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Before - Legends Miscellaneous (Dear Diary Challenge) ~~Announcement & advice needed ~~1/16

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Layren, Jan 2, 2007.

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  1. Layren

    Layren Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 28, 2003
    Title: Miscellaneous
    Author: Layren
    Summary: Kyran Josel's journal for the dear diary challenge.
    Timeframe: Kyran is 9 1/2
    Disclaimer: I do not own star wars or the Jedi. Lucas owns all. You don't want to sue me... move along..
    Author's Notes: This other bunny bit me to do Kyran's journal as sort of a cliff notes version to Days Like These. This picks up about mid-way through the first book when Kyran is almost ten. The actual events Kyran references here can be found Under this sock Kyran has not password protected his journal though he says he may later in the future.

    Entry 1

    We have to keep a datapad for a homework assignment. The Master said he wouldn?t be grading them, but he'd know if we didn't do our homework.

    How do they know that? Do they give those sorts of lessons when you become a Master?

    Initiate Lie Sensing 101?

    One has to wonder.

    I'm Kyran Josel. I'm nine and a half years old and a Jedi initiate in training.

    I suppose I ought to tell you a little bit about myself? Though that sounds kind of boring. You don't need to know what I look like, but I have no idea what else to write in this thing.

    I'm short, average build, blonde curly hair that looks like a girl's hair, and green eyes.

    There you go.

    That's me.

    What else to say in here?

    For those wondering about the title of this?

    Miscellaneous was one of our spelling words and I got it wrong on today's test, so now I'm writing it over and over in hopes that I'll remember it next time.

    Maybe I'll write more tomorrow.

    This assignment is dumb.
  2. oqidaun

    oqidaun Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2005
    I love your diarist's voice. Very realistic. :D
    Keep writing!

  3. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    I loved that last line! So typical! [face_laugh]


    Please PM me with updates?
  4. Lea-El

    Lea-El Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 13, 2005
    The assignment may be dumb but you diary is delightful. I look forward to more.
  5. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    Awww...Kyran is so cute!!

    [face_love] [face_love] [face_love] [face_love]

    Love his little "attitude".

    Looking forward to more

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  6. Layren

    Layren Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 28, 2003
    oqidaun I'm glad you like his voice ;) As well you should ;) He's the favorite of all my OC's. And I think he knows it :p Thanks for your comments!

    VaderLVR64 Well even if he is a Jedi in training I figure he's still a kid and kids aren't afraid to speak their minds :p If that's one thing I've learned observing them over the years. Ky'll be happy to Pm you when he updates this! :) Thanks for your comments!

    Lea-El The assignment may be dumb but your diary is delightful. I look forward to more.

    *Fixed, Kyran insisted I fix that ;) Thanks so much for your review! He's ecstatic that people are actually reading this... and a mite confused as to why he's so interesting to everyone ;) He appreciates it just the same ;)

    Kelia Ky says of course he's cute! It's him :D Glad you like him ;) He's helping me write replies :p Here's more for you!

    Entry 2

    Another day another entry.

    I'm not very exciting am I?

    Well neither is this assignment.

    I suppose I could talk some more about me but who wants to read about that?

    Hrm. What to say? Our entries have to take us at least ten minutes to write. Master Doofus who gave this assignment says he wants us to be thoughtful.

    I suppose I ought not call him Master Doofus, but his name sounds so similar it's hard not to laugh at him.

    Master Doo-Fu.

    What a name. Hahahahahahhaha!!!

    I guess I ought not laugh, but I can't help it! If I had a name like Doo-Fu you can bet I'd be changing it as soon as I was old enough.

    Wonder if he'll figure out that I laughed at his name in my entry.

    Nah, even he's not *that* smart. If he was, he wouldn't have the name Doo-Fu.

    I think this entry I'll talk to you about my best friends. That might take up ten minutes.

    My best friend and I share a bond, see. We're unlike any Jedi in the Temple.

    Sound full of myself?

    I'm not really, honest!

    Our bond is weird and it has never happened before. We think it was formed before we were even born. The master's are studying it because they don't understand it. I think that's fun. We baffled twelve of the Most High Jedi in the Order.

    Except for Master Yoda.

    I think he's the only one that sort of understands.

    My bondmates are part of myself. I don't know how else to explain it.

    What do they look like?

    My bondmate is Shane Callister. Shane is a Sora'sa, from the planet Saren Seven. When I was littler, I went to Saren with Master Rixar and Master Zephir because Master Yoda insisted I go with them.

    I thought it was all fun and games, and that I was going to save the galaxy.

    I wasn't.

    Saren was a really scary place.

    I never want to see it again.

    I got really hurt there.

    The children there keep each other protected by having gangs.

    Children left by themselves don?t survive on Saren Seven.

    My bondmate was part of a gang. His gang attacked the Masters and I because they thought we were stealing Me'telnen away. I got hurt in the fight and that's how we convinced Me'telnen to come home with us. He shed blood for me. It's part of their customs. It means he owns me and I'm his to protect now.

    His birth name is Me'telnen Lataine Kemra.

    I don't know my birth name. I wonder if my name is different than Kyran Josel

    Maybe I'll find out someday.

    Wow! I actually wrote twenty minutes this time, done for today!

    Now time to go do something more interesting.

  7. ardavenport

    ardavenport Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 16, 2004
    Hahaha! I like that he keeps bad-mouthing the 'boring' homework assignment form Master "Doofus". [face_laugh] Cute kid, means well and doesn't appreciate writing yet.
  8. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Wonderful! Lighthearted, but the stirrings of something deeper now.

    Wonder if he'll figure out that I laughed at his name in my entry.

    Nah, even he's not *that* smart. If he was, he wouldn't have the name Doo-Fu.

    [face_laugh] Loved it! =D=
  9. Lea-El

    Lea-El Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 13, 2005
    Master Doofus [face_shame_on_you] I would be a little concerned, If he can tell you write for ten minutes or not he might be able to tell he called him Doofus.:p

    Cute and delightful
  10. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    Master Doo-Fu

    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    Can't blame Kyran for not wanting to go through life with a name like that.

    Loved hearing about his bondmates - very interesting.

    Great update

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  11. KrystalBlaze

    KrystalBlaze Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 3, 2002
    [face_laugh] at Master Doo Fus indeed!

    Ah, Kyran, you little troublemaker. Love his thoughts about that first mission he snuck onto when they got Shane. He's particularly in character.

    great job, my friend! :D

  12. MsLanna

    MsLanna Jedi Master star 6

    Jul 8, 2005
    This is much fun to read.:D
    I like the little critter and his attitude. Just wondering what he'll tell his diary in the end.
  13. Layren

    Layren Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 28, 2003
    VaderLVR I'm afraid the lighthearted part won't last very long, once Ky realizes that writing in his journal isn't so bad ;) Thanks for commenting!

    Lea-El You just never know! He might indeed ;) Thanks for reviewing!

    Kelia Thanks! Glad you enjoyed them, though I had forgotten my own timeline and had to change it a bit :oops: I had forgotten till I went back and checked that Shane and Ky hadn't bonded with Qui-Gon until after Shane was apprenticed. Oh well :p I edited it and fixed it :) Thanks for your comments!

    KrystalBlaze He is a little trouble maker isn't he? Though Shane is more so :p Of course he's in character, he's an OC ;) Thanks for your review!

    MsLanna Glad you enjoyed it! I wonder too ;) Let's find out :D Thanks for commenting!

    Entry 3

    I actually have something to talk about today.

    Today all of the initiates sparred like we do everyday but this time was something different, cause it was an official event with a lot of Master's present.

    I was paired off with a boy a year older than me and twice my height and build, because I'm one of the top fighters in my class and he was left without a partner.

    I was partnered first with my bondmate but they changed it when Geth was left without a partner.

    To say that it didn't go as planned would be putting things mildly.

    He used two dirty tricks.

    I was ready for the first one, but not for the second.

    The first time he knocked my lightsaber from my hand, with his blade by striking my palm.

    I had seen him do that before to win a match, so I was ready for it.

    Instead of letting him end the match the way the other boy did when paired with Geth, I ran after my blade and snatched it up again before he could end the session.

    It surprised Geth enough to try another dirty trick. Towards the end of the match he grabbed my hair.

    I'll get him back for that. Because of that, I lost the match.

    Master Ke'dran Zephir came to talk to Shane after the matches to ask him to be his padawan learner, but Shane refused. He didn't want to leave me by myself in the crèche. Master Zephir said he would give Shane more time to consider.

    Master Drex Rixar talked to me for a little while but he didn't ask me anything. Though I think I impressed him by keeping up with Geth as long as I did.


    I hope so.

    Well it's been twenty minutes.

    How do I keep doing this?

    It's not very interesting, writing. But at least I had something to say today.
  14. Lea-El

    Lea-El Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 13, 2005
    Interesting sparring match.

    I look forward to Shane and Ky being chosen as padawans.

  15. mari4212

    mari4212 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 8, 2006
    Aww, how cute!

    I've got to laugh at Ky, because his voice is just so perfectly nine-year-old. It's wonderful.
  16. KrystalBlaze

    KrystalBlaze Jedi Master star 5

    Aug 3, 2002
    lol, little Kyran! And there goes Shane getting a Master - good for him!

    Nice depiction of the battle - typical young kids.

    Nice job on this thus far. :)

  17. VaderLVR64

    VaderLVR64 Manager Emeritus star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2004
    Oh yes, Ky is such a nine year old! :p

    Master Drex Rixar talked to me for a little while but he didn't ask me anything. Though I think I impressed him by keeping up with Geth as long as I did.


    I hope so.

    Well it's been twenty minutes.

    How do I keep doing this?

    It's not very interesting, writing. But at least I had something to say today.

    I love this kid. =D=
  18. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    How very sweet Shane didn't want to leave Kyran by himself in the crèche.

    [face_love] [face_love] [face_love]

    How typical Ky still complains even when he has something to say

    [face_laugh] [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    Very nice update

    =D= =D= =D= =D=

  19. ardavenport

    ardavenport Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 16, 2004
    Aaaaaah, more homework. Kyran should get a gold star.:) But this other kid pulling hair?? That's no good form for a Jedi.....but OTOH, sometimes Jedi should know a few dirty tricks to use out in the real world. Kyran might want to remember that one.
  20. Layren

    Layren Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 28, 2003
    Hey guys, I have a problem that I'm not sure how to solve. I posted this to follow the Days Like These series before I knew that we were going to end up scrapping that old series. The changes that we're making in the series will affect this story but I'm unsure if I should just keep posting them here, or start posting in a new thread? What do you guys think? I really am glad that so many of you are enjoying this!
  21. yodas_waiter

    yodas_waiter Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 31, 2006
    I knew Jedi training was too good to be true! There had to be some dull part ;)

    I like the way you described boredom and the attitude of the lil' Padawan. Don't we all recognise that? [face_mischief]
  22. Aiden_Sanic

    Aiden_Sanic Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 25, 2005
    Ha! I love this. Really I do. You can really feel the kid's view point and everything.

    This assignment is dumb.

    [face_laugh] [face_laugh]

    Please put me on your PM list, I love this!
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