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Full Series Official "The Clone Wars" Series Discussion Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by RevantheJediMaster, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005]

    There is an article on the Comic-Con coverage section about the Star Wars Spectacular at Comic-Con it has info about the new Clone Wars 3D Animated Series it is slated to be realeased in Fall 2007. Here's a link to the community section but on the main headline it gives you a link to the coverage then click and scroll down a little then you'll find an article about it if you are an official member you can listen to an audio cast.
    whostheBossk and Darkslayer like this.
  2. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005
    "A large component of the future of Star Wars and Lucasfilm is digital animation. Sansweet announced that the new Lucasfilm Animation division is open for business. "I'm very excited to be able to break the news to you here this afternoon that preproduction has begun on the next generation of the Star Wars saga, a cutting edge 30-minute, 3-D computer-animation series based on the Clone Wars that take place between Episode II ... and Episode III."

    The new series, Sansweet explained, is planned for a TV debut in the Fall of 2007. "To get the series underway, Lucasfilm Animation has hired key production and creative talent to lead the development of its first animation project," said Sansweet. "Gail Currey, who's the Vice President and General Manager of Lucasfilm Animation couldn't be here today, but she asked me to tell you that the early episodic treatments for the series are absolutely amazing, and that she can't wait to share this treat with Star Wars fans."

    Sansweet described the look of the new series as a melding of Asian anime with unique 3-D animation styling. He identified key members of the new television team. Executive Producer of the series will be Catherine Winder, whose credits include Ice Age, "Aeon Flux," and "Spawn." Also hired is Dave Filoni, whose credits include "Avatar: The Last Airbender." The Head of Lucasfilm Animation's Singapore location, where a lot of the animation work will take place, will be Chris Kubsch. His credits include the ILM animated short Work in Progress, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Titanic.

    "Also on board is a guy who is already familiar to many Star Wars fans," said Sansweet. It's Henry Gilroy, who wrote the Dark Horse comic adaptations of both Episodes I and II.

    "Over the next several years, Lucasfilm Animation will be hiring a total of about 300 digital artists and others in both [California and Singapore] locations to produce not only the series and animated feature films in the years ahead," said Sansweet."

    This is a couple of paragraphs talking about Lucasfilm's new Animation Division and the Clone Wars 3-D Animated Series. This info is from an article at the official site on the Star Wars Spectacular and Steve Sansweet was the one making the presentation at the Star Wars Spectacular on Star Wars Day at Comic-Con. Star Wars Day at Comic-Con was Yesterday.

    whostheBossk and study888 like this.
  3. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005
    Here is the link to the complete Article

    whostheBossk likes this.
  4. Blackout

    Blackout Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 7, 2000
    Many thanks for the info Revan ( :) ), but 2007? 7??
    Come on LFL, pull yer finger out! You ain't being paid to sit around drinking coffee! :p

    The rumour-mill so far had hinted at the animated series in fall '06 and the live-action the following year. 2007 will be like waiting for another movie!

    Ah well :p If it even vaguely resembles the teaser for Republic Commando, then it's going to pwn.

    {||||| ?||} -----------------------------
  5. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005
    I guess they want the two TV Shows premiere to coincide with the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars. I know I thought it would come out somewhere in 2006 but maybe they don't want to rush it or want it to coincide with the 30th anniversary of Star Wars as I said before. They probably need two years to make the TV Show because if they rush it would probably not have nearly as high quality if they don't but I think they are going in the right direction thinking of quality first and not rushing. It's also probably really hard since they are using a 3-D Animation Style that no TV Show has used before I think.
  6. vong333

    vong333 Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 18, 2003
    Is the asian anime any good though? How would the action be considered? Would it be better than GT style?
  7. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005
    I don't know although I do expect a very high quality 3D Animated TV Series as I expect quality with anything Lucasfims and its divisions release and produce and most of the time the games, books, movies, and TV Shows are of a great quality. Also I think this type of 3D Animation style has never been done before so it should and I'm expecting it to change the way we look at 3D Animated TV Shows and Animated TV Shows in general. I'm expecting and think the Clone Wars 3D Animated TV Series will be great and of a very high quality if not the highest quality. But before I or anyone else jumps to any conclusions we should wait and see what it looks like and how it develops and turns out. Fall of 2007 the final product is revealed to us. So let's just wait and see before we criticize it.
  8. Divia

    Divia Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 8, 2005
    I hope it has just hints of it. I can take some traces of anime in my toons but when there is a lot I cant stand it.

    I also hope the art is good and better than the Clone Wars we just had. I couldnt stand the horrid art in that toon.
  9. Ellbobin

    Ellbobin Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 30, 2004
    Maybe it will be like Final Fantasy (games and advent children) that type of 3D anime. And yeah, it will be nice for the 30th aniversary, but it means there wont be a big 30th aniversary special.
  10. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005
    If the Clone Wars 3D Animated TV Show looked as good as Advent Children I woundn't be dissapointed lightsaber duels would be awesome and the battles would be fantastic. The 3D Animation for Advent Children looks pretty realistic and I think this is a perfect example of the way I think the Lucas Animation Division should go but with just less Anime than Advent Children.
  11. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005]

    Checkout the trailer of Advent Children I think this is a prime example of what to expect the Clone Wars 3D Animation Series to look like but probably with a less Anime look then Advent Children. After watching the trailer imagine how good the Clone Wars 3D Animated Series would look if they used this type of animation and I think they because Steve Sansweet said it is a melding of Asian Anime using a unique 3D Animation Style. I'm pretty sure that's what he said.
  12. Darth_Zoo

    Darth_Zoo Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 15, 2002
    What channel or demographic are they aiming at for this animated show? It seems that computer graphics could lead to a more edgy SW if they wanted.
  13. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005
    I think it will be televised on Cartoon Network since the First Clone Wars Cartoons were televised there and this time each episode is going to be a full length of 30 Minutes. Star Wars has usually tried to aim for all ages and I'm pretty sure that is the case for the Clone Wars 3D Animated Series as well.
  14. Divia

    Divia Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 8, 2005
    I wouldnt mind a more adult toon. Nothing graphic or anything, but a little more adult.
  15. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005
    What channel do you want it on then? Checkout the Final Fantasy:Advent Children Trailer I provided a link to it a few posts back it's a movie not a game and I think it is a prime example of what the Clone Wars 3D Animated Series could look like but probably with a less Anime look to it and after you see the trailer imagine how good lightsaber duels and battles would look.
  16. Blackout

    Blackout Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 7, 2000
    That trailer is prety gorgeous, yeah :D If CW looks like that I'll be more than happy. But bear in mind that people moaned about The Spirits Within and Final Flight of the Osiris too :rolleyes: Whatever they do, I'm pretty confident it'll be jaw-dropping.

    But I agree that a dark tone would be good. Check out the first Republic Commando trailer and tell me honestly that a series in that style wouldn't absolutely own any other sci-fi series on TV =P~

    If that meant that Cartoon Network wouldn't/couldn't have it then I'm not too bothered about that. [shrugs] Their loss. Dark and edgy would be good. There is a war on, after all ;)

    {||||| ?||} -----------------------------
  17. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005
    Yeah that trailer was pretty cool and I think if some episodes were dark and edgy in the style of Republic Commando it would be pretty awesome and the better Clone Wars 3D Animated Series graphics will only make it a lot better.
  18. Divia

    Divia Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 8, 2005
    Sorry cant see the trailer cause I got dail up :(
    Anyway, the toon can be on any station. It doesnt have to be on cartoon network just because its a cartoon. I think because its SW it can go on any channel, and maybe it would be a good idea for soeone like FOX or WB to get it incase some people dont have cable...and yes there are still people in America without cable.
    rumblewagon likes this.
  19. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005
    Yeah you are right it was stupid of me to just think of only Cartoon Network just like you said it could go on any channel. Yes, I also think it would be a great idea to put it on a non-cable channel the Clone Wars 3D Animated Series would get more publicity and ratings. Divia those were all good points and ideas.
  20. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005
    Sorry it's Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children
  21. Ive_Got_Two_Legs

    Ive_Got_Two_Legs Jedi Youngling star 4

    Jul 18, 2005
    There already is an Emmy-nominated, dark and edgy sci-fi space war show: Battlestar Galactica. Clone Wars was good, but nowhere near BSG, and seeing as neither Gennedy Tartovsky or George Lucas seem likely (or able) to do anything as complex/dark as that, I doubt it'll match up in my book.

    And you can't really blame people for complaining about Final Fantasy, can you? Although I thought that Final Flight of the Osiris was great.
  22. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005
    I think they meant they wanted a Star Wars Show to be a little dark and edgey. Battlestar Galatica is a Live Action TV Series and the new Clone Wars is going to be a 3D Animated TV Series. I think the Clone Wars 3D Animated Series will change the way we look at 3D Animation and Animation in general, what do you think? Don't you think the Clone Wars 3D Animated Series would look awesome if it used the same type of 3D Animation as the Final Fantasy Series and most recently Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children the movie but probably with a less Anime look to it. Below is a trailer for Advent Children. After you view it imagine how good the Clone Wars lightsaber duels and battles would look. The reason I mentioned the Final Fantasy Series and most specifically Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children was because that it matches the description Steve Sansweet Head Of Fan Relations at LucasFilms gave at the Star Wars Spectacular on Star Wars Day at Comic-Con that the look of the Clone Wars 3D Animated Series would be a melding of Asian Anime using a unique 3D Animation Style. I don't know the exact wording of what Steve Sansweet said but I'm pretty sure what I said was close if I'm not right.

  23. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    This 3D show could still be a more adult and be on Cartoon Network either as part of the Toonami afternoon block, their evening programs like Justice League or their late night programming on Adult Swim (and while the latter is obviously the ideal location for it, it's probably least likely since they'll want a larger kid audience, not just teenagers and adults).
  24. Divia

    Divia Jedi Youngling star 3

    Jun 8, 2005
    I finally saw the trailer at the lib!
    Oh man that would kick if we could have the new SW toon like that. I would be so for it!!! That looks great.

  25. RevantheJediMaster

    RevantheJediMaster Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 12, 2005
    Yeah I'm pretty confident Lucas Animation is going in that direction, Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children the movie almost matches the description Steve Sansweet gave for the Clone Wars 3D Animated Series almost perfectly. If the Clone Wars 3D Animated Series looks as good as Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children the movie it will change the way we look at 3D Animation and Animation in general in America.