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Amph "On your left." - Captain America (Brave New World)

Discussion in 'Community' started by gonzoforce, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. dp4m

    dp4m Mr. Bandwagon star 10

    Nov 8, 2001
    Oh, for sure, just that New World Order in general just refers to the "shadowy organization running the world" which trends NOT antisemitic when it's like lizard people. But today is largely George Soros and "globalists." But you and I are largely in agreement....
    rocknroll41 likes this.
  2. Jabba-wocky

    Jabba-wocky Chosen One star 10

    May 4, 2003
    1. Are they going to discuss Caliban as a representation of racial otherness with Captain America being black?

    2. Do you guys remember that socialist newspaper that said Alduous Huxley strained his imagination to come up with a scenario where even someone as privileged as him could consider himself persecuted?

    3. It would be really cool if the old title was foreshadowing for Undertaker’s entrance into the MCU with full canonical powers, including not having any blood because he’s already dead.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
    Sarge and Ramza like this.
  3. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    Is it Sam's Brave New World or The Leader's Brave New World.
    rocknroll41 likes this.
  4. Ramza

    Ramza Administrator Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 13, 2008
    It’s Jeff Wayne’s, the whole movie is about delusional fantasies of building an underground utopia free from alien attacks.

    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
    SuperWatto likes this.
  5. TiniTinyTony

    TiniTinyTony 18X Hangman Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Mar 9, 2003
    This is what came to mind for me when hearing the new title.
  6. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    Morbius crossover confirmed!
    rocknroll41 likes this.
  7. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod and Loving Tyrant of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
  8. Sith_Sensei__Prime

    Sith_Sensei__Prime Chosen One star 6

    May 22, 2000
    Cap 4: Brave New World is going to be my Valentine's Day date movie in 2025.
  9. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    No Moustache for Thunderbolt? I can't abide!
  10. Master_Lok

    Master_Lok Chosen One star 6

    Dec 18, 2012
    I’d like to see you tell Harrison Ford that. :p

    Looking forward to a teaser or something soon.
    BigAl6ft6 likes this.
  11. rocknroll41

    rocknroll41 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 28, 2013
    Supposedly they worked that into the story. People who saw the cinemacon footage claim that Ford/Ross jokingly says to Cap “they made me shave the mustache” (implying that the character had to shave it when he became President).
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2024
    BigAl6ft6 and Yodaminch like this.
  12. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001
    I can buy that as an explanation since Taft was the last one to sport facial hair in office.
    BigAl6ft6 and rocknroll41 like this.
  13. Ramza

    Ramza Administrator Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 13, 2008
    Ross should have doubled down and brought it back. Can’t stop the Hulk, can’t repopularize the presidential mustache, what is he even good for? :p
  14. Sith_Sensei__Prime

    Sith_Sensei__Prime Chosen One star 6

    May 22, 2000
    Ross was always an antagonists, so might as well give him something to twirl while he plots.

  15. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Supposedly we can expect the first trailer Thursday.
    Sarge likes this.
  16. dp4m

    dp4m Mr. Bandwagon star 10

    Nov 8, 2001
    ... why would they not wait until SDCC? Or D23?
    rocknroll41 likes this.
  17. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    That's been a question everyone has been asking in response to the report.

    My only guess would be that they want to give it some breathing room for whatever they're going to reveal/announce SDCC that might otherwise overshadow Cap 4.

    EDIT- OH, DUH! Deadpool comes out that weekend. They're obviously going to be hyping that some more. And the Cap 4 trailer has to be attached to Deadpool which would already be in theaters by time the Hall H event happens on Saturday.

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2024
  18. heels1785

    heels1785 Skywalker Saga + JCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 10, 2003
  19. TiniTinyTony

    TiniTinyTony 18X Hangman Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Mar 9, 2003
    Happy Valentine's Day from Red Hulk [face_love]
  20. Master_Lok

    Master_Lok Chosen One star 6

    Dec 18, 2012
    Looks really good. I love that Sam shoved that Not Steve Rogers line back into Ross' face. It'll be nice to see Anthony lead a movie. It's taken them long enough to do so.
  21. Darth Chiznuk

    Darth Chiznuk Retired Superninja star 8 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 31, 2012
    That looks really good.
  22. heels1785

    heels1785 Skywalker Saga + JCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 10, 2003
    new poster, too!


  23. Yodaminch

    Yodaminch Chosen One star 6

    Mar 6, 2002
    Always fun when Harrison gets to point at something.

    Wondering if:
    An attempt on Ross' life requires them to use the hulk/super soldier serum and that is how he becomes Red Hulk - under I assume Leader's control.

    Giancarlo Esposito looks suitably menacing.

    Looks like a good cast and I like the tone of the film. Hope the reshoots worked out for the better. :cool:
    christophero30 likes this.
  24. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Rosses are red, and maybe there's Mr. Blue. I think Sam makes a great Cap. And I think so do you.
  25. DarkGingerJedi

    DarkGingerJedi Chosen One star 7

    Nov 21, 2012
    Looks good. Almost like a back to basics movie.
    Sarge and christophero30 like this.