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Before - Legends Musings of a Jedi Wanderer - Diary Challenge 2008 of the Old Republic

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by SabyneAmberle, Jan 31, 2008.

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  1. SabyneAmberle

    SabyneAmberle Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 16, 2004
    Title: Musings of a Jedi Wanderer
    Author: SabyneAmberle
    Characters: The KotOR cast, Sabyne Amberle
    Genre: Drama, Action, Romance, et al
    Summary: A somewhat different take on the events in the game, as presented from the POV of Sabyne Amberle, a KotOR OC.
    Notes: Written for the Dear Diary Challenge 2008

    If anyone is interested in being added to a PM list when I make updates to this journal, feel free to let me know, and I'll compile a list.

    PM List

    Entry 1 - Taris

    I never thought I would ever turn to a journal.

    All through my childhood, my training with the Jedi, and now as an adult, I had never had any use for a journal. It seemed like such a pointless waste of time, recording my thoughts on things around me. However, in the light of?recent events, maybe a copy of those thoughts and opinions is a good thing. After all, it could come in handy someday.

    First, an introduction is in order, I suppose. Mother always raised me to be somewhat proper, and while I?m nowhere near as formal as Tierslae, I still like to think I have somewhat of a polite air to me. I am Sabyne Tivarra Ordo Amberle, though nearly everyone I know simply calls me ?Sabyne?. I am the youngest daughter and second child of Zemil Amberle and Princess Kortien Ordo.

    At the time I have begun writing this, I am twenty-four years old, and have been a Jedi knight for approximately two years. Prior to that, I was the apprentice to Master Darcia Rohn of Corellia.

    Now that introductions are out of the way, I guess I can report on my current surroundings. I am currently on the planet Taris, one of only a handful of survivors of the Republic cruiser Endar Spire. We were involved in a Sith ambush over the planet, and the few of us who managed to escape were lucky to do so with our lives. In all my years of training, I have never seen anyone fight with the brutality the Sith do. There were several dozen other Jedi onboard the ship when it was attacked ?not counting Bastila, as she was the one in charge of this mission- and I have yet to hear any news of any surviving Jedi being found on the planet?s surface.

    I fear the worst for them.

    When my escape pod landed, I looked for a place to hide, only to be waved into this abandoned apartment building by a surviving Republic soldier. I managed to sneak in without being spotted, and I?ve been here since. In addition to the two of us, there is a third survivor, one who apparently was in bad shape when their pod crashed. I?ve done my best to heal his wounds, now all he needs is rest. I think we all do, in fact.

    I feel so tired. All the stress of running and fighting has practically sapped my strength. But it?s my turn to keep watch, so I?ll force myself to remain awake until I am relieved. Since we?re all working together, taking the first watch is the least I can do. At least we?re high enough above the streets that I can spot any potential trouble long before it knocks on our door.

    Taris. Father had a number of stories about this planet, how it had once boasted a glorious planetwide city that rivaled Coruscant itself. But that all changed when new hyperspace routes were discovered and Taris was no longer a critical stop for traders. Now, its beauty and glory have faded, though the arrogance of its citizens remains sadly in place. It makes me sad to hear about the prejudice non-humans face on this planet; after all, many of my best friends on Dantooine weren?t human. It doesn?t make them any less than me, just different.

    Frell, that hurt! My head feels so heavy that I just jerked it back hard enough to smack it on the wall I?m leaning against! It?s giving me one hell of a headache, and I might have just woken up half the building with that noise, but at least I won?t fall asleep where I?m sitting.

    Not that it matters, as it so turns out. I?m now being relie
  2. Commander-DWH

    Commander-DWH Manager Emeritus star 4

    Nov 3, 2003
    Sabyne! You're back! :D I'm excited to read your OC's story. I've picked up bits and parts of it over the years, but it'll be really great to see it unfold right from the beginning. Also, it's great to see you back here and writing again. I'm in for this particular ride, which means you should throw rocks (or PMs, whichever works better for you) at me whenever you update. :)
  3. SabyneAmberle

    SabyneAmberle Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 16, 2004
    Yes, I am coming back! I'm making my way back slowly, since things have been nuts as of lately on my end. But I wanted to get this rolling, then get back in with finishing some of my other pieces up here. All in all, it's good to be back about. :)
  4. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    Ooohhh very nice beginning.

    If I weren't familiar with KOTOR, I'd say it couldn't be that bad being stuck on Taris (or anywhere for that matter) with a scruffy looking soldier :p

    Please add me to your PM list.

    Looking forward to more

    =D= =D= =D= =D=

  5. Meredith_Kenobi

    Meredith_Kenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 20, 2005
    Wonderful! Your imagery is fantastic: you painted the scene here very well. =D= =D= =D=

    PM list, please!
  6. SabyneAmberle

    SabyneAmberle Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 16, 2004
    Entry 2 - Taris

    I must have been more tired than I thought.

    Not only did I sleep for 12 hours straight, I called the unconscious Republic soldier we?re stuck with a ?he?. You?re slipping, Sabyne. You really are.

    The scruffy-looking soldier? I recognize him perfectly with daylight on his face and a clear head. How could I forget Carth Onasi? If I ever did, both he and Father would hardly be pleased with me. He and Father have been good friends since their days together in the Fleet, all those years ago, before Father?s retirement from the military. Father used to tell me that Onasi was the closest thing to a brother he?d ever had; could that be why I?ve thought of him like an uncle all those times he visited us on Leria?

    Now, in regards to the other soldier?I think she and I are going to get along great. Her name is Melika Shram; and before being hired by the Republic, she was a scout hailing from Deralia. Now that piqued my curiosity, as I?d only heard passing comments on Deralia by Master Darcia. I was so intrigued that I must have just spent thirty minutes asking Melika about her homeworld. Maybe, when this whole ordeal is over, I can go back with her and visit her homeworld. It would be a nice change of pace from always going home to Leria.

    There?s been no sign of Bastila since our crash-landing. Melika chimed in with the question I?m sure all three of us have: What if she?s dead?

    None of us really want to think about it, yet we know it?s a real possibility. The Sith attack on the Endar Spire showed us that the unexpected can happen in a flash. Yet I get the faint feeling she?s alive somewhere on this planet. I can?t tell much more than that, but she survived somehow, just as we did.

    So the three of us discussed it, and we agreed to poke around Taris? Upper City and see what we can find out. Who knows, maybe we?ll find her while she?s still in one piece. Carth?s concerns about the Sith are well-founded; let?s hope we don?t arouse too many suspicions while we?re here.

    And while I?m thinking on it, while I do admire and like Melika, there?s something about her?
  7. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    let?s hope we don?t arouse too many suspicions while we?re here

    That's always easier said than done :p

    I'm glad to see everyone has agreed to "poke around" a bit.

    Great update

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  8. Meredith_Kenobi

    Meredith_Kenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 20, 2005
    And while I?m thinking on it, while I do admire and like Melika, there?s something about her?

    That sounds awfully ominous! [face_worried]

    Great update! =D=
  9. Commander-DWH

    Commander-DWH Manager Emeritus star 4

    Nov 3, 2003
    I must have been more tired than I thought.

    Not only did I sleep for 12 hours straight, I called the unconscious Republic soldier weâ??re stuck with a â??heâ??. Youâ??re slipping, Sabyne. You really are.

    I see Sabyne continues in the great KOTOR tradition of genderswapping for other characters. I love the dialogue option in KOTOR 2: "I don't know what kind of rock you've been living under, but Revan was a man!" :p

    Excellent update! :D
  10. SabyneAmberle

    SabyneAmberle Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 16, 2004
    Sorry I didn't update before now. Life's kept me busy as all get-out, and I didn't get a chance to write a new entry before now. Here we go!


    Entry 3 - Taris

    Sorry I?ve been quiet over these past several days, there really hasn?t been much news to report.

    I?m currently sitting in our hideout keeping guard; Melika and Carth picked up a possible lead on Bastila and went to investigate it. They didn?t really say much to me before they left, something about meeting with a swoop gang leader in the Lower City. All I can say is I hope it isn?t Brejik, the leader of the Black Vulkars. I?ve heard enough gossip around the cantina here in the Upper City to suspect he wouldn?t be someone a person could trust.

    Melika?s been busy with other things as well. We?ve fought off a number of bounty hunters who were harassing citizens, met several friendly inhabitants of the Upper City (and one unfriendly one, whom I wish I could pin against a wall with the tip of my lightsaber!), and done some snooping around. Melika?s been in the Dueling Ring, too. She fights as ?The Mysterious Stranger?, and while the name sounds hokey to me, she?s a damn good fighter. Hard to believe she was a scout prior to the disaster that was the mission aboard the Endar Spire. Right now, Ajur the Hutt is arranging a deathmatch between her and the infamous Bendak Starkiller. From what I?ve heard, deathmatches have been outlawed for years, but with the right connections, one can hold one regardless of the law.

    You know, I?m torn on this whole thing with finding Bastila. I know how powerful she is, how important she is to the whole war effort, yet a part of me wants to simply leave her here to fend for herself. Cruel? Maybe so, but I?ve never really been fond of Bastila. She seemed?rather smug about the gift she had been blessed with, and I know of more than one Apprentice who longed to take that superiority complex of hers down a peg or two.

    It was ironic, meeting Bastila again up there after so many years. When we were both still Apprentices, our respective Masters arranged for us to spar against one another one day. She walked into the training room with that smugly prissy expression on her face, expecting to best me easily. Well I wasn?t having any of that! We must have fought for a good half hour before our Masters called an end to the spar; in the meantime I had torn up her precious robes and she had nicked me near my left temple with the tip of her blade. I still have the scar too, though it?s largely faded since then. After that, we were never paired again, but we kept our distance from one another.

    Before we first ventured out of our hideout in this abandoned apartment building, Carth mentioned that his homeworld was the first to fall to Malak?s fleet. I felt a sick knot churn in my stomach when he said that. How could that be? I traveled to that planet numerous times with Master Darcia, how could it have been captured? He didn?t say more than that, and it was obvious he didn?t want to talk about it, especially not with Melika. Poor thing keeps trying to get him to open up, and he keeps himself locked up tighter than a Plasteel Cylinder in a smuggler?s freighter. I get a good feeling from her, though, so maybe that tough, locked-down exterior of his will crack soon enough.

    It would be incredible if she could get past it, for all he ever does is complain. I?ve threatened him numerous times to cut the complaining or I?ll smack him in the forehead with his pistol, but somehow it doesn?t seem to sink in for very long. I honestly don?t know what?s worse, putting up with the prejudice and ignorance of the populace of Taris? Upper City, or dealing with his complaining about this or that during our search.

    Maybe when we find Bastila, she?ll let me lock him in a storage locker somewhere?a girl can hope, can?t she?
  11. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    I'm not surprised she is not all that enthusiastic about finding Bastila considering their history together.

    It'll be interesting to see their reunion.

    Great update

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  12. Meredith_Kenobi

    Meredith_Kenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 20, 2005
    They sparred for a whole half hour?! My gosh....That must've been one heck of a fight. At the end they were probably so exhausted, they were just poking at each other weakly with their lightsabers. :p

    =D= Nice update!
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