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ST Questions you have after watching TFA

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by TheReal_Rebel, Dec 20, 2015.

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  1. Gen Rendar

    Gen Rendar Jedi Knight star 1

    Sep 7, 2014
    Did the university accept my MA thesis?
    Only time will tell.
    What do I get for christmas?
    To watch Starwars: The Force Awakens
    When will I finally get a girlfriend?
    When you learn to love yourself, others will learn to love you as well.
    Who let the dogs out?
    The Baha the year 2000.

    Oh, you mean questions related to the movie? Hmmm.
    Does Kylo mean anything?
    I assume it is a play on Skywalker/Solo
    What planet is Luke on?
    I don't think this has been revealed yet, beyond that fact it is the location of the first Jedi Temple.
    Is Hux's first name really General?
    I don't think we know yet, but his father's name is Bendrol.
    Why does everyone want to go back to Jakku?
    I don't recall anyone wanting to go there except Rey, who wanted to wait for her family to return. The first order was only there to get the map that leads to Luke Skywalker.
    Did Tasu Leech survive?
    I don't recall if he survived or not. I'd have to watch it again. I assume at least some of his crew did.
    Darth_Corvus likes this.
  2. Lera_Swift

    Lera_Swift Jedi Padawan star 2

    Dec 19, 2015
    1. Obviously not.
    2. The Republic is also an ideal, so no, the Republic is not destroyed. The physical seat and the physical Republic is destroyed though (mostly) yes. And pysically destroying the seat of the Republic is severely weakening even the ideal of it. I'd say the FO has the upper hand over the Republic post TFA, definitely.
    3. It was the Hosnian System, most importantly Hosnian Prime which was the seat of the Republic. But I don't blame you for thinking it was Coruscant because I thought so too. I wish they had made it more clear it was NOT Coruscant - simplying saying "the Hosnian System" doesn't mean anything, because to the average viewer Coruscant could be in that system? And last we saw, the seat of the old Republic was Coruscant...its a logical conclusion to the average viewer. I had to go searching online to find out for sure, and the audience shouldn't have to do that. IMO.
    4. It'll be answered in the next 2 movies...they have to keep you invested!
    5. I'm confused, the person Kylo killed *when*? In the Force memories that Rey saw? I don't think we're supposed to know yet - there is a reason those memories were not flushed out and were given out of context...context is coming later :)
  3. Lera_Swift

    Lera_Swift Jedi Padawan star 2

    Dec 19, 2015

    1. Personally I think it could be 2 answers, or a combo of the 2: She was started to be trained when she was younger, before her time on Jakku. I mean...she's old enough to have memories - she looked at the YOUNGEST 5, and the oldest 9. For her to remember NOTHING before Jakku suggests someone Force wiped her mind, or did some kind of Force trick on her to block that out.
    AND/OR, she's just that powerful in the Force, which is possible. If a person is sensitive enough, it makes sense they'd be skilled with a Force users weapon of choice, just naturally. but to be frank, she WASNT THAT GOOD WITH A SABER. She was just better than a seriously injured Kylo Ren with a saber. Her ability with it could just be chalked up to having fighting skills in general + untapped force sensitivity + injured opponent. That lightsaber battle between Ren and Rey was not that fancy stuff, it was pretty crude fighting. I think she really is just that force sensitive though...I think she rivals Anakin in natural force ability, and I think that has a LOT to do with it.

    2. and 3. these are my questions too.

    4. I mean...its more than a little likely he's Darth Plagueis.

    5. Ya Idk? It seems weird he would send Kylo Ren out there to do his bidding and represent the FO when he wasn't fully trained yet. It seems like a disaster waiting to happen to send an emotionally compromised apprentice out there without FULLY training them. so idk, seemed like a stupid move to me.

    6. seriously. we know she did, but they should have flushed this out. It could have been a 3 second scene.

    7. and 8. and 9. my questions too. I got 9 answered from searching online, but the MOVIE should answer it. and THIS movie should answer it, not the next one.

    10. Pacifism? No grasp on how big it really was? My guesses.

    11. Hopeufully they explain it later, because I REALLY hate the "this story is for another time" or the "its not important right now" plot excuse to cover a plot hole.
    Darth Dnej likes this.
  4. Darth-Seldon

    Darth-Seldon Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 17, 2003
    Thought I saw something on a second viewing: when the Falcon takes off to Luke, the camera pans to the cheering rebels. It looks like C3PO is in the crowd but with two golden arms. This could be a mistake on my part--otherwise, he got a paint job/new parts between scenes. Anyone else see this?
  5. Ghost

    Ghost Chosen One star 8

    Oct 13, 2003
    For the capital of the Republic question... the capital now rotates between different worlds, and Hosnian Prime is simply the current site of the capital. It's said that doing this helped sway the planets who used to be Separatist to become part of the Republic. Also, all Senators are now directly elected.
    TheReal_Rebel likes this.
  6. Lera_Swift

    Lera_Swift Jedi Padawan star 2

    Dec 19, 2015
    Here are mine, and I know a lot of people have the same ones. I am leaving out questions that are *obviously* going to be answered in the following films though (who are Rey's parents etc):

    1. Why Jakku? Why a planet that so incredibly closely resembles Tattooine and where Luke and Anakin grew up, but NOT choose Tattooine? Is it just to mirror the other movies without being so repetitive...or is there an actual plot based reason to leave Rey there?
    2. Was Lor on Jakku to watch over Rey? We know his loyalty and affiliation is with Leia, and he happens to be living out his days on the same outer rim planet not so far from Rey. What was his mission? And was it Rey? And is the fact his association is with Leia any indication to her parentage?
    3. Is Rey's staff more than just a staff? Did she make it? Was she left there with it? Is it more than just a staff and she doesn't know it?
    4. Why is Finn so normal and acclimated? This is probably just a plot hole/poor story telling, but it was really weird and stuck out to me that Finn was so bright eyed and bushy tailed after escaping the FO and spending literally his entire life as a drone not able to have his own thoughts, his own opinions, on anything. I wanted to see (and expected to see) some more PTSD type symptoms of that, and his inability to decide to do anything himself and instead it was more him doing what Rey said, or what Han said, or what Poe said because he didn't know how to decide for himself. Or him having serious issues with murdering people on Jakku but not fully agreeing that they didnt deserve to die - like having issues with the mission, but not understanding why he did. he has been raised to believe an enemy of the FO is an enemy of everything that is right. But he was a totally normal, acclimated person with a a distinct and flushed our moral compass. Probably just poor flushing out of the character, but part of me still wonders if there is a reason for this? Maybe he remembers more of his childhood than he realizes?
    5. Did Poe REALLY just get thrown from the tie fighter and it all work out? I think this is again, just poor storytelling/pacing, but in any other movie I'd seriously be questioning if we shouldn't be watching that dude more closely. But since it's Star Wars and the audience is supposed to love this guy and as through and through as a hero can get, I doubt he is anything else.
    6. Where Was Luke's Jedi Academy? How big was it? How many Padawans/Apprentices? How long did it exist for? How did he find force sensitive people? I have so many questions about Luke's academy and how it functioned, and where it was, and in what context and I doubt we will get alllll the answers on it. But I am a nerd and want specifics lol.
    7. If Snoke is Plagueis, did Palpatine really kill him and he came back from the dead, or was he faking his death - and if so, why? Why would he be just taking a breather watching his former pupil who betrayed him successfully rule the galaxy (until he didnt)?
    8. If Maz has been around for 1000 years, did she ever know Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Yoda, Mace or Qui-Gon?
    9. How did Kylo Ren (or Snoke) get a hold of Vader's helmet from the pyre on Endor?
    10. Why did Luke choose the planet he did, to live out his seclusion on? Also, what planet is it and where is it...but I think those will end up being answered.
    11. Did Rey's presence wake up R2-D2, or did he wake up simply because he sensed the other portion of the map was near (in BB-8)?
    Allana_Rey likes this.
  7. TheReal_Rebel

    TheReal_Rebel Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 17, 2015
  8. Obi-Wan-Jon

    Obi-Wan-Jon Jedi Master star 1

    Feb 24, 2004
    Did Captain Phasma escape alive? How?

    I'm guessing Luke had it and Kylo stole it.
  9. Bennihana

    Bennihana Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 22, 2014
    I had a thought that maybe Luke was burning the bodies of his students or possibly Rey's mother if they are related.
  10. TheReal_Rebel

    TheReal_Rebel Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 17, 2015
    From what canon source are you getting this?

    I wish this info was in the movie, if that's the case.

    8. Maz Kanata has crossed paths with Yoda in an interview that was done with either JJ Abrams or Lawrence Kasdan, I can't remember which.
  11. Allana_Rey

    Allana_Rey Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 2, 2012
    Do Luke and Leia know who their mother is?
  12. Jon Snow

    Jon Snow Jedi Padawan

    Oct 17, 2015
    Who are the Knights of Ren? How did Kylo become the "master" of them? Are they all force sensitive? What is their history? How many of them are there?
    Sarge, whostheBossk and Allana_Rey like this.
  13. Vehgah

    Vehgah Jedi Knight star 4

    May 8, 2014
    My guess is that his change wasn't normal. Maybe programming suppressed his real personality. His sudden change should be on the list; the way it was directed wasn't just some dude getting upset at what he was seeing. Something really weird was happening there, like someone waking from sleepwalking.
    Sarge likes this.
  14. Lera_Swift

    Lera_Swift Jedi Padawan star 2

    Dec 19, 2015

    totally agree. they very well could touch on it in later movies, and there might be an actual reason for writing him that way...but it was not an OBVIOUS question or character trait that is going to be answered later...right now, it just seems like bad character development. but, we'll see!
    Vehgah likes this.
  15. Imperial Reject

    Imperial Reject Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 6, 2012
    this one can be answered I'm sure. but was there an alternate opening for the movie because in my viewing the movie just started,. the lights dimmed and "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away" appeared no music or Lucasfilm logo, it kinda caught me off guard
  16. Ghost

    Ghost Chosen One star 8

    Oct 13, 2003
    The visual dictionary

    whostheBossk likes this.
  17. Darth Dnej

    Darth Dnej Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 27, 2013
    He chose the planet because it contains the first Jedi Temple. At least I am pretty sure the film mentioned that.
  18. KyloBen

    KyloBen Jedi Youngling

    Dec 19, 2015
    1) Where'd Luke get the fancy grey robe?
    2) What's he eating on that island all by himself? Doe she catch birds and fish with the force? That'd be pretty cool.
  19. Lera_Swift

    Lera_Swift Jedi Padawan star 2

    Dec 19, 2015
    I think by now in the series they do. I would assume? Who would have known... Obi-Wan, Yoda, Bail Organa, and R2. I think Luke could have found out while communing with Yoda or Obi-Wan, at least.
    darklordoftech likes this.
  20. Lera_Swift

    Lera_Swift Jedi Padawan star 2

    Dec 19, 2015

    they made it seem like him searching for the original Jedi Temple, and him going into seclusion were 2 separate timelines, 2 separate things. but IDK, you're probably right.
  21. Allana_Rey

    Allana_Rey Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 2, 2012
    When was the last time Luke shaved?

    Sent from my LGL33L using Tapatalk
    Darth Dnej likes this.
  22. TheReal_Rebel

    TheReal_Rebel Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 17, 2015
    According to this article on the political situation of TFA by-way of @Nerdist, Coruscant was NOT destroyed but the Senate on Hoisin Prime was.

    Apparently, all this info is in the Visual Guide to the Force Awakens by Pablo Hildago and this article.

    One of TFA weaknesses is not clearly identifying what planet people are going to or are on with the exceptions of Jakku and Starkiller Prime.

    Hoisin Prime without us knowing it lessens the drama of the destruction of those planets and why they are significant.

    In TFA, Hux orders the destruction of Hoisin Prime where the Senate currently sits. The government rotates where it seat is. But the Senate is destroyed by the FO's Starkiller Base.

    In the EU they do and they might in the newest books and comics might but I haven't read anything yet that confirms this.

    Does anyone know?
  23. laserbrain

    laserbrain Jedi Padawan

    Nov 6, 2013
    one of mine is, if it hasn't already been addressed is why Kylo Ren wears a mask?
  24. laserbrain

    laserbrain Jedi Padawan

    Nov 6, 2013
    Rey told BB8 at when she first met him, beware of the sinking sands. It must be just a local phenomenon
  25. Bacbacca

    Bacbacca Jedi Master star 3

    Nov 26, 2011
    If Finn was freaking out about seeing his buddies die in combat.... why would he all of a sudden lay waste to a whole hangar of his buddies a few minutes later?

    If the bowcaster sent people flying when hit... how come it stop doing so right after Ren was shot?
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