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OT Recast with OT forum members!!!!

Discussion in 'Classic Trilogy' started by Darth_Asabrush, Aug 19, 2000.

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  1. Anakin_Skywalker

    Anakin_Skywalker Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 3, 2001
    okay! I'll be an extra stormtrooper at the emperor/ds2 shot if you want me to!

  2. Darth_Asabrush

    Darth_Asabrush Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 21, 2000
    Hooray! Anakin Skywalker has found a part!!! You'd better get to costume asap!
  3. Anakin_Skywalker

    Anakin_Skywalker Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 3, 2001
    I'm in my costume!

    "i can't see a thing in this helement"

  4. darth_morgana

    darth_morgana Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 10, 2000
    *goes looking for extra stormtrooper costumes*

    Have you had the Jabba scenes done already?
    (Sorry, I haven't seen ROTJ in a while.)
  5. AT-AT_Commander

    AT-AT_Commander Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 23, 2001
    well for my role ae pote, i need to bulk up a little, but my suit ought to fit me just fine! anyway where the audition being held, i need to call my agent.
  6. Gonzonaut

    Gonzonaut Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 28, 2000
    I'd like to be a muppet of somesort.
  7. Yanksfan

    Yanksfan Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 3, 2000
    Yeah, what's the story? We did Jabba's palace, but did we do the sand barge stuff?
  8. Naga-Sadow

    Naga-Sadow Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 16, 2001
    As you're lookin for a Han, (i came up as Han in a personality test once...) I'm In!
  9. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    ha like they are looking for a Han! I had to con them outta this part and i'm not going anywhere

    Anakin_girl- as a matter of fact, we already had someone be the stormtrooper who fights with Han (me) but if I get to fight YOU we'll do it again (didn't you know this is IamSpartacus? :)) we can add some paintball fight scences :)

    when's the next board meeting RecastFilmsLtd?
  10. Anakin_Skywalker

    Anakin_Skywalker Jedi Master star 4

    Jul 3, 2001
    My name is Anakin_Skywalker
    yeah i'll fight ya

  11. Naga-Sadow

    Naga-Sadow Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jun 16, 2001
    i'll be Han Solo!
  12. _fuschia_

    _fuschia_ Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 23, 2001
    Darth Morgana, you're hired! It's fabulous in the costume department, the only bad thing about it is that we have to put up with cetain persons [cough] Darth_Asabrush [/cough] implying that we are incompetent alcoholics because we like the odd vodka martini. But Wicket put itching powder in his Vader pants, so revenge is ours!!! :D
  13. Darth_Asabrush

    Darth_Asabrush Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 21, 2000
    [walking around slightly.......itchy]

    OK people, this isn't funny! Do you know how much these trousers cost to dry clean? hmmmmmm, do you?

    anyway, I do believe we have the barge scenes to shoot. I think we are waiting on Industrial Light & Maskingtape to do something there.....solojones, is the barge even built yet?

    BTW, Han is taken but there are many parts still open! All auditions are on soundstage 27 opposite the industrial cleaning machines. Walk out of the production office, take a left, another left and a left again, walk (carefully) through the old Death Star sets and it should be on the left!

    Now.......where is fuschia?
  14. Captain Page

    Captain Page Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2000
    Since I have no part in the Jabba's Palace scene, I will be aiding Industrial Light and MaskingTape with the special effects for the battle.
  15. MeatSaber2000

    MeatSaber2000 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 11, 2000
    *sees Yanksfan and leaps to her side*

    Heh heh, what's goin on? Are we shooting the Palace scenes yet, because I'm eager to get in *cough* position...
  16. Erin Kenobi

    Erin Kenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 30, 2000
    Welcome everyone!

    Gonzonaut, Jabba's scenes have some puppets. Take your pick - just chesck to make sure they're not already cast.

    Naga-Sadow, solojones went to great lengths to be cast as Han and isn't willing to give him up. Is there anyone else you'd like to play?

    I'm reposting the last cast list so it'll be easier to find. Note that this has not been updated. I'll probably update it when the new castings are settled.

    Darth_Asabrush - Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker & Imperial Officer in White, the guy who writes the contracts
    Lord Mauly Mall - Boba Fett
    Darth Pozzi - Emperor Palpatine
    The_emperor's_foot - A special appearance as one of the Emperor's feet!
    Commander Antilles - Wedge Antilles & General Rieekan & Royal Guard
    Kermit - Wedge Antilles' R2 unit
    Yanksfan - Princess Leia, tauntaun and Han's girlfriend
    taramidala - backup Princess Leia in case something happens to Yanksfan
    Obi Anne - R2D2 & Mos Eisley lady in Brown dress & TIE fighter that crashes into Vader (now with a line!), TIE fighter who crashes into asteroid, TIE Fighter who crashes into Star Destroyer, a dancer in Jabba's palace, and executive producer in charge of the casting
    rebel_with_a_cause - C3P0's stunt double
    MD-O - Mon Mothma
    Darth Ann - Mon Mothma's stunt double
    Princess HAL9000 - Ben (Obi Wan) Kenobi
    Aakim Orates - Luke Skywalker
    Solojones - Han Solo, head carpenter. and chief of lighting
    Opium - Chewbacca
    Jedi Yoda - Yoda
    Red-Seven - Grand Moff Tarkin, Tycho's stunt double, also director of ESB and Executive Producer
    Captain Porkins - Porkins & "look sir, droids" Stormtrooper
    Captain Page - Page & General Veers & Rebel and Imperial extras on Tantive IV and Hoth & ROTJ rebel pilot and Chief of Security and Royal Guard
    emilsson - Gonk droid & female gunner at Echo Station & Wicket & hugging Ewok
    Yop - Mouse droid
    Dark Lady Mara - red headed dancer at Jabba's Palace (with bathing scenes) and Jawas and Admiral Piett
    Bib Fortuna, Twi'lek - Biggs & Stormtrooper who bumps his head
    Spicelord1 - "TK421" Stormtrooper & some stormtroooper extras
    Erin Kenobi - Dagobah swamp monster, Captain Needa, Rebel pilot in ROTJ
    Primetimejedi - A Mynock
    Brian Man - "some rebel troopers & pilots"
    Lukes Girl - Mother Ewok
    theredeyedjedi - The fat guy who played Jabba
    Nathandahlin - Max Rebo
    Rilina - Janson
    Keila - Aunt Beru
    Willhuff Tarkin - Tarkin?s understudy
    vedekcobol - Uncle Owen and space slug
    Princess Laura - A ?red head?
    DarthBoba - A-Wing pilot
    ryanof1 - Admiral Motti and Lando Calrissian
    Minigo Varay - Lobot and Ewok Chief Chirpa
    anya Skywalker - Chief Bast
    lejmer faldor uk - "We're not going to attack?" pilot, Captain Antilles, Second Death Star gunner, also directing ROTJ
    emupiett- Salicious Crumb and Moff Jerjerrod, also cameraman handling the helicopter and 2-1B
    Smegtrek2000 - the big frog outside Jabba's palace
    Ben Kenobi - the bartender in the Mos Eisely cantina (Wuher)
    Toshi Station - Greedo; Power Converter Salesman (Special Special Edition)
    Happy Ninja - Lambda shuttle pilot
    gcbrit - Hammerhead and Chewie's comb
    Oryx-I - Admiral Ozzel
    republic_not_empire - Admiral Ackbar
    SueAsideRide - Red Leader
    ArtieDeco - Jawa who zaps R2
    MeatSaber2000 - Leia's slave outfit
    AdmiralRical - Bantha and Captain Lennox
    IG_69 - live up to my namesake and pop myself in that Ugnaught junkpile or one of th' generic Rebel fleet troopers [y'know, th' collander helmed blaster fodder] who feigns havin' been shot in th' begginin' of ANH....runs off t'take another escape pod after encasin' my bod in "dead" protocol droid casings [remember th' Not 3-PO from th' beginnin'?]...and makes a livin' rubbin' oil on Jabba's dancers.
    Converter_of_Power - Power Converter
    MajorMajorMajorMajor - guy behind Ozzel when he's being choked, TIE pliots, Imps, people in masks, 1st assisstant director in lej's abscence, Jabba
    Jedi Greg Maddux - Bib Fortuna
    Vader2 - stormtrooper
    Krash - Irvin Kershner
    eaglejedi - General Madine and General Dodonna
    -IFFP- - Tycho C
  17. Erin Kenobi

    Erin Kenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 30, 2000
  18. darth_morgana

    darth_morgana Jedi Youngling star 3

    Sep 10, 2000
    Meat, I think we've finished the Jabba's scenes.

  19. Yanksfan

    Yanksfan Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 3, 2000
    No...uh, we're doing the sandbarge battle. So, um...I guess you better get over here Meatsaber (explain to me how this works, because my imagination is running wild...are you.....flexible...?)
  20. Erin Kenobi

    Erin Kenobi Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 30, 2000
    I take it we're not filming the movie in order?
  21. lightknight

    lightknight Jedi Padawan star 4

    Feb 21, 2001
    Er,no, I'm afraid,Erin.

    I'll need your help, darth_morgana.I've already got an Imperial green suit, but I think I'll need a black one too.Just one more thing:do we have differen-sized hats? I'm afraid this I'm wearing is a bit small for my head,I've got a lot of hair... because,I'll don't need to cut it, or at least,to cut it very short...

    Talking about something different: I 've seen that there are not a lot of rebel pilots.I can play that paper too?
    I'll be expecting the starting of the next flying course.At last I'll make some real practise... it is so exciting!!

    Lasting, when do we start the Darth Vader scenes? I've learnt by heart all my sentences
    and I've repeated my part a thousand times at least.I'm impacient! And I not admit excuses like "we have to adjurn this for next week"!!!!!
  22. Captain Page

    Captain Page Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Apr 22, 2000
    Uh, we have to adjourn this until, uh, next week...
    Hee hee. Just kidding.
  23. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    oooopppppsssss sorry Anakin_Skywallker! Got you confused with someone else....but we can still FIGHT!!!

    Hey, I would also like to tell you that I am part of the costume squad! In fact, according to the board lists, I am the HEAD of the Props, Costuming, Lighting, and Camera departments. Might want to make note of that...

    DA- the uh....Barge.... of COURSE it's done *weak smile*
    *to Marco*
    grab a hammer and go start on the barge

    we'll uh, be done in a second.....heh....

    PS. what? DA you WOULDN'T send people through the old DS set just to audition! What about the loose boards, nails, confusing trapdoards, mazes, secret passageways, and the little coolant spill problems???? NOoooo!!!!!

    *rushes off to save those wandering through the old sets*
  24. Darth_Asabrush

    Darth_Asabrush Jedi Grand Master star 5

    May 21, 2000
    solojones, it's part of the audition! Now, about this barge, can I take a look at it. I need to compare it with the storyboards.

    Erin, our shooting schedule is slightly "confused" so I'd say that we are not filming in order. It's a little hard when our Director goes AWOL! Even our 1st Assistant Director hasn't shown his face for a while.

  25. MeatSaber2000

    MeatSaber2000 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 11, 2000
    Don't worry, Yanksfan, I'll cover everything that needs to be covered... [face_devil]
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