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Rogue One [Official Info] Vader in Rogue One

Discussion in 'Anthology' started by Charon Lefleur, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. Darth_Pevra

    Darth_Pevra Chosen One star 6

    May 21, 2008
    Sorry, my inner fangirl takes over.


    "You are telling me the plans are in the hands of the rebels?"
    Ensign, frightened to death, stutters: "Please, my Lord, Moff Incompetent did all he could. Somehow they broke in and managed to steal the plans!"
    Robo-arms lower the mask down on Vader's head. He rises to his full, enormous height and completely dwarfs the ensign standing before him. "So he sent you, fool, in his stead." He strides out of his meditation room, where an officer stands at attention. "Commander, ready my ship. I will deal with these robbers personally." Short pause. "And tell Moff Incompetent that he is not to leave his post until I return. I will have a chat with him."
    "Aye, my Lord."
    DaddlerTheDalek likes this.
  2. B99

    B99 Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 10, 2014
    Darth Vader in R1 > Darth Vader in
  3. EHT

    EHT Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 13, 2007
    "Apology accepted, Moff Incompetent."
    Darth_Pevra likes this.
  4. Darkslayer

    Darkslayer #2 Sabine Wren Fan star 7

    Mar 26, 2013
    This is a great, albeit disturbing, idea - lol
  5. Big Boss

    Big Boss Jedi Knight star 3

    Sep 16, 2015

    i kind of think Mads Mikelson's character will fit this description. he has come out and said he is not a villain in this one, but i feel like technically he wont be, until he is.
    Darth_Pevra likes this.
  6. Big Boss

    Big Boss Jedi Knight star 3

    Sep 16, 2015
    a lot the talk here i have similar feelings on. Vader shoudlnt be overly used, as tempting as that might be (hello merchandise and bums on cinema seats). but he would be a good character and a fitting one to use as the over-looming big bad. similar to how the emperor was behind Vader as the big bad, but on a smaller scale. this way we have our primary villain (who i assume wont be Vader) struggling with the rogue one team, then once the words out the plans have been stolen (As in JUST stolen, maybe they havent even escaped yet) Vader is called upon, possibly wipes out some rebels, and then as the team send the plans away to Leia, theyre killed as well (with maybe one or two getting away, maybe a team mate sacrifices themselves for others to escape). i say it like this because i would hate for Vader to have some screen time, but never DO anything. it would be a wasted opportunity imo. like others said, this is a time he is the most ruthless and cold. who doesnt wana see that Vader go to town?
    Darth_Pevra and Sarge like this.
  7. Cynda

    Cynda Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 20, 2014
    Do we think Darth Vader's hypothetical role in the movie will be revealed before the movie's release and as an extension be part of the marketing of the film, or will his appearance be revealed in the movie?
  8. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    If he's in it, I really really hope they keep it a secret. I want to be shocked witless when I hear that breathing.
  9. Jonipoon

    Jonipoon Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 22, 2014
    My guess is that they will say "Darth Vader is in the movie for a cameo", even though its more than a cameo.
  10. AndyLGR

    AndyLGR Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 1, 2014
    I think it'll be known before, they will want to give this film the best chance possible and I think an appearance from Vader is definitely a way to improve its marketing.
    Darth_Pevra likes this.
  11. Darth_Pevra

    Darth_Pevra Chosen One star 6

    May 21, 2008
    I wouldn't be surprised if we hear his breathing after the end credits of TFA, actually.
  12. Jonipoon

    Jonipoon Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 22, 2014
    Thankfully, they won't do something as cliché and Marvelish as that.
  13. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    Yeah, like they didn't do it at the end of TPM, right?
  14. Darth_Pevra

    Darth_Pevra Chosen One star 6

    May 21, 2008
    I don't put it past a company that seems to do Death Star 3.
  15. redxavier

    redxavier Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 23, 2003
    My thoughts on Vader are that he shouldn't actually do anything, but that his presence is terrifying. He should be hot on their trails, a menace that they have no hope of defeating and instead must run away from or just get lucky. It should evoke that feeling when the blast doors close on him in the hangar bay in ANH, a sense of relief that he can't get to them just yet.

    Sure, you could have him slashing his way through hapless rebels but I don't think that's the way to go. Don't turn him into Rambo like they have in the comics.
    AndyLGR likes this.
  16. Jonipoon

    Jonipoon Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 22, 2014
    I like this idea. Sort of like the terminator in 1984 film.

    Well, in that case I find it even more unlikely that they will put his breathing at the end of TFA. It would be deemed as a complete rehash.
  17. Darth_Pevra

    Darth_Pevra Chosen One star 6

    May 21, 2008
    So then put his voice in there instead, have James Earl Jones say a sentence. In any case it would be smart marketing to drop the bomb at the end of TFA because then most audiences are amassed and you have the maximum impact. Even though the viewing numbers of the trailers are impressive, many people still don't watch trailers.
  18. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    Ugh, I don't want some end credit scene in starwars especially if it has to do with RO
  19. Leoluca Randisi

    Leoluca Randisi Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Jun 24, 2014
    they did the Vader breathing at the end of the credits in TPM so well before Marvel/Disney ...
  20. Darth_Pevra

    Darth_Pevra Chosen One star 6

    May 21, 2008
    It's been rumored to happen.
  21. smudger9

    smudger9 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 29, 2007
    Surely Vader will be a huge part of the marketing for this film. Disney needs to get the average Joes excited about this film.
    Darth_Pevra likes this.
  22. Trebor Sabreon

    Trebor Sabreon Former Manager star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 15, 2010
    I agree. There's no issue of continuity which I can see if any of the stars of Rogue One survive.

    But I'd still like to see them wiped out.

    Every. Last. One.

    Darth Vader (to keep things on-topic) and his forces personally ending the lives of all of the film's heroes (no matter how great any of them may come-off in their debut appearances) would not only be absolutely unexpected, but I imagine it would go an awfully long way towards assuring everyone the powerful, fearsome (hell, "competent," even) entity we all want to see the Empire and its agents depicted as.


    - None of this "kill most if you must, but leave leave Felicity or Diego (or X, Y, Z) alive for future use" stuff. I understand the impulse. I do. Successful characters are the very lifeblood of an IP, after all. But jeez, they always do that. I don't know about anyone else, but I think that I'd welcome the outcome playing a little less formulaic in this instance. Particularly with the opportunity for redeeming Vader (after the PT) and the Imperials (after Ewoks) in the eyes of the public at-large.

    Don't get me wrong: I enjoyed the hell out of the PT and still watch it to this day. The same is true of Episode VI. The Ewok scenes do nothing whatsoever to diminish Jedi in my eyes.

    But even I would welcome seeing the Darth Vader I had hoped to glimpse in ROTS (the fearsome death machine, wielding a crimson lightsaber on an unstoppable barrage) fighting alongside a top-notch unit of Stormtroopers who could give even the best squadron of Clone Troopers a run for their credits. We'll see how it unfolds in the theater, but I could see how undermining that in order to allow the predictable escape of the heroes in the nick of time might prove a tad disappointing.

    And it occurs to me that, when viewing everything chronologically, such an escape by the heroes may potentially even have the retroactive effect of lessening the dramatic stakes as Vader bears down on Luke during the famed Trench Run (yep, even with what he did to Ben sandwiched, in-between).

    - Another strike against Lucasfilm green-lighting the 'Kill 'em all' concept may be that the company is making a concerted effort at building up the franchise's female assets. With that in mind, I think I'd be surprised if at least Jones' character didn't make it out alive. The counter to that, I'd think, would be that a character dying doesn't make her any less of a character. It could even make her more memorable and successful. But again, I get it.

    - And, yes, there's also the argument of needing a "happy (or at least satisfying) ending." But I submit that the very act of getting the DS-1 plans into the hands of Leia more than qualifies in this instance. The film ends with the Imperials discovering that -- although Vader and the 501st were successful in nullifying the insurgent force -- there is still a problem: Records indicate that several transmissions were beamed to an Alderaan cruiser; a vessel with markings matching those of a craft belonging to House Alderaan/the Imperial Senate, etc.

    Vader remarks "I want that ship" and the rest is history.


    I think that would be most impressive.
    Darth_Pevra and Sarge like this.
  23. Darth_Pevra

    Darth_Pevra Chosen One star 6

    May 21, 2008
    I think that in the end the Empire and Vader will fail due to the responsible Moff trying to keep his screw-up a secret and wastes too much times trying to recover the plans himself. Vader will hunt the rebels down and he will gain and gain on them but in the end he'll arrive too late. The Jones character and her love interest escape in the nick of time. The Empire is undone by selfishness and cowardlyness of its officials, while Vader and the soldiers get to shine.

    Well, that's my guess based on some rumors we had.
    Trebor Sabreon likes this.
  24. B99

    B99 Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 10, 2014
  25. zam wesell2005

    zam wesell2005 Jedi Knight star 3

    Oct 23, 2015
    When I saw that scene on Rebels, I was surprised Disney used him like that. I think he will be in this and not just a cameo. Disney will not be able to resist having the big man show up.
    B99 and Darth_Pevra like this.