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Rogue One [Official Info] Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - December 16, 2016

Discussion in 'Anthology' started by boomx2sjk, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Artoo-Dion

    Artoo-Dion Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 9, 2009
    IMHO, official theatrical posters these days are focus-grouped to death. The really great, memorable posters of the past captured the essence of a film or character with a single image.

    Some of my favourites:

    Back to the Future
    Temple of Doom teaser
    ROTJ style A

    This sort of style is something you rarely see now, except in teasers or alternate formats (like the Rogue One helmet poster).
  2. B99

    B99 Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 10, 2014

    I'd love to step on the bridge of a Star Destroyer!!
    AndrewPascoe likes this.
  3. Lt. Hija

    Lt. Hija Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 8, 2015
    Is there any Rogue One poster featuring Galen Erso?

    IMHO he somewhat constitutes an "unsung" hero of Rogue One who deserves acknowledgement.
    Avnar, Gigoran Monk and B99 like this.
  4. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    Diego Lucas, Gigoran Monk and EHT like this.
  5. Lt. Hija

    Lt. Hija Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 8, 2015
    Thanks thejeditraitor, I should have been more specific, i.e. do we have some character collage artwork featuring him along with the others?
  6. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    not sure.
  7. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
  8. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014
  9. AndrewPascoe

    AndrewPascoe Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 26, 2014
    That poster from that article is ridiculously good. Too good. I need it!
    BenYodaDagobah and TCF-1138 like this.
  10. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014
  11. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    STAR WARS Rogue One Making of Pics! Part 7

    Behind the scenes pics of all the screens, displays and control panels built for SW Rogue One!
  12. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014
    Snax Rebo and B99 like this.
  13. B99

    B99 Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 10, 2014
    I always thought that it was prime opportunity for it to be shown in Rebels.. A base that has been deserted for some time..
    Krueger and Force Smuggler like this.
  14. Snax Rebo

    Snax Rebo Jedi Knight star 4

    Feb 1, 2017
    What! No! How can there be budget casualties in a movie financed by freakin' Disney? That would've been so cool to see!

    Also, we almost got Dantooine in TFA, where it would be re-purposed as Starkiller Base.
    B99 likes this.
  15. Avnar

    Avnar Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 20, 2007
    Snax Rebo likes this.
  16. Darth Chiznuk

    Darth Chiznuk Superninja of Future Films star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 31, 2012
    I think it makes more sense for the Rebels to be on Yavin at this point. The Dantooine base was supposed to have been abandoned for a while. I mean I guess they could retcon that...

    "Our scouts have reached Dantooine and have determined it was the base we destroyed last week."

    "Damn, I completely forgot about that. My bad guys. EXECUTE LEIA IMMEDIATELY!"

  17. Gigoran Monk

    Gigoran Monk Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 2, 2016
    Agreed. Though Knoll doesn't say they had to evacuate because of the Empire. Could have been something else. That said, it would either contradict the Imperial report on Dantooine for ANH, or just prove that the Imperials who checked the planet out were incompetent idiots who couldn't tell the difference between a place that was just abandoned, and one that was abandoned years ago.

    Not to mention that in ANH, it looks as if the Rebels have been on Yavin IV for quite some time.

    ETA: That said, an earlier version of the story may have begun much earlier in the Rebel timeline (e.g. a few years before ANH), which could have justified a base on Dantooine.
    Lt. Hija likes this.
  18. Avnar

    Avnar Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 20, 2007
    Not to sidetrack here - But why did the rebels abandon Dantooine? Has that ever been explained? [face_dunno]
  19. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    probably because they go from system to system regularly to avoid detection.
  20. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    STAR WARS Rogue One Making of Pics! Part 8

    Snax Rebo likes this.
  21. Dr_Cthulhu

    Dr_Cthulhu Jedi Master star 2

    Dec 29, 2015
    Artoo-Dion likes this.
  22. Artoo-Dion

    Artoo-Dion Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 9, 2009
  23. Lt. Hija

    Lt. Hija Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 8, 2015
    Avnar likes this.
  24. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014
  25. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014