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"Mystery" Trailer Discussion - Reactions

Discussion in 'Archive: Revenge of the Sith (Non-Spoilers)' started by Tropical_Plumber, Nov 9, 2001.

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  1. Son of the Suns

    Son of the Suns Administrator Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 6, 1999
    It's interesting to see that even spoilees didn't know about the Force lightning. I agree that it could possibly strenghten that scene in RotJ (as if it needed any more power... it's my all-time favorite SW sequence). And though I can't think of a better scene for Sidious to reveal himself to the Jedi, it's probably the new Sith attacking Anakin.

    Anyways, I've gone through the large version of the trailer frame-by-frame, and I noticed a few things:

    * Bail Organa is visible next to Padme when she's walking into Palpatine's office. It's right before she says "Who do you think was behind this attack?".

    * Jar Jar can be seen several times standing next to Padme. He's definitely changed a lot since TPM.

    * There's a creature (Toydarian?) hovering in the crowd when Obi-Wan says "Good job.".

    * That's definitely the Jedi Starfighter being chased by the Slave-I.

    * Obi-Wan's opponent at the nightclub looks exactly like Zam Wessell from the back.
  2. QuiGonJinn

    QuiGonJinn Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 1, 1998
    I LOVE that every trailer looks like a completely different movie!

    Is it just me, or is Jango completely CG in every shot we've seen him in so far? I thought there was an actor that was supposed to play him.

    When you think about it, in the trailer we see Padme; in bed, on all fours (seemingly) and in shackles. Too bad it's not all in one shot [face_mischief].
  3. KnightWriter

    KnightWriter Administrator Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 6, 2001
    EDIT: I hope you were joking.
  4. The_Answer

    The_Answer Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 22, 2001
    Its great to see a new SW movie finally coming out after all these years, since Jedi that is.

    Dont get me wrong I like Phantom Menace, but it just didnt seem like a Star Wars movie to me (it seemed more like just another summer blockbuster, but to each his own). That being said this trailer gives me chills. Everything about it is great. Ive watched it over and over.

    One little nitpick though, because I do not have a dvd rom drive on my computer (I do own the ep1 dvd though) I am forced to watch a really fuzzy and distorted version of the trailer on another site, and it sound to me like Anakin says to Padme "Sometimes you must do what is expected of us". That doesn't sound right to me, but maybe its just because the sound ids really bad.
  5. KnightWriter

    KnightWriter Administrator Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 6, 2001
    Yes, I was.

    I'm not sure what other way it could be taken, and I generally think before I write. It's clear on the trailer that Obi-Wan swings his lightsaber at the person, so I was simply making an assumption as to what would happen.
  6. KnightWriter

    KnightWriter Administrator Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 6, 2001
    It sounded to me like it was "Sometimes you must do what is expected of us," on the regular trailer at first, but after listening more closely, it's "we," just a bit hard to understand.
  7. Darth-Mouth

    Darth-Mouth Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 18, 1999
    SoTS, I don't think that was a Toydarian....that creature that was about to tie Anakin to the post....I think EVERY creature in the stands was just like him. And they have wings.

    Just a theory based on close inspection.

    By the did the Jedi allow themselves to be tied up by these Dooku behind this?
  8. THX_Princess

    THX_Princess Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 26, 2001
    I would guess so, since we see Dooku (I think that is who he is) in the scene where Obi-Wan is suspended in the light....thing...

    "Good job!" That single shot has made me completlely insane with excitement! Looks like the old OT humor we know and love! Is it May yet? ;)
  9. Darth-Mouth

    Darth-Mouth Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 18, 1999
    Additional evidence suggesting Dooku is responsible for the Jedi ending up in the arena....the room where Obi-Wan is trapped is light brown rock, as are the poles our heroes are being chained to in the arena. I would doubt that GL would make two "rock" planets in a single episode.

    I thought about the possibility that one or both of the scenes is on Tatooine, but Ewan never went to Tunisia and if there were creatures who tied up Jedi (presumably to be killed or eaten) in an arena on Tatooine we sure haven't seen them yet.
  10. cydonia

    cydonia Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 6, 2001
    Wow, i have a Mac and i DID get to see it! Nice CYA, George!

    Well, first the criticism: The FX are not as realistic looking as TPM, perhaps that's the Monitor i'm using, perhaps it's just the dawn of digital film. But the effects look almost TOO good, kind of like Babylon five. Anyone agree?

    As far as Anakin sounding like Jake, as someone mentioned earlier, that's a good thing. It's the same guy. Seems to me he's a decent actor, that's good. Yes, the Han factor is back, divided amongst Obi and Anakin. Good thing. Looks dark, like Empire, which is good too.

  11. IronParrot

    IronParrot Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 2, 1999
    Not my favourite trailer of the year... that goes to the most recent Fellowship of the Ring trailer released in September, but anyhow...

    - My favourite part: definitely the lightning. Man, oh man.
    - Yoda looks great.
    - Jar Jar is so much more mature, just from the shot or two we see of him. Check out the robes!
    - Anakin's lines to Padme were admittedly flat, but I don't think this in itself will reflect Christensen's performance. I mean, even Elijah Wood seemed a bit blank at points in the Fellowship trailer.
    - Ewan McGregor actually gets to shine in this film, it seems... and that's great, because he's flawless in this trailer. The whole "good job" thing was definitely more reminiscent of OT humour.

    What I loved about this trailer was that it's so narrowly focused (come on, we know a simple attempted assasination or whatnot isn't the plot, but merely a set-up) that... I still feel unspoiled!

    Also. Note that Anakin carries a green saber which deactivates as he's getting the shock treatment. I believe it's through that scene that he loses his lightsaber... or maybe it's fried, or something.
  12. cydonia

    cydonia Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 6, 2001
    Actually, i thought the LOTR trailer was boring as hell. Dont get me wrong, i've read all the books, i'm just as excited as the next guy. But it doesn't seem like an exciting movie. Then again, there's Cate Blanchette, that excites me.

    Yes, so glad Yoda looks like he should. Why did he look so different in TPM? It's only 12 years before AOTC!!?!

    And what do you think of my Babylon 5 comparison?

    Also, which scenes is Jar Jar in?
  13. IronParrot

    IronParrot Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Aug 2, 1999
    A lot of the Select Pics are explained, too.

    Though the CG for the sandcrawlers is obviously incomplete.

    Jar Jar is seen sitting beside Padme in one of her lines (shot from the back), and walking away in the background when Padme is leaving the room.

    Also notice: the shot with everyone walking around the room - Yoda, Ki-Adi, Mace seated, Plo Koon, Padme, and the blue Senator (can't tell if it's Mas Amedda or Orn Free Taa) - Dooku is looking out the window!

    (edit: actually, I think that's Palpatine. My mistake)
  14. cydonia

    cydonia Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 6, 2001
    Had to add, i agree, Parrot. Ewan's character in TPM was just dead weight. "Yes Master, no master." Just like Cloak of Deception. He's a great actor, looks like he's getting a chance to display that to us.
  15. Punisher

    Punisher Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 20, 1998
    Well, I just checked it out and all I can say is that THIS IS THE TRAILER THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THEATERS!

    After the lukewarm reaction that I spotted following the Breathing trailer, I think we would have seen more positive reaction from non-fans if this one was widely seen.

    I'm a Mac user also and I did notice that some things had that CGI look, of course I may be biased because I'm into that kinda stuff and I can tell "fake" stuff from a mile away. Most noticably the asteroid scenes and Yoda (I like the older look better than TPM), but the establishing scenes look very good.

    I get the feeling that were aren't seeing finished F/X shots just due to some of the composting and such. The bluescreen "spill" is evident in the speeder chase close ups, but I'm sure everything will be fixed when it's finished.

    I am glad about the use of situational humor and the fact that Obi-Wan seems to be more like his ANH self, I always had a feeling that Obi-Wan gave Han so much crap because he reminded him of himself, now I think we will see that. That's really funny since the characters will be closer in age now (30's), as opposed to before.

    It is nice to see Slave 1 in action. Very exciting looking sequence! Also, we finally get to see flying "whales"!

    It seems odd to see Anakin still acting very reckless, not very Vader-like, but this ought to be an interesting transition. Seems he's big on using women as bait even then. :)

    I liked this preview alot. I just hope George isn't holding back a nasty surprise for us. It's previews like this that can win the disappointed fans back!

    I give this one a 9 out of 10, I gotta save room for Trailer 3!
  16. KnightWriter

    KnightWriter Administrator Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 6, 2001
    I think Ewan said more of substance in the trailer than he did in all of TPM.
  17. Blueharvester

    Blueharvester Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 12, 2000
    Regarding the FX looking "like Babylon 5":

    I think with AOTC we will see the two types of "moviegoers" again:
    The ones that only want "real" images and therefore dismiss every "impossible" scene as stupid CG (e.g. oh I never saw such a whale in such a sea with such a city and so the movie looks fake) and the ones who can free their minds of everydays reality and just enjoy the ride!

    I will definitely be a part of the latter crowd!

    ps: if you want to unravel the "mystery" that life is, check out my user details hehe...
  18. cydonia

    cydonia Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 6, 2001
    "I get the feeling that were aren't seeing finished F/X shots just due to some of the composting and such. The bluescreen "spill" is evident in the speeder chase close ups, but I'm sure everything will be fixed when it's finished."

    That's what i meant, i got the feeling i was watching animatics. As far as it looking fake, i'm not talking about fantasy. I mean that in TPM, Watto and Jar Jar were very realistic, i didn't feel it had the Babylon 5 element. Just a technical issue.

    Edit-so, what, you published the Blue Harvest zine or something?

  19. Emperor_Dan

    Emperor_Dan Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 21, 1999
    I dunno, I guess I was expecting the Force Lightning sometime.. but this seems a little soon!? How *do* you escape Force Lightning? If Anakin escapes, that will make Luke look like a wuss.

    However, what I bet will happen is Palpatine will let Anakin go... just to tell the Jedi Order that something is up :D

    If it is Palpatine...
  20. cydonia

    cydonia Jedi Knight star 5

    Jun 6, 2001
    You're confusing it with "Grease Lightning".
  21. THX_Princess

    THX_Princess Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 26, 2001
    How do you even know it is Force lightning? It could be some energy surge from some machine Anakin is working on. We know he is a gearhead you know. ;)

    About the special effects: I have no idea what you guys are talking about! "Bad effects" indeed! Those were some of the most awesome images I have ever seen! Everything looked unbelievably fabulous. Especially the Jedi guys. ;) [face_love]
  22. Blueharvester

    Blueharvester Jedi Youngling star 3

    Aug 12, 2000
    I have a question for you FX guys:

    Is there a way of polishing a blue screen scene (e.g. Ani+Obi in speeder)?
    I mean, they already composited them into the CG background of Coruscant.
    Why don't "make it right" in the first place?
    Or do they polish those scenes over and over until they look 100% realistic?
    And what could be improved? The lighting? Without doing the scene again?

    btw: I think all the FX look just great!
  23. theTrueMolerocket

    theTrueMolerocket Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 30, 2001
    There's no way it's Palpatine. The new sith, I bet.

    FYI I am hugely looking forward to both LOTR and SW and I loved both trailers...but for sheer ability to make me wet my pants with excitement this trailer takes the cake. I feel like an old friend is back whom I thought long gone.

  24. THX_Princess

    THX_Princess Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 26, 2001
    I have the distinct impression I am being ignored. [face_plain]
  25. theTrueMolerocket

    theTrueMolerocket Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 30, 2001
    about the FX--there are little details that really polish the whole thing-like particles, smoke, crisper shadows, reflections, more detailed textures, etc...that take a long time (months) to render--so these could be the earlier renders that leave these things out.

    EDIT-This is one reason why they look flatter and more like TV effects. Because I think TV effects are done with more time constraints and must use less of the above-mentioned window dressing. As I said, it should be fixed by the final print.
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