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Before - Legends Patience. (Qui/Obi. JA 1 Angst.) *Complete*

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Glenstorm, Dec 20, 2007.

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  1. Lileia

    Lileia Jedi Youngling

    Jan 17, 2008
    Ahh.. It's nice to re-read these chapters from a gentler and much more emotinal point of view. ;) I do hope you will not abandon it as you did with "Game of death".

    Speaking of that one... Do we really have no hope of seeing them find each other again? That would be so cruel. *sniffs*
    What do we do to get your Muse back again? :)
  2. dimyavie

    dimyavie Jedi Master star 1

    May 3, 2006
    Please update and don't forget about this story! Btw, The Game of Death is good too *hint* Anyway, thanks for writing!
  3. Glenstorm

    Glenstorm Jedi Knight star 1

    Mar 27, 2006
    At last! Sorry this is late, everyone. I know I seem to say that a lot, but nothing ever seems to run smoothly for me, then a lot of other commitments get in the way.

    I did have this pretty much written down, but then I decided I didn?t like the fact that this was running so close to the original JA 1 and I tried taking the last two chapters in a completely different direction. Which didn?t work. In the end they simply refused to go anywhere else. So after weeks of trying I?ve come full circle and returned to my original path. Nothing else would do it seemed. So I tweaked few more things and settled on the following?

    By the way this is a long one. It got completely out of control.

    Part 4

    Chapter 4

    An hour had passed. The ship had fallen silent.

    Unable to take it anymore, Qui-Gon rolled up and onto his feet. He didn?t care what the medics said, he couldn?t stay languishing in here when there was a potential crisis unfolding.

    He had every confidence that Obi-Wan would do everything in his power to save the ship. But the boy was only twelve years of age, on his very first trip away from the Temple.

    It wasn?t fair to leave him alone like this.

    Shedding the med-gown he hurriedly redressed in his Jedi robes, blessedly cleaned and mended by the ship?s domestic droids.

    His shoulder was very stiff as he manoeuvred his arm into his tunic sleeves but he?d have to live with that. If the medics had done their job properly then the stitching and glue should hold. The miracle that was bacta had already gone a long way to healing it. Right now, that was good enough for him.

    Donning his dark cloak, Qui-Gon headed for the door.

    He paused on the threshold and peered around carefully. If he could make good his escape without being spotted by a medic then so much the better. They were probably all busily occupied in the treatment rooms because his way was clear. The Jedi whipped around the corner and out of the main doors unseen.
    Out in the corridor Qui-Gon paused for a moment to catch his bearings then turned left and headed for the bridge. No one was around to disturb him. The Arconans were no doubt still cowering nervously in their quarters. The fact that the ship had stopped had probably sent them deeper behind bolted doors. Qui-Gon just hoped that the reason for the ship?s stillness was that Obi-Wan was working on repairs and was not due to something more sinister. Now would not be a good time to be dead in the water.

    He increased his pace.

    The bridge doors when he reached them were indeed blackened and burned. He hated to think what Obi-Wan had had to go through to get them open originally. A flick of the Force and he was through. To be immediately battered by a sensory assault of light and sound. For a moment Qui-Gon thought his vision had gone red. Warning signs flashed relentlessly from every console. Alarms wailed through the air as if singing the ship?s impending doom.

    In the middle of all this chaos, Obi-Wan and Si Treemba sat pouring over navigation readouts. Desperation lined both their faces.

    ?Report,? Qui-Gon said as he strode up behind them.

    Obi-Wan spun round in his chair. ?Master Jinn, you shouldn?t--?

    ?My place is here, young Obi-Wan,? he said. ?Not in the sick bay. It appears you could do with some help.?

    Several conflicting emotions flitted across the boy?s face. Apprehension, concern, fear, but finally relief won out.

    ?What?s our situation, Obi-Wan?? he asked again, laying his hand briefly on Obi-Wan?s shoulder to steady him.

    Obi-Wan spun back to the console before him. ?The hull is beyond any repair we can make from space. Our only hope is to land the ship somewhere, but?? Obi-Wan gestured helplessly at the console, ?the navicom is shot. It can?t give us any reliable readouts for the immediate area. I can?t find anything, not even a rock to land this thing on and now the life support is failing too.? The boy fell silent, the hopelessness of the situation threatening to crush him beneath it?s weight. Si Treemba buried his angula
  4. Blue_Lightsaber42

    Blue_Lightsaber42 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 7, 2007
    [face_love] :_| [face_love] That was written beautifully it was so mushy I was crying half the time thank you thank you thank you![:D]
    =D= =D= =D= =D= =D=
    I'm all excited that was so good, sorry that was one big run-on sentence.[face_blush]
  5. Cole_Kenobi

    Cole_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 17, 2005
    WOW. You are the MASTER of writing! I applaud you! Truly a brillant story.

    I am stunned speechless at the amazing talent you have. My eyes have been glued to the screen, flawless story.

    Loved every bit of this chapter. Just simply amazing. How do you do it, what is your secret? Ahah. It has the right mixtures of everything I love, and the pacing tempo is just perfect it flows so nicely. The descriptions and inner dialouge is just splendid. I could picture everything and *feel* the rain beating down, and *hear* the diagons screech.

    Absolute awesome story. Thank you so very much for updating this, it was such a JOY to read! [:D]

    And thank you for the PM, makes my day when I have such a good story awaiting me to read it. :)
  6. dimyavie

    dimyavie Jedi Master star 1

    May 3, 2006
    What a wonderful way to begin my Spring Break! I loved the update! Qui-Gon needs to work on releasing his fears though. Again, awesome writing! Please don't forget this and your other stories! :)
  7. Bastet

    Bastet Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 30, 1999
    Such a gloriously long and beautifully written post! [face_love] =D=

    I only remember a little of the JA version, but I still know for sure that I like this version much, much better! [face_love]

    I felt so bad for Qui-Gon, still having to fight all of those demons Xanatos left behind. :( And all of the hurt and sadness Obi-Wan is having to go through because of it! :_|

    I'm really really looking forward to more of this wonderful story! :D
  8. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005
    That may have been the best single chapter I've ever read on these boards - and I've seen some magnificent ones. I bow before you. I may even hang up my pen. I barely drew a breath and hoped it was 6x as long.

    The look of quiet resolution on the boy?s face caught Qui-Gon?s returning protest in his throat. He was completely accepting and at peace with what most certainly result in his defeat. He had deemed the lives in the caves were more important than his own and he was willing to lay it down for them all.

    Jedi, Qui-Gon?s mind whispered again as he stepped forward. This boy was turning out to be more than he ever expected.

    Almost he stayed. Almost ignited his lightsaber and turned to face death at the boy?s side. But Obi-Wan was right. He was right. Others were relying on them.

    Qui-Gon paused just long enough to squeeze the boy?s rigid shoulder before racing on into the caves, shutting out as he went the sound of a thousand terrible wings circling above and the hum of a single lightsaber standing alone.

    Amidst all the gorgeous language and the stunning imagery, that passage stood out even above the others.

    I'm not one of those who bash Watson - but you truly do put the professional to shame. I think the POV is perfect, as well.

    Can you tell I'm impressed? Stunned? =D= =D=
  9. jedidas3

    jedidas3 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 25, 2007
    Absolutely incredible. I agree that this was a brilliant chapter! =D= =D=

    This line just struck me as funny!

    ?I?ve decided I hate flying,?

    Something that he will definitely carry with him through his life!

    Once again, wonderful update and I'm looking forward to more! [face_praying]
  10. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    Oh Qui [:D] [:D] and Obi [:D] [:D]

    Why did the memory of Xanatos continue to rob him of so much?

    :_| :_| :_| :_|

    I hope Qui will be able to work through those memories once and for all.

    Great update

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  11. Glenstorm

    Glenstorm Jedi Knight star 1

    Mar 27, 2006
    Thanks so much, everyone! [:D] I can't tell you how much your words boost my confidence in writing what I do.
    I'm just glad I've had the time to repond to you all this time.

    Blue_Lightsaber42: You're very very welcome! And don't worry about the sentence. It had everything in it and was very much appreciated. [:D]

    Cole_Kenobi: [:D] [:D] [:D] I don't know what to say! Just thank-you, thank-you, thank-you for all you've said. Sorry, I'm still speechless. [face_blush]

    dimyavie: Yes, a Jedi should not know fear, but Qui-Gon certainly seems mired in his. At least for now. [face_devil] Thanks a lot for your response, it's very good to hear from you. I hope your Spring break is still going well. @};-

    Bastet: "I only remember a little of the JA version, but I still know for sure that I like this version much, much better!" :eek: [face_blush] Wow, really?

    Valairy_Scot: Like with Cole_Kenobi I'm rendered speechless by your words. I can't begin to convey how much they mean to me. Just thank-you, my friend. And don't you dare hang up your pen! Or else! [face_shame_on_you]

    jedidas3: I've decided I hate flying :D Yes, I couldn't resist that. Good to hear from you, my dear.
    And I've just noticed that you've got another story out. And it looks like another epic! :eek: How'd you do it?! Never mind. If it's as good as your others I've got to go and read it. :D

    KELIA: Thank-you! And Qui-Gon will get to work through those memories -- but it won't be for a long time as we know. [face_devil]

    Once more thank-you to all including those I didn't get a chance to respond to in the last update. The final chapter will be up by the weekend.

    Oh, and for those of you wondering about the 'Game of Death' rest assured that it is on the come back. I have one more finished short story that I want to post, then work on my epic will begin again in ernest. I've left everyone waiting long enough! :D

  12. ratna

    ratna Jedi Knight star 4

    Mar 1, 2007
    big, happy, satisfied sigh.

    and there's more coming... [face_dancing]

    @};- @};-
  13. Lileia

    Lileia Jedi Youngling

    Jan 17, 2008
    Oh, I just love reading about Obi-Wan through the eyes of Qui-Gon. I relly loved the chapter, especially this part of it:
    But that was nothing compared to how the Force blazed now between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon felt it bind them together more powerfully than it ever had before. He was a part of the boy as much as he was part of Obi-Wan.

    As one they protected each other, knowing without thinking where and how the other would move. Deflecting and thrusting back the lunging muzzles and flailing tails before they could break through their deadly defence.

    He sensed Obi-Wan?s complete acceptance of the Force?s will. There was no evidence of the turbulent and awkward boy Qui-Gon had met back at the Temple. He was completely given over to his task and to Qui-Gon.

    Their bond was complete.

    And how cruel he appears to be in the end, turning away from the boy. :-(

    A pair of saddened blue-green eyes followed him. But he did not dare look back. Not until he had found some peace within himself.

    Alone, he walked out into the night.

    It's heart-breaking. Someone called you the Master of a word, I agree completely. =D=
  14. Glenstorm

    Glenstorm Jedi Knight star 1

    Mar 27, 2006
    ranta: "Big, happy, satisfied sigh" :D It's really good to hear from you and so I'm very glad you're enjoying this story so much. @};-

    Lileia: [face_blush] [face_blush] [:D] It is indeed an honour to be considered a Master (though I'm not sure I deserve it) amongst all the other great Masters of Fic that we have on this site. If I'm half as good as them then I'm very happy. @};- @};-


    OK, last part, folks. Sorry it's only a short conclusion after the last mammoth chapter, but I hope it's enjoyable all the same...

    Part 5

    Two days passed and no further crisis arose to trouble the passengers of the Monument. The draigons kept their distance and by the third morning everyone was preparing to continue their journey to Bandomeer. An activity that was thanks entirely to the feverish work put in by the ship?s crew and two obliging Jedi. Through their efforts the Monument was once again space worthy.

    Sort of.

    Qui-Gon folded his arms, watching over the proceedings from a nearby hilltop as groups of Arconans rushed here and there. He was glad to note that none of them looked any the worse for their ordeal. When he had finally returned for the rest of the dactyl, nobody had protested, and now the entire colony was back to full health.

    His eyes shifted. Offworlders were down there too, willingly helping their former Arconan rivals. For with the death of Jemba, Clat?Ha had cunningly brought out nearly all of the Offworld contracts. Those workers were now headed for fairer, freer lives, thanks in full to the bright, red-headed young woman.

    Everyone was happy it seemed.

    Everyone, that is, but what of himself?

    Qui-Gon?s thoughts turned inward. Since the battle he had meditated until his knees were raw, paced a trench into the ground and thrown himself into repair work, all in an attempt to re-find his centre.

    And still he was no closer to understanding what he should do when it came to a certain Obi-Wan Kenobi.

    Qui-Gon sighed. At least his efforts had brought him some measure of clarity. Something he definitely hadn't had two days ago.

    Sharp blue eyes sought out the now familiar form of the boy. He was down among the workers, laughing with Si Treemba as he leant the young Arconan a hand in packing his belongings back aboard the ship.

    As Qui-Gon watched a rare shaft of sun broke through the clouds. The light hit the boy, catching Obi-Wan?s hair and setting the dark auburn hue alive with flames of red. The pale skin glowed for the first time in days, seeming to finally reflect the light within.

    If nothing else, that was one thing Qui-Gon could see clearly now. What Yoda had seen from the start.

    Obi-Wan Kenobi was a true light in the Force: thoughtful, selfless and brave - complete with a twist of wry humour that surfaced at moments to tug a smile even from his frozen lips.

    He couldn?t deny it. He had grown to care deeply for the boy. More than he had ever thought possible. Obi-Wan had saved his life--twice--and you couldn?t come away knowing that and not feel something.

    And he did. It was there, straining to exist beneath the murk as it was.

    But after everything he had said and done, did he want that connection?

    Even two days ago he would have openly rebelled against the very idea. But now...

    Now things had changed. He found himself wanting to live again. He wanted to be rid of Xanatos' lasting shadow once and for all.

    And Obi-Wan was the one that had made it so. In little under a week since the boy had been thrust into his life, Obi-Wan had driven him to the very limits of his tolerance, twisted the thorn of his past ever deeper into his side, upset him, confused him, angered him and in the end... had somehow wrenched him back to face the light.

    Qui-Gon shook his head. At times he couldn't believe it. But there it was.

    His gaze softened. That boy was no farmer. There stood a Jedi if ever he'd seen one. And despite the rocky ups and downs of their relationship thus
  15. ratna

    ratna Jedi Knight star 4

    Mar 1, 2007
    That boy was no farmer. There stood a Jedi if ever he'd seen one.

    Wow! Great little bow to Luke and the future, there. Love it.

    Bandomeer was beckoning.

    I love that one, too.

    I was sad when I saw in PM that this was the last installment, but you've tied it up so satisfyingly, and tied it in with the future as well, that all I can do is =D=

    Great story!
  16. Bastet

    Bastet Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 30, 1999
    Aww, that was a beautiful ending! [face_love]

    Now things had changed. He found himself wanting to live again. He wanted to be rid of Xanatos' lasting shadow once and for all.

    And Obi-Wan was the one that had made it so. In little under a week since the boy had been thrust into his life, Obi-Wan had driven him to the very limits of his tolerance, twisted the thorn of his past ever deeper into his side, upset him, confused him, angered him and in the end... had somehow wrenched him back to face the light.
    [face_love] [face_love]

    Bandomeer was beckoning. [face_dancing] And we know what happens there! :D

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful story, Glenstorm, I enjoyed it very much! [face_love] @};-
  17. dimyavie

    dimyavie Jedi Master star 1

    May 3, 2006
    Wonderful ending! I loved how Qui-Gon put serious thought into what he was going to do; it shows how much he's beginning to care for Obi-Wan. Thanks so much for writing!

    And, my Spring Break went well. But I'm back at college now...preparing for the work load I'm sure I'll be dealt tomorrow! ;)
  18. Valairy Scot

    Valairy Scot Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 16, 2005
    Ah, you just had to end it there, when I could happily read this story every day for the next year (sequel? hint, hint).

    I had wondered if Bandomeer would be part of this if you planned this last installment, so you ended it quite wonderfully if you write that sequel (another hint, :D [face_praying] ).

    Now things had changed. He found himself wanting to live again. He wanted to be rid of Xanatos' lasting shadow once and for all.

    And Obi-Wan was the one that had made it so. In little under a week since the boy had been thrust into his life, Obi-Wan had driven him to the very limits of his tolerance, twisted the thorn of his past ever deeper into his side, upset him, confused him, angered him and in the end... had somehow wrenched him back to face the light.

    Qui-Gon shook his head. At times he couldn't believe it. But there it was.

    His gaze softened. That boy was no farmer. There stood a Jedi if ever he'd seen one. And despite the rocky ups and downs of their relationship thus far he had become, in some strange way, accustomed to having the boy around.

    You know, the questions he's asking tell me he'd give his trust to keep from hurting Obi-Wan, if he was honest. He's hooked. Hooked real good but he just doesn't yet realize it.

    He already had enough of a bond with Obi-Wan, if he completed it and then found he could never give all of himself to the relationship, he would end up damaging the boy far more than he would if he pulled away now.

    The boy was better off becoming a farmer than coming to that fate. It would be his downfall and Qui-Gon could't do that to him.

    Great, great job.
  19. KELIA

    KELIA Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 26, 2005
    He found himself wanting to live again

    Well it's about time!

    I loved Qui-Gon's introspection throughout the chapter and it was great to see him recognize the great Jedi Obi-Wan is destined to become.

    Great job on the story. I've enjoyed it from beginning to end

    =D= =D= =D= =D=
  20. jedidas3

    jedidas3 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Apr 25, 2007
    =D= =D= Bravo! I agree with Valairy. I could read this story every day...a sequel would be a great idea! :D Thanks for sharing your incredible talent with us and giving us the pleasure of reading this wonderful story! [:D]
  21. dianethx

    dianethx Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Mar 1, 2002
    That boy was no farmer. There stood a Jedi if ever he'd seen one.

    Absolutely true! And Qui-Gon is being a stubborn old gundark.

    I really liked how you told it from Qui-Gon's POV, all his uncertainties, all his pain at Xan's betrayal. You did a great job.

  22. Cole_Kenobi

    Cole_Kenobi Jedi Youngling star 2

    Aug 17, 2005
    Aww, what a superb way to end it, it has just the right *feeling*.

    Love the sun illuminating Obi-wan's hair and how Qui-gon finally sees him in that Light.

    Amazing story. It's been a pleasure to read. =) Thanks.
  23. AngryWarrior

    AngryWarrior Jedi Youngling star 1

    Mar 15, 2005
    Great job, wished the story was not over and you continue with your version of Bandomeer. Looking forward to the updates to The Game of Death
  24. Glenstorm

    Glenstorm Jedi Knight star 1

    Mar 27, 2006
    ranta: Thank you. I'm really glad you liked the end. I was a bit worried that it was too brief and inconclusive after the last chapter [face_worried] But reading your words has gone a long way to dispelling my fears. Thank you so much. @};-

    Bastet: Yep, we all know what happens on Bandomeer--a whole lot more angst for our boys. Great stuff! [face_devil] And thanks a whole lot for your support of this story. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. :)

    dimyavie Thank you! @};- And I'm glad your break went well, even though you're now back at college "preparing for the work load I'm sure I'll be dealt tomorrow!" Oh, I know that feeling.

    Valairy Scott: [:D] Thank you so much for your support of this story and all my stories @};- @};-. And yes, I had to end it there [face_devil] :D And a sequel, eh? You actually want more of this? :eek: Hmmm? [face_thinking]

    KELIA: Thank you! [:D]

    jedidas3: Another one for a sequel! I'm really going to have to give this some serious thought. "Incredidle talent" [face_blush] I don't know about that, but the pleasure of sharing this story was certainly all mine, my friend @};-

    dianethx: He certainly is a stubborn old gundark, but why break the habit of a lifetime :D. And I'm glad you liked the POV. I find it easier to write Qui-Gon sometimes. Our Obi can get a little complex. Thanks for reading [:D]

    Cole_Kenobi: [:D] [:D] I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

    AngryWarrior: Thanks! And fear not, the Game of Death is most definately on the way back! :)

    Once more thanks to each and every one of you for your support.

    As to the requests for a sequel... I don't know. I hadn't thought about it at all, but seeing how many of you have asked I'm going to have to go away and rack the old brains for a bit. See what I come up with :)

  25. Gkilkenny

    Gkilkenny Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2004
    I enjoyed your story.=D=
    It was nice to listen to Qui-Gons thoughts and fears.[face_thinking]
    Well done=D=
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