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Lit One Hit Wonders: Characters that died too soon (or in the source that introduced them)!

Discussion in 'Literature' started by ColeFardreamer, Jul 20, 2023.

  1. Hamburger_Time

    Hamburger_Time Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 13, 2010
    Jude Edivon. We never actually see her die, and she's definitely smart enough to have realized it was time to bail, but she never contacts her friends again and I feel like her being alive would blunt Ciena's character arc a lot. Lost Stars just needs a sequel in general.
  2. Sgt.Matt

    Sgt.Matt Jedi Master star 2

    May 12, 2018
    Connus Trell and Oro Dassyne. The former is more out of having an additional "corrupt political" figure for Palpatine to bounce off of like Orn Free Taa, he could also provide a bit of background into the many criminal syndicates given protection by the Empire in exchange for services required for "Imperial Matters". While the latter is for the Separatists cause to have another recurring player on the table; Oro had the potential to be a darkly comedic general for the Republic forces to encounter in a arc or two before going out the way he did in the 03 cartoon.