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Rogue One Rogue One planets

Discussion in 'Anthology' started by darth_mccartney, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. CrazyOldJedi

    CrazyOldJedi Chosen One star 6

    Oct 29, 2000
    I am fairly certain that those video makers have no more clue as to the plot than you or I.
  2. Darth Chiznuk

    Darth Chiznuk Superninja of Future Films star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 31, 2012
    No question Eadu is a separate planet from Jedha. Its placement in the story is what I'm curious about now. The Rebels seem to be attacking an Imperial installation there and Krennic seems to be present. Maybe it's a prison planet where Krennic is holding Galen or some old Imperial base the Rebels thought was the main Imperial base but it's actually a trap or something. Or something completely different. :p
  3. The PiedPiper of Alderaan

    The PiedPiper of Alderaan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 16, 2015
    we'll's yet another clue pointing out to Eadu being another planet, and the one with the rocky columns (and there's a toy of Jyn in a raincoat outfit with a part of the rocky environment we saw in the trailer. The same raincoat outfit that was labelled "Eadu" in another toy box). Whether the makers of this toy video have information we don't have access to or not (i actually think it's written on the toy boxes so they might have just used these for speculation?) i think it's quite obvious by now Eadu is the 5th planet.
  4. CrazyOldJedi

    CrazyOldJedi Chosen One star 6

    Oct 29, 2000
    From my point of view there's more evidence to point to Eadu being the Jedha underworld but we'll find out in a few months anyway.
  5. weezer

    weezer Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 16, 2001
    Seems to me like you're just trying to make it fit at this point. When we just had the BTS seemed like it could have been a possibility, now that we have more it just doesn't seem possible to me.
  6. CrazyOldJedi

    CrazyOldJedi Chosen One star 6

    Oct 29, 2000

    Now that we have more I'm even more convinced. Now off to check for the 'Planet Eadu' entry in the database.
  7. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    and baze says "you destroyed our home!"

    LANDO_ROCKS Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 28, 2002

    I'm wondering if Eadu is part of the early action, the 'getting the team together' bit?

    So far we know that -

    1) The movie opens with Cassian and Jyn thrown together by Mon Mothma at the Rebel Base.

    2) K2SO is friends with Cassian, so we can assume he's already with them early on.

    3) Bodhi Rook - he's the unknown for me, we know he's a deserter from the Empire. Perhaps he is rescued by Jyn/Cassian/K2SO from Eadu?

    4) Saw Gerrera seems to be on Jedda too, I think the cave he is in is close to the rocky outcrop we see Cassian/K2SO/Jyn on during that video showing K2 drop the bag.

    5) Baze & Chirrut - both are from Jedda and aren't with the others when they are standing on the rocky outcrop so I presume they joint he efforts after the rest of the gang.
    Darth Chiznuk likes this.
  9. CrazyOldJedi

    CrazyOldJedi Chosen One star 6

    Oct 29, 2000

    1, Yep.

    2, Before or during the Jedha City action but I'm not sure whether he's already on Jedha waiting for them or not. Some little details don't add up for me.

    3, Bodhi is a citizen of Jedha according to EW. I believe he is the one that helped get the Galen Erso message to the Rebels. We have not actually seen him on Jedha though. My thoughts are that he was the one who maybe transported Galen to Jedha, they struck up a rapport and Bodhi sent the message. I guess that Cassian and Jyn meet him somewhere and he drops the bombshell that Galen is actually on Jedha (and Jyn goes off on a solo mission to rescue him).

    4, Saw appears to be in a dwelling in the Jedha City. I don't think it's a cave.

    5, I'm guessing that Jyn and Cassian accidentally get caught up in Saw's attack on the Imperial transport and Baze and Chirrut rescue them from the Stormtroopers.
  10. Darth_Voider

    Darth_Voider Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 4, 2015
  11. weezer

    weezer Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 16, 2001
    I think it has to be later in the movie.

    The team seems to come together mostly on Jedha. IIRC Bodhi is from there (I think it was the EW articles), and the rest appear to be too.

    Looks like the team is already together on Eadu from what we've seen in the trailers. My pet theory is that Eadu is the actual climax of the movie. Regardless of where it is in the timeline, I think that because it appears to be heavily Jyn centric that it will have something to do with Galen.
  12. Darth Chiznuk

    Darth Chiznuk Superninja of Future Films star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 31, 2012
    I think it's the middle of the film where the characters suffer a big setback before making their final stand on Scarif. I think maybe the information they get from the intercepted transmission eventually leads them there only for the rebels to realize the Empire has moved on from the planet and it's no longer the main installation for the Death Star construction. Krennic nearly wipes them all out and they then regroup on Yavin before the final battle on Scarif. I'm probably way off though. :p
    thejeditraitor likes this.
  13. Ed_Fett_77

    Ed_Fett_77 Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 19, 2015
    dekaneas likes this.
  14. Darth_Voider

    Darth_Voider Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 4, 2015
    It is.
  15. CrazyOldJedi

    CrazyOldJedi Chosen One star 6

    Oct 29, 2000
    No Scarif on that map?
  16. Ed_Fett_77

    Ed_Fett_77 Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 19, 2015
    Good i thought it was replaced by Scipio.
  17. The Regular Mustache

    The Regular Mustache Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 22, 2015
    So if there's a moon called Jedha is there going to be a moon or planet called Sithha?
  18. Django Fett

    Django Fett Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 7, 2012

    Might be a planet called Ren...
  19. Swashbucklingjedi

    Swashbucklingjedi Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 3, 2010
    It seems that there 4 different places at least: Scarif, Jedha, "Iceland" which seems to be part of Erso's backstory and Yavin IV.

    I'm not sure if "Eadu" is the Iceland-planet and whether or not it is the same place as where one of the imperial bases is- so there may be 5 planets as speculated, but I think it is possible that X-Wings and Y-wings attack that installation on same world that is where young Jyn and her father were (Iceland-place)

    It seems unlikely that Jedha or Scarif would have such cliffs as seen in that nighttime battle sequence- also it seems to be rainy planet. Iceland-place however could take place on same planet if Erso homestead and imperial installation are both there (which would make sense) which means there is only 4 places planets/moons

    Mygeeto is also Banking Clan world still I think- surely there should be more than one financial center in entire galaxy- especially when name of IGBC presupposes it even goes even to other galaxies (satellite galaxies like Rishi Maze possibly)
    But I'm also happy they didn't erase Muunilinst- one of the actually nice designs in old Clone Wars cartoon IMO
  20. ChefCurryWindu

    ChefCurryWindu Jedi Master star 2

    Dec 18, 2015
    Scarif is already my favorite planet visual wise, I love the tropical look of it reminds me of the beaches and countryside in the Philippines. Except, with GFFA architecture and technology.




    Nonetheless, I was also awestruck with the portrayal of the other planets. Can't wait to see these on the big screen!


    darklordoftech likes this.
  21. FirstOrder

    FirstOrder Jedi Knight star 2

    Oct 26, 2015
    Those shots are awesome.

    I'm pretty sure Scarif is my new favourite planet too.
  22. raefinnpoe

    raefinnpoe Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 18, 2015
    add whatever planet it is the rebels break jyn out of prison on.
  23. CrazyOldJedi

    CrazyOldJedi Chosen One star 6

    Oct 29, 2000

    Might not be a planet though.
  24. Ed_Fett_77

    Ed_Fett_77 Jedi Knight star 2

    Dec 19, 2015
    I starting to think that the place with the giant towering Rocks is actually on Scarif. Either under the Surface or on the far side. Wasn't it said that Scarif is a Paradise City slowly destroyed by mining?
  25. CrazyOldJedi

    CrazyOldJedi Chosen One star 6

    Oct 29, 2000
    Adding all the Eadu clips together it seems the sequence may go as follows;

    Krennic arrives in his Shuttle, touching down on the landing pad.
    Jyn, Cassian, Chirrut and Baze touch down nearby in the U-Wing.
    Jyn and Cassian approach the landing pad, probably from the rocks above.
    Baze and Chirrut station themselves in the rocks above to supply covering fire.
    Galen is brought out from the installation to be handed over to Krennic.
    For some (strange and ill-timed) reason there is an air strike by Y and X-Wings and a shot impacts on the landing pad taking out some Stormtroopers and knocking Krennic off his feet.
    Jyn arrives on the landing pad but from above the Installation entrance.
    Baze takes out any remaining Stormtroopers impeding Jyn.
    Jyn races to Krennic who is taking her father into his shuttle.
    Jyn jumps over the hole in the landing pad.
    The shuttle's ramp goes up and Jyn gets caught in the exhaust from the ship.
    Jyn and Cassian depart but find the U-Wing has been destroyed with no sign of Chirrut and Baze.
    Jyn and Cassian come under fire from the Installation Stormtroopers.
    An Imperial Cargo Shuttle arrives to rescue them piloted by Bodhi and K-2SO.