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A/V Obi-Wan TV show happened, Ewan McGregor returned

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Jeff_Ferguson, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. Dawud786

    Dawud786 Chosen One star 5

    Dec 28, 2006
    The Star Wars fandom would benefit immensely from on boarding the central tenets of Star Wars as envisioned by George Lucas. Namely that selfishness, and excessive attachment to one's own point of view, and of course anger is usually bad and leads you down the path of the dark side.
  2. Soontir-Fel

    Soontir-Fel Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 18, 2001
    Episode 5 I need you in theaters I love you
    Dawud786 likes this.
  3. darthzac14

    darthzac14 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2012
    Part V
    pre-Episode II flashback - Obi-Wan and Anakin sparring
    Kumail Nanjiani returns and Indira Varma sacrifices herself
    Operation Knightfall flashback - Reva is one of the younglings and is seemingly killed by Vader, who she hates
    Bail mentions he will go to Tatooine to help Owen protect Luke
    Reva tries to kill Vader. He skewers her and the Grand Inquisitor returns
    She finds the Bail message
  4. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    Vader ripped a whole freaking transport out of the sky! If one may raise an eyebrow at being too powerful A) it's freaking Vader and he's ticked B) it was unmanned and auto pilot. Another thing is after the flashback the high angle shot of Vader made him look almost tiny and helpless.

    Guessing that the show is gonna end with Ben having to kill Reva to keep the Like secret, probably right outside Owen's house and mess up a vaporator.

    Y'know for a Grand Inquisitor tenure of about half an hour, Reva's accomplishments weren't half bad, led a successful raid, captured Kenobi and the Stormtroopers could actually shoot straight for a change.

    When Ben told Leia "Good luck" or something that didn't sound like McGregor at all ahaha
    Barriss_Coffee, Vialco and SWpants like this.
  5. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Now THAT is a decent episode!

    I need all Aurebesh translated asap, already did some myself and it is highly interesting again! Any better screenshots than my crappy ones?

    I like how the Empire used Reva just like it did Ferus Olin while the true Grand Inquisitor was always alive and someone else.

    WHY does Bail have to spill all secrets in every sentence over holocomm no less? And then someone drops it and others can reply the message for Kenobi did not delete it, especially before giving it to someone else? OUCH!

    Soon it feels like everyone knows and pretends it is still a secret... like with the Death Star. After all... nobody talks about the Inquisition as per Mel Brooks... same procedure I guess.

    I love little Leia... I need a poster of her staring down Vader. With the actress they should do a live action version of this book:

    After little Leia... can we get little Amilyn Holdo in her colorful looks? Her Leia Manga self was fun!

    Now that we have cast little Luke and little Leia... when will they throw little Han at us? Show his adventures before ending up with Lady Proxima... some Wookiee times on Kashyyyk... some fringing with Shrike. Come on, you know you want it!

    PS: Bonus points for little Palpatine and his siblings done Malcom in the Middle style... that'd explain a lot of Cosinga's mindset in the Plagueis novel lol!
    Barriss_Coffee and SWpants like this.
  6. SWpants

    SWpants Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 28, 2004
    Part 5:

    Oh yes, I loved the sparring flashbacks. It didn’t look like a deleted scene because Ewan and Hayden both looked older than their AOTC counterparts. But they were de-aged as best as possible and it just made me smile.

    The aliens comforting each other before the battle are adorable.

    Oohh. Plot twist with Reva. I can buy that. She’s angry, not just at Obi-Wan, but at all the Jedi and Sith. That makes more sense than her random anger before. AND it explains why she knows who Vader is.

    Oh crap on toast. That end. That end leaves me in chills even though I know Luke will be 100% okay in the end. STILL. It's the look in Reva's eyes that is most chilling. @BigAl6ft6 you're probably right in that Obi-Wan will kill her at the end of part 6
    Barriss_Coffee and AusStig like this.
  7. Quinnocent-Till-Sith

    Quinnocent-Till-Sith Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 21, 2004
    YouTubers gonna hit the roof when :luke: and :leia: meet. :p
  8. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    I doubt Reva will be killed... they announced a second season after all! Even if initially not planned they might keep her around for more suspense.

    I wonder at what point Kenobi planned to not tell Luke about his sister. Maybe this show will shed light onto that and why he didn't. Imagine a cute moment where the kids wish they had a sibling. Or do something that has Kenobi go, yeah better not tell them they have one for it might have them go all attachement or risk darksidey stuff?

    PS: How often did Luke watch old Podrace recordings of his dad and never realize it is his dad? Unless he did, given Anakin Skywalker as Podrace winner should be a local Tatooine celebrity. Well Skywalker is a common name was a retcon once in Legends... so he may not suspect any ties but wish there to be.
  9. Dawud786

    Dawud786 Chosen One star 5

    Dec 28, 2006
    I haven't watched the new episode yet, but I want to say that I'd really like for this series to get a novelization. Preferably by someone like Matthew Stover, who has proven himself in writing the deeper psychological Star Wars novels and Force stuff. At least someone who has experience with meditation, spirituality, qigong and martial arts to really sort of unpack the "rusty" Obi-Wan and how difficult it can be to come back after an extended period of letting your practice lie fallow or the effects of trauma on the soul.
  10. Noash_Retrac

    Noash_Retrac Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 14, 2006
    My thoughts:

    It's nice to see more of Coruscant. I reckon they didn't use de-aging CGI for Obi-Wan and Anakin, just did what they could with make-up and luck considering Hayden and Ewan haven't really aged that much in twenty years. It's nice to see that Obi-Wan's lessons didn't end in those arguments we saw in AOTC.

    The Devastator bridge was so nice. It was lit up and we could see everything. Unlike in Rogue One. Be interesting to know who the captain is (and his ultimate fate). It wasn't Corssin as this one didn't seem scared of Vader.

    That Jedi name wall. More names (all in Aurebesh). The Wookieepedia has found Corwin Shelvay, Drake Lo'gaan (I liked him, glad he's canon again, waiting for Ekria and Zonder) and Tiberus (apparently Tiberus Anderlock from Galaxies).

    Poor Tala and NEB. But kudos to Indira Varma.

    It is interesting that Leia doesn't take much notice of Lola's presence at the moment. Though at least Leia was smart enough to notice the restraining bolt and then had Lola fix what she did quickly. I'm not surprised Leia has tech skills, considering how often she sneaked out of the palace under Bail and Breha's eye.

    Reva's backstory: to all the haters, suck it. Not everything needs to be explained in the first episode. Just let it play out. That's what I did. And now she makes sense in terms of why she is interested in Obi-Wan. It's all about Anakin and what he did to her and her "family". Again to the haters, suck it and next time...don't make assumptions in the first episode.

    Vader taking down the ship. At least in terms of the ship's size, its more believable than a Star Destroyer by Starkiller in TFU.

    And that end shot. Luke is coming to the story. Surprised with how dark haired he is. I wonder if at age 10 he was dark, then got lighter as he got older then darker again.

    Possibilities for Part VI:

    I have a feeling Reva isn't going to die. Maybe she'll let go of her anger and return to the Jedi way, perhaps with Quinlan showing up. But if she does die, it'll probably be for trying to take Luke because he's Anakin's son and that's why Owen gets more protective of the boy.

    Be interesting to see if they decide to have Luke and Leia meet, but they won't exchange names. There's nothing in the movies though to indicate they didn't meet before ANH. And a lot can change in ten years ;).

    Lol if Obi-Wan gets a bit with Corran and his mother and it turns out that he knew Valin and his relative Neeja (Valin's age in canon is vague), and the way Corellian Jedi are. Lol if he sees to it that Corran doesn't remember being Corran Halcyon and ends up being Corran Horn (and shows up in Mandalorian Season 3, Ahsoka or Rangers of the New Republic -- and bye bye "Aftermath version Wedge Antilles" *cheer*).

    Is Palpatine going to show up? Will Breha? Will Threepio and Artoo? Han and Chewie? Lando? Qi'ra? Maul?

    The possibilities. I shall reserve judgement until next week.
  11. Foreign32567

    Foreign32567 Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 4, 2021
    A brief cameo would be great. Even better if it would show Han and Chewie arriving to Tatooine for the first time to get a job from Jabba.
  12. QuinlanSolo

    QuinlanSolo Jedi Knight star 1

    Jun 17, 2019
    Prediction: Finale will remake Old Wounds, but ending with Owen shooting Reva instead of killing Maul. Given Reva now seems to know who Luke and maybe Leia are, I don't see her surviving to a season 2, if they do one (strikes me as unlikely at this point, but who knows).

    Yes, please. Mike Chen, Ken Liu, or Jason Fry would be my preferences from the current roster; maybe Adam Christopher if Shadows of the Sith turns out to be as good as it sounds. Claudia Gray might want to take a crack at it. But if this show could bring Obi-Wan out of retirement, might the prospect of getting to write his "favorite character" bring Mr. Stover himself back to the GFFA? I don't think he's been writing/publishing much of late, and deadlines aren't really his thing, but it would be more than worth it to wait a couple extra years to have him return to do this justice. (Not in any way to diminish John Jackson Miller's excellent Kenobi, just that we already have that.)

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2022
    Dawud786 and ColeFardreamer like this.
  13. MercenaryAce

    MercenaryAce Chosen One star 6

    Aug 10, 2005
    I have to admit I am a little sad it wasn't raining on Jabiim, but at least it was nice and overcast.

    Those wall names are the deepest of deep cuts. A random pilot npc you kill in an unremarkable quest in Galaxies? Amazing.

    I wonder how long the GI was back up for. I can't help but him hiding just off screen, coming out to snicker with Vader as their con with Reva progresses.
    Nom von Anor, Vialco, Ghost and 2 others like this.
  14. fett 4

    fett 4 Chosen One star 5

    Jan 2, 2000
    Jeremy Jahns did his review of episode 5
  15. Soontir-Fel

    Soontir-Fel Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 18, 2001
    "Where were you when my family was being slaughtered?"
  16. Jedi Ben

    Jedi Ben Chosen One star 10

    Jul 19, 1999
    This isn't really doing it for me.

    It's D+ so I'll watch it, but that's about it.
    JediFett10 and Vialco like this.
  17. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    Maybe Owen Lars shoots her instead for trespassing that would rock
    Ghost, AusStig and Zer0 like this.
  18. Zer0

    Zer0 Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 3, 2012
    I wouldn't mind that as a callback to Old Wounds.
  19. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
    Loved the flashbacks we got, loved how they framed the action of the episode. I did kind of wish we got flashbacks to the Battle of Jabiim.

    Overall really fascinated by this version of Vader who doesn't seem content just to kill or maim Kenobi, but needs to prove himself to Kenobi. It's the "now I am the master" line extrapolated out. And I love that their last duel turns out this way again - Anakin so focused on winning that he loses in a bigger sense, beating Kenobi in a physical battle that allows Kenobi to gain the upper hand and ultimately win.

    Do we think... Reva is going to be canon Ferus Olin?
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2022
  20. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Reader Extraordinaire star 6 VIP - Game Winner

    Mar 19, 2016
    Best episode yet.
    I know a fair few people predicted Reva's motives, but I thought its execution was really good.
    The real question is what motivates her now?
    Is she trying to get back in Vaders good graces by finding Ben's hidey hole?
    Is she trying to get revenge on Anakin Skywalker by killing his kid?
    Is she just trying to get revenge on Kenobi for betraying her to Vaders grip?
    She almost certainly has to die next episode, can't have that secret up and about.

    At this point I think is safe to assume we won't be getting a Vader rematch, the next episode is set to return to Tatooine, maybe a pit stop on Alderaan but it seems unlikely Vader will track Ben from this point on. He can't discover Luke or Bens hiding spot after all.

    Happy for the flashbacks, not what I was expecting, I thought they'd go TCW flashbacks because that best represents their time has brothers and allows a little wear and tear to account for the age difference. The change of appearance was noticeable, but I'm happy they used Hayden for more than a split-second cameo. I predicted Obi would beat him in the duel to foreshadow the end of the episode, but it seemed a good lesson for the Padawan learner. Anakin did come off as a little too angry for the context he was in?
    But he's always enjoyed a good fight, and that works for what he was trying to represent in the episode, plus allowing Ben to show how well he knows him.
  21. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    Read a decent theory that it'll be Reva vs Owen because they had that whole Reva threatened Owen's family scene in episode 1.
    Maybe Kenobi is too busy with the rematch to make it in time
    Ghost likes this.
  22. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Reader Extraordinaire star 6 VIP - Game Winner

    Mar 19, 2016
    Interesting, I'd have to wonder how that would be plausible. Even wounded Reva is a powerful force sensitive, unless she literally drags herself from Jabiim to Tatooine with no medical attention whatsoever I'd be hard pressed to believe Owen survives even a second against her with no backup.
    Vialco likes this.
  23. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    Owen's definitely packing heat. Not even a force user can block every blaster bolt, especially one that's just been wrecked by Darth Vader. Of course, it is the Kenobi show and it would be tragic if he had to cut her down to protect Luke. Unless it suddenly morphs into the Owen Lars Rulez for the big final scene when Obi-Wan and Bail show up too late to the homestead.

    "Thanks, Owen!"
    "Get off my property, I said!" *fires wildly into the air*

    But yah an Owen / Reva confrontation would payoff their setup facedown in episode 1 and give Edgerton something to do in the finale.
  24. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
    Zer0, Jedi Ben, JediFett10 and 8 others like this.
  25. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Reader Extraordinaire star 6 VIP - Game Winner

    Mar 19, 2016
    That is definitely something I can see happening.
    A little on the nose, but very plausible.
    What goes a little to far is the prospect of Owen defeating her on his own.
    Ghost and BobaMatt like this.