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Saga New Stories Index: July 2008

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by lazykbys_left, Jul 14, 2008.

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  1. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    Hello, and welcome to the 2008 July New Stories Index for the Saga Board!

    My name is lazykbys_left and and I'll be hosting this index until they pry my cold, dead fingers away from it. :D

    This index will be updated daily with new fan fiction stories from this board for the current month. (Well . . . usually. Life can be quite Real at times.) At the end of the month, this thread will be added to the master list along with those from the Before the Saga and Beyond the Saga boards.

    New stories will be added to this list as I find them. Hopefully I won't miss any, but you're welcome to send me the info for your fic via private message. Also, it would help a lot if you would put the following information into the first post of your fic.:


    Below is a list of common terms and abbreviations that will be helpful for readers searching this index using the find functions in their browsers:

    H/L - Han/Leia
    L/M - Luke/Mara
    Ani/Ami, A/P, or A/A - Anakin and Amidala (Padmé)
    Obidala - Obi-Wan/Amidala
    EU - Expanded Universe (all of the books)
    JQ - The Jedi Quest books about Anakin Skywalker's youth before AotC.
    PT - Episodes 1-3, the prequel trilogy
    OT - Episodes 4-6, the original trilogy
    TPM - The Phantom Menace
    AotC - Attack of the Clones
    RotS- Revenge of the Sith
    ANH - A New Hope
    ESB - The Empire Strikes Back
    RotJ - Return of the Jedi
    inter-trilogy or IT - between the two trilogies
    AU - alternate universe
    OC - original (author-originated) characters
    GFFA - Galaxy Far, Far Away
    Obi-torture - Obi-Wan gets hurt and comforted
    H/C - hurt/comfort
    vignette - a one-post story, especially a single scene
    squad fic - fighter squadron stories
    humor - lots of silliness
    angst - anguish, torment, fear, anxiety
    crossover or x-over - mixing Star Wars with another movie, tv series or book
    round robin or RR - multi-author story inviting more people to join in (also called an add-on)
    song fic - a story based on the lyrics of a song

    J/J - Jaina/Jag
    J/TK - Jacen/Tenel Ka
    K/J - Kyp/Jaina
    A/T - Anakin (Solo)/Tahiri
    S/S - The Skywalker and Solo families
    JA - The Jedi Apprentice books about Obi-Wan's youth before TPM
    NJO - The New Jedi Order books, 25 years post RotJ
    post-RotJ - takes place after the movies
    pre-TPM - takes place before the movies

    The function of this thread is simply to list new fan fiction stories. If you need help in finding fics, please visit the Looking for fics? thread in Fan Fiction Resource. There's also a thing called the Link Machine which searches for words in the thread title.

    If you have any questions about this index, feel free to send me a PM - but please keep in mind that I live in Japan and it might take a few hours for me to respond.

    If you have any questions concerning the fan fiction boards in general, you can contact any of our friendly moderators:

  2. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    Sorry about going AWOL for a month. I'll try not to let it happen again. [face_contrite]

    - lazy

    [color=darkblue][b]New Saga Stories for July 1, 2008[/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]A Beautiful Dream[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: Gina
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: Clone Wars
    [b]Characters[/b]: Padmé, Anakin
    [b]Genre[/b]: vignette, romance, angst
    [b]Summary[/b]: Anakin returns to Padmé. Sort of.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Requiem[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: Vialco
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: RotS
    [b]Characters[/b]: Mace Windu, Anakin, etc.
    [b]Genre[/b]: AU
    [b]Summary[/b]: What if Mace Windu had been able to kill Palpatine, even with Anakin's interference? Would the Council have forgiven Anakin for breaking one of the most sacred laws in the Jedi Order, and nearly destroying all of them?
    [b]Disclaimer[/b]: George Lucas owns Star Wars, not me. I own nothing at all, so please do not sue.
    [b]Indexer's Note[/b]: The format of the first post is . . . um, really weird.


    [color=darkblue][b]New Saga Stories for July 2, 2008[/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Rescue mathematics[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: Earlybird-obi-wan
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: JQ
    [b]Characters[/b]: Obi-Wan, Anakin (12), OCs
    [b]Genre[/b]: vignette
    [b]Keywords[/b]: rescue
    [b]Summary[/b]: Anakin rescues Obi-Wan and both are having fun.
    [b]Notes[/b]: Written for the [link=]PT challenge #14[/link]. Takes place during the end of [link=]Temple of doom[/link].


    [color=darkblue][b]New Saga Stories for July 3, 2008[/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]For the Rebellion[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: Raptor517
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: pre-ANH
    [b]Characters[/b]: OCs
    [b]Genre[/b]: vignette
    [b]Summary[/b]: An OC sells his life while fellow rebels transmit the Death Star Plans.
    [b]Notes[/b]: I don't own starwars. This is a one-shot, feel free to comment. Thanks!


    [color=darkblue][b]New Saga Stories for July 4, 2008[/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]The Rookie[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: Earlybird-obi-wan
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: RotS ~ RotJ
    [b]Characters[/b]: my OC Ben Henny from [link=]USJS[/link]
    [b]Genre[/b]: vignette
    [b]Keywords[/b]: fireships
    [b]Summary[/b]: Events during RotS change a young firefighter.
    [b]Notes[/b]: Written for the [link=]Professor Literati?s Sci-Fi Roulette Challenge[/link]. The quote I got was from David Gerrold's The Middle of Nowhere.
    [b]Disclaimer[/b]: Lucas = Star Wars

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Dear Datapad[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: TizTiz
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: post-ANH
    [b]Characters[/b]: Han, Leia, Luke
    [b]Genre[/b]: romance, friendship, angst
    [b]Summary[/b]: Leia and Han each write a diary about their lives in the Rebellion and their feelings about each other.
    [b]Notes[/b]: This is my first attempt at fanfiction so if it's rubbish please don't flame me. The first chapter is a little bit short and is a sort of introduction but if I get some replies I will update soon.
    [b] Disclaimer[/b]: I do not own Star Wars because my name is not George Lucas.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Like Fire[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: Null-Eleven
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: Clone Wars
    [b]Characters[/b]: OCs
    [b]Genre[/b]: action
    [b]Summary[/b]: Alpha Thirteen and his mission to eliminate high-ranking Geonosians.
    [b]Notes[/b]: i is not George Lucas, so i don't own Star wars.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]A Moment at the Window[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: DaenaBenjen42
  3. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    . . . Right, this NSI is finally up-to-date.

    I'll fill in the blanks during the weekend. Really. :D

    - lazy

    [color=darkblue][b]New Saga Stories for July 6, 2008[/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]A Threat Revealed[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: bobafett15
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: post-TPM
    [b]Characters[/b]: Xanatos, Anikkin Starkiller, Dooku
    [b]Genre[/b]: AU, action, vignette
    [b]Summary[/b]: The Master/Padawan team of Xanatos and Anikkin are sent to Serenno to negotiate with Count Dooku.
    [b]Notes[/b]: Hey everybody, plot changer, cause I like Xanatos. I modified the movies that I don't own or claim to own, they're Lucas's.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]I think too much[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: Featherpaw
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: RotS
    [b]Characters[/b]: OCs
    [b]Genre[/b]: angst, humor
    [b]Summary[/b]: Order 66 happens to a Jedi and a clone trooper.
    [b]Notes[/b]: Sorry if this isn't very good; it's my first story here.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Anakin Infiltrates Black Sun[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: bobafett15
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: pre-AotC
    [b]Characters[/b]: Dooku, baby Anakin, OCs, etc.
    [b]Genre[/b]: AU
    [b]Notes[/b]: SW=Lucas

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Have A Nice Trip[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: frodogenic1
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: RotJ
    [b]Summary[/b]: The most unlikely hero imaginable inadvertently saves the galaxy from evil dominion and oppression. And Luke thought it had to be hard? ROTJ ends just a bit differently.
    [b]Notes[/b]: Hopefully an entertaining what-if oneshot, written more or less in one sitting. Some occasional mild OOC-ness, but nothing outrageous, because I hate that sort of thing and too much of it isn't funny anyway. Takes place near the end of ROTJ. Should be good for at least one or two snickers. :)


    [color=darkblue][b]New Saga Stories for July 7, 2008[/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Breaking Point[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: Alexis_Wingstar
    [b]Beta:[/b] The Musical Jedi (thanks [face_hugs] )
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: just before and during AotC
    [b]Characters[/b]: Owen, Beru, Shmi, Cliegg, the Whitesun Family, and much more.
    [b]Genre[/b]: Cannon speculation, action, drama, romance
    [b]Summary[/b]: In this third installation of the Twin Suns Romance, Shmi is kidnapped by the Tusken Raiders and Cliegg is helped by friends and family to attempt a rescue. You will also see some added scenes between Anakin and the Lars family, as well as Owen and Beru's long awaited wedding. Much drama will unfold around these events within the Whitesun family, but I can't tell you about it here or else you won't have to read the story! ;)
    [b]Notes[/b]: This is a direct sequel to [link=]Barren[/link]. You can find the beginning of this saga in [link=]Dropping In[/link]. Concrit is always welcome. [face_happy]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]The Beast[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: VaderLVR64
    [b]Characters[/b]: OC
    [b]Genre[/b]: vignette
    [b]Summary[/b]: You can't fight your own nature.
    [b]Notes[/b]: Rather mature themes of violence, though nothing explicit. Read at your own discretion.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]TIE[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: JEDIGUNSHIP
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: Galactic Civil War (i.e., OT)
    [b]Characters[/b]: TIE pilot
    [b]Genre[/b]: vignette, drama
    [b]Summary[/b]: An inside look on the mind of a TIE grunt who starts questioning himself.
    [b]Notes[/b]: This is the story of a TIE pilot, not a Rebel pilot.
    [b]Disclaimer[/b]: Also, I DO NOT own SW.


    [color=darkblue][b]New Saga Stories f
  4. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for July 17, 2008

    No new Saga stories were posted on the 17th.

    - lazy
  5. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for July 18, 2008

    Title: Far More Than Rubies
    Author(s): frodogenic1
    Timeframe: 6 years after RotS
    Genre: AU
    Summary: Nine years after the events of AOTC, tragedy revisits the Lars homestead. This time, however, things turn out a bit differently. Meanwhile, the fledgling rebel movements learn of a secret military project that may make a crucial difference in the war with the Empire.
  6. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for July 19, 2008

    Title: Sanctuary
    Author(s): p_stotts
    Timeframe: post-RotS (Luke is 13)
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Anakin, Luke, OCs
    Genre: AU, drama, angst, Obi-torture (no actual torture is depicted, but the aftermath is shown and discussed)
    Summary: When the Temple is attacked by clones, Obi-Wan is captured while covering the escape of Anakin, Luke, and some younglings.
    Notes: Sequel to The Portal. For the purposes of this story, the Jedi have reluctantly accepted the marriage of Anakin and Padme. Luke and Leia are 13. Luke is Obi-Wan's padawan.
    Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to George Lucas. I bow before the SW master. Thanks for letting me play in your sandbox, G.L!
  7. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for July 20, 2008

    Title: It Wasn't Enough
    Author(s): Gina
    Timeframe: 5 years post-RotS
    Characters: Padmé, Luke
    Genre: vignette, angst, AU
    Summary: Padmé's past ambushes her while she prepares hurriedly for her family's escape.
    Indexer's Note: The story info says five years post-RotS, the thread title says 4. I'm assuming the latter is a typo.

    Title: Pharming in Difficult Conditions
    Author(s): lazykbys
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: OCs
    Genre: interview
    Summary: An interview with a civilian consultant for the AgriCorps.
    Notes: Written for the Writer With the Force Challenge #3.
  8. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for July 21, 2008

    Title: One Of Us
    Author(s): Jedi_Master_Cazz
    Timeframe: Somewhere within the OT, wherever you feel it fits!
    Characters: Darth Vader
    Genre: One-shot, songfic (Not One Of Us)
    Summary: This is a songfic written from Vader's perspective, while he is asleep. The dead Jedi haunt him, reminding him over and over again that he is forever apart from them.
    Notes: I want to thank VaderLVR64 for taking time out from the excitement of the new baby girl to beta this for me! On another note, you might recognize this song from The Lion King 2. [face_blush]

    Title: Particular Events that have been Erased
    Author(s): mujapple-juicey
    Characters: Vader, OC
    Genre: humor
    Summary: Vader encounters a hyperactive OC.
    Indexer's Notes: Possible side-scrolling. This fic is basically two big blocks of text. I feel old.
  9. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for July 22, 2008

    Title: Regality
    Author(s): mujapple-juicey
    Timeframe: PT? / probably around 270 BBY
    Characters: OC
    Genre: journal
    Summary: A journal of an ancient queen of Naboo, retold to the eyes of a modern one.
    Indexer's Nitpick: I think this belongs in Before.

    Title: The Road Not Taken
    Author(s): LarsKronus
    Timeframe: Order 66 and onwards
    Characters: Lars Kronus, a teddy bear, and Mace Windu (to begin with)
    Genre: AU, humour (I'll try)
    Keywords: Teddy bear, Sith, frickin' awesome
    Summary: A teddy bear rescues Mace Windu from falling. After that, well, you'll just have to see...
    Notes: A little bunny that jumped at me and hugged my face until I reacted to it. Took a look at my avatar and several others who have the same one and said, "You know what? I wonder if we can do a Teddy Bear..." And true to my fashion, I took the bunny, threw it away and got some sleep. I started it the next day, and with a bit of touch up, here it is, hope you enjoy it. For me, personally, its a somewhat difficult concept, but I believe I can reign it into my control. Anyway, here I am rambling, let me go work on a new post. ^^

    Title: Dealings
    Author(s): mujapple-juicey
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, OC
    Genre: angst, AU?
    Keywords: Anakin's second apprentice
    Summary: Anakin painfully copes with his life when he stays a Jedi.
    Disclaimer: Ronea, the Henne, and Sillewynne belong to me. Everyone else is either Lucas's or Watson's.

    Title: Days of Smoke and Mirrors
    Author(s): Vivid_Scripts
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: OCs
    Genre: vignette
    Summary: A Republic Intelligence agent follows a Senator suspected of sedition and finds out more than she bargained for.
    Notes: This is my first new release in a long time, and it is centered around two major characters in an epic fic that I will be releasing sometime soon. This was unbetaed; tell me what you think of it.

    Title: Clone Wars: Frontlines
    Author(s): Rodlodune
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: Ticho1970 (OC)
    Genre: platoon action, battle
    Summary: This is a story about the point of view from a regular clone trooper based in the middle of the Clone Wars.
  10. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for July 23, 2008

    Title: Clone Wars: Deathly Enemies
    Author(s): jedikangoroo
    Timeframe: Clone Wars
    Characters: OCs
    Genre: platoon action, sorrow, battlefields
    Summary: This is my new story about a young apprentice who is trying to live up to her master. She knows her master appreciates her but tries more. She creates friends out on the battlefield, mostly, just clone troopers.
    Indexer's Note: There are no extra line breaks between paragraphs.

    Title: Preservation
    Author(s): Jedi_Perigrine
    Timeframe: approximately the start of TPM
    Characters: OCs: Wilch Evlon, Plort, Matris, Windy. Guest appearances by Yoda, Qui-Gon, and more
    Genre: drama, some action
    Summary: Sequel to Preservation in Before. Wilch senses the upcoming doom of the Jedi Order and leaves the Temple to save as much Jedi knowledge as he can.
    Notes: Feel free to go back and read what has happened before, but I don't feel it's necessary to get some enjoyment out of the story. Please feel free to leave comments. I always welcome constructive criticism via PM!
  11. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for July 24, 2008

    Title: Chosen
    Author(s): KnightFall
    Timeframe: RotJ
    Characters: Vader, Luke, Sidious
    Genre: drama
    Summary: Vader's inner monologue up to and during the film's climax.
    Notes: I wrote this last summer, never got around to posting it, hope you like!
    Indexer's Note: There are no extra line breaks between paragraphs.

    Title: Nowhere to Remain
    Author(s): Zeph
    Timeframe: TPM and onwards
    Characters: Sabe, etc.
    Genre: drama, romance
    Summary: Orphan. Handmaiden. Decoy. Dutiful Citizen of Naboo and loyal servant of the Queen. But on the eve of war, things are about to get very complicated. Eventual Sabewan.
    Disclaimer: Really, don't own it. Just love it.
  12. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    I have been informed that PLT is a military abbreviation for "platoon". And here I was thinking it was another Internet acronym. :D

    Thanks, maderic!

    - lazy

    [color=darkblue][b]New Saga Stories for July 25, 2008[/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Worlds Apart: The Fallen Shroud III[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: maderic
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: First chapter is three months after the events of Revenge of the Sith; time jumps to eight years after that and then again a few years later on after that.
    [b]Characters[/b]: OCs, Darth Vader, Starkiller (Secret Apprentice), Darth Sidious, Bail Organa, Leia Organa.
    [b]Genre[/b]: action, adventure
    [b]Keywords[/b]: Vader, Secret Apprentice, Starkiller, The Force Unleashed, Sidious, The Fallen Shroud
    [b]Summary[/b]: [snipped by Indexer]
    [quote=Opening Crawl]The Clone Wars are over and the galaxy surrenders more systems to the autocratic rule of the Galactic Empire. Peace and security have returned to many worlds at the price of liberty.

    With much of the galaxy submitting to subjugation, a resistance movement continues to grow from numerous systems. While most dissenters speak in hastened whispers, the rebellion movement on lush world of Kuvu prepares for armed revolt.

    Under orders from his master, DARTH VADER has been dispatched to the Wookiee world of Kashyyyk to eliminate KENTO NION, a surviving Jedi fugitive of the Republic era....[/quote]
    [b]Notes[/b]: This is the third in a trilogy that was never meant to become one. If you're unfamiliar with the previous stories, I refer you to my profile. [i]The Fallen Shroud[/i] and its sequel followed the adventures of Serra Keto. This story tries to bring a form of conclusion to a storyline I feel has grown too big to be left open. My inclusion of material from [i]The Force Unleashed[/i] contains numerous spoilers for the game. Reading this story goes with the caveat that you may be ruined on some events of the game. Know, however, that such events aren't likely to come for quite a while in the storyline and, between then and now, the game will have come out so the spoilers are pretty much negated by this fact. I take great creative license with the game's storyline and weave my own additions into the storyline. This is rated PG for sci-fi violence, momentary smoking, and brief language.
    [b]Disclaimer:[/b] George Lucas owns everything and I thank him for allowing me the freedom to work, without any intention of profit, within his universe.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Coconuts[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: Lolly_Tolly
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: pre-RotS
    [b]Characters[/b]: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu
    [b]Genre[/b]: humour, mystery
    [b]Keywords[/b]: coconuts, argument
    [b]Summary[/b]: Obi-Wan and Anakin argue about coconuts, and Mace overhears.
    [b]Notes[/b]: Inspired by an argument at a bus stop. Many thanks to ZaraValinor for betaing this for me.
    [b]Disclaimer[/b]: I do not own Star Wars.

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Survey Says[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: dancing_star
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: ESB
    [b]Characters[/b]: Han, Luke
    [b]Genre[/b]: humor
    [b]Summary[/b]: Han and Luke fill out a survey
    [b]Notes[/b]: I thought it would be fun to compare and contrast our favorite heroes' personalities, and chose to do it through a survey this time. Hope you enjoy! [face_worried] Comments are welcome and greatly appreciated! [face_love] [face_batting]
    [b]Disclaimer:[/b] I'm just stopping by for a visit to a galaxy far, far away and borrowing some of George Lucas's characters. [face_wink] I'll try not to butcher them too much before returning them. [face_tongue]
  13. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for July 26, 2008

    Title: Trial By Fire
    Author(s): Milteck
    Timeframe: RotS
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
    Genre: AU
    Summary: This is an alternate ending of ROTS, with the duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin having a different outcome.
    Notes: At this point not sure how much further am going to go with this, but if recieves positive feedback will continue it.

  14. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for July 27, 2008

    No new Saga stories were posted on the 27th.

    - lazy
  15. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for July 28, 2008

    Title: Network Failure
    Author(s): mujapple-juicey
    Timeframe: post-TPM
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Anakin, Siri, Bant, Yoda
    Genre: it's supposed to be funny
    Notes: I kind of wanted a particular person to read this very badly.
    Indexer's Notes: Possible side-scrolling. No extra line breaks between paragraphs. I feel old.

    Title: In All That You Do
    Author(s): RKMeibalane
    Timeframe: ESB
    Characters: Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker
    Genre: AU
    Summary: This story features Mace and his Padawan Luke during a pivotal moment in Luke's training. Mace must find a way to prepare Luke for the challenges that await him, and in doing so, help his student learn to the trust the Force.
    Notes: Inspired by the plot-bunnies in the Mace Windu Characterization thread,
  16. lazykbys_left

    lazykbys_left Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 17, 2005
    New Saga Stories for July 29, 2008

    Title: Supernova
    Author(s): Vivd_Scripts
    Timeframe: AotC
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Vincent Dawnstrider (OC), Barriss Offee, Tru Veld, Tahzjol-A'Sura Lintulu (OC), Bultar Swan
    Minor Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luminara Unduli, Padme Amidala, Svatva Venustas (OC), others
    Genre: ensemble drama, action, angst
    Summary: Six young Jedi Padawans struggle through the turbulence of the Separatist crisis.
    Notes: This is a short (5-post) story. I plan to update once a week every tuesday.
    Indexer's Puzzlement: This fic is entirely in italics.

    Title: Free me (please)
    Author(s): mujapple-juicey
    Timeframe: SW
    Characters: Anakin
    Genre: poem
    Summary: Anakin's story as you may imagine it told directly to you
    Notes: I'm trying to make it make sense. If you want humor mash-ups, they aren't here. (But I have some.)

    Title: Nebula Lullaby
    Author(s): LASOS
    Timeframe: OT
    Characters: Han and Leia, Luke
    Genre: AU
    Summary: What happens when Han doesn't come back from being frozen in carbonite.
    Disclaimer: I don't own anything. I just do this for funsies. Thanks for letting me play, GL.

    Title: Puzzle Pieces
    Author(s): jedipati
    Timeframe: post-ESB
    Characters: Vader, Piett
    Genre: vignette
    Summary: Piett contemplates his commander- Lord Darth Vader- when they are captured and locked in a Jedi-proof cell. He learns and figures out some surprising facts.
    Notes: This was written for starwarsficfest on livejournal. I recently realized that I hadn't posted it here. I hope you all enjoy it.

    [color=darkblue][b]New Saga Stories for July 30, 2008[/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Coronet's Not Too Far From Home[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: The1237
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: 1.5 years before RotJ
    [b]Characters[/b]: Token Kel Rar(Male Nautolan), Rory Skimmer(Male Cathar), Alexi Yogrul(Female Twi'lek), Cassy Hoth(Female Zabrak), Mara Jade(Female Human), Han Solo(Male Human), and OCs
    [b]Genre[/b]: action, drama, humor, and thriller
    [b]Keywords[/b]: CorSec, Black Sun, Criminal Underworld
    [b]Summary[/b]: Token Kel Rar, a CorSec rising officer, has just been promoted to the Intelligence Unit where his first assignment is Rory Skimmer, head of the Skimmer crime family and a prominent member of the Black Sun Coronet picture. A simple interrogation leads into a world of deceit, self destruction, drugs, dangerous women, and a kill or be killed no holds barred battle between two men of unbreakable will where the winner owns the city.
    [b]Notes[/b]: This is my first Star Wars FanFic, so please forgive any rookie mistakes because this is only my 3rd FF in all. I always wanted to write a story about an intelligence officer and a criminal drug lord to shed more light towards a reality that's not in the books. So please enjoy!

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Dissipate[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: Vivid_Scripts
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: during [i]Shatterpoint[/i]
    [b]Characters[/b]: Mace Windu, Depa Billaba
    [b]Genre[/b]: AU
    [b]Summary[/b]: Mace vs Depa
    [b]Notes[/b]: A re-written scene from [i]Shatterpoint[/i] and my entry to the [link=]Mace Windu Thread challenge[/link].

    [b]Title[/b]: [link=]Death To A Jedi[/link]
    [b]Author(s)[/b]: jedikangoroo
    [b]Timeframe[/b]: Clone Wars
    [b]Characters[/b]: OCs
    [b]Genre[/b]: vignette
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