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Star Wars Limited Run CLOSED Mysteries of Mustafar

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by Kato Sai, Oct 9, 2022.

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  1. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    Mysteries of Mustafar
    Alric Qel Droma & Tia

    The smoke of the fire mountains bellowed like mighty brazers. The Force whirled around the surfscr of the black volcanic rock and strctute forged long ago by molten hands. Standing at the jet black rock temple with its jaggid towers was a circle with rings of yellow and orange. Standing on the circles were figures in black robes, their hands armed with Light Pikes and Lightsabers whose blades burned red like heat of a furnace. Walking down the black steps was one clade in armor, a crown of iron black that formed into spikes.

    The Black Figures began to chant,
    Tegu Tave Auksta Buti Un Svistuis! Let the Circle Be Unbroken!

    The Crowned One lifted in his gauntlet of twisted metal a small red pyramid that glowed like the light of their red blades.

    The Black Guard chanted once more,
    Daboti Tave Uzdar! Protect
    the Secret!

    The Black Crown took the holocron and to the 13 Black Guards, and tossed it. It flew in air and suspended above the circe of flame, and then a great orange light eclipsed the Circle. When it lifted all stood with weapon shouldered. The Black Crown raised his hand and said,

    Daboti Tave Malotre'! Protect The Sacred!

    With that The Thirteen spread out like peddled of a flower and began to march apart to the corners of the Molten Planet.


    To join submit a character sheet via PM to @Kato Sai

    Character Sheet Template:

    Eye Color:
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    Distinguishing Marks: Examples are tattoos, scars, missing limbs, and etc.

    Original EUC GoL, EUC Gray Jedi, EUC New Sith Empire, and EUC Shado Varimir Characters may join without submitting a character sheet.

    IC: Alric Qel Droma


    Alric Qel Droma’s starfighter came out of hyperspace above the great firery planet whocj swirled in reds, yellows, oranges and blacks. His ship descended through black clouds and landed at a pad near a refinery. The Grey Jedi opened his cockpit window which ascended slowly and stepped out on to the metallic walkway. He touched the ship with his right hand which made a grinding noise as it clamped on it. Getting use to the new limb was an adjustment. He slide his black glove with leathered lines that raised up and pointed to his forearm.

    The Grey Jedi checked his belt, his spiked mace hilt lightsaber dangling, and some pouches of rations. The heat was like a furnace, his brow already sweaty and his black robes wet.

    The mission was clear. Caretaker Polmath had sanctioned the mission and given him orders to retrieve a holocron of great importance. This was Alric first offical mission on behalf of the Grey Jedi Order, and he planned to prove himself worthy of his namesake.

    Alric began marching towards the refinery doors, perhaps inside he could find a map or something to direct him. The Force would guide him.

    TAG: @Dandelo
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2022
  2. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    IC: Tia Vainglorious/Darth Virulenta

    Approaching Mustafar

    Tia's ship The Battle Hydra so named after the legendary creature moved swiftly toward the looming red sphere ahead of her, the ships droid, a modified IG-88 and black in colour spoke to his mistress "approaching Mustafar at 53.7632° N, 2.7031° W Lady Virulenta" Tia hit a switch on the console, and another on the dashboard above her head but did not respond. The ship cruised through the thick grey and black smoke until she sees her a safe place to land.

    Tia turned to it "stay on this ship" she lifts the hood of her robe over her head and stands. The droid turns its head to her as she walks to the door, she hits a switch and it slides open and as it does so, a ramp extends. The Sith lady was around twenty years old and had deep green eyes and pale skin. She scanned her surroundings
    "I sense a familiar presence..." she whispered low to herself. "the warrior..."

    @Kato Sai
    Tay Neir, greyjedi125 and Kato Sai like this.
  3. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    IC: Alric Qel Droma
    The Map

    The Grey Jedi reached the door which slid open in a swooshing motion. Inside was a room, a oval table in middle with holographic images and on the far wall a screen.

    Alric walked over to oval table and touched the screen with his black leather fingers. He began to pull up schematics, most of which weren’t useful. At last scrolling through the blue holo-maps he came to an overview, which showed more refineries, and strange rock formation that looked like a temple.

    “That is a good place to start.”

    As he removed his hand, and the zoomed coordinates passed out of focus, a blade of red swung over his head and cut down into the console, sending sparks into the air. Alric ignited his peridot green blade and parried another flurry of cuts, the Black Figure was moving at a incredible speed. Aleric was knocked against the wall long console and screen, the Dark Warrior thrusted his blade, and tore into the screen, creating a hole of molten orange from which fissures and cracks traveled across the blackened glass.

    The Grey Jedi comtinued to block, and return some cuts of his own. Pointing his free left hand, he summoned The Force into his open palm and fingers, pressing the energy field forward he thrrew The Black Guard into air and on to the oval table. Aleric then leapt with both hands grasping the hilt of his saber and cut downward, the Black Guard rolled off as the green blade cut into the digital table, and began to flee put the door, which Aleric closed with a wave of his hand. He took his saber and pointed it at the Dark Warrior.

    “Nowhere to run..”

    The Black Guard tilted its helmed head and hood and began running towards a glass overview of lava flows and piping going down to river of flame. The Shadow Warrior leapt put of it, the goass shattering into shards, and disappearing over the edge. Aleric followed and saw nothing, but duct work and the magma below.

    The Brown Haired Jedi deactivated his saber, but kept the hilt in hand as he opened the door, he peered around the side of the door and stepped back out on to walkway. He then looked to mountains, trying to make out what he saw on the map.

    TAG: @Dandelo
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2022
    Tay Neir, Dandelo and greyjedi125 like this.
  4. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    IC: TIA

    Tia strolled forward towards the caverns, squinting from the smog and ash. Her holo-projector beeped and she took it from her cloak, pushing the red button a minature hologram formed of a cloaked figure "I trust you have arrived without being followed"

    Tia bowed her head "I have"

    "good. The true Sith empire would be most upset if the trinket is lost, destroyed or even worse found it's way into the hands of our enemies..."

    "I will not fail" Tia replied with a hint of annoyance. And the hologram vanished.

    The holocron was rumoured to hold many secrets, and one thing Tia craved above all else was knowledge few else had. She also suspected Mater Bernael would find such a holocron interesting, and had wondered why he had not sent his old apprentice, the mutant from another galaxy to find it. No matter, soon it will be in her possession. She half wondered whether she should have mentioned the disturbance she had felt. Someone else knew about it, even morse someone else was searching for it, and it was possibly calling them to it too. No matter, she would face her foe soon enough.

    TAG: @Kato Sai
    Menttioned: @darthbernael
  5. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    IC: Aleric Qel Droma
    Calm in Chaos

    The Grey Novice got his barrings, and made for a clifftop of jaggid black rock. He climbed it, his animatronic hand digging into the volcanic rock like a drill, which saved him as he slipper and dangled above a chasm with sulfur clouds rising. There above the void, he hung, his eyes closed, and he heard the voice of his Forefather, “A Jedi’s strength lies not in the struggle, but the calm.. find the calm even in a moment of chaos, and you will prevail.”

    Aleric began to scale anew, his eyes closed, The Force guiding each footing and placing of his hand till he was now atop of the cliff. There he stood at the great elevation and saw miles of black rock broken by streams of orange flame. He took a breath, his lungs heaving due to the fumes, the lack of oxygen made his mind want to panic, but he remembered the words of his Ancestor, “Calm. and you will prevail” He slowed his breathing after a cough, and carried on to an area that became a valley with jagged walls like a canyon.

    TAG: @Dandelo
    Tay Neir, greyjedi125 and Dandelo like this.
  6. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    Tia saw something moving in the distance and smiled thinly "there he is..." she moved swiftly. Following him she moved up the cliff-edge and saw him move within the Valley.

    "so...we meet again, Warrior that is neither dark nor of the light"

    Tag @Kato Sai
    Tay Neir, greyjedi125 and Kato Sai like this.
  7. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    IC: Aleric Qel Droma

    The Young Grey Jedi had only made it to first row of tooth like rock formations that closed in around and rose into walls when he heard a familiar voice. He turned around, his brown bangs swaying in the motion and his hazel brown eyes fixed on the Dark Maiden.

    “Indeed. I forgot to thank you for this gift during our last meeting.”

    Aleric raised his mechanical arm.

    TAG: @Dandelo
    Tay Neir, greyjedi125 and Dandelo like this.
  8. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    IC: Tia

    the Sith took down her hood, to reveal a twisted ponytail and a scar on her right cheek, it was healing, but slowly

    "and yours" she half smiled at him. "So, I don't need to ask what brings you all the way out here of all places do I?"

    TAG: @Kato Sai
    Tay Neir, greyjedi125 and Kato Sai like this.
  9. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    IC: Aleric Qel Droma
    The Offer

    The Grey Warrior stepped closer to Tia with his arms raised outward in a surrender posture.

    “If you permit me, I can heal that scar fully and then you’ll be free of it.”

    As to why he was there, the Young Jedi did not say, whatever The Sith suspected was sufficient for her to know at present.

    TAG: @Dandelo
    Tay Neir, greyjedi125 and Dandelo like this.
  10. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    IC: Tia

    laughs at his offer, "and why would you do that grey Jedi? as some kind of mercy?"

    TAG @Kato Sai
    Tay Neir, greyjedi125 and Kato Sai like this.
  11. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    IC: Aleric Qel Droma

    The Grey Healer’s hair blew in wind and ash. He could tell this Lady had not known kindness, at least not without some kind of ulterior motive or payment to be paid back.

    “No.. mercy is for those who deserve just punishment, I would be undoing an unkindness towards you. “

    The Krath Novice lowered his arms, and placed them at his sides. His demeanor was non-violent.

    “I acted in haste.. a haste of desperation to save myself. It was primal.. I apologize.”

    TAG: @Dandelo
    Tay Neir, greyjedi125 and Dandelo like this.
  12. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    Tia gazed back at him. It was true, she had been an outcast to all who knew her, even by her own peers, the Sith.

    "don't be's a sign of weakness" she says wistfully.

    TAG @Kato Sai
    greyjedi125 and Kato Sai like this.
  13. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    IC: Aleric Qel Droma

    The Jedi instinctively wanted to step forward and comfort her with touch. But he knew such a break of personal space had to be consensual, or else she may misinterpret him as making a assassin’s move. After all the last time they met they almost killed one another.

    “Actually it takes great strength to recognize when you are wrong and apologize. Its easier to live in the cloud of self delusion that nothing we do is inherantly wrong. But when I hurt someone, whither physically or enotionally, I see its effect, its scars.. and those need redress in at least words welling up from the heart of contrition.”

    By the Force he had laid it on thick, a sermon to a Sith or whatever she was. But it was what he believed.

    TAG: @Dandelo
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2022
    greyjedi125 and Dandelo like this.
  14. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    IC: Tia

    Tia narrowed her eyes at him, watching his every move carefully "compassion is not the way of the Sith, nor is mercy. In this universe, there are only those who seek power and those who are afraid of it. There are those that lead and those that follow, it's a paradigm, isn't it? we are what we are grey one. But you, you are a paradox, you look like a warrior but speak like a peacekeeper, you offer me, your enemy mercy, yet you seek what I seek, I sense something in you...last time it was need, this guard it better"

    TAG: @Kato Sai
    greyjedi125 and Kato Sai like this.
  15. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    IC: Aleric Qel Droma

    The Grey Jedi folded his hands over one another as if in prayer. He could sense her pain, distrust, and that her words came from experience. So he searched The Force.. meditating with his eyes open. He saw a word swirling around her, “Outcast.”

    “You know the Sith doctrine well, and the galaxy more often than not would support those cynical words. I may even for a time had believed them. But then I realized I can choose.. choose to do the right thing, make amends, fight for lost causes, and probanly die.. but it would be a life I can live with and be proud of in death. No regrets gnawing at my heart, and even if I am only one candle in the dark, at least maybe I was able to give someone hope, some light for their path, or warmth of tenderness in arguably a cold galaxy.”

    Then he looked at Tia in the eyes more directly, his eyes glowing white, the word of knowledge pouring forth.

    “We are all outcasts.. rejected even by those who love us, not because they are cruel, well maybe they are cruel sometimes, but because we all are frail sentients. The Sith take that fraility and build a fortress of strength, The Jedi build monastries and temples of knowledge, we Grey try to be a bridge between both; healing there, fighting elsewhere. We are the Unsung, The Forgotten, no monuments will be made in our honor, just the ties of flesh and soul we leave behind.”

    Aleric’s eyes suddenly returned to their brown color.

    TAG: @Dandelo
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2022
    greyjedi125 likes this.
  16. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    IC: TIA

    The blonde Sith was unflinching at the change of his eye change, but stood, gazing at him. She brushed her ponytail from her shoulder "are you trying to recruit me to your cause?" she says with a thin smile. "from what you say you seem to respect both the Sith and the Jedi, is that so?"

    TAG @Kato Sai
    greyjedi125 and Kato Sai like this.
  17. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    IC: Aleric Qel Droma

    The Young Jedi smiled. Her lock of hair was ornate and beautiful.

    “Recruit? No. We do not recruit. The Grey Path is most difficult, balancing both the light and the darkness within has driven some mad. Its more of a Calling, you feel the Call of to be a Bridge between light and darkness.”

    He raiser his hand to his neck which ached, it had a scar in the form of a snarled root, yet jagged like a bolt of lightning, the rest if which was hidden beneath his black robes and tunic.

    “We do respect the Sith and the Jedi. There is much to learn from their traditions and wisdom.”

    TAG: @Dandelo
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2022
    greyjedi125 likes this.
  18. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    IC: TIA

    "Alas, I do not hear this calling. I am in the darkness. Alone..." she looked past him into the dark canyons beyond. "We both seek what is in there, and we both hear that Holocron calling to us, that we do have in common. The question is grey warrior, how much do you want it?"

    TAG @Kato Sai
    greyjedi125 and Kato Sai like this.
  19. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    IC: Aleric Qel Droma

    The Grey Warrior did not ofess further, he felt the shadow around her, it was cold as ice despite the warmth of the planet.

    “If that is what you believe, I will not challenge you. My aim isn’t converts.”

    He turned on his heel.

    “The holocron is important, and I offer you a choice. We can hunt it together, and sort out who claims it once its in our grasp. There are warriors here, I met one who had a blood stained lightsaber and it was ferocious. We stand a greater chance of success if we work together. Or we can fight one another, and race against the clock to our goal. I leave it to you.”

    TAG: @Dandelo
    greyjedi125 likes this.
  20. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    IC: TIA

    The lady contemplated her eyes still gazed at him as though she was a bird of prey when at last she stepped forward and offered her hand "I agree we are more likely to be successful by working together in this instance, and thus when we find it we will indeed 'sort' who gets the device"

    she stares at him, will he take her hand?

    TAG: @Kato Sai
    greyjedi125 and Kato Sai like this.
  21. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    IC: Aleric Qel Droma

    Aleric turned around and extended his black gloved hand, it was the one that had been severed and now was a mechanical part of him. Was he a cyborg now?

    “We have terms then. Now did you get a chance to see the overview of this planet? I saw a temple of black rock, that is where I was headed.”

    TAG: @Dandelo
    Dandelo and greyjedi125 like this.
  22. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    IC: Tia

    Tia shook his hand in a vice-like grip.
    "I am vaguely familiar with this place, Some Sith treat it like a second Korriban. Others as a shrine to Lord Vader" she looks around "all I see is a miserable suffocating planet. You believe the Holocron to be in that temple?" she turns and observes it before turning back to him "well if you are right and the Holocron is indeed there, then..." she looks past him again "what's calling to us in there?" she gestures to the dark canyons.

    TAG @Kato Sai
    Lady_Belligerent and Kato Sai like this.
  23. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    IC: Aleric Qel Droma

    The handshake went through circuits to his nerves and tendons, it was firm and strong, almost breaking the metal had parts of if not been Beskar.

    “The temple is a starting place, I cannot be certain the holocron is there.”

    Aleric looked down the dark canyons.

    “I sense a trap.. and..”

    Aleric felt something violent.

    “And something menacing..”

    TAG: @Dandelo
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2022
    Lady_Belligerent likes this.
  24. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    IC: Tia

    The golden haired Sith closed her eyes and breathed calmly "I sense...something hungry, but not in a sense it wants to eat something, but destroy something" her calm features become strained "it's guarding something...but I don't think it's what we are looking for" she opened her eyes, and they once again shifted to Aleric. "want to find out?" she smirked at him as if testing his nerve.

    TAG: @Kato Sai
    Lady_Belligerent and Kato Sai like this.
  25. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    IC: Aleric Qel Droma

    The Young Jedi took a breath, followed by a cough.

    “If we try to evade what lurks down there, we will probably walk into a countermeasure. At least we sense this, which gives us an advantage of not being blind.”

    The Grey Warrior looked down at his mechanical arm, flexing the metal fingers. He then turned to Tia and smiled.

    “Let’s spring the trap.”

    TAG: @Dandelo
    Lady_Belligerent likes this.
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