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Saga November New Fan Fiction Index

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Noelie, Nov 2, 2007.

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  1. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    Welcome to the November New Stories Index for the The Saga Board!

    My name is Noelie, and I am the host for this thread.

    This Index will be updated daily with new fanfiction stories from this board for the current month, and at the end of the month all of these stories will be combined to make a master list , along with fics from both The Saga and Beyond the Saga Boards
    I will be maintaining this index. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a Private Message. I will try to locate new stories every day, but you're welcome to send me the info for your fic through PM.

    To help me gather the story data and to introduce your story to your readers, please put the following information in the first post of your fic: (Hint: Yes this really DOES help an indexer!)


    Below is a list of common terms and abbreviations that will be helpful for readers searching this index using the find functions in their browsers:

    H/L - Han/Leia
    L/M - Luke/Mara
    Ani/Ami, A/P, or A/A - Anakin and Amidala (Padmé)
    J/J - Jaina/Jag
    J/TK - Jacen/Tenel Ka
    K/J - Kyp/Jaina
    Obidala - Obi-Wan/Amidala
    A/T - Anakin (Solo)/Tahiri
    S/S - The Skywalker and Solo families
    EU - Expanded Universe (all of the books)
    JA - The Jedi Apprentice books about Obi-Wan's youth before TPM
    JQ - The Jedi Quest books about Anakin Skywalker's youth before AotC.
    PT - Episodes 1-3, the prequel trilogy
    OT - Episodes 4-6, the original trilogy
    NJO - The New Jedi Order books, 25 years post RotJ
    TPM - The Phantom Menace
    AotC - Attack of the Clones
    RotS- Revenge of the Sith
    ANH - A New Hope
    ESB - The Empire Strikes Back
    RotJ - Return of the Jedi
    post-RotJ - takes place after the movies
    pre-TPM - takes place before the movies
    inter-trilogy - between the two trilogies
    AU - alternate universe
    OC - original (author-originated) characters
    GFFA - Galaxy Far, Far Away
    Obi-torture - Obi-Wan gets hurt and comforted
    H/C - hurt/comfort
    vignette - a one-post story, especially a single scene
    squad fic - fighter squadron stories
    humor - lots of silliness
    angst - anguish, torment, fear, anxiety
    crossover or x-over - mixing Star Wars with another movie, tv series or book
    round robin or RR - multi-author story inviting more people to join in (also called an add-on)
    song fic - a story based on the lyrics of a song

    I apologize but my function is not to help find fiction, as I simply do not have the time. For that there is an excellent thread in the resource Looking for fics?

    Also see below for links to previous months NEW Fiction Indexes.

    If you have any other questions concerning the fan fiction boards in general, you can contact any of our friendly moderators:

    corellian ale

    Previous The Saga Index Threads:

  2. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    @};- New Fan Fiction for November 1, 2007@};-

    Title: Thoughts of a Jedi-healer-a Star-Wars Story
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: before and after ANH
    Characters: Kaagi Adin, his son Marhin and more OC?s
    Genre: multi-post adventure some mush
    Summary: Marhin finds a diary of his father and many events in the temple and after that are shown through the eyes of Yoda and after that Kaagi and his son.

    Title: Boz Pity aftermath
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: CLWRS
    Characters: Obi-Wan, OC?s
    Genre: multi-post adventure hc some mush
    Summary: Obi-Wan returns to the temple after the battle of Boz Pity, his thoughts about Asajj and Siri.

    Title: Late Night Escapade
    Author: Serena Kenobi
    Summary: Padme awakens one night to find Anakin missing from the apartment. When he returns, his reasons for leaving are not what she has expected.
    Author's note: This is actually an updated version of this oneshot. Just a missing ROTS scene. Very sweet and fluffy. Enjoy.
    Disclaimer: Don't own Star Wars.

    Title: The Consort?s Mother
    Author: AnakinsFavorite
    Era: The beginning takes place before AOTC and the rest is in a completely different timeframe.
    Characters: Padmé, Anakin, Palo, Aria
    Summary: This is a companion vig to my story although it can be read alone.The Consort. Although I intend to explore Anakin and Padmé?s doomed love affair through a whole new story, this is the tale of how they met? and parallels her daughter?s meeting of Vader.
    Disclaimer: I do not own SW, but Aria Jy?tari is my OC.
    Author?s Note: In this version, Padmé is a little arrogant.
    This story was commissioned to me by Ish, and this is my birthday gift to all my readers here.

  3. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
  4. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
  5. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    @};- New Fan Fiction for November 4, 2007@};-

    Title: Kingdom of Heaven
    Author: Miana Kenobi
    Genre: Challenge Vig, sadness
    Characters: Bail/Leia
    Notes: This was my response to the "So You Think You Know Movies?" challenge way back at the beginning of the year. I just never got around to posting it. [face_blush]

    Title: More Than I Should
    Author: Bmwgurl17
    Character: Anonymous Jedi
    Summary: A Jedi thinks back on the influence Anakin Skywalker had on him when he was younger.

    Title: The Ambassador and the Captain
    Author: LadyLunas
    Rating: PG
    Timeframe: pre-ESB
    Genre: Crossover
    Notes: Written for the First Crossover Challenge here Dialogue only and challenge words in bold.

    Title: Happy Lifeday
    Author: Alexis_Wingstar
    Timeframe: A month or two after TPM
    Genre: Mush, AU
    Summary: It is Anakin's lifeday, and his master, Qui-gon Jinn, has a special gift for him.
    Note: This story was written for the Monday Mush Mania dialogue only challenge, thus this vignette is written in dialogue only. The actions, facial expressions and tone of voice is left to the imagination of the reader.

    Title: "Ritalin of the Jedi: Simpsons Star Wars Ep. 6
    Author: Eon-Wan-Mome_NT

  6. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
  7. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    :D New Fan Fiction for Novemeber 6, 2007:D

    Title: The Hands of the Devil
    Author: AnakinsFavorite
    Era: ROTS
    Characters: Anakin Skywalker (Vader), Temple younglings
    Summary: A child inadvertently betrays the other younglings in the Temple.
    Disclaimer: I don?t own SW. I just came up with this bunny and had to write it.

  8. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    O:) New Fan Fiction for November 7, 2007O:)

  9. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    [face_alien_1] New FanFiction for November 8, 2007[face_alien_1]

    Title: Just Say ?No?
    Author: AnakinsFavorite
    Era: Post AOTC
    Characters: Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padmé?
    Summary: Obi-Wan tries to give Anakin ?The Talk.?
    Disclaimer: I do not own SW
    Author?s Note: Thanks MJ for the plot bunny!

    Title: Why Me?
    Author: JediKaren
    Characters: Luke and Yoda
    Timeframe: ep 5
    Summary: Yoda's point of view when Luke comes to Dagobath to train as a Jedi.
    Disclaimer: George Lucas owns all characters (blah blah blah)
    If you all really like this, I'll do the rest of the scenes with Yoda in them of ep 5

    Title: First Meeting
    Author: brodiew
    Characters: Han, Lando
    Timeframe: Pre ANH
    Summary: There is a first time for everything...
    A/N: This can continue, but I have left it here to see if there is demand for furhter Han/Lando interaction. Feedback is not only desired, but the fate of a continuation hangs in the balance. Enjoy.

    Title: What Not To Wear ? A Jedi?s Point of View
    Author: Serena Kenobi
    Genre: Humor, AU
    Summary: Anakin and Star Trek Voyager's Seven of Nine discuss matters of wardrobe. Very, very random. Don't even know why I thought of this.

    Title: Yes, Master
    Author: VaderLVR64
    Characters: Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin
    Timeframe: Varies.
    Summary: The words stay the same, only the meaning changes.

  10. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    [face_idea] New Fan Fiction for November 9, 2007[face_idea]

    Title: Of Jedi and Discrection
    Author: Amrita Glittersong
    Genre: Humor
    Timeline: About a year after TPM
    Summary: Obi-Wan and Anakin read the Jedi Code.
    Notes: Yay, I wrote something, finally. Anyway, this idea just came to me when I was reading a forum post about how Jedi (namely Obi-Wan) mention 'blah blah is against the Code.' even though the Code we know is no where near so exact. I wondered if the Code really did have such specific rules, and so, this silly little fic was born. [face_love] I hope you enjoy!

    Title: Much Ado About Nothing
    Author: Anakins_Fallen_Angel
    Characters: Anakin, Padmé, Obi-Wan, Sabe, and other Prequel Characters.
    Summary: The events of TPM still happened, its now the time of AOTC, only the last time Padme saw Anakin was two years ago, they left on bad terms (more explained in the story). Padme is as vivacious determined young senator, Anakins now a high spirited man, the Hero of the Republic as the clone wars have come to a finish (so they start earlier in my story :p ) both claim that they are deterimined never to marry. But when their friends trick them into believeing each other harbours secret feelings for the other, the pair begin to question whether their quick witted matches and sharp tongued banter conceals something deeper. All the while Padme's cousin Sabe falls in love with Obi-Wan and their own story unfolds.
    Disclaimer: George Lucas owns Star Wars, not me!
    For my college work we have been reading Williams Shakespeare's 'Much Ado About Nothing'. I found myself wondering how the tale would be if it were told Star Wars Style. The themes aren't all the same according to the book, I have tried to add my own style to it, but hope you all enjoy

    Title: Foot Rub
    Author: brodiew
    Characters: Anakin, Padme
    Timeframe: Wedding Night AOTC
    Summary: Anakin hogs the bed with unintended rewards.
    A/N: You never thought you'd see it? brodiew writing A/P? Neither did I. But, AnakinsFavorite and I decided to swap small time challenges and this is the wacky result. Enjoy.
    First night A/P are married... and one of them is hogging the bed, etc. Must include these words: toenail, triangular, and window.

  11. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    [face_chicken] New Fan Fiction for November 10, 2007[face_chicken]

    Title: To Be Or Not To Be Boba Fett; Self-Realisation Challenge Response
    Title: MsLanna

    Title: Lost?
    Author: Obi_Kenobi_Devotee
    Timeframe: Post-TPM
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Akakin Skywalker
    Genre: Humor
    Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi and his young Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, have been assigned to a new mission. And Anakin doesn't seem to be having a very good day...
    Disclaimer: As much as I wish I owned my two favorite characters, I've afraid Obi and Anakin will always belong to Georgie. What a shame!

    Title: Demons
    Author: Obi_Kenobi_Devotee
    Time-Frame: Post-ROTS
    Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Genre: Tragedy/Drama
    Summery: A Jedi Master is made to face the demons of his past.
    Disclaimer: I don't own a thing.
    Author's note: This was just a random bunny that bit! I've tried to leave it open to interpreation so I hope it isn't too confusing.

  12. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    [:D] New Fan Fiction for November 11, 2007[:D]
  13. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    [face_whistling] New Fan Fiction for November 12, 2007[face_whistling]

    Title: One Priceless Sunrise
    Author: Bmwgurl17
    Character: Anakin, Ariel(The Little Mermaid), Padme
    Summary: What happens when the two teens meet each other.

    Title: A Day at the Beach
    Author: brodiew
    Genre: romance
    Timeframe: pre ROTS
    Characters: Anakin, Padme
    Summary: Padme takes Anakin on a mission, but has an agenda of her own.
    A/N: So A/P is on my mind. I can only shake it, by making it good. :)

  14. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    8-} New Fan Fiction for Novemeber 13, 20078-}

    Title: So He Can Be Saved
    Author: brodiew
    Genre: spy story
    Timeframe: Post ROTS AU
    Characters: Mace Windu, Mara Jade
    Summary: A secret meeting for an odd purpose.
  15. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    [face_love] New Fan Fiction for November 14, 2007[face_love]

    Title: Healer's sorrow
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: ANH
    Characters: OC?s, Obi-Wan
    Genre: vignette drama
    Keywords: Alderaan
    Summary: Jedi healers are dealing with the loss of many lives.
    Disclaimer: Star Wars = George Lucas.
    Note: links to my diaries and to my NaNoWriMo fic.

  16. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
  17. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    8-} New Fan Fiction for November 16, 20078-}

  18. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    [face_peace] New Fan Fiction for November 17, 2007[face_peace]

    Title: Princess but also a woman
    Author: Aiel

    Title: 50 ways to become a Sith
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: ROTS
    Characters: Vader, Palpatine, Padme
    Genre: song parody challenge
    Summary: Vader muses
    The song I got was: 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover Words & music by Paul Simon

    Title: Points of View
    Author: RC-1337

  19. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    [face_blush] New Fan Fiction for November 18, 2007[face_blush]
  20. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    :rolleyes: New Fan Fiction for November 19, 2007:rolleyes:

    Title: Playin' in the Rain
    Author: dancing_star
    Time Frame: post ANH I guess
    Characters: Luke
    Secondary Characters: Leia and Han
    Summary: Luke's just playin' in the rain. Written for the Song Parody Challenge- Thanks for such a cool idea!
    Disclaimer: Just stopping by to a galaxy far far away to borrow George Lucas's characters. And Gene Kelly's "Singing in the Rain".
  21. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    [face_love] New Fan Fiction for November 20, 2007[face_love]

    Title: Star Wars: Episode I ? The Chosen One
    Author: Brandon Rhea
    Characters: Annikin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Naberrie, Jard Dooku, Qui-Gon Jinn, Malus Palpatine, Darth Maul, Yoda, Mace Windy, Bail Organa, Finis Valorum, See Threepio, Artoo Detoo, etc.
    Genre: Alternative Universe (Brandon Rhea?s Alternative Star Wars Saga)
    Timeframe: 23 BBY
    Author?s Notes: Star Wars: Episode I ? The Phantom Menace is fan novel by Brandon Rhea and is the first episode of a re-imagining of George Lucas? Star Wars Saga called the Alternative Star Wars Saga. The novel takes place in the same year as George Lucas? Episode I ? The Phantom Menace and deals with the emergence of Annikin Skywalker as the possible Chosen One and the start of the Clone War. The novel also serves as the beginning of a relationship between Annikin and Padmé Naberrie, a Jedi Padawan serving at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant

    Title: Blue Sun Down
    Author: Darth_Marrs
    A/N: A handful of people read my first Firefly/SW crossover attempt, Children of the Blue Sun. I ran into a brick wall and had to go back and start over. Ordinarily this isn't a problem because I don't normally post so early in its developement. But with CBS, I did, and so this is what happens. This is a re-write of that earlier version. I did promise PMs to the readers of the original, but truly it's been so long, and this one is so different, that I'm going to reneg on that promise. Sorry. However, I'll be willing to start a new PM list if anyone wants.
    I'm anticipating this story will be anywhere between 30,000-60,000 words at best with updates either weekly or bi-weekly. Still, it was fun to write. I hope you enjoy.
    Disclaimer: I own nothing. Lucas owns Star Wars. Joss Wheden is God. Amen.

  22. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    :) New Fan Fiction for Novemeber 21, 2007:)

    Title: Sweet Home Genosis/Sweet Home First Trilogy
    Author: bi0nic

    Title: The Circle is Complete
    Author: RX_Sith

    Title: A Murky Gray
    Author: Arianwen P.F. Everett
    Timeframe: During ROTS
    Characters: Yoda, Padme Naberrie Amidala Skywalker
    Genre: Angst, Tradgedy, Vignette
    Summary: What was going through Yoda's mind as he watched Padme give birth.
    Disclaimer: This vigette is not meant in any way to infringe on the rights of Lucas Films or anyone else holding rights to Star Wars. It is merely a labor of love

  23. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    [face_cowboy] New Fan Fiction for November 22, 2007[face_cowboy]

    Title: Dustball
    Author: The_Loyal_Imperial
    Time Frame: During A New Hope
    Characters: Dash Rendar, Leebo
    Summary: What Dash Rendar was doing on Tatooine.
    Length: 880 words.
    Time taken to write: 34 minutes.
    Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars or any of the characters, planets, and general stuff that appears in it

    Title: Forerunner
    Author: Katana_Geldar
    Genre: Vignette
    Characters: Palpatine, Captain Panaka, Dar Wac OCs
    Timeframe: 32 BBY (During TPM)
    Summary: Palpatine?s response to his nomination as Supreme Chancellor
    Disclaimer: Star Wars is not mine; I just like to write with it. The original characters are my own creations.
    Note: This fic is a response to the election challenge posed by palpyisgod2

    Title: She Will Weep
    Author(s): leiamoody
    Timeframe: Just before ROTS
    Characters: Padme, Motee, Anakin (mentioned)
    Genre: Angst
    Keywords: Vignette
    Summary: Padme must come to terms with some distressing news.
    Notes: Written for The Missing Scene Roulette Challenge. This is a one-shot with no need for sequel. Just watch the scene in ROTS where Anakin and Padme are reunited. That's your sequel.

    Title: The Battle of Selvernos
    Author: whiskers
    Genre: Action
    Timeframe: 19 BBY

  24. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    [face_peace] New Fan Fiction for November 23, 2007[face_peace]

    Title: My White Knight
    Author: JmsBndGrl
    Genre: Songfic
    Rating: PG
    Characters: OC (Aila Bennet ? Kenobi) & Obi-Wan Kenobi (Implied)
    Summary: Set the evening before the prologue of ?Always in Motion.? This songfic is a brief scene between my OC character Aila and her mother, which provides some more background on their relationship before Obi-Wan Kenobi lands in Aila?s life. The song is ?My White Knight,? from the Broadway Musical, The Music Man. Although Obi-Wan is not physically in this story he is a lingering presence.
    Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. I?m just borrowing George Lucas?s characters for a bit. I also don?t own ?My White Knight,? from the Broadway Musical, The Music Man. However, Aila and Aila?s mom are mine.
    Note: This songfic is set before the events in my epic ?Always in Motion,? but both that story and its sequel are referenced throughout by implication. Reading both stories is helpful and recommended, but not necessary. However, to give this some context, as a brief summary: In ?Always in Motion,? Obi-Wan Kenobi crash lands on Earth, meets Aila, and falls in love with her. While on Earth he watches the Star Wars films and vows to save Anakin from his fate, with Aila at his side. Unfortunately, in saving his padawan, Obi-Wan becomes a victim to the charms of the dark side and falls himself. Now in the sequel, Aila is struggling to get her husband to brush aside the darkness that has consumed his soul.

    Title: News at 10 with Fode and Beed
    Time Frame: After Valorum lost the vote of no confidence and before Palpatine was elected
    Characters: Fode and Beed, R2-D2, Greedo, Jar Jar Binks
    Secondary Characters: Darth Vader, C-3PO
    Summary: Infinities election coverage in The Phantom Menace, completely noncanon
    Disclaimer: I own nothing that follows this disclaimer.

  25. Noelie

    Noelie Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 11, 2005
    :p New Fan Fiction for November 24, 2007:p

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