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Amph ***OFFICIAL*** Comics Thread

Discussion in 'Community' started by Spiderfan, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. PulsarSkate

    PulsarSkate Ex-Mod star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 4, 2003
    Okay, so hai thread.

    I just bought and started reading DMZ last night. I am realllllly digging it. The art is cool in that mixed media way.

    Anyone else read it? Thoughts?
  2. NJOfan215

    NJOfan215 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 17, 2003
    I've heard of it but i'm not familiar with it. What is it about?
  3. PulsarSkate

    PulsarSkate Ex-Mod star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 4, 2003
    basically, its the second American Civil War, with the Free Armies fighting the regular US forces. Free Armies are encamped in New Jersy, US forces in Long Island with Manhattan as the DeMilitarised Zone (DMZ) filled with 400,000 civilians, AWOL soldiers, looters, crazy people, medics etc.

    A rookie photojournalist gets dropped into the DMZ with a famous journo and an army team, but they all get killed by insurgents. The rookie (Matty Roth) decides to live in the DMZ and use the equipment salvaged from the crew to released news and reports from the zone.

    It's kinda cool.
  4. Axle-Starweilder

    Axle-Starweilder Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jan 6, 2005
    larry stroman penciled an issue of x-factor again!

    he drew the deffinative longshot's hairsytle.
  5. NJOfan215

    NJOfan215 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 17, 2003
    DMZ does sound pretty cool.

    I dropped x factor after the last arc. I think its strayed to far from its original premis and isn't really fun anymore.
  6. Emperor_Time

    Emperor_Time Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 31, 2007
    So what does everyone think about the Final Crisis series? :)
  7. Darth-Lando

    Darth-Lando Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Aug 12, 2002
    Did you read the Layla Miller one-shot? Best X-Factor book in a while. I wouldn't judge the book on the last arc though. It was a She-Hulk crossover AND a Secret Invasion tie-in so it had a lot going against it. I hated Stroman's art though. His style just doesn't work like it did in the 90's IMO.
  8. Axle-Starweilder

    Axle-Starweilder Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jan 6, 2005
    it's deffinately not the same look anymore, but it's still very stroman.
    the book even sort of had that 90s x-factor feel to it.
  9. dizfactor

    dizfactor Jedi Knight star 5

    Aug 12, 2002
    Responding to Slimy's questions about the GL status quo:

    Oh, then: not much. They restarted the Corps and there's a ton of GL's again. Kyle Rayner is revered as the Torchbearer who kept the (green) light on, so to speak, while everyone else was busy being dead or insane/possessed, and he carries the Ion entity inside him (basically the GL equivalent of the Parallax entity). Some people still have issues with Hal for, you know, killing everybody.

    Final Crisis is genius, so far, as are the spinoffs that I've read. Superman Beyond 3-D is like grinding up Grant Morrison's brain into a fine powder and freebasing it. Rogue's Revenge has been awesome and I have high hopes for Legion of Three Worlds.

    It does make me want to go back and re-read Seven Soldiers: Mister Miracle and 52, however, much like Batman R.I.P. is making me want to re-read Moz's entire Batman run.
  10. slimybug

    slimybug Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Aug 14, 2001
    I've heard that Final Crisis is really difficult to understand. And I can't say I'm surprised, I mean, it's freakin' Grant Morrison! I did the best I could to read his run on New X-Men, but for crying out loud, you can't tellt hefirst thing that's going on!

  11. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Wizard Magazine 200 greatest comic book characters of all time

    1. Wolverine
    2. Batman
    3. Spider-Man
    4. Superman
    5. The Joker
    6. Rorschach
    7. Captain America
    8. Hellboy
    9. Magneto
    10. John Constantine
    11. The Thing
    12. Snake-Eyes
    13. Kitty Pryde
    14. Jesse Custer
    15. Wonder Woman
    16. Lex Luthor
    17. Morpheus
    18. Doctor Doom
    19. The Hulk
    20. Miracleman
    21. Daredevil
    22. Commissioner James Gordon
    23. Yorick Brown
    24. Marv
    25. The Spirit
    26. Cassidy
    27. Green Goblin
    28. Fone Bone
    29. Ozymandias
    30. The Flash
    31. Tulip O?Hare
    32. Gren Arrow
    33. Death
    34. Luke Cage
    35. Conan the Barbarian
    36. Iron Man
    37. Barbara Gordon
    38. Spider Jerusalem
    39. The Punisher
    40. Thor
    41. Mr. Fantastic
    42. Hal Jordan
    43. Jimmy Corrigan
    44. Jack Knight
    45. Hawkeye
    46. Jessica Jones
    47. Silver Surfer
    48. Professor X
    49. Black Adam
    50. Cobra Commander
    51. Tara Chace
    52. Bullseye
    53. Nightwing
    54. Darkseid
    55. Captain Marvel
    56. J. Jonah Jameson
    57. Usagi Yojimbo
    58. Bucky Barnes
    59. Madman
    60. Spawn
    61. Herr Starr
    62. The Red Skull
    63. Cerebus
    64. The Mist
    65. Jason Todd
    66. Two-Face
    67. Katchoo
    68. Robin
    69. Emma Frost
    70. Phoney Bone
    71. Black Canary
    72. Deathstroke
    73. Concrete
    74. Enid Coleslaw
    75. Milo Garret
    76. Captain Cold
    77. John Hartigan
    78. Swamp Thing
    79. Black Panther
    80. Renee Montoya
    81. Catwoman
    82. Lono
    83. Doctor Strange
    84. Kingpin
    85. Scott Pilgrim
    86. Ultimate Nick Fury
    87. Lois Lane
    88. Namor, the Sub-Mariner
    89. Storm
    90. The Human Torch
    91. Hunter Rose
    92. Elijah Snow
    93. Hank Pym
    94. Guy Gardner
    95. Hopey & Maggie
    96. Invincible
    97. The Scarlet Witch
    98. Vanom
    99. The Invisible Woman
    100. Agent Graves
    101. The Crow
    102. Eliot Ness
    103. Blue Beetle
    104. She-Hulk
    105. Black Bolt
    106. Cyclops
    107. Grendel-Prime
    108. Ben Urich
    109. Jinx
    110. Blade
    111. Raphael
    112. Rick Jones
    113. Witchblade
    114. Wesley Gibson
    115. Nite-Owl
    116. The Savage Dragon
    117. Rogue
    118. Hawkman
    119. Jean Grey
    120. Cyborg
    121. Howard the Duck
    122. The Goon
    123. Bizarro
    124. The Vision
    125. Kabuki
    126. Deena Pilgrim
    127. Mary Jane Watson
    128. Ted Knight
    129. Galactus
    130. Mitchell Hundred
    131. The Governor
    132. Elektra
    133. Nightcrawler
    134. Miho
    135. Grro the Wanderer
    136. Buffy Summers
    137. Mr. Miracle
    138. Drinky the Crow
    139. The Leader
    140. Doop
    141. Christian Walker
    142. Alfred Pennyworth
    143. Loki
    144. The Atom
    145. Francine Peters
    146. Hitman
    147. Aquaman
    148. Jimmy Olsen
    149. Moon Knight
    150. The Watcher
    151. Shade
    152. Black Cat
    153. SuperGirl
    154. Red Arrow
    155. Captain Marv-Vell
    156. Plastic Man
    157. Agent 355
    158. Grifter
    159. Kyle Rayner
    160. Elongated Man
    161. Mage
    162. Holden Carver
    163. Orion
    164. Deathlok
    165. Sinestro
    166. Wylie Times
    167. The Invisible Man
    168. The Spectre
    169. King Leonidas of Sparta
    170. Jim Rhodes
    171. Dwight McCarthy
    172. Uncle Gabby
    173. Booster Gold
    174. David Gold
    175. Lobo
    176. Black Widow
    177. Hyperion
    178. Cyborg Superman
    179. Ultimate Doctor Octopus
    180. Beast
    181. Mirror Master
    182. Deadpool
    183. Seargant Rock
    184. Colossus
    185. Cassandra Nova
    186. Braniac
    187. The Tick
    188. Juggernaut
    189. Ultron
    190. Ra?s Al Ghul
    191. Timber Wolf
    192. Beta Ray Bill
    193. Sabretooth
    194. Leo Patterson
    195. Iron Fist
    196. Superboy
    197. Kid Miracleman
    198. Twitch
    199. Golden Age Sandman
    200. Superman-Prime

    Just a couple off the top:

    Wolverine might place 6 through 10 but not top five.

    Why is Hellboy in the top ten while the likes of Daredevil and Iron Man are not?

  12. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Faces of evil

    Realistically and practically, ?Faces of Evil? came about as a means to give our villains a chance to shine. We know the villains of the DC universe are extremely popular, and have had success with other stories that have focused on those characters, and we wanted to do this across the line which will get a sense of excitement going in the books for what?s to come in 2009... You always hear from writers that some of the best characters to write are the villains because they don?t perceive themselves as villains, and you can play their machinations ? and the reasons for their machinations - in so many different ways. This allows them to really cut loose and have the villain play the lead role in the book and the story, and let the hero take the back seat.

    I love that idea, especially after the superhero novel I read this past year which puts you in the story from the villains viewpoint.
  13. ApolloSmileGirl

    ApolloSmileGirl Jedi Knight star 8

    Jun 18, 2004
    I sincerely hope that list is in no particular order, and the very fact that Cassandra Cain isn't on it makes it defective on it's own. :mad:
  14. soitscometothis

    soitscometothis Chosen One star 6

    Jul 11, 2003
    Any list of great comic-book characters that excludes Jim Starlin's Warlock lacks credibility.
  15. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
  16. GypsyJedi

    GypsyJedi Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 22, 2004
    Kitty Pryde (who I LOVE as Whedon's XMen muse) is the HIGHEST RANKED FEMALE?


    Deadpool at 158? WHAT! Spider Jerusalem and Bucky Barnes and Yorick Brown should be HIGHER.

    At least Scott Pilgrim is in there.

    But UGH! UGH I say! I am in Andalite-Bandit style outrage here.
  17. GypsyJedi

    GypsyJedi Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 22, 2004
  18. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Final Crisis #4 is out. Nice read, everything falling apart. The internet and all gadgets plugged into it become humanity's downfall as the anti-life equation is broadcast everywhere. I have seen the written down anti-life equation and persoanlly I;d rather someone had made up an actual math equation rather than "Alienation + fear + despair + etc".

    Iron Fist # 19 next week.
  19. Emperor_Time

    Emperor_Time Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 31, 2007
    Glad that Superman-Prime made it on the list. :D
  20. soitscometothis

    soitscometothis Chosen One star 6

    Jul 11, 2003
    I've caught up with my Immortal Iron Fist reading, and it's still good, despite the creative team change. I'm loving Travel Foreman's art, and whomever is doing the colouring is doing a great job.
  21. Spiderfan

    Spiderfan Jedi Knight star 5

    Mar 9, 2004
    Does anyone have any suggestions for a decent online Comics release resource?? I am trying to find something that lets me keep track of what issues of what comics were released when most specifically. Not just this week or this month but for several weeks/months preferably.

    Since the Facebook changes, Comic Books Beta has been on the fritz and frankly doesn't work like it used to. It was so useful as it not only told me when issues were being released and was fairly up-to-date with various companies releasing their upcoming solicitations, it also let you organize and keep track of what you want to collect (not just everything), what you have collected and what you have most enjoyed. It was a pretty thorough resource for me, and cut out a lot of the nonsense of series i am not interested in collecting, publishers or brands I don't typically collect, and TPBs/Omnibuses I don't need. Best of all it would send me weekly emails each Tuesday to remind me of my specific pull list for that week.

    Yes I realize that I could have just made up a pull list at a local shop but I didn't thing it was fair to the shop owner since I have a tendency to drop series when I lose interest and can be months at a time between shop visits.

    I could visit the company websites specifically but lately they have been giving me problems, I have to weed through all the comics I don't want to buy, and would have to visit multiple sites in order to remind myself of what I need to grab. A one stop resource would be incredibly handy.

    Any suggestions??

  22. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    The above post is mine because these fantastic forums logged me off as I posted.
  23. Lord Vivec

    Lord Vivec Chosen One star 9

    Apr 17, 2006
    Hello emissary from /co/

    OBI-BEN-KENOBI Jedi Knight star 6

    Mar 13, 2004
    Emissary from /co/, heh heh heh. I use a name on there, thank you very much.

    My LCBS tried to charge 5 bucks per ring with blackest night number 1.
  25. soitscometothis

    soitscometothis Chosen One star 6

    Jul 11, 2003
    I've just read New Avengers 56 - Stuart Immonen's Artwork is superb. The characters look right, the lighting is good, and the action is easy to follow.