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Game Quick Games Ep. IV - A New Game

Discussion in 'FanForce Community' started by CalaelAzasar , Nov 7, 2022.

  1. DarthTunick

    DarthTunick SFTC VII + Deadpool BOFF star 10 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Nov 26, 2000
    3. Nyota
    4. Ishy
    6. Relaxus
    7. Bluth
    9. Tunes
    10. Belligerent
  2. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Whammageddon Survivor star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Jan 8, 2005
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha, sorta feel like I'm sitting in the third row of the classroom, but still at the "front of the class." Don't ya think?
  3. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 12x Wacky Wednesday Winner/2 Truths, 1 Lie Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
  4. CalaelAzasar

    CalaelAzasar Host of Quick-Games star 5 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 11, 2003
    3. Nyota
    4. Ishy
    6. Relaxus
    7. Bluth
    9. Tunes
    10. Belligerent

    The Sign-Up will stay up for the rest of today. I will start the game on Tuesday, September 10th, around 9:30 AM. I'll try to remember to send out everyone's cards this evening.
  5. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    I tried to position myself numerically (3) to potentially start a BMR. [face_mischief] Now it looks like I'll be first up.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2024
    CalaelAzasar and DarthIshyZ like this.
  6. CalaelAzasar

    CalaelAzasar Host of Quick-Games star 5 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 11, 2003
    In The Blue Milk

    Your host will PM all players five cards to start with and list 3 cards in the thread. On your turn, you will play one card in the thread and a new card will be PM'd to you to replace it, this will keep your hand at 5 cards. You must play a card with a noun that is larger or smaller than the one listed. You also need to explain why it fits. If the host doesn't accept your explanation as a valid one, you lose your turn. The card you've played will be taken out of the game, and you'll receive another card.

    You may only play a card over the largest or under the smallest card in each row. You cannot play it between two cards.
    If you can't play a card or choose to pass, you may exchange up to three cards and skip a turn. You would PM the host with the cards you want to exchange on that turn, and she will PM you back with replacements.
    You can only play a card or exchange card(s) when it's your turn.
    If you miss three rounds all in all during the game, you will be eliminated from the game.


    If you play the third card to any row, you start a Blue Milk Round, in which all players try to win that row of cards. Starting with the next player in line, each gets a chance to play a card that is larger than the last card in that row. If you don't have a card to play, you pass without exchanging or adding cards to other rows, and play continues with the next player in the line-up. The round is over when all the players who are able to play a card have played, the person who started the Blue Milk Round will have already played their card and will not get to play a second card in the round. Whoever played the largest card wins in the round. That player wins that row, and a new row is started by the host from the next card in the deck. There will always be 3 rows in play. The game resumes with the next player after the one that started the Blue Milk Round.
    • The winner will get 3 days of colors. If the winner happens to be a Mod, the second place person either gets to pick the Mod's colors or get colors themselves.
    During a Blue Milk Round (BMR), you can only play cards that are larger than the largest card in that row. Once someone starts a BMR, all play is focused on the row in contention. No cards may be played to other rows. All players, including the person who started the BMR, may not replenish their hands until the round is over.

    Each card played in a BMR is worth 1 point, the largest card, and therefore the winning card of the round is worth 2 points.

    • The card you play only has to relate to the card it directly touches, not the entire row.
    • You may add a modifier such as "a", "an", "the", or "my" when playing your card. However, you may not embellish your card with other nouns to make it fit.

    Round 1

    1. Scarf
    2. Sailboat
    3. Greeting Card


    Nyota: 0
    Ishy: 0
    Relaxus: 0
    Bluth: 0
    Tunes: 0
    Belligerent: 0

    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha you're up first, please play a card.
    DarthIshyZ likes this.
  7. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Coaster-Greeting Card

    A cup/glass coaster is smaller than a greeting card.
  8. CalaelAzasar

    CalaelAzasar Host of Quick-Games star 5 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 11, 2003
    In The Blue Milk

    Your host will PM all players five cards to start with and list 3 cards in the thread. On your turn, you will play one card in the thread and a new card will be PM'd to you to replace it, this will keep your hand at 5 cards. You must play a card with a noun that is larger or smaller than the one listed. You also need to explain why it fits. If the host doesn't accept your explanation as a valid one, you lose your turn. The card you've played will be taken out of the game, and you'll receive another card.

    You may only play a card over the largest or under the smallest card in each row. You cannot play it between two cards.
    If you can't play a card or choose to pass, you may exchange up to three cards and skip a turn. You would PM the host with the cards you want to exchange on that turn, and she will PM you back with replacements.
    You can only play a card or exchange card(s) when it's your turn.
    If you miss three rounds all in all during the game, you will be eliminated from the game.


    If you play the third card to any row, you start a Blue Milk Round, in which all players try to win that row of cards. Starting with the next player in line, each gets a chance to play a card that is larger than the last card in that row. If you don't have a card to play, you pass without exchanging or adding cards to other rows, and play continues with the next player in the line-up. The round is over when all the players who are able to play a card have played, the person who started the Blue Milk Round will have already played their card and will not get to play a second card in the round. Whoever played the largest card wins in the round. That player wins that row, and a new row is started by the host from the next card in the deck. There will always be 3 rows in play. The game resumes with the next player after the one that started the Blue Milk Round.
    • The winner will get 3 days of colors. If the winner happens to be a Mod, the second place person either gets to pick the Mod's colors or get colors themselves.
    During a Blue Milk Round (BMR), you can only play cards that are larger than the largest card in that row. Once someone starts a BMR, all play is focused on the row in contention. No cards may be played to other rows. All players, including the person who started the BMR, may not replenish their hands until the round is over.

    Each card played in a BMR is worth 1 point, the largest card, and therefore the winning card of the round is worth 2 points.

    • The card you play only has to relate to the card it directly touches, not the entire row.
    • You may add a modifier such as "a", "an", "the", or "my" when playing your card. However, you may not embellish your card with other nouns to make it fit.

    Round 1

    1. Scarf
    2. Sailboat
    3. Coaster - Greeting Card


    Nyota: 0
    Ishy: 0
    Relaxus: 0
    Bluth: 0
    Tunes: 0
    Belligerent: 0

    @DarthIshyZ please play a card.
    DarthRelaxus likes this.
  9. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Whammageddon Survivor star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Jan 8, 2005
    1. Scarf
    2. Eraser - Sailboat
    3. Coaster - Greeting Card

    Erasers are smaller than a Sailboat.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2024
  10. CalaelAzasar

    CalaelAzasar Host of Quick-Games star 5 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 11, 2003
    In The Blue Milk

    Your host will PM all players five cards to start with and list 3 cards in the thread. On your turn, you will play one card in the thread and a new card will be PM'd to you to replace it, this will keep your hand at 5 cards. You must play a card with a noun that is larger or smaller than the one listed. You also need to explain why it fits. If the host doesn't accept your explanation as a valid one, you lose your turn. The card you've played will be taken out of the game, and you'll receive another card.

    You may only play a card over the largest or under the smallest card in each row. You cannot play it between two cards.
    If you can't play a card or choose to pass, you may exchange up to three cards and skip a turn. You would PM the host with the cards you want to exchange on that turn, and she will PM you back with replacements.
    You can only play a card or exchange card(s) when it's your turn.
    If you miss three rounds all in all during the game, you will be eliminated from the game.


    If you play the third card to any row, you start a Blue Milk Round, in which all players try to win that row of cards. Starting with the next player in line, each gets a chance to play a card that is larger than the last card in that row. If you don't have a card to play, you pass without exchanging or adding cards to other rows, and play continues with the next player in the line-up. The round is over when all the players who are able to play a card have played, the person who started the Blue Milk Round will have already played their card and will not get to play a second card in the round. Whoever played the largest card wins in the round. That player wins that row, and a new row is started by the host from the next card in the deck. There will always be 3 rows in play. The game resumes with the next player after the one that started the Blue Milk Round.
    • The winner will get 3 days of colors. If the winner happens to be a Mod, the second place person either gets to pick the Mod's colors or get colors themselves.
    During a Blue Milk Round (BMR), you can only play cards that are larger than the largest card in that row. Once someone starts a BMR, all play is focused on the row in contention. No cards may be played to other rows. All players, including the person who started the BMR, may not replenish their hands until the round is over.

    Each card played in a BMR is worth 1 point, the largest card, and therefore the winning card of the round is worth 2 points.

    • The card you play only has to relate to the card it directly touches, not the entire row.
    • You may add a modifier such as "a", "an", "the", or "my" when playing your card. However, you may not embellish your card with other nouns to make it fit.

    Round 1

    1. Scarf
    2. Eraser - Sailboat
    3. Coaster - Greeting Card


    Nyota: 0
    Ishy: 0
    Relaxus: 0
    Bluth: 0
    Tunes: 0
    Belligerent: 0

    @DarthRelaxus please play a card.
  11. DarthRelaxus

    DarthRelaxus Chosen One star 5

    Apr 23, 2007
    Round 1
    1. Scarf - Bag
    2. Eraser - Sailboat
    3. Coaster - Greeting Card

    A scarf, eraser, coaster and greeting card will fit inside a single bag. The sailboat probably needs a separate bag.
    CalaelAzasar likes this.
  12. CalaelAzasar

    CalaelAzasar Host of Quick-Games star 5 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 11, 2003
    In The Blue Milk

    Your host will PM all players five cards to start with and list 3 cards in the thread. On your turn, you will play one card in the thread and a new card will be PM'd to you to replace it, this will keep your hand at 5 cards. You must play a card with a noun that is larger or smaller than the one listed. You also need to explain why it fits. If the host doesn't accept your explanation as a valid one, you lose your turn. The card you've played will be taken out of the game, and you'll receive another card.

    You may only play a card over the largest or under the smallest card in each row. You cannot play it between two cards.
    If you can't play a card or choose to pass, you may exchange up to three cards and skip a turn. You would PM the host with the cards you want to exchange on that turn, and she will PM you back with replacements.
    You can only play a card or exchange card(s) when it's your turn.
    If you miss three rounds all in all during the game, you will be eliminated from the game.


    If you play the third card to any row, you start a Blue Milk Round, in which all players try to win that row of cards. Starting with the next player in line, each gets a chance to play a card that is larger than the last card in that row. If you don't have a card to play, you pass without exchanging or adding cards to other rows, and play continues with the next player in the line-up. The round is over when all the players who are able to play a card have played, the person who started the Blue Milk Round will have already played their card and will not get to play a second card in the round. Whoever played the largest card wins in the round. That player wins that row, and a new row is started by the host from the next card in the deck. There will always be 3 rows in play. The game resumes with the next player after the one that started the Blue Milk Round.
    • The winner will get 3 days of colors. If the winner happens to be a Mod, the second place person either gets to pick the Mod's colors or get colors themselves.
    During a Blue Milk Round (BMR), you can only play cards that are larger than the largest card in that row. Once someone starts a BMR, all play is focused on the row in contention. No cards may be played to other rows. All players, including the person who started the BMR, may not replenish their hands until the round is over.

    Each card played in a BMR is worth 1 point, the largest card, and therefore the winning card of the round is worth 2 points.

    • The card you play only has to relate to the card it directly touches, not the entire row.
    • You may add a modifier such as "a", "an", "the", or "my" when playing your card. However, you may not embellish your card with other nouns to make it fit.

    Round 1

    1. Scarf - Bag
    2. Eraser - Sailboat
    3. Coaster - Greeting Card


    Nyota: 0
    Ishy: 0
    Relaxus: 0
    Bluth: 0
    Tunes: 0
    Belligerent: 0

    @Jedi Bluth please play a card.
    DarthIshyZ likes this.
  13. CalaelAzasar

    CalaelAzasar Host of Quick-Games star 5 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 11, 2003
    In The Blue Milk

    Your host will PM all players five cards to start with and list 3 cards in the thread. On your turn, you will play one card in the thread and a new card will be PM'd to you to replace it, this will keep your hand at 5 cards. You must play a card with a noun that is larger or smaller than the one listed. You also need to explain why it fits. If the host doesn't accept your explanation as a valid one, you lose your turn. The card you've played will be taken out of the game, and you'll receive another card.

    You may only play a card over the largest or under the smallest card in each row. You cannot play it between two cards.
    If you can't play a card or choose to pass, you may exchange up to three cards and skip a turn. You would PM the host with the cards you want to exchange on that turn, and she will PM you back with replacements.
    You can only play a card or exchange card(s) when it's your turn.
    If you miss three rounds all in all during the game, you will be eliminated from the game.


    If you play the third card to any row, you start a Blue Milk Round, in which all players try to win that row of cards. Starting with the next player in line, each gets a chance to play a card that is larger than the last card in that row. If you don't have a card to play, you pass without exchanging or adding cards to other rows, and play continues with the next player in the line-up. The round is over when all the players who are able to play a card have played, the person who started the Blue Milk Round will have already played their card and will not get to play a second card in the round. Whoever played the largest card wins in the round. That player wins that row, and a new row is started by the host from the next card in the deck. There will always be 3 rows in play. The game resumes with the next player after the one that started the Blue Milk Round.
    • The winner will get 3 days of colors. If the winner happens to be a Mod, the second place person either gets to pick the Mod's colors or get colors themselves.
    During a Blue Milk Round (BMR), you can only play cards that are larger than the largest card in that row. Once someone starts a BMR, all play is focused on the row in contention. No cards may be played to other rows. All players, including the person who started the BMR, may not replenish their hands until the round is over.

    Each card played in a BMR is worth 1 point, the largest card, and therefore the winning card of the round is worth 2 points.

    • The card you play only has to relate to the card it directly touches, not the entire row.
    • You may add a modifier such as "a", "an", "the", or "my" when playing your card. However, you may not embellish your card with other nouns to make it fit.

    Round 1

    1. Scarf - Bag
    2. Eraser - Sailboat
    3. Coaster - Greeting Card


    Nyota: 0
    Ishy: 0
    Relaxus: 0
    Bluth: 0
    Tunes: 0
    Belligerent: 0

    Bluth has missed a turn :(
    @DarthTunick please play a card.
  14. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 12x Wacky Wednesday Winner/2 Truths, 1 Lie Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
    Oops, I thought I had responded...
  15. CalaelAzasar

    CalaelAzasar Host of Quick-Games star 5 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 11, 2003
    In The Blue Milk

    Your host will PM all players five cards to start with and list 3 cards in the thread. On your turn, you will play one card in the thread and a new card will be PM'd to you to replace it, this will keep your hand at 5 cards. You must play a card with a noun that is larger or smaller than the one listed. You also need to explain why it fits. If the host doesn't accept your explanation as a valid one, you lose your turn. The card you've played will be taken out of the game, and you'll receive another card.

    You may only play a card over the largest or under the smallest card in each row. You cannot play it between two cards.
    If you can't play a card or choose to pass, you may exchange up to three cards and skip a turn. You would PM the host with the cards you want to exchange on that turn, and she will PM you back with replacements.
    You can only play a card or exchange card(s) when it's your turn.
    If you miss three rounds all in all during the game, you will be eliminated from the game.


    If you play the third card to any row, you start a Blue Milk Round, in which all players try to win that row of cards. Starting with the next player in line, each gets a chance to play a card that is larger than the last card in that row. If you don't have a card to play, you pass without exchanging or adding cards to other rows, and play continues with the next player in the line-up. The round is over when all the players who are able to play a card have played, the person who started the Blue Milk Round will have already played their card and will not get to play a second card in the round. Whoever played the largest card wins in the round. That player wins that row, and a new row is started by the host from the next card in the deck. There will always be 3 rows in play. The game resumes with the next player after the one that started the Blue Milk Round.
    • The winner will get 3 days of colors. If the winner happens to be a Mod, the second place person either gets to pick the Mod's colors or get colors themselves.
    During a Blue Milk Round (BMR), you can only play cards that are larger than the largest card in that row. Once someone starts a BMR, all play is focused on the row in contention. No cards may be played to other rows. All players, including the person who started the BMR, may not replenish their hands until the round is over.

    Each card played in a BMR is worth 1 point, the largest card, and therefore the winning card of the round is worth 2 points.

    • The card you play only has to relate to the card it directly touches, not the entire row.
    • You may add a modifier such as "a", "an", "the", or "my" when playing your card. However, you may not embellish your card with other nouns to make it fit.

    Round 1

    1. Scarf - Bag
    2. Eraser - Sailboat
    3. Coaster - Greeting Card


    Nyota: 0
    Ishy: 0
    Relaxus: 0
    Bluth: 0
    Tunes: 0
    Belligerent: 0

    Tunes has missed a turn :(
    @Lady_Belligerent please play a card.
  16. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    1. Scarf - Bag
    2. Eraser - Sailboat
    3. Helmet - Coaster - Greeting Card

    My Mando action figure is wearing a helmet that’s much smaller than a coaster.
  17. CalaelAzasar

    CalaelAzasar Host of Quick-Games star 5 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 11, 2003
    In The Blue Milk

    Your host will PM all players five cards to start with and list 3 cards in the thread. On your turn, you will play one card in the thread and a new card will be PM'd to you to replace it, this will keep your hand at 5 cards. You must play a card with a noun that is larger or smaller than the one listed. You also need to explain why it fits. If the host doesn't accept your explanation as a valid one, you lose your turn. The card you've played will be taken out of the game, and you'll receive another card.

    You may only play a card over the largest or under the smallest card in each row. You cannot play it between two cards.
    If you can't play a card or choose to pass, you may exchange up to three cards and skip a turn. You would PM the host with the cards you want to exchange on that turn, and she will PM you back with replacements.
    You can only play a card or exchange card(s) when it's your turn.
    If you miss three rounds all in all during the game, you will be eliminated from the game.


    If you play the third card to any row, you start a Blue Milk Round, in which all players try to win that row of cards. Starting with the next player in line, each gets a chance to play a card that is larger than the last card in that row. If you don't have a card to play, you pass without exchanging or adding cards to other rows, and play continues with the next player in the line-up. The round is over when all the players who are able to play a card have played, the person who started the Blue Milk Round will have already played their card and will not get to play a second card in the round. Whoever played the largest card wins in the round. That player wins that row, and a new row is started by the host from the next card in the deck. There will always be 3 rows in play. The game resumes with the next player after the one that started the Blue Milk Round.
    • The winner will get 3 days of colors. If the winner happens to be a Mod, the second place person either gets to pick the Mod's colors or get colors themselves.
    During a Blue Milk Round (BMR), you can only play cards that are larger than the largest card in that row. Once someone starts a BMR, all play is focused on the row in contention. No cards may be played to other rows. All players, including the person who started the BMR, may not replenish their hands until the round is over.

    Each card played in a BMR is worth 1 point, the largest card, and therefore the winning card of the round is worth 2 points.

    • The card you play only has to relate to the card it directly touches, not the entire row.
    • You may add a modifier such as "a", "an", "the", or "my" when playing your card. However, you may not embellish your card with other nouns to make it fit.

    Blue Milk Round!

    Helmet - Coaster - Greeting Card


    Nyota: 0
    Ishy: 0
    Relaxus: 0
    Bluth: 0
    Tunes: 0
    Belligerent: 1

    @Lady_Belligerent has started a BMR.
    During a BMR, you may only play LARGER cards (so anything after Greet Card, but not before). You will not get replacement cards until the BMR is over. Don't forget that you still need to EXPLAIN WHY the card fits. You don't have to relate your card to the entire row, just the card directly before it.

    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha please play a card.
  18. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Helmet-Coaster-Greeting Card-Newspaper

    A newspaper is larger than a greeting card
  19. CalaelAzasar

    CalaelAzasar Host of Quick-Games star 5 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 11, 2003
    In The Blue Milk

    Your host will PM all players five cards to start with and list 3 cards in the thread. On your turn, you will play one card in the thread and a new card will be PM'd to you to replace it, this will keep your hand at 5 cards. You must play a card with a noun that is larger or smaller than the one listed. You also need to explain why it fits. If the host doesn't accept your explanation as a valid one, you lose your turn. The card you've played will be taken out of the game, and you'll receive another card.

    You may only play a card over the largest or under the smallest card in each row. You cannot play it between two cards.
    If you can't play a card or choose to pass, you may exchange up to three cards and skip a turn. You would PM the host with the cards you want to exchange on that turn, and she will PM you back with replacements.
    You can only play a card or exchange card(s) when it's your turn.
    If you miss three rounds all in all during the game, you will be eliminated from the game.


    If you play the third card to any row, you start a Blue Milk Round, in which all players try to win that row of cards. Starting with the next player in line, each gets a chance to play a card that is larger than the last card in that row. If you don't have a card to play, you pass without exchanging or adding cards to other rows, and play continues with the next player in the line-up. The round is over when all the players who are able to play a card have played, the person who started the Blue Milk Round will have already played their card and will not get to play a second card in the round. Whoever played the largest card wins in the round. That player wins that row, and a new row is started by the host from the next card in the deck. There will always be 3 rows in play. The game resumes with the next player after the one that started the Blue Milk Round.
    • The winner will get 3 days of colors. If the winner happens to be a Mod, the second place person either gets to pick the Mod's colors or get colors themselves.
    During a Blue Milk Round (BMR), you can only play cards that are larger than the largest card in that row. Once someone starts a BMR, all play is focused on the row in contention. No cards may be played to other rows. All players, including the person who started the BMR, may not replenish their hands until the round is over.

    Each card played in a BMR is worth 1 point, the largest card, and therefore the winning card of the round is worth 2 points.

    • The card you play only has to relate to the card it directly touches, not the entire row.
    • You may add a modifier such as "a", "an", "the", or "my" when playing your card. However, you may not embellish your card with other nouns to make it fit.

    Blue Milk Round!

    Helmet - Coaster - Greeting Card - Newspaper


    Nyota: 1
    Ishy: 0
    Relaxus: 0
    Bluth: 0
    Tunes: 0
    Belligerent: 1

    @Lady_Belligerent has started a BMR.
    During a BMR, you may only play LARGER cards (so anything after Greet Card, but not before). You will not get replacement cards until the BMR is over. Don't forget that you still need to EXPLAIN WHY the card fits. You don't have to relate your card to the entire row, just the card directly before it.

    @DarthIshyZ please play a card.
    DarthIshyZ likes this.
  20. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Whammageddon Survivor star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Jan 8, 2005
    Helmet-Coaster-Greeting Card-Newspaper-Lampshade

    At 13x19 this lampshade is bigger than a tabloid newspaper at 11x17.[​IMG]

    Question of order: If I know I'm next, can I reply before being called?
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2024
  21. CalaelAzasar

    CalaelAzasar Host of Quick-Games star 5 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 11, 2003
    In The Blue Milk

    Your host will PM all players five cards to start with and list 3 cards in the thread. On your turn, you will play one card in the thread and a new card will be PM'd to you to replace it, this will keep your hand at 5 cards. You must play a card with a noun that is larger or smaller than the one listed. You also need to explain why it fits. If the host doesn't accept your explanation as a valid one, you lose your turn. The card you've played will be taken out of the game, and you'll receive another card.

    You may only play a card over the largest or under the smallest card in each row. You cannot play it between two cards.
    If you can't play a card or choose to pass, you may exchange up to three cards and skip a turn. You would PM the host with the cards you want to exchange on that turn, and she will PM you back with replacements.
    You can only play a card or exchange card(s) when it's your turn.
    If you miss three rounds all in all during the game, you will be eliminated from the game.


    If you play the third card to any row, you start a Blue Milk Round, in which all players try to win that row of cards. Starting with the next player in line, each gets a chance to play a card that is larger than the last card in that row. If you don't have a card to play, you pass without exchanging or adding cards to other rows, and play continues with the next player in the line-up. The round is over when all the players who are able to play a card have played, the person who started the Blue Milk Round will have already played their card and will not get to play a second card in the round. Whoever played the largest card wins in the round. That player wins that row, and a new row is started by the host from the next card in the deck. There will always be 3 rows in play. The game resumes with the next player after the one that started the Blue Milk Round.
    • The winner will get 3 days of colors. If the winner happens to be a Mod, the second place person either gets to pick the Mod's colors or get colors themselves.
    During a Blue Milk Round (BMR), you can only play cards that are larger than the largest card in that row. Once someone starts a BMR, all play is focused on the row in contention. No cards may be played to other rows. All players, including the person who started the BMR, may not replenish their hands until the round is over.

    Each card played in a BMR is worth 1 point, the largest card, and therefore the winning card of the round is worth 2 points.

    • The card you play only has to relate to the card it directly touches, not the entire row.
    • You may add a modifier such as "a", "an", "the", or "my" when playing your card. However, you may not embellish your card with other nouns to make it fit.

    Blue Milk Round!

    Helmet - Coaster - Greeting Card - Newspaper - Lamp Shade


    Nyota: 1
    Ishy: 1
    Relaxus: 0
    Bluth: 0
    Tunes: 0
    Belligerent: 1

    @Lady_Belligerent has started a BMR.
    During a BMR, you may only play LARGER cards (so anything after Greet Card, but not before). You will not get replacement cards until the BMR is over. Don't forget that you still need to EXPLAIN WHY the card fits. You don't have to relate your card to the entire row, just the card directly before it.

    @DarthRelaxus please play a card.

    Also, friendly reminder that I am offline on the weekends, so you may have to wait until Monday for the game to continue.

    I would prefer not, mainly because there might be a problem with the previous card, depending on if I find their explanation valid.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2024
  22. DarthRelaxus

    DarthRelaxus Chosen One star 5

    Apr 23, 2007
    Blue Milk Round!
    Helmet - Coaster - Greeting Card - Newspaper - Lamp Shade - Bread

    This would have to be some kind of Guiness Book of World Records thing.
  23. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    [face_rofl] =D=
    DarthRelaxus likes this.
  24. CalaelAzasar

    CalaelAzasar Host of Quick-Games star 5 VIP - Game Host

    Mar 11, 2003
    In The Blue Milk

    Your host will PM all players five cards to start with and list 3 cards in the thread. On your turn, you will play one card in the thread and a new card will be PM'd to you to replace it, this will keep your hand at 5 cards. You must play a card with a noun that is larger or smaller than the one listed. You also need to explain why it fits. If the host doesn't accept your explanation as a valid one, you lose your turn. The card you've played will be taken out of the game, and you'll receive another card.

    You may only play a card over the largest or under the smallest card in each row. You cannot play it between two cards.
    If you can't play a card or choose to pass, you may exchange up to three cards and skip a turn. You would PM the host with the cards you want to exchange on that turn, and she will PM you back with replacements.
    You can only play a card or exchange card(s) when it's your turn.
    If you miss three rounds all in all during the game, you will be eliminated from the game.


    If you play the third card to any row, you start a Blue Milk Round, in which all players try to win that row of cards. Starting with the next player in line, each gets a chance to play a card that is larger than the last card in that row. If you don't have a card to play, you pass without exchanging or adding cards to other rows, and play continues with the next player in the line-up. The round is over when all the players who are able to play a card have played, the person who started the Blue Milk Round will have already played their card and will not get to play a second card in the round. Whoever played the largest card wins in the round. That player wins that row, and a new row is started by the host from the next card in the deck. There will always be 3 rows in play. The game resumes with the next player after the one that started the Blue Milk Round.
    • The winner will get 3 days of colors. If the winner happens to be a Mod, the second place person either gets to pick the Mod's colors or get colors themselves.
    During a Blue Milk Round (BMR), you can only play cards that are larger than the largest card in that row. Once someone starts a BMR, all play is focused on the row in contention. No cards may be played to other rows. All players, including the person who started the BMR, may not replenish their hands until the round is over.

    Each card played in a BMR is worth 1 point, the largest card, and therefore the winning card of the round is worth 2 points.

    • The card you play only has to relate to the card it directly touches, not the entire row.
    • You may add a modifier such as "a", "an", "the", or "my" when playing your card. However, you may not embellish your card with other nouns to make it fit.

    Blue Milk Round!

    Helmet - Coaster - Greeting Card - Newspaper - Lamp Shade - Bread


    Nyota: 1
    Ishy: 1
    Relaxus: 1
    Bluth: 0
    Tunes: 0
    Belligerent: 1

    @Lady_Belligerent has started a BMR.
    During a BMR, you may only play LARGER cards (so anything after Greet Card, but not before). You will not get replacement cards until the BMR is over. Don't forget that you still need to EXPLAIN WHY the card fits. You don't have to relate your card to the entire row, just the card directly before it.

    @Jedi Bluth please play a card.
  25. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 12x Wacky Wednesday Winner/2 Truths, 1 Lie Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
    Helmet - Coaster - Greeting Card - Newspaper - Lamp Shade - Bread - Cinder Block

    A cinder block could crush bread.