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Saga Prequel & Original Trilogy Ship Designs

Discussion in 'Star Wars Saga In-Depth' started by Thomo93, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. Thomo93

    Thomo93 Jedi Padawan star 1

    Oct 27, 2015
    Hi guys! (This is all only my opinion) Has anyone else ever noticed that majority of ship designs in the prequels look alittle too 'slick & smooth' compared to the original trilogy? I understand that Lucasfilm probably didn't have the tech to make such well rounded ship designs in 1977 & that ships like the ARC 170 were designed during the 'Golden Age of the Republic'. But I've always thought that they should have kept the ship designs more similar to the ones in the original trilogy when they eventually went & decided to make the prequels. Just to help make it a tad more believable throughout in my opinion. For example the picture below show's a Prequel Trilogy ARC 170 Starfighter & a Original Trilogy T-65 X-Wing Starfighter. In my opinion (looks wise), the ARC looks a more rounded modern designed starfighter compared to the X-Wing & to me they should have been set the other way around. (I only added the car pictures in reference to what I was on about lol)
    It would be awesome to hear anyone else's opinion on this. Thanks! :)

  2. Admiral Volshe

    Admiral Volshe Chosen One star 10

    Sep 2, 2012
    I like the sleek look, to be honest. I never really thought too much about it, but I like it. Especially the various Nubian ships and the skiff Padmé has. :) I think it's fine. The style is there, but it isn't exactly the only style - we have the Venator-class and the Actis-class, for example. I like to think a lot of designs became more influenced by the late-Republic and Imperial styles, which is why they became so much less rounded/sleek.
    Thomo93 likes this.
  3. darth-sinister

    darth-sinister Manager Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 28, 2001
    It was an intentional decision to show the difference between the Republic in its twilight and to show the Empire during the height of the war with the Alliance. It was an evolution of design. We're seeing warships for the first time in a thousand years. The ARC-170 was Incom's first major starfighter ship in quite some time. The T-65 X-Wing was Incom's evolution from the ARC-170 and when taking the Z-95 Headhunter into account, you have the change over.
    Alienware and Deliveranze like this.
  4. Lt. Hija

    Lt. Hija Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 8, 2015
    I think what the PT accomplished beautifully is to present designs that felt 30 years old, based on our Earth analogy where you really got some cool and unusual and rounded designs in the 1930's. Comes WW II (ANH) and all these beautiful but superflous design elements get stripped away and you end up having vehicles where performance matters over anything else.

    Now, where are the "Sequel Trilogy" designs to be discussed?
  5. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Try the New Movies--Spoilers Allowed forum.
    Thomo93 likes this.
  6. Lt. Hija

    Lt. Hija Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 8, 2015
    Then the title of this thread is a bit misleading, maybe the OP wanted to write "Original Trilogy" instead of "Sequel Trilogy"?
    Thomo93 and Deliveranze like this.
  7. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    Good point. Thomo93, did you mean Original Trilogy? I'll change the title if that is the case.
  8. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015
    I like to think of it like this. The ships we saw in the PT were brand new in the galaxy, while the rebels x-wings have been around for a longer time.
  9. Thomo93

    Thomo93 Jedi Padawan star 1

    Oct 27, 2015
    Sure no problem! I think i may have accidentally posted this thread twice if you have not already deleted one of them aha :)

    Yeah nah I only wanted to use the ARC 170 & The X-Wing as examples so the X-Wing is just my example from the sequel trilogy Aha. Sorry to anyone who saw the title misleading should have wrote it out better :p
  10. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    I feel like if the OT is the 70s, the PT is the 50s. I like that Naboo was given ship designs that reflect Naboo culture rather than Imperial culture.
    Sarge, CIS Droid, Lt. Hija and 2 others like this.
  11. Thomo93

    Thomo93 Jedi Padawan star 1

    Oct 27, 2015
    Yeah sorry dudes I mean't to write the 'Original Trilogy' instead of the Sequel Trilogy. Was a total brain fade when I wrote that, oh well we all make mistakes Aha.
    But yeah the overall topic was that (To me) it just doesn't look right. I know that the Republic had more funds & those funds were taken over when they became the Empire & what not. Obviously the Rebellion is a 'Rebellion' after all & they will take whatever resources the can get because the Empire holds majority of the galaxy. But keep in mind, both the ARC 170 & X-Wing were designed by the same manufacturer, Incom. Most of you were are probably right by stating that they most likely sacrificed looks for performance when they made the X-Wing series after the 170s, but it still just looks ancient compared the the 170s. Iunno, its just what my eyes see & I know I have to accept it. I still really do love the T-65 model. Just everyone else see things differently afterall I guess :)

    Although the T-70 X-Wing which will appear the the ST looks a lot better. These in my opinion, should have been the orginal T-65 X-Wing designs to be used in the OT. The T-70 Looks much more of a successor type figher to the ARC 170, Z-95 Headhunters. Also has tad Clone Wars look about it which is nice. Probably mainly because of the way all their engine designs look alike :)

  12. Lt. Hija

    Lt. Hija Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 8, 2015
    Of course, the T-70 (nice picture of the actual VFX model?) comes from a prototype sketch for the T-65 from Joe Johnston in the original Star Wars Sketchbook. I also agree with your front engine look, design allusions are supposed to provide viewers with some ideas without the need to actually spell them out.

    Yet, there is one element that does suggest a credible design evolution, IMHO, in the form of the S-foils (spacefoils as an analogy to airfoils, separation foils or solar (fin) foils or a combination of the three).

    ANH early on suggested that solar fins are devices to radiate excessive reactor heat into space (the main solar fin to cool down the Tantive IV's reactor was destroyed, thus the main reactor had to be shut down). While the ARC 170 still needed six of those, technological progress before the time of ANH enabled the T-65 to need only four and by the time of the T-70 the surface area of the S-foils has again been reduced in size (and the starfighter is somewhat shorter).
  13. Thomo93

    Thomo93 Jedi Padawan star 1

    Oct 27, 2015

    Not sure if your being sarcastic or not but I'm not sure if it's a VFX model. I just typed T-70 X-Wing into google images & got it from there lol Aha. But yeah your spot on about everything else :)