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Saga New Stories Index: August 2008

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by lazykbys_left, Aug 2, 2008.

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  1. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    Hello, and welcome to the 2008 August New Stories Index for the Saga Board!

    My name is lazykbys_left and and I'll be hosting this index until they pry my cold, dead fingers away from it. :D

    This index will be updated daily - gods willing - with new fan fiction stories from this board for the current month. At the end of the month, this thread will be added to the master list along with those from the Before the Saga and Beyond the Saga boards.

    New stories will be added to this list as I find them. Hopefully I won't miss any, but you're welcome to send me the info for your fic via private message. Also, it would help a lot if you would put the following information into the first post of your fic.:


    Below is a list of common terms and abbreviations that will be helpful for readers searching this index using the find functions in their browsers:

    H/L - Han/Leia
    L/M - Luke/Mara
    Ani/Ami, A/P, or A/A - Anakin and Amidala (Padmé)
    Obidala - Obi-Wan/Amidala
    EU - Expanded Universe (all of the books)
    JQ - The Jedi Quest books about Anakin Skywalker's youth before AotC.
    PT - Episodes 1-3, the prequel trilogy
    OT - Episodes 4-6, the original trilogy
    TPM - The Phantom Menace
    AotC - Attack of the Clones
    RotS- Revenge of the Sith
    ANH - A New Hope
    ESB - The Empire Strikes Back
    RotJ - Return of the Jedi
    inter-trilogy or IT - between the two trilogies
    AU - alternate universe
    OC - original (author-originated) characters
    GFFA - Galaxy Far, Far Away
    Obi-torture - Obi-Wan gets hurt and comforted
    H/C - hurt/comfort
    vignette - a one-post story, especially a single scene
    squad fic - fighter squadron stories
    humor - lots of silliness
    angst - anguish, torment, fear, anxiety
    crossover or x-over - mixing Star Wars with another movie, tv series or book
    round robin or RR - multi-author story inviting more people to join in (also called an add-on)
    song fic - a story based on the lyrics of a song

    J/J - Jaina/Jag
    J/TK - Jacen/Tenel Ka
    K/J - Kyp/Jaina
    A/T - Anakin (Solo)/Tahiri
    S/S - The Skywalker and Solo families
    JA - The Jedi Apprentice books about Obi-Wan's youth before TPM
    NJO - The New Jedi Order books, 25 years post RotJ
    post-RotJ - takes place after the movies
    pre-TPM - takes place before the movies

    The function of this thread is simply to list new fan fiction stories. If you need help in finding fics, please visit the Looking for fics? thread in Fan Fiction Resource. There's also a thing called the Link Machine which searches for words in the thread title.

    If you have any questions about this index, feel free to send me a PM - but please keep in mind that I live in Japan and it might take a few hours for me to respond.

    If you have any questions concerning the fan fiction boards in general, you can contact any of our friendly moderators:

  2. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 1, 2008

    Title: FOREVER
    Author(s): Lisbev
    Timeframe: pre-RotS
    Characters: Anakin/Padmé
    Genre: fluffy mushiness
    Summary: This is a vignette where Anakin reflects on how much he needs Padmé
    Notes: 1) My apologies, this was written very "by the fly", but it was fun and I couldn't resist. :) 2) Huttese term: Inkabunga - incredible

    Title: An Ode to Jar-Jar
    Author(s): JEDIGUNSHIP
    Timeframe: PT
    Characters: Jar-Jar Binks
    Genre: song parody, humor
    Summary: A humorous song dedicated to Jar-Jar.
    Notes: This is to the tune of "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch"
    Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Jar-Jar or the song itself; I am just using them for entertainment purposes only.

    Title: Unexpected Love
    Author(s): LarsKronus
    Timeframe: RotS
    Characters: Aayla Secura, Commander Bly
    Genre: AU, romance
    Summary: What if Secura never died on Felucia? What if the Clone Commander who was ordered to kill her never did, because he was in love with her?
    Indexer's Note: Big blocks of text.
  3. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 2, 2008

    Indexer's Note: A certain fic has not been included at the author's request. Hopefully he'll reconsider.

    Title: The New Space Pirates
    Author(s): JEDIGUNSHIP
    Timeframe: right before ANH
    Characters: Rebels, PotC crew
    Genre: humor, Pirates of the Caribbean crossover
    Summary: The crew of PotC enters the realm of Star Wars. How many things will they take part in, and how much silliness can they bring along?
    Notes: This is just a random idea that I have decided to put on paper.
  4. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 3, 2008

    Title: Somewhere To Fly
    Author(s): JediNemesis, c'est moi.
    Timeframe: IT, approximately 14 yrs post-RotS
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Beru, Owen, OC
    Genre: AU vignette
    Summary: Fourteen years into his exile, Obi-Wan is invited to dinner at the Lars' and finds himself present for a family argument.
    DISCLAIMER: The GFFA and its contents are and remain the property of George Lucas, Esq. I just mess around with them. No money has changed hands.
  5. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 4, 2008

    Title: Power Play
    Author(s): Anakins_Fallen_Angel
    Timeframe: Starts at the parade in TPM Time, and spans all the way through to RotS
    Characters: Anakin/Vader, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Palpatine/Lord Sidious, etc.
    Genre: AU, drama, romance, adventure
    Summary: Basically Palpatine influences Anakin over the the dark side at a younger age. What would be the fate of the galaxy? With Palpatine attempting to turn Anakin into Vader or The Jedi Councils pressure to train the Chosen One. Anakin must choose. All the while falling in Love with Padme Amidala.
    Disclaimer: George Lucas owns Star Wars, not me I just wanted to give Anakin and Padme a different ending.
    Pairings: Anakin and Padme at a later stage.

    Title: Star Wars Episode 1: The Old Order
    Author(s): Danaan
    Timeframe: PT
    Characters: Kenobi, Padmé, Tarkin, Palpatine, Organa, Anakin, Owen, Beru, and the OC Teya'Nen
    Genre: AU, action/adventure with a hefty bit of Senate politics...
    Summary: A coup on Alderaan throws the Republic into a crisis.
    Notes: This is based on my impression of what the OT movies tells us about what the PT might have been like (including a teen Anakin that starts out as a pilot). Occasionally, when I have found myself at a loss for how to fill a character/place/organization and the canon has one that fits the bill, I have used canon rather than creating my own. I have also written in screenplay format because I feel more comfortable with it, and because I want the readers to "see the movie" in their minds eyes, rather than "read the book".
    Disclaimer: This work of fan fiction should in no way be construed to be a challenge to Lucasart?s copyright relating Star Wars.

    Title: Eclipse
    Author(s): Luna_Nightshade
    Timeframe: end of RotS
    Characters: Padme, Anakin
    Genre: vignette
    Summary: Padme is dying, and it is not because she has lost the will to live.
    Note: I'm trying to say a lot with very few words. Complicated little writing exercise, and if it worked and someone enjoys it--thank you.
    Note 2: I still come in, and I still enjoy reading, and when the muse strikes--I write small vignettes like this. More like drive-by stories. I keep my appearances to a minimum for various reasons, but--if you click and enjoy, I am made very happy. Also, to those who worked on and survived the Awards, my great congratulations. You have done fine work and you should feel proud.
  6. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 5, 2008

    No new Saga stories were posted on the 5th.

    - lazy
  7. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    Sorry about the interval. My computer's been acting strangely the last few days.

    - lazy

    [color=darkblue][b]New Saga Stories for August 6, 2008[/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Hey Maul[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: RX_Sith
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: during TPM
    [b]Characters[/b]: Darth Maul
    [b]Genre[/b]: angst, song parody ([i]Hey Jude[/i] by The Beatles)
    [b]Notes[/b]: Response to the [link=]Beatles Songfic Roulette Challenge[/link]; Song #25: Hey Jude.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Fall of Time[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: mujapple-juicey
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: ?
    [b]Characters[/b]: Anakin
    [b]Genre[/b]: poem
    [b]Keywords[/b]: life, death, mystery, and a story
    [b]Summary[/b]: Anakin dies as a Jedi
    [b]Notes[/b]: It might be slow, and it's kind of poetic.
    [b]Credits[/b]: Spirit is all that is mine. Remaining honor heeds Lucas and Watson.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Y-wing: Behind Enemy Lines[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: Thorn058
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: 5 years after the Clone Wars
    [b]Characters[/b]: OCs
    [b]Genre[/b]: Squadfic
    [b]Summary[/b]: A ragtag fleet of rebels harasses the Imperial Fleet shortly after the end of the clone wars. Follows closely two squadrons of Y-wing pilots and the fight for freedom in the galaxy.
    [b]Notes[/b]: I would give a Dramatis Persona list but as it is a work in prgress the list would be incomplete maybe in subsquient posts. This is my first stab at fanfiction so any comments are welcome I hope to continue the process but this is just the first few chapters.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Jedi Chaos[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: JediLuminaraUnduli
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: post-AotC
    [b]Characters[/b]: Anakin, Obi Wan, etc.
    [b]Genre[/b]: humor, drama
    [b]Summary[/b]: Anakin gets beaten up by girls. Obi Wan tries to help. A little random.
    [b]Notes[/b]: I do not own Star Wars and its characters. George Lucas does. I also do not own Harry Potter. JK Rowling does. I also do not own Charmin' and permanent markers.


    [color=darkblue][b]New Saga Stories for August 7, 2008[/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Subject XY01[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: JediJumper
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: IT
    [b]Characters[/b]: Subject XY01- Life, Darth Vader, Empire Palpatine, more to come.
    [b]Summary[/b]: During Palpatine?s reign over the Galaxy, Darth Vader sent a special division of stormtroopers to find DNA from ancient Jedi and Sith. The Clones found five DNA samples from Ancient Sith and Jedi. Darth Vader ordered the Force Abilities inside the DNA to be all transferred into one. The scientists combined all the great features and force abilities of the great ancient Jedi and Sith to make one super human. The cloning process begun and after a few days, a little baby was floating in the tank. Palpatine told them to wait until the baby was a one year old. Of course they sped up the growth process to an unbelievable level. When they took out the one year old it was able to walk, talk, and do everything an 18 year old could do. They stopped the growth process and Darth Vader took this clone as his apprentice. And that?s where the story of Subject XY01 began.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Shmi Loves You[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: RX_Sith
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: after TPM
    [b]Characters[/b]: Clegg Lars, Shmi Skywalker
    [b]Genre[/b]: mush, song parody ([i]She Loves You[/i] by The Beatles)
    [b]Summary[/b]: Clegg's love song to Shmi.
    [b]Notes[/b]: Response to the [link=]Beatles Songfic Roulette Challenge[/link]; Song #16: She Loves You.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Let's Put A Smile On That Sith[/link]
  8. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 9, 2008

    Title: The Sweetest Thing
    Author(s): Anakin_Heartbreaker
    Timeframe: AotC
    Characters: Anakin, Padme
    Genre: AU, vignette
    Summary: Padme is a secret author, and finds out that her work is more special than she thinkgs.
    Notes: Hi everyone - This was going to be my next story after the completion of The Hitman, but since I am leaving after finishing that fic, I turned this into a vig, and left the conclusion up to my readers! [:D]
    Disclaimer - I don't own Star Wars, I'm just a fan with a story to tell. :)

    Title: How?
    Author(s): Alexis_Wingstar
    Timeframe: AotC
    Characters: Anakin/Padme
    Genre: poem
    Summary: A poem Anakin may have written for Padme.
    Notes: This was written in response to the mini-challenge for the Writers With the Force Challenge, which was to write a hurt/comfort fic. Of course I had to make it hard on myself and do a H/C poem. :p

    Title: Breaking Down
    Author(s): divapilot
    Timeframe: RotS
    Characters: Aayla Secura, Kit Fisto, Commander Bly
    Genre: angst
    Summary: Aayla Secura, unaware that this is the morning of her assassination, remembers a special friendship.
    Notes: Written in response to the JC Title Challenge, here.

    Title: Show Me a Hero
    Author(s): DarthIshtar
    Timeframe: ANH
    Characters: OCs
    Genre: drama, angst?
    Summary: The Alderaanian delegation is informed of their home planet's destruction during the Pan-Imperial Games.
    Notes: In honor of the Olympic games. The title comes from F. Scott Fitzgerald's statement, "Show me a hero and I'll show you a tragedy." This was inspired by the Georgian and Russian delegations who are competing while a war has broken out. It will be a short story, but not a vignette.
  9. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 10, 2008

    Title: The Warriors Part III - The Eye of The Tiger
    Author(s): Anakin_Heartbreaker
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: Anakin, Obi-Wan
    Genre: songfic, AU
    Summary: Anakin and Obi-Wan's friendship is the greatest strength they'll ever have.
    Notes: Hi everyone - This is third and final installment in The Warriors Triology Songfics, featuring Anakin and Obi-Wan doing what they do best with some of my favorite workout songs. If you haven't read the first two, you can find the link in my profile, if you so wish. Since I'm leaving the boards, it was important that I complete all my outstanding pieces. :)
    Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars, I'm just a fan with a story to tell. Eye of the Tiger belongs to Survivor and Rocky III.
  10. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 11, 2008

    Title: Star Wars: The Adventures of John Skywalker
    Author(s): Darth_Magmus
    Timeframe: PT
    Characters: OCs, etc.
    Genre: AU
    Summary: The adventures of Anakin Skywalker's long-lost twin brother.

    Title: Prodigal
    Author(s): inevera
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: OC, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala
    Genre: AU
    Summary: Obsession. Vengeance. Hate. Passion. Love. This is what it means to be a Skywalker. And Anakin, the first of the Skywalkers, could not understand the soul-crushing depths of darkness and light battling within. But what if he'd had a chance to see his struggle mirrored in someone else's eyes?
    Notes: I've dabbled with writing Star Wars fanfics for some time, but this is the first time I've ever posted anything. My main OC is Elan Skywalker, Luke's daughter. The concept of time-travel and a made-up child of Luke and Mara's sounds lame even to me, and I'm the author, but I've gotten this story into my head and can't get rid of it. And so far, I'm really enjoying writing it...I love what-if scenarios. Please let me know what you think :) .
    Indexer's Gripe: Side-scrolling.
  11. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 12, 2008

    Title: Given Up
    Author(s): 92SE-R
    Timeframe: PT
    Characters: Vader
    Genre: angst, songfic
    Summary: Anakin and his life of tears.
    Notes: Here is a songfic I have been wanting to do for a while. Not sure if it came out exactly as I wanted, but I am happy with it.
    Disclaimer: Characters are property of Lucas. Lyrics are property of Linkin Park.
  12. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 13, 2008

    Title: Against All Odds
    Author(s): Gina
    Timeframe: AotC
    Characters: Padmé, Anakin
    Genre: angst, songfic, missing scene
    Summary: While comforting Anakin in the Lars' garage following his mother's death, Padmé is forced to confront her own feelings.
    Notes: Based on the song Against All Odds by Phil Collins. Yeah, yeah, I know the song is ancient, but I was practicing it the other day, and the entire time I just kept thinking, there's a songfic in here somewhere... :p

    Title: Sweet Musings
    Author(s): DarthIshtar
    Timeframe: ?
    Characters: Wedge Antilles, Wes Janson
    Genre: pilotfic, vignette
    Summary: Wedge, Wes, and a candy bar.
    Notes: A response to the PPP challenge.
  13. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 14, 2008

    Title: Yoda visits emperor
    Author(s): Tahl_Jinn
    Timeframe: RotS
    Characters: Yoda, Palpatine, etc.
    Genre: humor, mush (most likely^^), AU (perhaps)
    Summary: Er, Yoda visits the Emperor.
    Notes: this is a very short fanfiction (more or less^^) i wrote in a boring lesson... don't wonder about stupid grammer or spelling mistakes, they are stupidness or i did them because i'm no natives speaker...^^ enjoy it and pls reply :)
    Indexer's Note: Written in script format.

    Title: Traits of Descent
    Author(s): madman007
    Timeframe: 5 years after TPM
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Anakin, OCs, etc.
    Genre: drama
    Summary: A vigilante is murdering Black Sun members.
    Notes: In the tight space of time between my rewrite of Sacrifice and Darth Real Life, I came up with this story after reading about people in the witness protection program. I submit it as further proof that the Star Wars stories do not always have to have a Dark Side enemy that's related to Skywalkers. This is also my first stab at writing both Obi Wan and Anakin Skywalker, gentle in your review. I've only sent PM's to my watched users on this so far, but if you want to be added to the list, send me a line. Oh, and in case you missed it, I had a fan-trailer made up for this too. Here's the link: Traits Of Descent fan-trailer Enjoy, and as always, review as you see fit.
    Indexer's Wild Guess: I think this is a prologue to a Beyond story.

    Title: Diary of a Flown Bird ~ a Jedi above loss
    Author(s): mujapple-juicey
    Timeframe: IT
    Characters: OC?
    Genre: diary
    Summary: The diary of a young Jedi who survived Order 66.

    Title: Breaking Dawn
    Author(s): Lilith Demodae
    Timeframe: pre-ANH
    Characters: OCs
    Genre: vignette
    Summary: The interrogation of a Rebel spy.
    Notes: This is my response to the 'What's in a Name' title challenge. Feedback, advice, criticism welcome, desired even.
  14. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 15, 2008

    Title: Luke discovers something ugly
    Author(s): Talh_Jinn (or TJ)
    Timeframe: RotJ
    Characters: Luke, Darth Vader (turned to Anakin ;) )
    Genre: MUSH, humor (well that's what it's supposed to be)
    Summary: Luke finds out the ugly truth about his father.
    Note: even if it's short, please review :D
    Note 2: hey guys! i don't know if this can count as a fanfiction cause it's so extremly short. but i'll just post it away^^ (i hope you can understand it cause i've translated it from german to english...)
    Disclaimer: Georgie... i just borrow things

    Title: Tangled
    Author(s): Gina
    Timeframe: end of AotC
    Characters: Anakin, Padmé
    Genre: vignette, romance, angst, Wedding Night Missing Scene of sorts - but get your minds out of the gutter. [face_shame_on_you] :p
    Summary: Padmé's hopes for the future face the truth.
    Notes: Um, yeah? It was 4 a.m., so?it is what it is. [face_tired] :p

    Title: Breaking Dawn
    Author(s): Alexis_Wingstar
    Timeframe: ANH
    Characters: Bail Organa, Foesinbeed
    Genre: AU, humor
    Summary: The Alderaani team is disqualified from the 15th Galactic Games.
    Notes: My master, DarthIshtar, when coming up for a title for her Olympics inspired story (which by the way, is superb and not at all humorous), told me that DaenaBenjen42 came up with the title, "The Alderaani Team Is Disqualified (Due to Lack of Planet)". Well, I liked the title, but mentioned that unless she were writing an outrageously humor piece, that title was inappropriate. Well, knowing that I cannot turn down a challenge, she dared me to write a humor piece either with that title, or at least have it as one of the lines within the first few paragraphs. Well, I believe in killing two mynocks with one blaster bolt, so this is an answer to that challenge, and the JC Title Challenge Ish also runs.
  15. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 16, 2008

    Title: A -TURNED- Hope
    Author(s): Master_Mace_Windows
    Timeframe: RotJ
    Characters: Darth Sidious, Luke Skywalker, [Vader is ordered out]
    Genre: AU
    Summary: The Emperor does NOT commit the sheer mistakes that brought him to his doom on the original film, and successfully turns Luke to the Dark Side like he did Anakin.
    Notes: It will come within the next few days, I posted it beforehand to force me to actually do it, instead of procrastinating about the whole thing, as I have seen the wonderful works "The Shadow of Vader", "The Heart of Lord Vader", "Storms of Fate", "Change of Fate", "Darth Caedus vs Anakin Solo", and etc.
    Indexer's Raised Eyebrow: A placeholder thread, obviously.
  16. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 17, 2008

    Title: Relevance
    Author(s): mujapple-juicey
    Timeframe: PT
    Characters: Anakin, Thest (OC)
    Genre: poem?
    Summary: Anak and Thest have a relevant conversation.
    Notes: This is a sequel to my (so far) only finished fic in before_the_saga. I think I must continue it. Here.
    Credits: Thest is mine and everyone else is Lucas's or Watson's.
    Indexer's Note: The "only finished fic" is probably Breaking Dawn. The possessive cases have been added so I can sleep tonight.

    Title: Comforted by a friend
    Author(s): Earlybird-Obi-Wan
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: Valin Halcyon, Nyche Kaloar, OCs
    Genre: vignette
    Summary: Nejaa Halcyon dies and his son is seeing this.
    Notes: Written for the Hairband Challenge.
    Disclaimer: Lucas' = Star Wars
    Indexer's Tired Grin: Moved the apostrophe to a more relevant location.

    Title: The Truth About Jedi
    Author(s): alderaanprincess
    Timeframe: IT
    Characters: Obi-wan, Luke and Han
    Genre: AU, humor
    Summary: Obi-wan was never in the prequels. Qui-gon trained Anakin but was killed when he took Obi-wan's place on Mustafar. Padme died after having the twins and Anakin turned, creating the Empire with Palpy. Mace survived ROTS and he and Yoda secretly trained Obi-wan and Luke, who are the same age and best friends.
    Notes:Not really sure how I came up with this one...
    Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars. If I did, I wouldn't be writing fanfiction, I would be writing the script for Star Wars seven.
  17. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 18, 2008

    Title: Facing the Mirror - A Jedi Padmé Vignette
    Author(s): Katana_Geldar
    Timeframe: c.22 BBY
    Characters: Padmé Naberrie, Yoda, OC Kuan Yin Nevu, Darth Maxah and Shakya Devi
    Genre: AU, vignette
    Summary: Padmé undergoes her last trial before becoming a Jedi Knight.
    Notes: Some of the dialogue has been taken from a translation of the Tao Te Ching by Laozi and of course there was inspiration from ANH and ESB. It is sort of a shame what happens to Padme at the end of the Jedi Padme Trilogy as she was a very good Jedi Consular.
    Disclaimer: Star Wars is not mine; I just like to write with it. This fic follows a narrative arc of my own making with characters created by George Lucas and other authors.
    Indexer's Note: No extra line breaks between paragraphs.

    Title: Cauliflower
    Author(s): mujapple-juicey
    Timeframe: er . . . probably PT
    Characters: Shane, Sadly, and a piece of talking chocolate
    Genre: humor, vignette
    Summary: Shane and Sadly (yeah that's a name) are finding themselves in pathetic situations.
    Notes: I aim for humor. Written for the Perpetual Picture Perfect Challenge.
    Indexer's Note: Big blocks of text.

    Title: Old Corellian
    Author(s): Irish_Jedi_Jade
    Timeframe: *gasp!* before ANH
    Characters: Mara Jade
    Genre: drama and a bit of reality
    Summary: What did Mara's first day as Emperor's Hand hold?
    Notes: This is my very very very first posting in Saga....I?m more than a bit nervous! However, this plot bunny bit me at 2:30am after my first couple days on a new I hope its enjoyable! Thanks so much for stopping by!
  18. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 19, 2008

    Title: Secrets Among Sisters
    Author(s): VaderLVR64
    Timeframe: varies
    Characters: Padmé, Sola
    Genre: vignette
    Summary: Padmé struggles with the need for secrecy as her life spins out of control.

    Title: Hear me Speak
    Author(s): mujapple-juicey
    Timeframe: PT
    Characters: Anakin, OCs, etc.
    Genre: poem
    Keywords: (shadows! shadows! cheese! workouts! and angsty moments)
    Summary: ???
    Notes: not much, this is this, right? I put as many philosophies as I can think of.
    Disclaimer: the usual, Sillo and the Coidis are mine. Everyone else is Lucas's or Watson's.
    Indexer's Note: Possessive cases are your friend.

    Title: Renegade: Enemy of an Empire
    Author(s): Exo-Fat
    Timeframe: mostly IT
    Characters: OCs?
    Summary: The story of several Jedi during the Inter-Trilogy time period. Only time will tell if they survive.
    Notes: Welcome to my first post and first story here at TFN.
  19. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 20, 2008

    Title: Dark Secret Unveiled
    Author(s): JediFalcon
    Timeframe: OT
    Characters: Leia, Vader, Luke, etc.
    Genre: AU, drama, angst
    Summary: Leia Organa disappears while on a mission after she learns that she is Luke Skywalker's twin. She learns a devastating truth about her inheritance her brother failed to tell her and finds out in the most un-ruthless way.
    Notes: I'm in the process of wrapping this fic up so I'm reposting it as I finish up the last few chapters, its close to being finished hope you enjoy :)
    Disclaimer: I do not own star wars; George Lucas own it all. Except for characters I make up of course.
    Indexer's Note: Reposted from, which is where I found most of the story info. Darn good thing I'm friends with Google. :D

    Title: What Little Boys Are Made Of
    Author(s): Gina
    Timeframe: IT
    Characters: Beru, Owen, Luke
    Genre: vignette, humor
    Summary: Seven-year-old Luke's antics never cease to amaze and terrify his aunt.
    Notes: What can I say except that when you're the only female living in a household filled with males, you figure out that writing fan fic is a lot cheaper than therapy. [face_tired] :p

    Title: File-disaster
    Author(s): Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: RotS
    Characters: OC Kaagi Adin
    Genre: vignette for the Fish Out of Water August OC-challenge
    Summary: A master escapes the Jedi-purges using some knowledge from his initiate days.
    Disclaimer: Star Wars = George Lucas'.
    Indexer's Note: Apostrophe added to make the equation true. Sometimes there's an extra line break between paragraphs, sometimes there isn't.
  20. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 21, 2008

    Title: Jeanny
    Author(s): MsLanna
    Timeframe: RotS
    Characters: OCs: Zoran, Jeanny
    Genre: songfic, drama
    Keywords: Order 66
    Summary: Jeanny and her Master Zoran try to survive Order 66. But that is not easy when the clone troopers know where to find you.
    Notes: The song is Jeanny from Falco. Watch the video, very creepy. [face_worried]

    Title: "In The Emperor's Shadow"
    Author(s): Kae-Din
    Timeframe: IT
    Characters: Darth Vader, The Emperor, Obi-Wan (mentioned), Padme (mentioned)
    Genre: drama, action
    Summary: Vader struggles to fulfill his destiny under Palpatine's reign.
    Notes: Hi all. This is the first part of a much longer story. Lots more to come if people enjoy it, I will post more. The other parts are all written, but they are in word format so will take some time to re-format them for the forums, etc.

    Title: The Infinate mystery of the Force
    Author(s): THRAWNFAN
    Timeframe: ESB / Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
    Characters: Yoda, Luke
    Genre: Harry Potter crossover
    Keywords: crossover, Harry Potter
    Summary: Yoda trains Luke to be a Jedi amidst the reign of Lord Voldemort on Earth.
  21. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 22, 2008

    Title: Survivor
    Author(s): Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: JQ
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Siri, Nejaa Halcyon, Valion Halcyon, OCs
    Genre: multi-post, H/C
    Summary: Obi-Wan and Siri are with the Padawans on a training trip to Corellia and they meet Nejaa Halcyon.
    Notes: Inspired by the Dutch winner of the 10k swimming winner on the Olympics. And personal experience saving a 4 year old almost 12 years ago. Follows Healing. For the first sentence challenge (Diamonds are a girl's best friend) and the JC Title Challenge. And you asked for another SiriWan, Valairy, and here it is.
    Disclaimer: Star Wars = G.L.'s
    Indexer's Note: Applied the symmetric property of equality and added the possessive.

    Title: Fall of the Knight
    Author(s): Sara Kenobi
    Timeframe: late RotS to RotJ; goes between time periods
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Leia, Padme/Anakin, Luke, Han, Vader
    Genre: Very AU
    Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi was once a great Jedi Knight. He died trying to save a young Jedi named Darth Vader from the Dark Side of the Force. At least that is what former Imperial Guard named Olio Organa told his niece Leia as a child. Twenty years after first learning of that story, Princess Leia Organa is about to learn it wasn't entirely made of Fiction.
    Disclaimer: George Lucus owns it all. I just like to play in his universe every once and awhile.

    Title: Alone
    Author(s): Thorn58
    Timeframe: AotC
    Characters: Anakin, Padme
    Genre: AU, songfic
    Summary: While hiding in the lake country on Naboo Anakin and Padme share a duet of sorts.
    Notes: My thanks go to Ann and Nancy Wilson for the haunting lyrics that inspired this piece and To George Lucas for the dreams and courage to play in his sandbox. I take no credit for myself this is all thiers, I just slapped it together.
    Indexer's Note: Written in screenplay (musical?) format.
  22. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 23, 2008

    Title: The Rogue and the Hunter
    Author(s): darthtoad
    Timeframe: post-TPM
    Characters: Darth Maul, Zhoe Khadeka, Delthane Tekhartna, Korvast, Tolbesh, Greean, Darth Sidious
    Genre: AU, romance, action
    Notes: I hope the people who read this [face_praying] will enjoy it! Hopefully I will have chapter two and/or chapter three posted sometime before next saturday!
    Disclaimer: I do not own the SW universe, George Lucas owns it all. Any and all OC characters I add are the sole property of ME.

    Title: A Rose in the Ashes
    Author(s): Persephone_Kore
    Timeframe: RotS-RotJ, mostly
    Characters: Anakin/Vader, others referenced
    Genre: poetry
    Keywords: Anakin, burn, thorn
    Summary: A poem about Anakin (does anyone else start to feel I'm repeating myself?) and his sorrows, fall, and redemption.
    Notes: Written for the Writer with the Force Challenge #2, to use one of the episode titles from the first season of Andromeda.
  23. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 24, 2008

    Title: The Things We Don't Talk About
    Author(s): karebear
    Timeframe: Clone Wars movie
    Characters: Anakin, Ahsoka, other minor appearances
    Genre: vignette, bonding
    Summary: Anakin and his padawan.
    Notes: This is really more about the concept of Anakin and Ahsoka's relationship than anything else. It's a sketch, it leaves a lot out and jumps around. I specifically didn't try to get the details right, and I'm sure I got some things in the wrong order, because to be honest, I really wasn't paying that much attention in the movie, but this idea forced itself to be written. It wouldn't leave me alone.

    Title: The Conversation
    Author(s): Katana_Geldar
    Timeframe: 22 BBY
    Characters: Mace Windu, Renust Nju, Padmé
    Genre: AU
    Summary: Mace and Renust have a conversation about Depa.
    Notes: Written for the Mace Windu Characterization Thread: Writer Challenge #1. This takes place in my Jedi Padmé continuity, it is set right after AOTC AU, if you are aware of that story you'd be able to see the dramatic irony I
    Disclaimer: Star Wars is not mine; I just like to write with it. This fic follows a narrative arc of my own making with characters created by George Lucas and other authors.

    Title: (untitled)
    Author(s): IG_2000
    Timeframe: RotJ
    Characters: Luke, Leia, Vader, Palpatine, etc.
    Genre: AU
    Summary: ???
    Notes: I've always thought of a comic series that retells the movies. Like Infinities, but in a serious manner. Maybe not non-canon, but its a separate continuity, like Ultimate Marvel.
    Indexer's Confusion: This may not actually be a fic.
  24. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 25, 2008

    Title: The World is Not Enough
    Author(s): PonyTricks
    Timeframe: pre-RotS
    Characters: Padme, Anakin
    Genre: Very, very AU!! [face_whistling]
    Summary: Padme decides she no longer wants to keep their relationship a secret.
    Notes: This is my short viggie response to the "Bond" challenge. [face_devil]

    Title: Flameless
    Author(s): mujapple-juicey
    Timeframe: pre-AotC
    Characters: Anakin, Soope, Obi-Wan, etc.
    Genre: humor, violence, a teeny bit of angst
    Summary: Anakin and (OC) Soope are lost in the galaxy, when Obi is going mad looking for them.
    Notes: I'm aiming for a good laugh, and a lot of irony.
    Disclaimer: All Lucas's or Watson's besides Soope and her 'cohooters'.
    Indexer's Warning: Possible side-scrolling. No extra line breaks between paragraphs.

    Title: Sola Remembers
    Author(s): barriss31
    Timeframe: IT
    Characters: Sola
    Genre: vignette
    Summary: Sola Naberrie remembers her sister.
    Indexer's Grumpy Old Man Routine: Multiple-dot ellipses.

    Title: Catch Them with Honey
    Author(s): Valairy_Scot
    Timeframe: TPM
    Characters: Palpatine, etc.
    Genre: short vignette
    Summary: Palpatine considers the future.
    Notes: Written for the Official Prequel Trilogy Scene Write/Rewrite Contest - write about Palpatine, any genre. Shrugs, written in half an hour or less as I wasn't inspired until right before the deadline to post, so a potentially good story is merely decent. It was fun, though.
  25. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for August 26, 2008

    Title: The Cleaner
    Author(s): VaderLVR64
    Timeframe: IT
    Characters: OC
    Genre: vignette
    Summary: The recollections of a Temple cleaner.

    Title: Inside Anakin's Mind
    Author(s): SithLordFear
    Timeframe: RotS
    Characters: Anakin, etc.
    Genre: vignette
    Summary: Anakin enters the Jedi Temple; Vader comes out.
    Indexer's Note: I'm not sure if this fic is titled Inside Anakin's Mind or The Raid on the Jedi Temple, so I'm going with the thread title.

    Title: Hide
    Author(s): snowspeeder_gunner
    Timeframe: between ANH and ESB
    Characters: OCs, Shaak Ti
    Genre: drama, with some comedy as well
    Summary: A crashed Rebel pilot meets an exiled Jedi.
    Notes: Thanks to Kidan for helping me get started/beta-ing!
    Disclaimer: It all belongs to George & Co.
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