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Monopoly - - - game has a winner

Discussion in 'Archive: Census and Games' started by RX_Sith, Jun 7, 2008.

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  1. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Turn Twenty-Five

    Jade_eyes: The dice are rolled. Eleven which makes Jade_eyes land on...

    Pacific Avenue which is already owned by Jade_eyes.

    Jade_eyes now has $1423 plus North Carolina Avenue, Pacific Avenue, Illinois Avenue, Indiana Avenue, New York Avenue, States Avenue and Vermont Avenue.

    FelsGoddess: The dice are rolled. [b]Nine[/b] which makes FelsGoddess land on...

    [b]Connecticut Avenue[/b] which is already owned by FelsGoddess.

    FelsGoddess now has $1227 plus Park Place, Marvin Gardens, Tennessee Avenue, Virginia Avenue, Connecticut Avenue, Short Line Railroad and Reading Railroad.


    padawanlissa: The dice are rolled. [b]Five[/b] which makes padawanlissa land on...

    [b]St. Charles Place[/b] which is owned by The_Loyal_Imperial. padawanlissa pays [b]$10[/b] in rent.

    padawanlissa now has $670 plus Boardwalk, Pennsylvania Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, Mediterranean Avenue, Pennsylvania Railroad and Water Works.


    The_Loyal_Imperial: The dice are rolled. [b]Double 5's[/b] which makes The_Loyal_Imperial land on...

    [b]Free Parking![/b]

    The dice are rolled a second time. [b]Four[/b] which makes The_Loyal_Imperial land on...

    [b]Illinois Avenue[/b] which is owned by Jade_eyes. The_Loyal_Imperial pays [b]$20[/b] in rent.

    The_Loyal_Imperial now has $1643 plus Atlantic Avenue, Kentucky Avenue, St. James Place, St. Charles Place, Oriental Avenue, Baltic Avenue and a Get Out of Jail Free Card.


    Wedge41388: The dice are rolled. [b]Six[/b] which makes Wedge41388 land on...

    [b]Indiana Avenue[/b] which is owned by Jade_eyes. Wedge41388 pays [b]$18[/b] in rent.

    Wedge41388 now has $2051 plus Electric Company.


    Gunny: The dice are rolled. [b]Eight[/b] which makes Gunny land on...

    [b]Virginia Avenue[/b] which is owned by FelsGoddess. Gunny pays [b]$12[/b] in rent.

    Gunny now has $1921.


    [b]End of Turn Twenty-Five[/b]


    [b]Properties Remaining[/b]

    B&O Railroad


    Again Jade_eyes collects the most rent that turn. Otherwise, more Monopoly excitement to be continued.
  2. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Turn Twenty-Six

    Jade_eyes: The dice are rolled. Seven which makes Jade_eyes land on...

    Luxury Tax! Pay $75!

    Jade_eyes now has $1386 plus North Carolina Avenue, Pacific Avenue, Illinois Avenue, Indiana Avenue, New York Avenue, States Avenue and Vermont Avenue.

    FelsGoddess: The dice are rolled. [b]Nine[/b] which makes FelsGoddess land on...

    [b]Tennessee Avenue[/b] which is already owned by FelsGoddess.

    FelsGoddess now has $1239 plus Park Place, Marvin Gardens, Tennessee Avenue, Virginia Avenue, Connecticut Avenue, Short Line Railroad and Reading Railroad.


    padawanlissa: The dice are rolled. [b]Double 6's[/b] which makes padawanlissa land on...

    [b]Indiana Avenue[/b] which is owned by Jade_eyes. padawanlissa pays [b]$18[/b] in rent.

    The dice are rolled a second time. [b]Double 6's[/b] which makes padawanlissa land on...

    [b]Short Line Railroad[/b] which is owned by FelsGoddess. padawanlissa pays [b]$50[/b] in rent.

    The dice are rolled a third time. [b]Six[/b] which makes padawanlissa [b]Collect $200 As You Pass Go[/b] and land on...

    [b]Mediterranean Avenue[/b] which is already owned by padawanlissa.

    padawanlissa now has $802 plus Boardwalk, Pennsylvania Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, Mediterranean Avenue, Pennsylvania Railroad and Water Works.


    The_Loyal_Imperial: The dice are rolled. [b]Eleven[/b] which makes The_Loyal_Imperial land on...

    [b]Short Line Railroad[/b] which is owned by FelsGoddess. The_Loyal_Imperial pays [b]$50[/b] in rent.

    The_Loyal_Imperial now has $1593 plus Atlantic Avenue, Kentucky Avenue, St. James Place, St. Charles Place, Oriental Avenue, Baltic Avenue and a Get Out of Jail Free Card.


    Wedge41388: The dice are rolled. [b]Seven[/b] which makes Wedge41388 land on...

    [b]Go To Jail![/b] Wedge41388 is now [b]In Jail![/b]

    Wedge41388 now has $2051 plus Electric Company.


    Gunny: The dice are rolled. [b]Double 4's[/b] which makes Gunny land on Chance revealing this card...

    [b]Take a Ride on the Boardwalk! Advance Token to Boardwalk![/b] so Gunny lands on...

    [b]Boardwalk[/b] which is owned by padawanlissa. Gunny pays [b]$50[/b] in rent.

    The dice are rolled for a second time. [b]Four[/b] which makes Gunny [b]Collect $200 As You Pass Go[/b] and land on...

    [b]Baltic Avenue[/b] which is owned by The_Loyal_Imperial. Gunny pays [b]$4[/b] in rent.

    Gunny now has $2067.


    [b]End of Turn Twenty-Six[/b]


    [b]Properties Remaining[/b]

    B&O Railroad


    Lots of rent was paid that round with FelsGoddess receiving the most this turn. Otherwise, more Monopoly excitement to be continued.
  3. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Turn Twenty-Seven

    Jade_eyes: The dice are rolled. Double 2's which makes Jade_eyes Collect $200 As You Pass Go and land on Community Chest revealing this card...

    You Inherit $100!

    The dice are rolled a second time. Nine which makes Jade_eyes land on...

    St. Charles Place which is owned by The_Loyal_Imperial. Jade_eyes pays $10 in rent.

    Jade_eyes now has $1694 plus North Carolina Avenue, Pacific Avenue, Illinois Avenue, Indiana Avenue, New York Avenue, States Avenue and Vermont Avenue.

    FelsGoddess: The dice are rolled. [b]Five[/b] which makes FelsGoddess land on...

    [b]Indiana Avenue[/b] which is owned by Jade_eyes. FelsGoddess pays [b]$18[/b] in rent.

    FelsGoddess now has $1321 plus Park Place, Marvin Gardens, Tennessee Avenue, Virginia Avenue, Connecticut Avenue, Short Line Railroad and Reading Railroad.


    padawanlissa: The dice are rolled. [b]Eight[/b] which makes padawanlissa land on...

    [b]Connecticut Avenue[/b] which is owned by FelsGoddess. padawanlissa pays [b]$8[/b] in rent.

    padawanlissa now has $844 plus Boardwalk, Pennsylvania Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, Mediterranean Avenue, Pennsylvania Railroad and Water Works.


    The_Loyal_Imperial: The dice are rolled. [b]Eight[/b] which makes The_Loyal_Imperial [b]Collect $200 As You Pass Go[/b] and land on...

    [b]Baltic Avenue[/b] which is already owned by The_Loyal_Imperial.

    The_Loyal_Imperial now has $1807 plus Atlantic Avenue, Kentucky Avenue, St. James Place, St. Charles Place, Oriental Avenue, Baltic Avenue and a Get Out of Jail Free Card.


    Wedge41388: Pays [b]$50[/b] to get [b]Out of Jail[/b] and rolls a [b]Three[/b] which makes Wedge41388 land on...

    [b]States Avenue[/b] which is owned by Jade_eyes. Wedge41388 pays [b]$10[/b] in rent.

    Wedge41388 now has $1991 plus Electric Company.


    Gunny: The dice are rolled. [b]Four[/b] which makes Gunny land on Chance revealing this card...

    [b]Advance Token to nearest Railroad. If owned, pay owner twice the amount of rent owned[/b].

    Gunny advances to...

    [b]Pennsylvania Railroad[/b] which is owned by padawanlissa. Gunny pays [b]$50[/b] in rent.

    Gunny now has $2017.


    [b]End of Turn Twenty-Seven[/b]


    [b]Properties Remaining[/b]

    B&O Railroad


    Lots of rent is paid that turn. Otherwise, more Monopoly excitement to be continued.
  4. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    Wow, close game!! And no one is landing on that last property 8-}
  5. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Turn Twenty-Eight

    Jade_eyes: The dice are rolled. Four which makes Jade_eyes land on...

    Pennsylvania Railroad which is owned by padawanlissa. Jade_eyes pays $25 in rent.

    Jade_eyes now has $1697 plus North Carolina Avenue, Pacific Avenue, Illinois Avenue, Indiana Avenue, New York Avenue, States Avenue and Vermont Avenue.

    FelsGoddess: The dice are rolled. [b]Double 1's[/b] which makes FelsGoddess land on...

    [b]B&O Railroad[/b] which FelsGoddess buys for [b]$200[/b].

    The dice are rolled a second time. [b]Four[/b] which makes FelsGoddess land on...

    [b]Marvin Gardens[/b] which is already owned by FelsGoddess.

    FelsGoddess now has $1129 plus Park Place, Marvin Gardens, Tennessee Avenue, Virginia Avenue, Connecticut Avenue, Short Line Railroad, B&O Railroad and Reading Railroad.


    padawanlissa: The dice are rolled. [b]Nine[/b] which makes padawanlissa land on...

    [b]Tennessee Avenue[/b] which is owned by FelsGoddess. padawanlissa pays [b]$14[/b] in rent.

    padawanlissa now has $905 plus Boardwalk, Pennsylvania Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, Mediterranean Avenue, Pennsylvania Railroad and Water Works.


    The_Loyal_Imperial: The dice are rolled. [b]Nine[/b] which makes The_Loyal_Imperial land on...

    [b]Electric Company[/b] which is owned by Wedge41388. The_Loyal_Imperial pays [b]$36[/b] in rent.

    The_Loyal_Imperial now has $1771 plus Atlantic Avenue, Kentucky Avenue, St. James Place, St. Charles Place, Oriental Avenue, Baltic Avenue and a Get Out of Jail Free Card.


    Wedge41388: The dice are rolled. [b]Seven[/b] which makes Wedge41388 land on...

    [b]Free Parking[/b].

    Wedge41388 now has $2027 plus Electric Company.


    Gunny: The dice are rolled. [b]Seven[/b] which makes Gunny land on Chance revealing this card...

    [b]Pay Poor Tax of $15![/b]

    Gunny now has $2002.


    [b]End of Turn Twenty-Eight[/b]


    [b]Properties Remaining[/b]



    Well, that's the game. All of the properties have been landed on and purchased; now we will see who is the winner.
  6. RX_Sith

    RX_Sith Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 13, 2006
    Final Results:

    Jade_eyes: $1697 plus North Carolina Avenue, Pacific Avenue, Illinois Avenue, Indiana Avenue, New York Avenue, States Avenue and Vermont Avenue for a total of $3197.

    FelsGoddess: $1129 plus Park Place, Marvin Gardens, Tennessee Avenue, Virginia Avenue, Connecticut Avenue, Short Line Railroad, B&O Railroad and Reading Railroad for a total of [b]$2833[/b].


    padawanlissa: $905 plus Boardwalk, Pennsylvania Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, Mediterranean Avenue, Pennsylvania Railroad and Water Works for a total of [b]$2295[/b].


    The_Loyal_Imperial: $1771 plus Atlantic Avenue, Kentucky Avenue, St. James Place, St. Charles Place, Oriental Avenue, Baltic Avenue and a Get Out of Jail Free Card for a total of [b]$2731[/b].


    Wedge41388: $2027 plus Electric Company for a total of [b]$2177[/b].


    Gunny: [b]$2002[/b].


    [b]Final Results:[/b]

    [b]First Place:[/b] Jade_eyes with a total of [b]$3197[/b].

    [b]Second Place:[/b] FelsGoddess with a total of [b]$2833[/b].

    [b]Third Place:[/b] The_Loyal_Imperial with a total of [b]$2731[/b].

    [b]Fourth Place:[/b] padawanlissa with a total of [b]$2295[/b].

    [b]Fifth Place:[/b] Wedge41388 with a total of [b]$2177[/b].

    [b]Sixth Place:[/b] Gunny with a total of [b]$2002[/b].


    Congratulations to Jade_eyes for winning this game of [b]Monopoly![/b] [face_applause]
  7. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    I got slaughtered. [face_plain]

    =D= to the winner.
  8. The Loyal Imperial

    The Loyal Imperial Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 19, 2007
  9. FelsGoddess

    FelsGoddess Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 5, 2004
    Congratulations, Jade_eyes! =D=
  10. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
  11. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    Congrats!! [:D]
  12. wedge41388

    wedge41388 Jedi Padawan star 3

    Apr 15, 2010
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