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ST Rey should have joined the dark side and become Empress.

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Darth Gerbil, May 16, 2020.


Should Rey have joined the dark side?

  1. Yes

    46 vote(s)
  2. No

    42 vote(s)
  3. Undecided

    5 vote(s)
  1. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Huh? Where does this info come from?
    LLL likes this.
  2. DarkGingerJedi

    DarkGingerJedi Chosen One star 7

    Nov 21, 2012
    I think there was once a rumor that said JJ wanted to split TROS into two films and Disney said no. But that's it.

    And that no was probably more to do with reality and wanting to get this trilogy done and not because of the story itself. If you look at TROS though, you can almost sorta see how one might think it needs to be two separate movies. It's so crammed with plotting and arcs and random ideas that it sort feels like two movies horribly edited into one.

    If anything its another prime example of how poorly these writers planned their story and executed a vision.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
  3. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    I would have definitely supported splitting it, as it's an absolute mess of concepts crammed into a totally incoherent rollercoaster ride.
  4. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    It felt like it was made by a committee and not by a person with a vision
    Bor Mullet, godisawesome and LLL like this.
  5. DarkGingerJedi

    DarkGingerJedi Chosen One star 7

    Nov 21, 2012
    It feels like leftovers. Whatever was on JJ's Star Wars must-have checklist from TFA, that wasn't used in TFA. was then thrown in for good measure.

    Forest Moon. Another Death Star. Emperor fight. Bounty Hunter. Parental reveal. Ghost pep talk. Tatooine Homestead.
    LLL likes this.
  6. LLL

    LLL Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 16, 2000
    Of COURSE it was!!!
  7. godisawesome

    godisawesome Skywalker Saga Undersheriff star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 14, 2010
    It definitely comes off as Abrams basically going “...I have to restart the entire main plot for the external conflict and main characters to make this a finale, because there’s no ‘finale’ to either the ST or the Saga in following TLJ’s ideas, especially if I have to replace Kylo as the villain.”

    ...Which I definitely think was the correct diagnosis of what TLJ did to the story, but the wrong solution, albeit any “correct” solution would be difficult to get past LFL and Disney give their professed love of TLJ, obsession with Ben Solo, and limited production time.

    Now, I think that Abrams likely didn’t ask for two films in any serious way - everything I’ve seen and heard suggests him signing onto the film with the “be a team player, get the picture done on time for Disney, answer all LFL’s requirements, get paid a boatload of money” mercenary approach to the film. I feel like pointing out that two movies would be needed to make a finale would be a bit too critical to bring up in such company, with what it would infer about LFL’s handling of the ST under Disney.

    We know even Iger had a personal “ditch those Lucas drafts” approach to the ST, and that LFL, Disney and most of Hollywood had agreed that both TFA and TLJ were made with the “correct” creative philosophies; saying “you’re wrong, we need a whole ‘nother movie now” carries a quiet criticism few people in Hollywood would appreciate, and Abrams clearly knows the social rules.

    I don’t see that being what Abrams would want, because the main problem is that’s a blatantly anti-Rey storyline - it’s just following up the worst elements of TLJ by fully usurping Rey’s position as the main character for the villain who tortured and violated her, maimed Finn then replaced him in TLJ, and killed Han Solo... which is just literally reversing every concept the ST started with in TFA.

    Like, we get it; Kylo’s the only new Skywalker after TLJ, and the only new Skywalker as the main villain isn’t actually workable as a finale to Lucas’s films.

    But it was supposed to be Rey and Finn’s trilogy, started as that with a massive success, and LFL just spent a few million dollars arguing they were making a progressive trilogy and accusing critics of TLJ of being sexist, elitist or racist, and you don’t follow that up by making two films about replacing both those characters with a white guy because of his parentage.

    Rey going evil could still have worked, though... just keep Ben evil, and make it so that Rey’s fall is about hating Kylo’s guts in a way Rey, Finn, and Han fans can easily understand and feel, and emphasize how that’s Kylo’s corrupting nature as part of Rey’s story.
    DarkGingerJedi and LLL like this.
  8. Ancient Whills

    Ancient Whills Force Ghost star 6

    Jun 12, 2011
    Evil Rey would be an interesting what if after TLJ and how she would fit in the FO hierarchy, especially in relation to Kylo and Hux. I imagine Hux would try to sabotage her at every turn. I guess if the ST was a TV show, this could have been a season wide arc for Rey. However, since they are 2-hour long movies instead, it would be kinda difficult to wrap things up in one movie, especially with the return of Palpatine, Ben Solo's redemption and the wider FO/Resistance war. It would be a mess to deal with, more than what it already is.
  9. DarkGingerJedi

    DarkGingerJedi Chosen One star 7

    Nov 21, 2012
    EP 9. Evil Rey and Supreme Leader Kylo are leading the troops into battle. Kylo finally feels like a true master, with his new apprentice beside him. Then we hear Palpatine's message and he reveals that Rey is his cloned-daughter and the true heir of the Empire. Suddenly the troops all bow down to her and forget Kylo altogether. He starts crying and raging. Evil Rey orders them to kill him and they all fire on him at once.

    The end.
  10. Sauron_18

    Sauron_18 Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 1, 2005
    I don’t know about two full movies, but at least a more focused approach on the stronger elements would’ve helped. There’s many interesting concepts there, they just never get put together into a satisfying whole for me. Dark Rey is one of those.

    One simple thing the movie could’ve done better was to highlight how much that vision of herself on the Sith throne seemed like a prophecy of an unavoidable future to Rey. It’s stated literally, but it doesn’t really feel true or likely, perhaps because of how little those visuals are on screen or how little impact they have when they’re there. But they are strong visuals on their own, and if they had been presented as a solid and prescient glimpse of the future, that would’ve added some needed menace to what she’s trying to avoid throughout the movie.


    Contrast for example with the movie Dune Part Two and the visions Paul Atreides is trying to avoid making a reality. That movie really drives home the fact that he is terrified of his possible future, and it informs why the character behaves the way he does for a good chunk of the movie.

    On that subject, and relevant to the Dark Rey topic, I recently reread Children of Dune, and I really do think something like this is what Terrio (and possibly Abrams) was hinting at for Rey. Putting this behind spoiler tags since it may be considered such in the near future.

    The nature of Alia’s possession by the Baron Harkonnen, her grandfather, seems precisely like what would’ve happened to Rey had Palpatine’s plans worked. It was strange to me in TROS why someone would agree to taking in Palpatine’s spirit, why he would mention it to her. But historically the idea of possession is not a simple replacement of a personality. It’s an affliction for the possessed, they take on a spirit and are personally haunted by them, and sometimes taken over.

    Children of Dune really illustrates an SF version of this concept with depth enough to highlight how tragic and frightening it is. Alia is haunted by her grandfather, being pre-born as she is and having all her ancestors present in her mind since her birth. A tenuous agreement with her inner grandfather allows her to keep her sanity, but he gradually erodes at her as he wants more and more control of her living body. It’s truly nightmarish, extremely sad, and I think this is probably what it would’ve been like for Rey had that dark vision of her come to pass.

    It’s not just a possible bad future that can be easily discarded. It’s the culmination of all of Palpatine’s plans (as retconned by TROS) after his defeat over Endor. That is his true big plan, but we just get flashes of it. We spend more time listening to the confusing, half-hidden, and likely deceptive list of demands he makes of his servants throughout the movie in order to get Rey to Exegol. But Dark Rey is the future he has designed for himself and his granddaughter. And the movie falls short of really selling that idea as the terrifying reality it could be for Rey and the galaxy.
    Last edited: May 11, 2024
    LLL likes this.
  11. DarthHass

    DarthHass Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 20, 2004
    you forgot a stop at Bespin (look cloud city — we were here in ESB) and a stop at Endor to see Wicket (and you remember this — from ROTJ).

    Those moments reminded me of the SNL skit “Cheques” — when she’s telling you how to right a check. “Here the date, there the amount, here the same but in letters.”

    dark Rey would have been intriguing. I say do a What If.