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PT RYL: PT Social Thread - Voting for RYL Award nominees now open (see pg. 1072)

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by Seagoat, Oct 8, 2020.


Next tentative movie-night movie

  1. The Last Samurai

  2. Meet the Robinsons

  3. Horton Hears a Who

  4. High School Musical

  5. Alien/Aliens

  6. Other

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  1. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    I read Shakespeare once and I gotta say old English sucks
    Blue_Aether likes this.
  2. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    I thought it was funny that someone in a show I watched said, “why do they have highschoolers read Romeo and Juilet which is about lovers that commit suicide.” Fair point.
  3. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    Oh good news so right now it takes for ****ing ever to charge a battery for an electric car but soon enough we could get that down to 5 minutes. Which would be a huge improvement. Right now to charge a car you need to sit around for like 30 minutes. It’s one of the bigger problems with EC models
    s_heffley likes this.
  4. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    Until charging a car is as instant as getting gas, companies won’t switch their drivers fo electric, the amount of hours they’ll lose during their employees having to charge their cars for 30mins, and if they move to electric semis the charging could take longer.

    Its about money in the end.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
  5. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    To be fair getting gas isn’t instant either.
    s_heffley likes this.
  6. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    Yes but getting gas can be 5mins oppose to 30+.

    I think electric cars will get there but it will take more time.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
  7. christophero30

    christophero30 Chosen One star 10

    May 18, 2017
    Someone I know has an electric car and it sucks. It can only go 60 miles on a charge, takes hours to recharge, cannot go on the highway, and you are not supposed to use heat or AC as it makes it run out of juice even faster. Sucky mcsuckface. We've got a ways to go. Granted it is a few years old.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
  8. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    It really depends on that. The Tesla’s can go 250 miles for each charge. And that will probably improve as batteries get better.
  9. Ingram_I

    Ingram_I Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 7, 2012

    I guess that means Lord of the Flies is definitely out.
    ...a stick sharpened at both ends...
  10. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    I think the point is take emotionally unstable teens/ high schoolers, and have them read about emotional unstable teens who secretly marry and commit suicide. :p
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
  11. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    You know what I find impressive. Almost half of Norway’s new car sales are for electric cars.
    s_heffley and Blue_Aether like this.
  12. christophero30

    christophero30 Chosen One star 10

    May 18, 2017
    We read Ordinary People, about a high school kid who tries to commit suicide. o_O
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
  13. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    I read kite runner. Don’t read it. Don’t get me wrong it’s a good book. Well written as well, but super dark. Like it paints a real picture for what it would be like to live in the Middle East but damn don’t read it unless you want super depression. Thanks high school
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
  14. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    I saw the movie.

    Another happy film is Babel.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
    Blue_Aether likes this.
  15. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    I also read a book called racing in the rain. Another weird book. Thanks high school.
    Blue_Aether likes this.
  16. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    Those are the only two books I can remember reading in high school. I know I read lord of the flies, 451, to kill a mockingbird but I don’t remember it that was middle or high school.
  17. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    Also I read Romeo and Juliet but I already expressed my feelings on that
    s_heffley and Blue_Aether like this.
  18. anakincol

    anakincol Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 28, 2009
  19. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
  20. Blue_Aether

    Blue_Aether Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 1, 2019
    On the topic of Old English (with a capital O) the dumbest thing I’ve ever said was in 7th grade where I asked my teacher about a question about Old English, and in my question I said something about Thee and Thy cause I thought they were Old English. And my teacher was like “Old English is a whole different language” [face_plain] and I was like: :eek:
  21. Ingram_I

    Ingram_I Force Ghost star 5

    Sep 7, 2012
    Correct. Old English is Germanic from the Middle Ages ...versus Elizabethan, which is from the Early Modern Era.
    Jedi Knight Fett and s_heffley like this.
  22. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    We read both Lord of the Flies and Boy in the Striped Pyjamas in school. First was ok on the scale of messed up stuff that happened, it was actually one of the more enjoyable books I ever read for school, but when we watched the ending of the movie of the latter it resulted in a class full of crying kids (the only reason I wasn't one of them is cause I'd watched the ending the night before with a friend... and cried my eyes out then :p). Great book, but man it's brutal.
  23. CISMestizo

    CISMestizo Jedi Knight star 1

    Jun 14, 2020
    Shakespeare isn't even Old English. It's Early Modern English. Old English is practically a completely different language. Before the French speaking Norman's replaced most of the vocabulary with French and Latin words. It's why we have separate words for meats and the animals they come from and why most curse words have a meaning. They were the old Saxon words and it was considered lower class to speak the Saxon language during the Middle ages. The only reason English is even considered Germanic is because most of the old grammar survived the Normans.

    One good thing is they changed our plural system by just putting an s at the end of nouns. In old English every word had a plural version. Goose and Geese, Oxe and Oxen are hold overs of it. Before you had Book and Beek and Axe and Axen. Every noun was like this. Imagine someone learning English as a second language with this system. I think the Dutch still do something like this. Although funny enough I know many Chinese people think the plural s is overused. If you say "there are three dogs" a Chinese person would think the plural s is redundant because you already said there were 3.

    Also I recommend people read Shakespeare, especially as a Star Wars fan. There are a lot of Shakespearean influence on Star Wars, especially the Prequels. If the Early Modern is giving you trouble then I suggest buying an abridged version. Even if you know what they mean by the words it can still be difficult to follow an abridged versions just makes things easier.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  24. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    I ordered a Hot Wheels diecast model of the USS Vengeance from Star Trek Into Darkness, and it arrived today:

    Very neat little model. I do mean little, it's surprisingly tiny next to the Eaglemoss Enterprise :p:

    Ironically it's pretty much the reverse of how it is in the movie, where the scales are almost reversed and the Vengeance is the big one ;)
  25. Kato Sai

    Kato Sai Chosen One star 8

    Apr 27, 2014
    Star Trek?! Traitor! :p

    Actually I am secondlt a Trekkie, first and foremost a Warsian (SW).

    My favorite ship is actually the Discovery Class one, the ship being alive was really different. Next is Interpid Class/ Voyager, and then The Enterprise B.

    Favorite Series:

    Ths Original Series
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
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