  1. In Memory of LAJ_FETT: Please share your remembrances and condolences HERE

Sac, CA Next Meeting: February 9th at noon at the Convention Center in downtown Sacramento

Discussion in 'Pacific Regional Discussion' started by Aunt Jar Jar Mimah, Jan 21, 2002.

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  1. Sac-Town-Knight

    Sac-Town-Knight Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 13, 2001
    Bad news for me, I can't make the convention. :_| I'm in the middle of laying tile in my kitchen. I had hoped to finish last weekend, but not even close. I even took off work on Monday in an attempt to speed things up. I was really looking forward to dusting off my costume for this once in a blue moon event. Typing this is making my stomach turn in disapointment. Hope ya'll have a blast. Someone please take pics.
  2. Lord_Darth_Vader

    Lord_Darth_Vader Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 13, 2001
    No Sac Town! You can't do this!! :_| Oh man! Well, we sure are gonna miss ya!

    Hey, this is in my bio now... Watcha think?

    The Dark Side Calleth:

    Though I am falling, I do not dispair. For I know at darkness end, I will be rewarded. My Master has told as much. I close my eyes feeling myself falling, spirawling into the darkness where Evil is. Where it lurks, and becomes stronger with every waking moment of my plunge into its depths. I do not fear, for fear is for the weak. I am strong, becoming stronger in every moment I fall deeper, deeper toward the Dark Side.

    As my eyes open, I see the end now. It is dark, it is beautiful, and all powerful. I feel the coldness of the Dark Sides embrace swirl around me. Touching me. Inviting me. It is intoxicating, alluring. I cannot resist. It has made me promises. It whispers what I long to hear. It tells me I shall become hated, feared, powerful, second only to my Master. In time, I will be the Master.

    It is quiet, dark, serene. I feel the Dark Side inside me now. In the depths of my being. Burning through every pore in my body. I am drunk on its power. Every sense, alive and alert. I am invincible, and no one shall dare oppose my Master or I, now. My every thought is enhanced now, by the Dark Side's presence. It guides me, decides for me. It nurtures the hate in me, it makes me all powerful.

    My hatred for the Jedi fuels the Dark Side within me. The Dark Side is pleased, and so is my Master. He is waiting for me at the end of my journey. I am there, my journey to the Dark Side is complete. My Master is pleased. He greets me, and tells me well done.

    I am now...... A Sith!

    I am the destroyer of worlds.

    well? What does everyone think? Pretty wicked, eh?


  3. Aunt Jar Jar Mimah

    Aunt Jar Jar Mimah Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 10, 1999
    I don't know what scares me more, the bio or the fact you were still awake at 3:00am last night. Heck, I can't even stay awake past 8:30 most evenings.

    So sorry we're going to miss you Sac town!!

  4. Lord_Darth_Vader

    Lord_Darth_Vader Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 13, 2001
    LOL couldn't sleep Auntie.

    My mind was drifting toward the dark side ;)
  5. A1Alpha

    A1Alpha Jedi Youngling

    Jan 12, 2002
    Great news everyone, I will be able to come (if any of you remember me). I think this will be a great gathering. I have to buy tickets at the door, because there are extra fees on the net, so I might be a tad bit late (I am coming early to get in line). It is worth it to bay the extra $5 at the door. See you all there.
  6. Lord_Darth_Vader

    Lord_Darth_Vader Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 13, 2001
    Yeah me too...

    I have to buy them at the door also.
  7. Jeremyguy

    Jeremyguy Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 11, 1998
  8. bright sith

    bright sith Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 27, 1999
    I'll be in lines for my ticket, too. See you on Saturday.
  9. Monsoon-Tier

    Monsoon-Tier Jedi Youngling

    May 27, 2001
    Something crazy happened to me today. My wife wanted to know why I didn't invite her to go to the convention. This is the same woman who snickered at me when I told I was meeting you all at the first meeting. It seems the force is strong with me after all. The Jedi Mind tricks I've been practicing are finally working.
    Can't wait to see you all.
  10. sacul-1138

    sacul-1138 Jedi Youngling star 5

    Nov 9, 2000
    Buying tix in line too...DOH!!

    I'll be there with the little one and a friend of mine...I told him while I was at the meeting I saw a vision of him meeting a hot klingon everytime...hehe

  11. Aunt Jar Jar Mimah

    Aunt Jar Jar Mimah Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 10, 1999
    Yeah, I've gotta buy my ticket too. I'm hoping I can buy it before noon and still be sitting at the mini-Starbucks inside at 12:00 sharp. I don't want to miss anyone, especially the people we haven't met yet.

    It'll be fun! I can't wait!

    I'll log on here right before I leave, if anyone has any last minute questions.
  12. sacul-1138

    sacul-1138 Jedi Youngling star 5

    Nov 9, 2000
  13. Lord_Darth_Vader

    Lord_Darth_Vader Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 13, 2001
    Ok, whoever's in line the closest, save a spot for the rest of us!! ;)

    This will be fun.

    Good job Monsoon! Now if you can just use the Jedi mind trick on her for other things, right? ;)

    Cya all there!!

  14. Sac-Town-Knight

    Sac-Town-Knight Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 13, 2001
    I'll be thinking of ya'll while I slave on my hands and knees tiling my floor. Which reminds me: "You're a slave? I'm a person, and my name is" S-T-K. Have a good time everyone, and MTFBWY!
  15. Aunt Jar Jar Mimah

    Aunt Jar Jar Mimah Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 10, 1999
    Okay, I'm leaving the house already to run some errands before arriving at the Convention Center. I'll try to be early, to be sure and catch everyone.

    Inside the convention center, at the little Starbucks area. I'm wearing jeans and a long brown sweater, for anyone new that didn't meet me last time.

    See everyone there!
  16. Lord_Darth_Vader

    Lord_Darth_Vader Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 13, 2001
    Dammit, I won't be coming. Something has come up, and I will notbe making it to this one. Sorry folks. :(

    Auntie, let me know when the next one is.

    Sacul-1138: I really would love to have a copy of that CD. PM me and tell me where you would like me to send a self addressed stamped envelope and the amount and I will do it.

    Well, now I have to take care of something. Have fun everyone.
  17. Jeremyguy

    Jeremyguy Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 11, 1998
    bright sith tells me it was quite cool having a bunch of stormtroopers at a Trek convention. I'd've loved to see that! I hope plans work out for another meeting before AotC (but not the last week of March! heheh). One of these days, dang it....
  18. Sac-Town-Knight

    Sac-Town-Knight Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 13, 2001
    While watching the news I saw a segment on the convention. I may be wrong, but it didn't look that interseting.?[face_plain] From what the news showed, it looked like a poster session event. Anybody have first-hand imput?
  19. Lord_Darth_Vader

    Lord_Darth_Vader Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 13, 2001
    Yeah Sac Town, I saw it too on channel 3 news. It didn't look very impressive. The Klingon I saw in the news clip wasn't very good looking either.
  20. Sac-Town-Knight

    Sac-Town-Knight Jedi Youngling star 1

    Dec 13, 2001
    I agree LDV. That Klingon's forehead appeared to be constructed from a piece of balonea that had been left out since the night before (obviously browned beyond his skin tone). I know it's all in fun, but at least he could have used a little skin glue to hold it down. Strange that nobody has commented on the meeting. Aunt Jar Jar: How did things go there?
  21. Lord_Darth_Vader

    Lord_Darth_Vader Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 13, 2001
    [face_laugh] S-T-K!! I agree.

    Yeah, it is interesting no one has ventured an opinion. Hmmmmm
  22. Jeremyguy

    Jeremyguy Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 11, 1998
    Maybe they're all still hung over - too much Romulan Ale? The only comment I've seen has been bright sith's over in the Golden Age Cafe.
  23. sacul-1138

    sacul-1138 Jedi Youngling star 5

    Nov 9, 2000
    That was the same klingon I ran into outside who told me I was at the wrong convention...eeee gads man his costume looked good but that head piece looked like he made it from silly putty or something.

  24. bright sith

    bright sith Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 27, 1999
    I'm sure you see the other great thread by Auntie now, but yeah, the convention wasn't that impressive. In fact, the few Star Wars items in there were all gathering crowds. Just makes us wonder why there aren't more of the celebrations/conventions around the country (MORE!).

    The klingons were hilarious when I was in line though. There were about three or four waves of bikers cycling through the downtown area, and everytime they came, the klingons would shout at them. For a few instances, the bikers and them started to have odd conversations, to put it mildly.
  25. Kessel Runner

    Kessel Runner Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 10, 1999
    Man I'm sorry I missed your little adventure to the Sacto Convention Center. Sadly I'm lucky if I get into Sacto 2-4 times a year these days. I'm stuck in the wasteland of LALA Land. How are things with all of you guys? Some of you I know well, others just barely, if at all. The Spicy Guy is just stopping by to say hi.
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