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RMFF Newbie Check In and Intro Thread - 3.0!

Discussion in 'Denver, CO' started by sideshow212, Nov 11, 2003.

  1. AuttyBot

    AuttyBot RMFF Secretarian star 1

    Jul 21, 2014
  2. QueenHighMistress

    QueenHighMistress Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
    Good to see you, Obey Wann!

    IIRC, kiddos only need to be 13 to sign up with the RMFF, but Grimby or DWRD would be the ones to confirm that.
  3. Obey Wann

    Obey Wann Former RMFF CR & SW Region RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 14, 2000

    Then I'll have to drag her to a meeting soon. :) She doesn't get online much, so I won't expect her to be part of the boards. But many of you have seen her at WOTR, Hauntings and at DCC.
  4. Obey Wann

    Obey Wann Former RMFF CR & SW Region RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 14, 2000
    I brought Liam to the meeting on Saturday, he is 13, so I guess he is almost a member.
    corran_r9 and QueenHighMistress like this.
  5. Gallandro Shot First

    Gallandro Shot First Jedi Youngling

    Dec 16, 2015
    Name: Todd
    Age: 39
    SW Related Interests: Watching the movies, consuming the books and comics, playing the video games, collecting lightsabers, getting into deep discussions about Star Wars in general.
    Non-SW Related Interests: I collect and play lots of video games, I like lifting weights, and I like hanging out with my family.
    How did you get started on SW: I've been into Star Wars as long as I can imagine. Growing up in the 80s, Christmases were filled with gifts like the micro collection, the original figures, etc. I discovered the EU in the Brian Daley Han Solo novels, the NPR Radio Drama, and the Marvel comics and was all in ever since.
    How did you find this board? I've done two panels at Denver ComicCon with Jonathan, and had always flirted with the idea of joining - up to and including attending a monthly meeting. I finally decided to pull the trigger and make it official.
  6. thejackal327

    thejackal327 Jedi Master star 1

    Dec 19, 2013
    Welcome, Todd! One of us, one of us!
    corran_r9 likes this.
  7. DieWompRatDie

    DieWompRatDie Former RSA star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 2, 2008
    Welcome Gallandro Shot First! Hope to see you on the 18th and at many more RMFF events and meetings.
  8. QueenHighMistress

    QueenHighMistress Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
  9. AuttyBot

    AuttyBot RMFF Secretarian star 1

    Jul 21, 2014
    Welcome! Gallandro Shot First Glad to hear you joined! Looking forward to seeing you at one of our meetings. Love video games and just started getting into lifting recently myself. Cheers! :)
  10. ReignMaker69

    ReignMaker69 Jedi Youngling

    May 22, 2016
    Hello all,

    Name: Matthew
    SW Related Interests: All of the movies of course, have played many of the older video games but the last one must have been the original Battlefront. Other than that, I haven't gotten into the other cannon, yet
    Non-SW Related Interests: We are new transplants originally from Wisconsin, but just moved from Las Vegas (where we lived long enough to realize we didn't belong there). I am an avid vegetable gardener, I love the outdoors, running, hiking, camping, fishing, etc. My wife and I left our children in Wisconsin so it is now our time to live and enjoy life for ourselves.
    How did you get started on SW: One of my earliest memories is of my father taking me to see an Empire Strikes Back premier and I guess he took me to see that movie seven times in the theater.
    How did you find this board? Our newly found friends; Erica and Geoffrey, introduced me to the group
    AuttyBot and QueenHighMistress like this.
  11. QueenHighMistress

    QueenHighMistress Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
  12. DieWompRatDie

    DieWompRatDie Former RSA star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 2, 2008
    Welcome. ReignMaker69! Good to meet you and your wife at the May meeting.
  13. AuttyBot

    AuttyBot RMFF Secretarian star 1

    Jul 21, 2014
    ReignMaker69 Welcome! Due to having to arrive late, I didn't get to say hello. :)
  14. Polar_Mouse

    Polar_Mouse Jedi Youngling

    Jun 5, 2016
    Name: Malachi
    Age: 16
    SW Related Interests: In the Star Wars universe I really enjoy the bounty hunters/Mandalorian characters along with the Dark side characters 'and Siths.
    Non-SW Related Interests: Parkour & Freerunning, gaming, and cosplaying.
    How did you get started on SW: I'm not the biggest Star wars fan; however I really enjoy the nerdy aspect of it, just like any superhero or game character, I enjoy the characters and unique universe that Star Wars brings to the table.
    How did you find this board? My Mother is a huge Star Wars nerd, so now I am here.:cool:
    DieWompRatDie and AuttyBot like this.
  15. DieWompRatDie

    DieWompRatDie Former RSA star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 2, 2008

    Welcome Polar_Mouse! Glad to see you on the boards and look forward to you being part of the action at DCC.
  16. Kal-El_Kenobi

    Kal-El_Kenobi Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 28, 2005
    Hey guys I know I don't post alot, I'm just gonna be sitting here, making a new thread trying to get a star wars rpg group started.
  17. Killer_Ewok

    Killer_Ewok Jedi Master

    Nov 14, 2002
    Name: Jeff
    Age: 40(mumble)
    SW Related Interests: The movies, the fans, the media, the fans, the imperfect universe so richly populated... the fans... mostly, it's all about the great people that inhabit the SW fandom.
    Non-SW Related Interests: Scouting (37 years in), Patriot Guard Riders, all things science-y and geek-y... the world is my field of study, and all the things therein my specialty.
    How did you get started on SW: Seeing Star Wars, and being excited about Dark Vader (yes, I know) when it came out. It's been a love affair ever since.
    How did you find this board? Long time member of the Phoenix FF (since 2001), there is a long-standing attachment between PFF and RMFF, I've many friends here and thought it was time to come back. Celebration sealed the deal, and I'm planning a trip (yes, Zoo, at long last) to visit sometime in late summer or early fall.​
  18. Commander_Choad

    Commander_Choad Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 11, 2002
    Ok - ignore the other guy - I was able to recover my original handle...

    I'm baaaaaaaack...

    Name: Jeff
    Age: 40(mumble)
    SW Related Interests: The movies, the fans, the media, the fans, the imperfect universe so richly populated... the fans... mostly, it's all about the great people that inhabit the SW fandom.
    Non-SW Related Interests: Scouting (37 years in), Patriot Guard Riders, all things science-y and geek-y... the world is my field of study, and all the things therein my specialty.
    How did you get started on SW: Seeing Star Wars, and being excited about Dark Vader (yes, I know) when it came out. It's been a love affair ever since.
    How did you find this board? Long time member of the Phoenix FF (since 2001), there is a long-standing attachment between PFF and RMFF, I've many friends here and thought it was time to come back. Celebration sealed the deal, and I'm planning a trip (yes, Zoo, at long last) to visit sometime in late summer or early fall.
    AuttyBot likes this.
  19. Nerfherders

    Nerfherders RMFF Treasurer star 4

    Apr 26, 2002
    Welcome back!
  20. Scotticus

    Scotticus Jedi Padawan

    May 13, 2017
    Name: Scott or Scotty or Scotticus
    Age: 30, but I look younger.
    SW Related Interests: I'm a huge fan of Mandalorians, Jedi and the Force. I love everything about Star Wars and always learning more. I'm also a unofficial Mandalorian Merc, Cerar Clan, but I'd like to think I'm family as I've been with them for almost 4 years now.
    Non-SW Related Interests: I love video games and my puppy Gamer.
    How did you get started on SW: I grew up playing with my brothers star wars action figures and I grew up watching Ewok Adventures as it's one of the non violent movies my mom would let me watch as a child.
    How did you find this board? I'm best friends with Jeff (Darth Hair), Kim (Purple Hair), Matt Jacobs, David Scott, Torri, Ian, Uriah, etc. If I forgot your name, I apologize. I love hanging out with everyone.
    AuttyBot likes this.
  21. Nerfherders

    Nerfherders RMFF Treasurer star 4

    Apr 26, 2002
    Welcome, Scott!
  22. DieWompRatDie

    DieWompRatDie Former RSA star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 2, 2008

    Welcome Scotticus!
  23. Scotticus

    Scotticus Jedi Padawan

    May 13, 2017
    Thanks guys glad to be here!
    DieWompRatDie likes this.
  24. QueenHighMistress

    QueenHighMistress Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 8, 2005
    Hey, Scotticus! Welcome!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    SITH__CHICK Former RMFF CR star 7

    Mar 25, 2002
    Man, I've missed like a year or more of welcomes. Welcome everyone!!!
    AuttyBot likes this.