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Senate Russia: its impact on the world, its invasion of Ukraine, and its future

Discussion in 'Community' started by Ghost, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. EHT

    EHT Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 13, 2007
    "So... can we still have our guys back anyway?"
    Sarge likes this.
  2. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    This - difficulty tracking them - is just one of the many dangers associated with tactical nukes.
  3. Luke02

    Luke02 Chosen One star 6

    Sep 19, 2002
    So Russia is now accusing Urkaine of "election interference" when there is only one candidate on the ballot. Interesting concept. I wonder if there is any US politicians who love to try that. *rolls eyes*
    SithOverlord101 likes this.
  4. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    There were four candidates for President on the Russian ballot, actually. It’s just that there were people with guns making sure that those three got as few votes as possible.
  5. Luke02

    Luke02 Chosen One star 6

    Sep 19, 2002
    It's a time honor tradition in Russia:

  6. SuperWatto

    SuperWatto Chosen One star 7

    Sep 19, 2000
    And you're a teacher?
    God save America
  7. The Jedi in the Pumas

    The Jedi in the Pumas Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    There’s validity to that; I didn’t disagree.

    I just think it’s also fearmongering and borderline propaganda to publicize that while simultaneously admitting that no intelligence reports indicated that the Russians were mobilizing at all.
  8. blackmyron

    blackmyron Chosen One star 7

    Oct 29, 2005
    The three candidates all ran campaigns that basically amounted to "Putin is the best, vote for him".
    Also, Putin wanted some people to vote for the fake candidates, because getting 100% of the vote just looks bad
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  9. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    I know.
  10. gezvader28

    gezvader28 Chosen One star 6

    Mar 22, 2003
    Damn. why didn't I put a bet on?
    BigAl6ft6 likes this.
  11. Lowbacca_1977

    Lowbacca_1977 Chosen One star 7

    Jun 28, 2006
  12. Darth_Accipiter

    Darth_Accipiter Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 2, 2015
    Weeks ago, US and European embassies issued some pretty explicit warnings of an event like this being imminent, on top of most of their travel advisories already being "Do not travel" due to the political environment.

    Russia probably dropped the ball on this one. It sounds like there was intelligence that either we had, or more likely that they shared with us about this going to happen in the very near future and they weren't able to thwart it.

    Security Alert: Avoid Large Gatherings over the Next 48 Hours

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
  13. AutumnLight91

    AutumnLight91 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 17, 2018
    It's at least 40 dead, over a hundred wounded. But it was a concert hall with lots of people to prepare for the number to rise. Seemingly from what little I've seen on posts, Russia was already stopping one planned attack on a place, and now this happened.

    I've seen things blaming things in multiple directions of who is behind it, but it's too early for that right now. Besides seemingly 1 of them being captured, they need to stop the rest and rescue the people inside as they set fire to the halls and the roof is collapsing...that takes precedence
  14. Jabba-wocky

    Jabba-wocky Chosen One star 10

    May 4, 2003
    You saying that reminds me of the time that terrorist group tried to take hostages and Putin just released gas on everyone in the area, perpetrators and victims alike? Hopefully there's more thought about civilians this time.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
  15. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    Freaking ISIS claiming responsibility, those tollbags
    SithOverlord101 likes this.
  16. AutumnLight91

    AutumnLight91 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 17, 2018
    I had to look it up. Sure enough, several reports are saying that. Now whether it was ACTUALLY ISIS or they're just trying to claim in is another thing.

    If it is really them, it's definitely cause of Syria...great. it's been awhile since we've heard from them..
    SithOverlord101 likes this.
  17. blackmyron

    blackmyron Chosen One star 7

    Oct 29, 2005
    This isn't really all that surprising.
    Putin has always been cracking down on his enemies, but specifically focused on less fascist internal foes. And why not? The ultranationalist megaconservatives were always supporters of Putin in the past.
    However, they have been using his 'hands-off' approach to criticize the Ukraine war effort... in that they feel he isn't doing enough to decimate Ukraine completely. That they were allowed to say such things was supposedly a sign that Putin wasn't all dictatorial; but that changed when Wagner Group turned on him. Afterwards, Putin turned his attention on the ultranationalists that weren't backing him 100% and threatening them with fines and imprisonment if they spoke out against him.
    I mean, it could be something else here as little to no information about the attackers is being released right now (which to me is telling), but a picture-book definition of terrorist attack - one that has no military value, designed to cause panic, fear and anger in the populace - right after Putin's sham electoral win is, to me, a blatant message.
    At least we know who wasn't responsible, as the Chechen leadership quickly disavowed any connection (as has been mentioned in the thread, they were busy with terrorist acts in Russia a couple decades ago).
    Whomever is responsible, I have a bad feeling that more of these attacks might be happening in the future.
  18. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    The US said that a splinter group ISIS-K was planning an attack, it seems like thier MO

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  19. Alpha-Red

    Alpha-Red Chosen One star 7

    Apr 25, 2004
    Has there ever been a terror attack where the group that claimed responsibility wasn't the actual culprit?
    SithOverlord101 likes this.
  20. blackmyron

    blackmyron Chosen One star 7

    Oct 29, 2005
    Interesting. Looks like confirmation that ISIS-K was responsible - they've been waging a campaign against Russia (and Iran) for the past couple of years. It was, indeed, a message to Putin - and, likely a consequence of the ongoing Middle East instability (i.e. the ISIS attack on Iran, that then led Iran to, you know, murder 'non-person' kids with missiles in Pakistan).
  21. Darth_Accipiter

    Darth_Accipiter Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 2, 2015
    Moscow terror attack: 4 gunmen arrested, death toll rises to 133

    sounds like Russia is working on an angle to still blame Ukraine despite ISIS' claim of responsibility.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024
    blackmyron likes this.
  22. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Putin’s going to say the ISIS terrorists were harbored by Ukraine, or had safe haven there, and use that as a justification for some serious brutality in the war there.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024
  23. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    Ukraine harboring both Nazis and ISIS-K? Yeah that seems plausible! Who needs consistent ideology in the terrorist homeland of Ukraine!
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024
    Sarge likes this.
  24. blackmyron

    blackmyron Chosen One star 7

    Oct 29, 2005
    Hey, at least Russia is finally calling it a "war", so that's something at least.

    Wait, why the **** did that matter in the first place?
    BigAl6ft6 likes this.
  25. Mar17swgirl

    Mar17swgirl Chosen One star 7

    Dec 26, 2000
    Whatever helps his propaganda, I guess.