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PT RYL: PT Social Thread - The First Annual RYL Awards (name pending)(TM) Day 5!!

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by Seagoat, Nov 1, 2017.


Which "Disney Star Wars" movie is your favorite?

Poll closed Jan 3, 2019.
  1. Episode VII - The Force Awakens

  2. Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

  3. ROGUE One: A Star Wars Story

  4. Solo: A Star Wars Story

  5. The Pillar of Storge: A Pillar of Storge Story

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  1. christophero30

    christophero30 Chosen One star 10

    May 18, 2017
    hey Dandelo knock knock....
    Dandelo and Jedi Knight Fett like this.
  2. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    No normal skiing
    Khalia Octa likes this.
  3. Khalia Octa

    Khalia Octa Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    Well that was a good decision, wasn't it? :p
  4. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    who's there? :p
  5. christophero30

    christophero30 Chosen One star 10

    May 18, 2017
    Jedi Knight Fett and Khalia Octa like this.
  6. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
  7. christophero30

    christophero30 Chosen One star 10

    May 18, 2017
    No you're a poo. [face_laugh]:rolleyes:
  8. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014

  9. Jar-Jar Binks

    Jar-Jar Binks SWC Late Show With JJB Host star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 17, 2016
  10. christophero30

    christophero30 Chosen One star 10

    May 18, 2017
    We are doing a group watch of the Phantom Menace in the CCC tonight at 9:30 EST. Good seats are still available.
  11. Prime Jedi

    Prime Jedi Force Ghost star 6

    Apr 14, 2018
    Wasnt there an episode of '66 Batman, where Batman punches a shark repeatedly?

  12. Prime Jedi

    Prime Jedi Force Ghost star 6

    Apr 14, 2018
    I'm guessing that's 8:30 my time, and I would love to (I actually wanted to watch TPM at some point soon) but I'm not able to right now.
  13. Jar-Jar Binks

    Jar-Jar Binks SWC Late Show With JJB Host star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 17, 2016
    that was the batman 66 movie I think
  14. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    yes the exploding shark! :p
  15. Jar-Jar Binks

    Jar-Jar Binks SWC Late Show With JJB Host star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 17, 2016
    trying to load the gif now but it ain't working well :_|



  16. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    Well I did not die
    Khalia Octa and Prime Jedi like this.
  17. Khalia Octa

    Khalia Octa Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 2018
    Are you sure of this? :p
    Prime Jedi and Jedi Knight Fett like this.
  18. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    As sure as I can be
  19. Prime Jedi

    Prime Jedi Force Ghost star 6

    Apr 14, 2018
    Reasons why '66 Batman is better than The Dark Knight

  20. Prime Jedi

    Prime Jedi Force Ghost star 6

    Apr 14, 2018
    He's lying, he actually did die. :p
    Khalia Octa and Jedi Knight Fett like this.
  21. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    I have only seen the Nolan Batman and Aflec Batman
  22. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    you have missed so, so much :(
  23. Subtext Mining

    Subtext Mining Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 27, 2016
    Maul in the bright November sunlight.
    B3, s_heffley, DarthAnakin96 and 4 others like this.
  24. El Jedi Colombiano

    El Jedi Colombiano Chosen One star 6

    Jun 24, 2013
    Man now I'm watching Goku vs Winnie the Pooh in Super [face_laugh]

  25. Seagoat

    Seagoat Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 25, 2013
    **** yes, I'd love to. At least I think. What's that time converted to Eastern time? I'll do my best to participate in the next game and kick all your asses
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