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ST Official Sequel Trilogy / Legends / Expanded Universe discussion thread

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by YoureNotJonesy, Nov 2, 2012.

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  1. ScorpionJedi

    ScorpionJedi Jedi Master star 3

    Jun 19, 2013

    Not sure what you mean by "too much logic"?

    Also here's another alien to add to the list. How are they different in appearance to the Chitauri from The Avengers?

  2. Circular Logic

    Circular Logic Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 3, 2013
    By the Force! From this angle they look very strikingly similar:


    [​IMG] space!

    The vorcha in Mass Effect also resemble the Vong.
  3. Krueger

    Krueger Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2004
    It wouldn't surprise me if the above picture was based on that same shot from LOTR.
  4. InterestingLurker

    InterestingLurker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 15, 2011
    Even so, the Yuuzhan Vong's appearance are very uninspired. That said, the White Walkers look nothing like the Vong. The Yuuzhan Vong look more like Skeletor, if anything.
    EHT likes this.
  5. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    It's not logical to say that it's a good thing to say the Vong look like every other fantasy bad troll guy ever. The entire Vong concept is insipid, uninspired, and downright hacky. It was an invasion from a completely different genre that didn't mesh very well with the Star Wars universe. I am totally okay with the entire NJO era, concept, ideas, etc. getting the heave-ho.
  6. InterestingLurker

    InterestingLurker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 15, 2011

    Funny thing is, this only covers half of the amount of **** that happened leading up to the New Jedi Order series.
    Beezer likes this.
  7. Odolwa

    Odolwa Jedi Knight star 3

    Nov 12, 2013
    Bad movie title in that vid :p
    InterestingLurker Its not like A new hope had to list the 50 years of **** that happened before it.
  8. CaptainMorgan2013

    CaptainMorgan2013 Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 22, 2013
    ScorpionJedi likes this.
  9. InterestingLurker

    InterestingLurker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 15, 2011
    For the last time, that rumor is bunk.

    The article's source (Star Wars 7 News) just took a random comment (they even said so themselves) from one of the comments sections of the older articles on the site and made an entire article about its assertions. Assertions, I should remind you, that can be made by ANYONE on the Internet. The writer of the article has as much authority as anyone else on this forum. I can make a comment right now saying the enemy of Star Wars Episode VII will be an entire army of clone Jar Jar Binks; doesn't mean someone should make an article about it like it might hold the answers to the content of Episode VII.

    As I have said before, this is hack journalism and should be taken as nothing more than hearsay.
  10. Krueger

    Krueger Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2004
  11. CaptainMorgan2013

    CaptainMorgan2013 Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 22, 2013

    So if the article is bunk, what do you think about the general gist of the article?

    Without having much confirmed or denied info, we are left to speculate, and as such, how would you feel if MJ did appear and became a major part of EPVII?
  12. CaptainMorgan2013

    CaptainMorgan2013 Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 22, 2013
    Nope, just this one and the casting rumors thread as I felt it would apply there as well. Thanks!
    Ryus and mes520 like this.
  13. Mystery Roach

    Mystery Roach Chosen One star 4

    Mar 10, 2004
    Has anyone noticed StarWars7News's update?

    After the article was posted we received some more tips that there's definitely some truth in this. It comes from people close to the production. And here's something more - not only Star Wars: Rebels will have a connection with the new trilogy but also some of the new upcoming Clone Wars bonus content..."
    Circular Logic, mes520 and Ryus like this.
  14. mes520

    mes520 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    Uh before I start getting excited...then again, it's already too late. Can they say their reliable source?
    Ryus likes this.
  15. Ryus

    Ryus Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 25, 2013
    Maul95 and CaptainMorgan2013 like this.
  16. mes520

    mes520 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    Ryus likes this.
  17. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    Great! Now that we have cleared that up, we can work on no longer double posting instead of using our "edit" function!
  18. CaptainMorgan2013

    CaptainMorgan2013 Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 22, 2013
    A thousand apologies oh mighty Chorus. In the future, I will endeavor not to be the recipient of further disapproval.
  19. InterestingLurker

    InterestingLurker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 15, 2011
    By Obi-Wan's Beard... The Yuuzhan Vong truly ARE uninspired!

    Krueger likes this.
  20. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    Still better than the 50th rendition of the Sith.
  21. mes520

    mes520 Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    But the Vong didn't first appear until NJO or Crimson Empire around 1998. The first LOTR came out in 2001
  22. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    That photo is from 2012:


    this is from the LOTR series, Two Towers, I believe, much much earlier than that photo, which the artist probably used as reference


    The Generic Angry Fantasy Orc design looks fairly similar all around (of which the Vong are definitely a part of) but those early books like Vector Prime don't really have a visual reference. (see that cover? Don't exactly look like how they're mostly portrayed now) Visually consistent representations of the Vong "style" become more widespread around the time of the LOTR flicks.

    The point is they're Space Orcs, basically. Not what I signed up for when I pick up a Star Wars novel. Pass. Go away. Done.
    TheBBP likes this.
  23. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Force Ghost star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    I signed up for an entire galaxy full of diverse foes that was not just Sith or Force-users[/quote]
    purplerain and ScorpionJedi like this.
  24. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    Misquoting aside, you can like what you like, I can like what I like. I draw a line at Space Orcs and Wookie Moon dropping. the NJO (and basically the entire Del Rey post ROTJ period) is total bunk to me. Bantam novels 4 life!
    JediStarMoonstruck, TheBBP and Beezer like this.
  25. fett 4

    fett 4 Chosen One star 5

    Jan 2, 2000
    Is that the Bantam run that basically had the same plot in every book/ Evil Warlord with Super weapon who kidnaps the Solo kids before being beaten by the Chuck Norris in space brigade!

    It got so bad that 2 authors (Zahn and Stackpole) actually ripped some of the other books to shreds in there own books
    Force Smuggler and Ryus like this.
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