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Before - Legends New Story Index: July

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by VadersMistress, Jul 2, 2005.

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  1. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004
    Welcome kind and gentlebeings to the July New Stories Index for the Before the Saga Board:

    This Index will be updated daily with new fan fiction stories from this board, and at the end of the month all of these stories will be combined to make a master list, along with fics from both the Beyond the Saga and The Saga Boards.

    I will be maintaining this Index. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a Private Message. While I will be locating new stories everyday, you?re welcome to send me the information for your fic via PM.

    To help me to gather the story data and to introduce your story to your readers, please put the following information in the first post of your fic:


    Also, below is a list of common terms and abbreviations that will be helpful for readers searching this index using the find functions in their browsers:

    H/L - Han/Leia
    L/M - Luke/Mara
    Ani/Ami, A/P, or A/A - Anakin and Amidala (Padmé)
    J/J - Jaina/Jag
    J/TK Jacen/Tenel Ka
    K/J - Kyp/Jaina
    Obidala - Obi-Wan/Amidala
    A/T - Anakin (Solo)/Tahiri
    S/S - The Skywalker and Solo families
    EU - Expanded Universe (all of the books)
    JA - The Jedi Apprentice books about Obi-Wan's youth before TPM
    JQ - The Jedi Quest books about Anakin Skywalker's youth before AotC.
    PT - Episodes 1-3, the prequel trilogy
    OT v- Episodes 4-6, the original trilogy
    NJO - The New Jedi Order books, 25 years post RotJ
    TPM - The Phantom Menace
    AotC - Attack of the Clones
    ANH - A New Hope
    ESB - The Empire Strikes Back
    RotJ - Return of the Jedi
    post-RotJ - takes place after the movies
    pre-TPM - takes place before the movies
    inter-trilogy - between the two trilogies
    AU - alternate universe
    OC - original (author-originated) characters
    EU - Expanded Universe
    GFFA - Galaxy Far, Far Away
    Obi-torture - Obi-Wan gets hurt and comforted
    H/C - hurt/comfort
    vignette - a one-post story, especially a single scene
    squad fic - fighter squadron stories
    humor - lots of silliness
    angst - anguish, torment, fear, anxiety
    crossover or x-over - mixing Star Wars with another movie, tv series or book
    round robin or RR - multi-author story inviting more people to join in (also called an add-on)
    song fic - a story based on the lyrics of a song

    If you have any other questions concerning the fan fiction boards in general, you can contact any of our moderators, LadyPadme,

    Thank you!

    June New Story Index

    :) @};-[face_good_luck]


  2. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 5 New Stories for July 1st, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] The Shadow's Light[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Nytemare
    [b]Summary:[/b] (Palpatine's fall)

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] The Last Mission[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] ithesock
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] Very
    [b]Characters:[/b] Green, Blue, Colour, Light. They're Canon, yes.
    [b]Summary:[/b] The birth of three legends.
    [b]Notes:[/b] I wrote this because I felt I should. A product of my odd, insane, imagination.

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] The Cloaked Man...[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Xanatos_II
    [b]Characters: [/b]
    [b]Summary: [/b]

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Knights of the Old Republic Episode III: The Danger Beyond[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] EmilieDarklighter
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] The distant past, KotOR era
    [b]Genre:[/b] War, Action, Romance
    [b]Summary:[/b] When Lady Revan returns from the Unknown Regions, she brings with her news of the war to end all wars...and a plan to stop it.
    [b]Notes[/b] This story features female lightside Revan. I happen to love Carth and Mission, so they feature a lot in this story. If you don't like either of them, then this story isn't for you.

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Star wars: A fight with destiny[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] DARTH-SIDE
    [b]Characters:[/b] darth bane and over charecters
    [b]Notes:[/b] this is a sequel to a star wars comic I read called Jedi vs sith, I felt it was a great book but I also felt they left it unfinished, I decided to right this book to give me an explanation and also for people who felt the same way this is my first fanfic so bear with me and feel free to tell me what I do Wong or what u didn?t like


  3. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue]No New Stories for July 2, 2005[/b][/color]

  4. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 1 New Stories for July 3, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] The Story of a Force Mistress[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] POLARIUS
    [b]Notes:[/b] Allright well here is my first stab at Fanfic so here it goes the chapters are short. and it is a work in progress so enjoy.

  5. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 3 New Stories for July 4, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] Meeting the Boss[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Lord_Zeron
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] During the events of Knight of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
    [b]Characters:[/b] Vozil, Axilm, Saquesh
    [b]Genre:[/b] Action/Adventure
    [b]Keywords:[/b] Nar Shaddaa, Exchange
    [b]Summary:[/b] Two Falleen brothers arrive at Nar Shaddaa looking to join a galaxy-spanning crime syndicate called the Exchange.
    [b]Notes:[/b] This is a response to OC Challenge number 3, I think. An OC has to make a first impression on a Canon character, in the loosest sense of the word. By the way, Axilm is pronounced Azhilm, with zh sounding like it is in Master Zhar (from KotOR I) or sort of like the sound you would make when trying to immitate a razor. Or, if you'd like, you can just pronounce it Ax-ilm. Anyway, this story takes place on Nar Shaddaa, and the main characters are Falleen, neither of which I know much about, so bear with me. Well, without any further ado, here's the story. All replies are welcome and appriciated. Enjoy!

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Star Wars: The Severance of the Order[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] DarthQuellonis

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Just a harmless test run...[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Calayka_Bele
    [b]Characters: [/b]
    [b]Genre:[/b] Vignette
    [b]Summary: [/b]
    [b]Notes:[/b] I'd just like to give a special 'thank you' to Kadi for letting me borrow her. It was fun as always. And also, for not taking "no" for an answer. I'm a bit wary of posting my writing, because I get a bit paranoid about it, but Kadi pushed me to get over it. So thank you for your faith. Also, this fic hasn't really been beta-ed, so forgive me for my mistakes. This is just a random piece of work that I was inspired to write very late one night. Kadi was reminded of the Fourth of July when she first read it, so suggested I post it to celebrate that particular holiday.


  6. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 6 New Stories for July 5, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] Searching for[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Aiden_Sanic
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] Right before the Levaithan gets the Ebon Hawk with it's tractor beam.
    [b]Characters:[/b] All main characters from KOTOR, and Kriff Sanic ( Revan )
    [b]Summary:[/b] For those who play KOTOR, you would know there is a hint of romance between Bastila and Revan. Bastilla wrestles with her feelings towards Revan, and her commitment towards the jedi council.

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] And In Conclusion?[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] Sheleigh
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] JA era. Obi-Wan is approximately 18 years old.
    [b]Summary:[/b] Obi-Wan?s account of a particularly harsh mission.
    [b]Notes:[/b] This was originally going to be a brief vignette where I tested my hand at first person writing. (First time for everything, I suppose.) However, I?ve been bitten by the plot bunny, so I?ll run with it, despite my apprehension of the writing style. Enjoy!

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]Meeting the Boss[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Lord Zeron
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] During the events of Knight of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
    [b]Characters: [/b] Vozil, Axilm, Saquesh
    [b]Genre:[/b] Action/Adventure
    [b]Keywords:[/b] Nar Shaddaa, Exchange
    [b]Summary: [/b] Two Falleen brothers arrive at Nar Shaddaa looking to join a galaxy-spanning crime syndicate called the Exchange.
    [b]Notes:[/b] This is a response to OC Challenge number 3, I think. An OC has to make a first impression on a Canon character, in the loosest sense of the word. By the way, Axilm is pronounced Azhilm, with zh sounding like it is in Master Zhar (from KotOR I) or sort of like the sound you would make when trying to immitate a razor. Or, if you'd like, you can just pronounce it Ax-ilm. Anyway, this story takes place on Nar Shaddaa, and the main characters are Falleen, neither of which I know much about, so bear with me. Well, without any further ado, here's the story. All replies are welcome and appriciated. Enjoy!

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Long walk through the Dark[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] Arcalian
    [b]Summary:[/b] The thoughts and impressions of one of the many Sith Lords in the long chain from Darth Bane to Darth Sidious. This story occurs approximately four hundred years before Phantom Menace. Lucas owns all.

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Premonitions of Darkness[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] DarthQuellonis
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] 2,450 years before the Battle of Naboo.
    [b]Characters:[/b] A young Jedi Apprentice and a wise Master.
    [b]Keywords:[/b] Raxus Prime, Belsavis, Corellia.
    [b]Summary:[/b] Two Jedi, a master and apprentice, discover unusual ruins on Raxus Prime while searching for a dangerous Sith Maurader. They try to contact Coruscant but they have a bad receiver and cannot see anything they say back. That night the apprentice has a premonition of the future for the Jedi Order involving dark plots.
    [b]Notes:[/b] : The Genre will be decided based on how much I write.

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Forbidden Love[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] PadawanofQui-Gon
    [b]Characters:[/b] Dooku/OC
    [b]Genre:[/b] Romance


  7. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 3 New Stories for July 6, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] Ordinary Joys[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] VaderLVR64
    [b]Characters:[/b] Qui-Gon Jinn, OCs
    [b]Summary:[/b] Qui-Gon reflects on the path not taken. Written for the Qui-Gon Romance Challenge.
    [b]Notes:[/b] Originally posted in the Qui-Gon challenge thread for the romance challenge. If you haven't checked out the amazing works there, do so now. Right now, skip this and read that thread! This may not be what was intended for the romance challenge, but this is the plot bunny that bit.

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Long walk through the Dark[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] Arcalian
    [b]Genre:[/b] One Post
    [b]Summary:[/b] thoughts and reflections of a Sith Lord)

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] The Exiled[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] justalilbit11
    [b]Characters: [/b]
    [b]Summary: [/b]

  8. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue]1 New Story for July 7th, 2005[/b][/color]

    [b]Title: [/b] [link=] Complementary Colours[/link]
    [b]Author(s): [/b] Commander-DWH
    [b]Timeframe: [/b] Knights of the Old Republic
    [b]Characters: [/b] Aiden Star, Leiraya Moran, the usual K1 party members
    [b]Genre: [/b] Ask me when it?s done? Eh? drama, some humour, spurts of romance, and moderately high chance of scattered angst. A little bit of everything, I reckon.
    [b]Keywords: [/b]
    [b]Summary: [/b] The story of K1. My way. With my OC, because she?s that awesome.
    [b]Notes:[/b] Umm? C#, A, and G.

  9. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 3 New Stories for July 8, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=]From Humble Beginnings[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Jennifer_Lyn
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] Many years before TPM
    [b]Characters:[/b] ah, you shall see!
    [b]Genre:[/b] drama
    [b]Keywords:[/b] A young novice takes his first step into a larger world.
    [b]Summary:[/b] This is in answer to the Quotation Roulette challenge. I got number 29: "I hate quotations, tell me what you know." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
    [b]Notes:[/b] It's all George's!

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Quotations Roulette Challenge Response Thread[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] vader_incarnate
    [b]Notes:[/b] here's the place to post your responses to the Quotations Roulette Challenge.

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Truth or Dare[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] SabyneAmberle
    [b]Characters: [/b] Atton Rand, Disciple (Mical)
    [b]Genre:[/b] Humor
    [b]Keywords:[/b] KotOR
    [b]Summary: [/b]
    [b]Notes:[/b] Atton tries to take Mical down a few pegs, only to find things don't work out the way he thought they would.


  10. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 4 New Stories for July 9, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] Honor and Glory[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] MandalorianOfHonor
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] KotOR
    [b]Notes:[/b] This is my first attempt at writing fanfic. So I hope you enjoy it. The first chapter doesn't have any combat in it, just to tell whats going on really. Well here it is.

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Vanillaville:The Light & Dark[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] Darth_White
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] Near the end of KOTOR I and the beggining of KOTOR II
    [b]Genre:[/b] Action/Adventure/Romance (little bit)/Drama

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] I, Devaious: The Story of a Fallen Sith Lord[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] LordDarthDevaious
    [b]Characters: [/b]
    [b]Summary: [/b]

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Culture Club[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] JadeSolo
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] JA ? Aalto is 8
    [b]Characters:[/b] Aalto, OC
    [b]Genre:[/b] Eh? Drama? Thought-provoking philosophy?
    [b]Notes[/b] This can all be blamed on Shaindl, who brought up the idea of these ?culture classes? in the Obi thread but wouldn?t write it herself. Dammit. :p


  11. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 2 New Stories for July 10, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] Against the Code[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Princess_Arulmozhi
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] JA
    [b]Characters:[/b] Obi and Qui
    [b]Genre:[/b] Humour
    [b]Summary:[/b] Your perception defines your reality. Or some such thing.
    [b]Notes:[/b] My response to the Quotation Roulette challenge. Mine was No: 79: "There is no remedy for love but to love more. -- Henry David Thoreau I'm surpised at what I came up with. Heh.

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] To Live and Love[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] Bale
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] One year after the destruction of the Star Forge
    [b]Characters:[/b] Bastila, Revan, Malak
    [b]Genre:[/b] Romance
    [b]Summary:[/b] Bastila reflects on the past and what lies ahead.
    [b]Notes:[/b] This is in answer to the Quotation Roulette challenge.
    Quotations Roulette


  12. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 2 New Stories for July 11, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] Reawakened Darkness[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Bale
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] KOTOR/Pre-ROTS
    [b]Genre:[/b] Vignette

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Shatter Assassins[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] DarthQuellonis
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] 1,500 years before TPM.
    [b]Summary:[/b] The Republic is unstable, it will collapse, it's only a matter of when. Republic forces in the outer rim fighting the remains of a high status criminal group suddenly encounter a bigger resistence movement then previously thought, a cortosis plated army of highly trained troops, but the calculations don't make sense, the planet was blockaded and commando teams who throughly searched surrounding caves around the cities once held by the group found no evidence that any cortosis refineries or camps were once hidden. The Republic forces are overrun and most are killed, the remaining surviviors flee to the nearest Republic base.


  13. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 3 New Stories for July 12, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] Marked in Blood[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Neon Star
    [b]Characters:[/b] Xanatos, vampire OC, Obi-wan
    [b]Summary:[/b] Its been a long time since I've played in this particular arena. For anyone familiar with my previous vampire trilogy, let's state now that these are not like dear Enovan, even if a certain one looks like it at first.

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] The New Sith[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] Darth_Arvy
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] pre-TPM
    [b]Characters:[/b] Darth Plagueis, Palpatine
    [b]Genre:[/b] Drama
    [b]Summary:[/b] Darth Plagueis finds his new apprentice...
    [b]Notes:[/b] This is my first fic story so if it sucks lol please bear with it.

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] The tales of Jolee Bindo[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] DarthQuellonis
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] Set 35-15 years before the battle over Taris.
    [b]Characters: [/b]
    [b]Summary: [/b]

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]And Eyes So Cold[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] Fluff-Slayer
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] JA
    [b]Characters:[/b] Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Yoda, others
    Genre: Angst, (slight) fluff, Horror(-ish)
    [b]Keywords:[/b] Spirit, stalking
    [b]Summary:[/b] Echoes of the past are not unheard of, but when a mysterious dark figure begins appearing to Padawan Kenobi, he begins to question his sanity. Who is this child, and why is she following Obi-Wan?


  14. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 2 New Stories for July 13, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] Night of Chaos[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Darth_White
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] Before KOTOR II in Datooine
    [b]Characters:[/b] Atris,
    [b]Genre:[/b] Action/Adventure/Drama

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Lure of the Dark Side[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] Amon_Amarth
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] KOTOR era; about 4000 years before the Battle for Naboo
    [b]Characters:[/b] Revan, Bastila, Jolee, Juhani
    [b]Genre:[/b] angst, action
    [b]Summary:[/b] A scene from Knights of the Old Republic; Revan's thoughts as he made the choice that will effect his entire future.

  15. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 1 New Story for July 14, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=]I decide[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] obi-wanfan123
    [b]Summary: [/b] Obi-Wan faces real life situations

  16. SiriLVR

    SiriLVR Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 6, 2005
    Only the indexer should post in this thread. Thank you! :D
  17. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 2 New Stories for July 15, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] KotOR III: The Fall of Darth Nihilus[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Darth_Valeo

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Philosopher[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] millenium_dove


  18. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue]No New Stories for July 16th, 2005[/color][/b]


    Way to go Harry Potter!
  19. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004
    3 New Stories for July 17th, 2005

    Title: Freefall
    Author(s): DarthQuellonis
    Timeframe: 2 years after the battle at the Star Forge.

    Title: A Padawan No More
    Author(s): masterobiwankenobi
    Timeframe: Obi-Wan is 13. AU that takes place from JA #1- JA#8.
    Characters: Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Tahl, Nield, Roenni, Mace, Yoda, and more.
    Summary: AU. Qui-Gon changes his mind and takes Obi-Wan as a Padawan before he goes to Bandomeer. Months later, many problems, including an AU Melida/Dann, interfere with the apprenticeship.

    Title: The Map
    Author(s): Princess_Arulmozhi
    Timeframe: JA
    Characters: Obi and Qui. (You think I'd write about anyone else?). Oh yeah, an OC
    Genre: Not mystery per this story, 'the map' is something else altogether
    Summary: Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon go through yet another strange experience.
    Notes: A huge note at the end of the fic. I'd give too much away if I posted it now. And this one'll be a two-parter.

  20. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue]2 New Stories for July 18th, 2005[/color][/b]

    [b]Title: [/b] [link=] I Told You So[/link]
    [b]Author(s): [/b] Knight_Skye
    [b]Characters: [/b]
    [b]Genre: [/b]
    [b]Summary: [/b] That would be telling . . . Mwhahaha! ::chokes:: Ok, ok, Qui-Gon's second apprentice.

    [b]Title: [/b] [link=] A Cry in the Dark[/link]
    [b]Author(s): [/b] Aya-Na_Bashu
    [b]Characters: [/b]
    [b]Genre: [/b]
    [b]Summary: [/b]

  21. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 5 New Stories for July 19, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] For the Life of a Frying Pan[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] obaona
    [b]Summary:[/b] Qui-Gon saves a frying pan.
    [b]Notes:[/b] This is all Pallas-Athena's fault. I did a fic meme, and again, she sought to stump me, giving me 'Qui-Gon, frying pan.' Cruel woman, no?

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] First Sentence Challenge[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] Twich

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] So this is new[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] SiriKenobi12
    [b]Characters: [/b]
    [b]Summary: [/b]
    [b]Notes:[/b] Ok this is a very short story idea that wouldn?t leave me alone, its Siri discovering that she has a crush on a certain male Jedi. It takes place right before the first part of SOTJ (no spoilers).

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] Palpaginnings[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] Darth-Trepidor

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] KotOR: Into the Unknown[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] Kyzen

  22. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] No New Stories for July 20th, 2005 [/b][/color]

  23. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 2 New Stories for July 21, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] Knights of the Old Republic III: Revenge of the Writters[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Commander-DWH
    [b]Timeframe:[/b] post-KOTOR 2
    [b]Characters:[/b] Revan, HK-47
    [b]Genre:[/b] Humour
    [b]Summary:[/b] The script for KOTOR 3 has come out, and Revan?s worst fears are confirmed? that her worst fears don?t even come close to being as bad as reality

    [b]Title:[/b] [link=] A Clashing of Wills[/link]
    [b]Author(s):[/b] VaderLVR64
    [b]Characters:[/b] Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan
    [b]Summary:[/b] You can?t make me?
    [b]Notes:[/b] Written for the Rebellious Obi-Wan challenge a while back. This is an AU, obviously?

  24. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] 1 New Story for July 22, 2005 [/b][/color]

    [b]Title[/b] [link=] A Healer's Record of Qui-Gon Jinn[/link]
    [b]Author:[/b] Layren and Neon Star
    [b]Genre:[/b] Humor
    [b]Summary:[/b] We're back in action! For those of you who remember the original Healer record written with Charmisjess, due to lack of time and interest she has given the bunny back to the original author. Neon Star will be collaborating in her place, since she was the original author of the bunny We are huge feedback junkies! Feed us!

  25. VadersMistress

    VadersMistress Jedi Knight star 6

    Apr 7, 2004

    [b][color=royalblue] No New Stories for July 23, 2005 [/b][/color]

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