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Before - Legends March New Stories Index

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by amidalachick, Mar 2, 2009.

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  1. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    Welcome to the March New Stories Index for the Before the Saga Board!

    This Index will be updated daily with new fanfiction stories from this board, so you can spend less time searching and more time reading these great fics.

    I will be maintaining this index. I will try to locate new stories every day, but you're welcome to send me the info for your fic through PM. If I've missed your story, or if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to PM me.

    To help me gather the story data and to introduce your story to your readers, please put the following information in the first post of your fic:


    Below is a list of common terms and abbreviations used in this forum that will be helpful for readers searching this index using the find functions in their browsers:

    EU - Expanded Universe (all of the books)
    JA - The Jedi Apprentice books about Obi-Wan's youth before TPM
    pre-TPM - takes place before the movies
    AU - alternate universe
    OC - original (author-originated) characters
    GFFA - Galaxy Far, Far Away
    H/C - hurt/comfort
    vignette - a one-post story, especially a single scene
    humor - lots of silliness
    angst - anguish, torment, fear, anxiety
    crossover or x-over - mixing Star Wars with another movie, tv series or book
    round robin or RR - multi-author story inviting more people to join in (also called an add-on)
    song fic - a story based on the lyrics of a song

    If you have any other questions concerning the fan fiction boards in general, you can contact any of our lovely moderators:


    Jedi Trace


    Previous indexes:
    February New Stories Index
    January New Stories Index
    December New Stories Index
    November New Stories Index
    October New Stories Index
    September New Stories Index
    August New Stories Index
    July New Stories Index
    June New Stories Index
    May New Stories Index
    April New Stories Index
    March New Stories Index
    February New Stories Index
    January New Stories Index
  2. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    3 New Stories for March 1, 2009

    Title: Fragments of a life (vignettes)
    Author: Seremela

    Title: Eye Shoppers
    Author: ardavenport
    Timeframe: pre-Episode I, pre-TPM
    Genre: drama
    Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, OCs
    Keywords Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, women, age
    Summary: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan escape from a world with the help of some of its elders.
    Notes: Typo is my middle name, with missing words and errors that spell checkers don?t catch being my speciality ? if you see any, just post a reply or send a PM with the what and where and I will kill them with no mercy.
    Disclaimer: All characters belong to George and Lucasfilm; I?m just playing in their sandbox

    Title: Holding On
    Author: East_Coast_Ryder
    Timeframe: During KOTOR, pre-Leviathan
    Characters: DSF Revan, Carth
    Pairing: Barely-there Revan/Carth
    Genre: Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
    Summary: Carth is questioning his morals and feelings for a Revan who is not quite so pure...
    Author's notes: Wow. I honestly think this is a first. I have never seen a DSF/Carth fic before, so I figured I'd try my hand. Also something new for me: Writing from the male POV, albeit in the 3rd person. Although somehow near the end I think it switched to just 3rd person omniscient... wierd. I purposely avoided describing Revan or giving her a name. Anyways, enjoy. This may or may not be a one-shot. We'll see :p
  3. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    No New Stories for March 2, 2009
  4. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    1 New Story for March 3, 2009

    Title: A Blue Island In The Black Sea
    Author: leiamoody
    Timeframe: 480 BBY
    Characters: OC?s [Aduman Nical, Chevor Mikayzd]
    Genre: Drama
    Summary: Two Jedi go on a pilgrimage, and discover there is a life after life.
    Notes: This is a reposted and revised version of an earlier story called "And The Wombfish Said...". After some tweaking, and giving into a foolhardy whim to continue this story at all, I've decided to repost it and make a valiant attempt to finish the blasted thing. Each post is written as a response to the First Sentence Challenge.
  5. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    No New Stories for March 4, 2009

    [b][color=limegreen]No New Stories for March 5, 2009[/color][/b]
    [b][color=limegreen]No New Stories for March 6, 2009[/color][/b]
  6. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    No New Stories for March 7, 2009

    [b][color=limegreen]1 New Story for March 8, 2009[/color][/b]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]All Anyone Can Do[/link]
    [b]Author[/b]: VaderLVR64
    [b]Characters[/b]: Sian Ny and Obi-Wan Kenobi
    [b]Summary[/b]: Obi-Wan is finding it difficult to help Qui-Gon deal with the loss of someone he loved.
  7. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    No New Stories for March 9, 2009
  8. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    1 New Story for March 10, 2009

    Title: On the Edge of Silence
    Author: mujapple-juicey
    Topic: statements from the viewpoint of people who live in a society lacking general appreciation
    Disclaimer: OC, but Lucas and Watson's characters may be mentioned
    Notes: this is not exactly spell-binding events, its confessions from a different point of view.

    [b][color=limegreen]No New Stories for March 11, 2009[/color][/b]
    [b][color=limegreen]No New Stories for March 12, 2009[/color][/b]
    [b][color=limegreen]1 New Story for March 13, 2009[/color][/b]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Attachments[/link]
    [b]Author[/b]: Earlybird-obi-wan
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: JA
    [b]Characters[/b]: Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon
    [b]Genre[/b]: mush, comfort, challenge
    [b]Summary[/b]: Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon have a R and R trip and a meeting with a spider.
    [b]Disclaimer[/b]: Star Wars is owned by G.L.
    [b][color=limegreen]No New Stories for March 14, 2009[/color][/b]
  9. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    No New Stories for March 15, 2009

    [b][color=limegreen]No New Stories for March 16, 2009[/color][/b]
  10. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    No New Stories for March 17, 2009

  11. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    No New Stories for March 18, 2009

    [b][color=limegreen]No New Stories for March 19, 2009[/color][/b]
    [b][color=limegreen]No New Stories for March 20, 2009[/color][/b]
    [b][color=limegreen]4 New Stories for March 21, 2009[/color][/b]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Bad Dreams[/link]
    [b]Author[/b]: JediNemesis
    [b]Genre[/b]: Horror, thriller, drama, mystery (potential)
    [b]Characters[/b]: OCs
    [b]Era[/b]: 7000+ years bTPM (part of the Ythnyn far-past miniverse)
    [b]Summary[/b]: 282 years after the founding of the Ythnyn Line by Ionnàs, the throne is held by the sixth Dark Lord of that line, Anedar Aedonnain. The empire is as strong as ever. Yet the cornerstone of that empire, the Dark Lord himself, is haunted by visions he can neither explain nor dispel - visions of angels . . .

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]May I Take Your Order?[/link]
    [b]Author[/b]: Obi-Gon_Skywalker
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: Qui-Gon is Dooku?s padawan
    [b]Genre[/b]: Humor, mush
    [b]Characters[/b]: Qui-Gon, Dooku
    [b]Summary[/b]: Written for the 2009 Dare Challenge.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Fitcher's Apprentice[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: SoA
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: Pre-KOTOR Era
    [b]Characters[/b]: Alek Squinquargesimus, Atris, Zayne Carrick, Mical, Mastar Vrook, Master Vandar, Master Vrook, Master Kavar, and the OCs Bryony Thuvell (the future Jedi Exile), Ak'ren Fitcher, Cresh (a droid remote)
    [b]Genre[/b]: Adventure
    [b]Keywords[/b]: Dantooine, Kidnapping, Dark Jedi, Droid
    [b]Summary[/b]: Jedi apprentices have been mysteriously disappearing from the Dantooine Jedi Enclave, and a couple of Padawans take it into their hands to get to the bottom of the situation.
    [b]Notes[/b]: This was for the 2009 Dare Challenge.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]The Hollow Muffin[/link]
    [b]Author[/b]: mujapple-juicey
    [b]Topic[/b]: a crazy guy who doesn't get the big picture about being a Sith before he randomly becomes one because he was entusiastic
    [b]Disclaimer[/b]: I have one OC and his family and friend, but all the other people are (as usual) Lucas or Watson
    [b]Notes[/b]: This is a journal of a very interesting person
    [b][color=limegreen]No New Stories for March 22, 2009[/color][/b]
    [b][color=limegreen]No New Stories for March 23, 2009[/color][/b]
    [b][color=limegreen]No New Stories for March 24, 2009[/color][/b]
  12. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    2 New Stories for March 25, 2009

    Title: Sorrow
    Author: CrystalSaber_1
    Genre: Songfic, angst
    Summary: Siri tries to deal with her troubled emotions. This sort of ties in with this other songfic I wrote, called All We Know
    Note: The song "Sorrow" belongs to Flyleaf

    Title: Those Left Behind
    Author: Inara
    Timeframe: Pre-TPM
    Genre: Drama
    Characters: Plo Koon, Bultar Swan
    Summary: It's hard to be left behind. But it's even harder to move on.
    Author Notes: This story is set a few weeks after the events of the Yinchorri Uprising (about a year before the Blockade of Naboo).
  13. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    No New Stories for March 26, 2009

    [b][color=limegreen]No New Stories for March 27, 2009[/color][/b]
    [b][color=limegreen]1 New Story for March 28, 2009[/color][/b]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]A Part Of Me Lost[/link]
    [b]Author[/b]: KotORBF2Female_Revan
    [b]Characters[/b]: Mezzo Binir (OC)
    [b]Genre[/b]: Vignette, (Some) Drama, (Some) Angst
    [b]Summary[/b]: A Jedi's expierence of the destruction of the Enclave on Dantooine
  14. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    No New Stories for March 29, 2009

    [b][color=limegreen]3 New Stories for March 30, 2009[/color][/b]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Bad Timing[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: moosemousse
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: before TPM
    [b]Characters[/b]: Jedi OCs
    [b]Genre[/b]: Humour, mush
    [b]Keywords[/b]: waffles, pancakes, humour, mush
    [b]Summary[/b]: Two young Jedi go on a mission, but things go badly when one of them is late. Pseudo sequel to [link=]Something Always Goes Wrong[/link] and [link=]The Waffle House[/link].
    Written for [link=]Monday Mush Mania[/link]. [face_love]
    [b]Trivia[/b]: Papa Panov is the name of a children's book, it's rather nice.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Hearth And Heart[/link]
    [b]Author[/b]: amidalachick
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: Several years before TPM
    [b]Genre[/b]: Mush
    [b]Summary[/b]: Two mothers on two completely different worlds have something in common...
    [b]Notes[/b]: Written for [link=]Monday Mush Mania's[/link] "No Dialogue" Challenge. Inspired by a passage in R.A. Salvatore's [i]Attack of the Clones[/i] novelization where Anakin and Padmé reminisce on a rhyme that their mothers shared with them in childhood. The title is taken from a line in that rhyme.
    [b]Disclaimer[/b]: George Lucas owns it all. I make no money off this, and am just playing.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Unsaid[/link]
    [b]Author[/b]: ardavenport
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: pre-Episode I, pre-TPM
    [b]Genre[/b]: drama, mush
    [b]Characters[/b]: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn
    [b]Keywords[/b]: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi code
    [b]Summary[/b]: Obi-Wan learns a few of the subtleties and hard contradictions about the Jedi Code and the Council.
    [b]Notes[/b]: Typo is my middle name, with missing words and errors that spell checkers do not catch being my speciality - if you see any, just post a reply or send a PM with the what and where and I will kill them with no mercy.
    [b]Disclaimer[/b]: All characters and the Star Wars universe belong to George and Lucasfilm; I am just playing in their sandbox.
    [b][color=limegreen]No New Stories for March 31, 2009[/color][/b]
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