full embrace the idea of post-ROTJ Jedi who aren't automatically subordinate to and doomed by Ben Solo being a weak little brat. There's a small handful of non-Luke trained Jedi characters slipping through in supplementary material as well as video games and TM already - Kylo Katarn is already spotted in a card game, for instance.

    *If* LFL wanted to try offering some olive branches to the angrier and more despondent Legends fans for their new stories, and if they did so by reviewing what Legends characters could make the jump, I'd say she'd have a chance... but it would probably be accompanied by direct commentary on whatever limits they may see in her usage.
    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha likes this.
  10. AllTheSingleMaras

    AllTheSingleMaras Jedi Knight star 2

    Aug 16, 2019
    I step out for -*checks activity*- like, little over a year... and NOW there’s Mara talk! Shesh!

    I’ve always felt she was the Lois Lane to his Superman. Even calls him “farm boy.” But you are right, she’s amazing in her own right... it’s just a peeve of mine for people to not want to discuss the relationship she has with the one she chose, as that reveals a lot about her too. I like that she’s this hardened, guarded, cynical spitfire with an illogical weakness for the type of person that would normally turn her off. Like a feral cat who hates everyone but that one person who pets her just right and respects her boundaries. So it’s easy for her to open to him... and she resents herself for her weakness when it comes to him... but uses that same fire to protect him and all he holds dear.

    Its not classic romance, but it’s a type of love that she’s capable of, being the dysfunctional person she is. He’s pretty burdened too, but has learned to let it go to let others in and live what he teaches: balance. She wants that. And if she can’t DO it herself, she’ll spend the rest of her life with the man who personifies that... out of admiration. But I truly believe she died never truly achieving it.
  11. godisawesome

    godisawesome Skywalker Saga Undersheriff star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 14, 2010
    When written right, she’s a great fire and ice contrast to him, and I’ll say that I tend to find their relationship one of the better examples of adversaries to allies to friends to lovers in concept... just a bit rough in actual execution since she wound up being his romantic interest more from an organic groundswell of fan support than from deliberate execution of the concept.

    I was hoping she’d make the jump to Disney canon and be revealed as Rey’s mother before TLJ, since I kind of felt the connection to Luke would allow her to become a major player between the OT and ST, while still predominantly standing on her own. She was basically a “Sixth Ranger” member of the OT cast in Legends, which is exactly the kind of exploitable concept to both rake in money and tell great stories with if they transplanted the concept in the Disney era.

    The fact that Thrawn made the jump to extreme success and that the Skywalker story just isn’t that healthy right now, nor is Rey’s, makes me think they really should have gone in that direction.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
  12. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    I would really like a new Mata Jade comic series. I remeber fondly the Emperor’s Hand series.


  13. AllTheSingleMaras

    AllTheSingleMaras Jedi Knight star 2

    Aug 16, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
    godisawesome likes this.
  14. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    Does anyone know if Mara created her purple bladed lightsaber or was it given to her by the Emperor?

    ZV-83 likes this.
  15. madman007

    madman007 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 22, 2007
    Here is a link from Wookepedia:'s_first_lightsaber

    Short version is she created it, but the Emperor gave her the magenta crystal, not purple.
    Kato Sai likes this.
  16. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    Thanks! Magenta, right, sorry I knew it differed from Windu’s. :)

    So Mara crafted her own lightsaber while Ben Solo/Kylo Ren made a badly functioning one that needs vents for the power output and the crystal is cracked:


    This speaks volumes of how powerful Mara Jade was in the Force, for when Vader examined Luke’s new lightsaber he said:

  17. madman007

    madman007 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 22, 2007
    Time for another devoted Mara Jade fan to weigh in.

    Short answer is no. At least, if they do introduce a character named "Mara Jade", it won't be our Mara Jade from the, Legends (damn you, Disney!)

    Having Thrawn included in The Mandalorian can happen because the character didn't really have a direct connection to Luke Skywalker. Mara does. And now that the ST has presented us with its version of Luke, it prevents the introduction to Mara as we know her. By having that recluse, bachelor version of Luke, they wrote themselves into a corner where Mara Jade is concerned.

    IMO, the EU wrote itself into a corner by the Legacy of the Force series by making yet another Skywalker/Solo going to the Dark Side. It was mentioned here earlier that Mara acted in character by going after Jacen. I disagree. By this time in her life, she knew she didn't need to go in Emperor's Hand mode and throw away her Jedi training. Especially when it came to saving her son. That note she left Luke...that kriffing note...was so out of character for her at that time. As was dying instantly from a poison, when it was already established that she could survive it with the Force! For Del Rey, this was a case of selling books in the game of Who are we going to kill next?!

    I'm with RK_Striker_JK_5....Mara deserved better!
  18. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    Mara if she appears will be in Mando or one of the new series, because only David Filoni would bring her into canon.
    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha likes this.
  19. adalmentia

    adalmentia Jedi Knight star 1

    Nov 12, 2020
    Mara and Jacen were never part of the Denningverse :)
    It was Maaara Jade and Jaaacen who stole their identities
    PCCViking and madman007 like this.
  20. AllTheSingleMaras

    AllTheSingleMaras Jedi Knight star 2

    Aug 16, 2019
    I think it could be done... not that it for certain will, but that it could. The time between ROTJ and TLJ is a looong time where even a man who ends up alone could have brushes with “the woman” that died or got away. I don’t think she’s out of the picture, but Disney tried doing it without her by decanonizing her and alienating her fans... and are now realizing it was a stupid move... as they are heavily drawing from EU. I feel like they have her in the back pocket for when things get dicey or interest wanes.

    I disagree that Thrawn isn’t tied up in Luke’s story... Thrawn and the Chiss are major adversaries to main ensemble in several Luke and Mara centric novels. I loved that. The Skywalkers become a major thorn in that race’s side... that’s kinda the MO. Skywalkers oppose evil... and then Skywalkers bring out the good in what was once evil... and then either become evil or marry former evil... looking at you, Jaina... Thrawn in his canon books is very acquainted with the Skywalker name. I can’t see him letting that go with Luke being the last alleged Jedi from an ancient belief system.

    I AGREE that her death was so out of character... and I usually try to fill in the gaps with my imagination to accept it...but the whole book was just... bad. Didn’t vibe as Star Wars but a lose understanding of it, clumsily playing barbies with the beloved leads based off of character outlines from abridged Cliffnotes. It was absolute garbage. And not a fitting end for Mara. TZ should of handled his creation’s passing.

    I think she will be brought in at one point. It would be idiotic not to, considering how renowned she is in the EU, it’s fanbase, and beyond. She may not end up Mrs. Skywalker, but it would be careless not to homage to that by having Luke never interact with her, as they are tied to the emperor and Vader.
    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha likes this.
  21. godisawesome

    godisawesome Skywalker Saga Undersheriff star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 14, 2010
    For fun, here’s a Gambler style odds and analysis rundown.

    Reasons Mara might appear:

    + $$$. Mara might have been restricted strictly to the EU before the Disney buy, but like Thrawn, she’s a proven commodity from that bag of assets, has a fervent fanbase that would totally educate the unaware about her, and offers potential money-making storylines that range from being a stand-alone background character completely away from Luke to being his equivalent of Irene Adler to his Holmes, or even further into being a Lois Lane to his Superman. It’d be close to guaranteed money, and Disney loves guaranteed money.
    + Creator-Fans of Mara. It’s clear that Thrawn benefitted from LFL having more than one creator in the Disney era who enjoyed Thrawn, and even if there’s not an exact correlation between Thrawn fans and Mara Jade fans, it would be extremely weird if she didn’t have a few fans in a fertile a ground for promoted fanboys and fan girls as LFL is. In the same way Pablo Hidalgo and Dave Filoni has enthusiastically referenced and tried to sneak in old Legends material all over the place, someone else in LFL likely shares that enthusiasm for Mara even if they may not.
    + Potential Bridge Building with ST Critics. Luke’s appearance in The Mandalorian was pretty much universally applauded, didn’t cause any real backlash from the TLJ fans is might have in theory perturbed, and if anything, seems to have reinvigorated some embittered Luke fans into hoping again. There’s money and goodwill there, and not necessarily at the cost of TLJ fans -they’ll always have TLJ and Hamill’s award winning performance there. If anyone at Disney wanted to heal the divide over TLJ a bit and reinvigorate some of the “pro-sumer” fanbase of Luke, Mara can offer a similar gateway there.

    Reasons Mara may not appear:

    - Creator Non-Fans of Mara, and particularly her and Luke. This isn’t the same as accusing a promoted fanboy of hating Mara or hating Luke and Mara as a couple. This is more along the lines of someone who, for various reasons, would reject the idea of Luke being involved with a love interest, particularly one who was his wife and mother of his child in a previous continuity, and thus might be very cold on Mara for that reason. For instance, Filoni has said he shares Lucas’s opinion that Luke wouldn’t get married, so while he might be a fan of Mara, he probably would prefer to avoid romance to at least some extent, and might regard Mara’s appearance in continuity to risk inevitably leading to that possibility.
    - ST Integrity Fanatics. While they aren’t some monolithic angry group of Legends haters, there would almost certainly be a backlash to anything resembling a traditional treatment of Mara with Luke because of the way it would contradict the spirit of TLJ’s Luke story, and potentially open up avenues for outright rejecting even more of the ST’s set-up. While they would be unlikely to oppose a Non-Luke affiliated Mara, there’s a chance they would have exponentially greater complaints and disenchantment the closer she got to Luke. Thus, there *could* be some off-setting loss in “pro-sumer” fans who like the ST as is.
    - Anti-“Mea Culpa” Professionals at LFL - This is the weakest group to me as a negative, because I think the other two are more likely to have some substance to them, and this is strictly a hypothetical reaction in comparison... But, in theory, there could be some professional at LFL who doesn’t really care one way or the other about the characters, but does care about being seen as making the “right decision” from a business perspective, so in theory, Mara succeeding above expectations could be a problem for someone who thought the numbers would work better without her.

    * Mara crosses over to Disney, but doesn’t have to have any affiliation with Luke: 48%.
    I can’t quite bring myself to see her being a coin-toss away from being integrated, simply on the basis that I think there might be a few LFL creative-types who liked TLJ enough to be wary of even fielding questions and speculation about her and Luke as a possible item, which would almost certainly occur of she made the return. Still, I also think that guys like Filoni are secure enough in their own vision and product they wouldn’t be intimidated by that possibility if they wanted her back for other reasons.
    * Mara crosses over, but maybe only teases an unconsummated attraction between herself and Luke: 28%. Here, there’d be a feeling of playing with fire a bit; LFL clearly has *some* willingness to listen to ‘shippers, given they allowed the absolutely atrocious Reylo debacle to occur because those fans were the ones who aligned with their bias towards Kylo, so I suspect coldness towards any possibility of Mara and Luke would ramp up a bit here.
    * Mara crosses over, but would stop at being Luke’ s brief love interest for a very short time: 23%.
    Actually, if the previous option happens, I don’t think ti would be a big leap to this one. It’s the difference between someone who’s insecure about maintaining Luke as single, and someone who is secure about maintaining Luke as single, with TLJ as the still most important, though in my personal opinion, accursed,:_|, endpoint for Luke’s story.
    * Mara crosses over, and someone at LFL allows her to have a child with Luke before TLJ: 3%.
    The only way this happens is if someone at LFL both doesn’t care about preserving any of the ST’s intentions, and believes there’s much more money to be had in rejecting them pretty thoroughly. That feels like an extreme long shot to me, even though I feel it could work for the better; even something like worrying about Rey’s place in the story of Luke had an actual daughter feels to me like to could be circumvented by having her train the girl, and be accepted as a secondary parent who shares the last name even if it’s just an assumed (it might even help there a bit).

    (Note: My perspective is formed in part by being an comic fan who has witnessed stuff like the New 52 and One More Day, and thus sees Luke and Mara as somewhere between Spider-Man/Mary Jane and Superman/Lois Lane. Both had idiot editors demand retconning the marriage away, but Superman’s marriage got restored eventually, and it’s a well known fact that there’s many Spider-Marriage fanboys who would angle to bring that marriage back if they got the chance, though thus far that’s been a long-lasting status quo dictate.)

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
    AllTheSingleMaras likes this.
  22. AllTheSingleMaras

    AllTheSingleMaras Jedi Knight star 2

    Aug 16, 2019
    I like your analysis!

    I don’t think a marriage and child would completely retcon the ST... especially if Mara was cut down and child presumed dead with Kylo Ren’s uprising. I agree that a SkyWalker kid with Rey, training and not romantically entangled... maybe even hella socially awkward and stupid powerful due to isolation for their protection, would be amazingly fun.

    But in the end... if they use Mara, which would be a TRAGEDY if they don’t with her interesting/powerful journey, which Luke is entangled in...Disney would probably feel pressured to acknowledge a romance but remind the fans that their version is not the EU, and prevent a marriage. Maybe an affair, but not lasting.

    it breaks my heart, but Disney has been disappointing me since it took over, so I shouldn’t be surprised.

    A girl literally launched Luke into his quest and then his quest didn’t have room for romance. I love that the EU took the time to establish it. I am of the opinion that he would not want to be alone... feeling like a third wheel all the time with Han and Leia... but that a partner would have to be a Jedi to understand his principles and sacrifices that a normal man wouldn’t do. Seeing him end up a lonely monk like the Jedi of old when his father was such a romantically passionate man seems like a step backwards in terms of forging a new Jedi order that will prevent against stifling rules, which would CREATE Sith Lords.
    Bel505 likes this.
  23. Bel505

    Bel505 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Jul 4, 2006
    Disney won't be able to help themselves. Sooner or later they'll use Mara Jade's name and it'll be a train wreck. I'm resigned to that already. To be honest, in a universe where Luke is a miserable disaster of a human being whose greatest achievement in life occurred when he was in his early-20s, I'd rather she not appear. Mara Jade would never let Luke Skywalker fold in on himself like a cheap suit. (Especially in a universe where Force Ghosts apparently can stick around indefinitely.)

    I'm just hoping when inevitably there's a third reboot of the post-ROTJ Star Wars universe (guessing 20 years from now, once they run out of material, since that's more or less the comic book cycle) that I'll be able to enjoy Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker's characters as they ought to be (IMO, of course).

    In the meantime, there's always re-reads of the Thrawn books, Survivor's Quest, and fanfiction.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2021
  24. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    Mara Fan Forever.
  25. Sadie Erso

    Sadie Erso Jedi Master star 3

    Aug 3, 2020
    I really should read more Mara Jade books. *guilty face* :oops:o_O[face_whistling]:luke::greensaber::redsaber:[face_plain]