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ST Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) in Episode VII

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Fly Guy, Nov 18, 2013.


How good will Mark Hamill's performance in episode 7 be?

  1. He's going to be great

    950 vote(s)
  2. He'll do OK

    145 vote(s)
  3. He's going to stink it up

    23 vote(s)
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  1. SaintKenobi1322

    SaintKenobi1322 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2013
    Despite the July, 1983 date of publishing, I have this nagging feeling that the uber-baddie Marquand is referring to is actually Palpatine. We'll see. It would be awesome if maybe he was referring to an early concept of Snoke.
  2. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004

    I thought Palps at first too, but Marquand specifically states that if you "project into the final trilogy" that you're "going to meet the supreme intellect". An odd comment to be made considering Jedi was out already and people had already met Palpatine and this definitely wasn't the final trilogy in the proposed 9 to 12 film cycle.
    T-R- and SaintKenobi1322 like this.
  3. nalkwan

    nalkwan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2014
    None of that actually hinges on Luke Skywalker. If you think it does, you may be in for a bigger disappointment than me.
    At best the movie shows us that finding Luke was to give them hope. But by the time Rey discovers the force, we all know who the hero is going to be.
    Luke will help her some, most likely, but there's no way everything hinges on Luke Skywalker. His story about that was the OT
    You can't seriously think, Luke is going to save the Galaxy again do you?

    Luke is the new Obiwan, he wasn't the alliance only hope, he helped Luke become that. Except we didn't see Obiwan (Luke) in this movie. Like Obiwan Luke may help a little but he isn't the hero.
    -LordSkywalker- likes this.
  4. SaintKenobi1322

    SaintKenobi1322 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2013
    Of course not. Rey, Finn and Poe are going to save the galaxy, but with help from Luke and Leia. We've already seen Han's contribution to the cause.

    I am not saying Luke is the focus of the ST. I am saying that even off-screen, his influence shadows TFA. I mean, finding him was the point of the whole movie until the Resistance found out about the Starkiller base, and then destroying it became the secondary plot. The main plot was finding Luke. I except we will find out why in more detail in Episode VIII.

    I expect that Luke will train Rey in Episode VIII and reveal important details of what happened with Kylo Ren, and possibly her own heritage if she is a Skywalker. Or pehaps it will Rey who does that, mirroring ESB?

    In any event, whether it is in Episode VIII or IX, I think we will see Luke in action.
    jaqen likes this.
  5. nalkwan

    nalkwan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2014
    But yours and others arguments are, the ending worked because Luke Skywalker is needed. But he isn't. Again maybe for a little help. But it makes the plot of TFA and the ending disingenuous.

    Maybe Rian is planning something big, and moving Rey's focus down a peg for the next movie, but I seriously don't see that happening.

    I do not think Luke will battle snoke or anything like that. Kylo is already been beaten by Rey, snoke is the baddie that she will give us that sense of uh oh about
    -LordSkywalker- likes this.
  6. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004
    I'm wondering if Luke will be less Obi Wan in the OT and more Yoda in the PT, or even Gandalf in LOTR.
  7. SaintKenobi1322

    SaintKenobi1322 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2013
    All I know is, the fact that Luke is missing is the first line of the crawl. The first sequence involves Leia sending her ace pilot on a mission to retrieve a map that could reveal his location.

    For the audience, Luke being found is a payoff unto itself. Perhaps we have yet to be told why Leia was so desperate to find him, other than her love for her brother, of course.
  8. nalkwan

    nalkwan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2014
    But that's why it's disingenuous

    It's because he's a Jedi, the comments throughout the movie are about we need balance and without Jedi there isn't. They don't know Rey is a Jedi, so they think they need Luke. By the end of the film, the only person who kind of needs Luke, is Rey.

    He will give her some pointers and she'll be off. I don't see them keeping Luke around doing nothing but training kids off screen.

    The issue of Luke upstaging the heroes has not went away.
  9. SaintKenobi1322

    SaintKenobi1322 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2013
    I am thinking Yoda in the PT. Luke is roughly the same age as Qui-Gon in the PT, right?
  10. SaintKenobi1322

    SaintKenobi1322 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2013
    Why? I really want to understand this.
  11. nalkwan

    nalkwan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2014
    Uhm, because the Galaxy doesn't need Luke.
    They have Rey now.
    So the whole thing about finding Luke matters not.

    And Luke is not gonna save everyone. But the whole plot implies he is. But he won't. So it's disingenuous to lead us to believe he will.
    ChildOfWinds and -LordSkywalker- like this.
  12. SaintKenobi1322

    SaintKenobi1322 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2013
    I disagree with you, because we have already met the new heroes. They established themselves in TFA. And really, I think most of Luke's time will be with Rey, not Finn or Poe.

    The fact remains, before Rey was in the picture, there was some reason Leia was moving heaven and earth to find her brother. Just because we don't know why yet doesn't make the ending disingenuous, IMO.
  13. nalkwan

    nalkwan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2014
    It is because they didn't pay it off in this movie, and it sets up expectations.
    There will be no pay off for it.
    Luke is there to help Rey. That's it.

    I may be wrong, but I seriously doubt it.
  14. SaintKenobi1322

    SaintKenobi1322 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2013
    That's your prediction, but will you admit that if Luke DOES play a major role in one or both of the next two films the search to find him will make sense, or will it still bother you that it wasn't spelled out in TFA?
  15. RDeckard

    RDeckard Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 28, 2015
    I'm generally against Luke dying or sacrificing himself in the ST. The fact is, that has all been done at least once. I want something different.
  16. RDeckard

    RDeckard Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 28, 2015
    Until Rey is trained, we need Luke. Luke didn't complete his training until the end of OT, so Luke might be sticking around for awhile training Rey.
  17. nalkwan

    nalkwan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2014
    IF he does, then the TFA ending will be redeemed for me. Ya. No one wants Luke to kick everyone's tail more than me.
    But I just see no way that is happening. They will not diminish the new female hero.
    Only way to do that is to split them up, but then if they do that, what's the point of having Luke there to train her?
  18. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004
    I have no idea how old Qui-Gon was suppose to be. All I know is that Mark Hamill is nearly 20 years older than Liam Neeson was when TPM dropped.
  19. SaintKenobi1322

    SaintKenobi1322 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2013
    Maybe Luke trains her and at some point they split and go off on different missions?

    While I am not in the 'Rey is too strong camp' yet, if they were to have Rey face off against Snoke with Luke bumming around twiddling his thumbs, that would be too much for me. I can't see that happening. I also can't see Luke fighting his nephew. That's why I think we are going to see Luke v. Snoke in Episode IX. Will Luke survive? I sure hope so, but it probably depends on what Snoke turns out to be. If he is just another baddie, probably not. If he is an ancient puppetmaster -- the kind of figure Marquand alluded to -- then maybe he sacrifices himself.

    But I hope not.
  20. SaintKenobi1322

    SaintKenobi1322 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 17, 2013
    Regardless of how old Mark Hamill is (64), Luke Skywalker is 53. 19 in ANH, +3 between Empire, +1 between ROTJ +30 between TFA.

    Neeson was 49 in 1999 (he'll be 64 this year)
  21. nalkwan

    nalkwan Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 23, 2014
    That's diminishing the hero. Rey is the hero, and being the first female hero on screen, they won't let her face the big baddie with Luke. She may however face him with Kylo.
    But they won't let Luke take on snoke. That is Rey's destiny as she is the hero.
    -LordSkywalker- likes this.
  22. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004

    I know how old Luke is suppose to be (or at least we assume, since most of the sources are now non-canon and technically most of the films don't tell us how much time has passed). Just no clue how old Qui-Gon is.

    Liam Neeseon was born in June of 1952. He was exactly 46 years old when TPM was released, and 45 during filming.
  23. jaqen

    jaqen Chosen One star 5

    Jul 22, 2004
    I think this debate is a bit too myopic.

    Luke can easily be given his moment in the sun without diminishing Rey's impact. Anakin's story wasn't lessened because Yoda got a kick ass moment. In the original Star Wars it was Obi Wan who got to wow with the lightsaber, not Luke.

    Perhaps VIII will show and empowered Luke, and IX the full rise of Rey. Or a mix of both, who knows. But a good writer can let us have our cake, and eat it too.
    T-R- likes this.
  24. Saga_Symphony

    Saga_Symphony Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 30, 2010
    I think a lot of people would be satisfied with Luke and Rey being like Tenzin and Korra. It's about the young heroine, but she still has her master there helping her and being active in the cause.

    Though, Luke is probably more comparable to Aang, who had the excuse of being dead. And was rarely used even as a ghost.
  25. -LordSkywalker-

    -LordSkywalker- Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 3, 2013
    Yeah that turd is called TFA. It is worse than the EU in my opinion and I agree that some was bad but nowhere near all was bad. But I do think it's funny you think the EU was so bad yet TFA rips off a lot of it.
    T-R- likes this.
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