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Census Scattergories v.3 - game has a winner!

Discussion in 'Archive: Census and Games' started by FelsGoddess, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. FelsGoddess

    FelsGoddess Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 5, 2004
    Welcome to the new Scattergories game thread! Our mods have decided that it's time to give this game another shot.

    The Rules

    The game lasts three rounds. Each round, the host provides a letter and a list. The players need to write down one item for each list category that starts with that letter. One point per correct answer, but two or more players use the same word in the same category, no point.

    For example:
    Host picks "C."

    Vegetable: Carrot
    Vehicle: Camry
    Star Wars Character: C-3PO

    The answers have to be something well-known or easily found on the internet. Adding in a link is always helpful.

    Names of people can be first or last, but no person can have a title count in their name. (Queen Mary doesn't count for "Q")

    Players have 48 hours to fill up their sheets and PM the answers to the host, who will then post the answers and count up points. After three rounds, the person with the most points wins.

    All answers must be PMed at the same time to the host. No partial lists or corrections, please.

    For this first round, there can be up to six players. After signups conclude, I'll post the categories and the letter you have to use.

    Thanks to the previous hosts for the rules. [face_peace]


  2. Ceillean

    Ceillean Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 13, 2001
    1. Ceillean
  3. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Sign ups--

    1. Ceillean

    2. Jade eyes





  4. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    Sign ups--

    1. Ceillean

    2. Jade eyes

    3. NYCitygurl



  5. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    Sign ups--

    1. Ceillean

    2. Jade eyes

    3. NYCitygurl

    4. Hazel


  6. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    Any more takers? [face_batting] I'm so excited for this!!
  7. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    1. Ceillean

    2. Jade eyes

    3. NYCitygurl

    4. Hazel

    5. Gunny

  8. Darth McClain

    Darth McClain Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2000
    Why not?

    1. Ceillean

    2. Jade eyes

    3. NYCitygurl

    4. Hazel

    5. Gunny

    6. DMC
  9. FelsGoddess

    FelsGoddess Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 5, 2004
    The List
    Mythical Creature/Monster
    Fruit or Vegetable
    TV Show
    Thing Associated with Science Fiction
    Math Term
    Word to which ?Re? can be Added to Form a New Word
    Cartoon Character
    Terrifying Thing
    Thing Found in a House

    The letter is "H."

    48 hours to submit you lists via PM. Have fun! :)
  10. FelsGoddess

    FelsGoddess Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 5, 2004
    Mythical Creature/Monster Headless Horseman
    Fruit or Vegetable Hijiki
    TV Show Hallmark Hall of Fame
    Thing Associated with Science Fiction Hyperdrive
    Actor/Actress Hannah Herzsprung
    Math Term Hypotenuse
    Word to which ?Re? can be Added to Form a New Word Re-hire
    Cartoon Character Heathcliff
    Terrifying Thing Horses
    Colour Han Purple (seriously! It's a color grin )
    Furniture Hope Chests
    Thing Found in a House Hammer

    Mythical Creature/Monster - Hydra
    Fruit or Vegetable ? Honeydew Melon ( )
    TV Show ? Heroes ( )
    Thing Associated with Science Fiction ? Hyperspace
    Actor/Actress ? Heather Graham
    Math Term - Hyperbolic function
    Word to which ?Re? can be Added to Form a New Word - Hydrate
    Cartoon Character ? Hercules ( )
    Terrifying Thing - Hell
    Colour ? Hot Pink ( )
    Furniture - Headboard
    Thing Found in a House - Heater

    Mythical Creature/Monster: Hippalectryon
    Fruit or Vegetable: Horned Mellon
    TV Show: Hogan's Heroes
    Thing Associated with Science Fiction: Heroes
    Actor/Actress: Howard, Byrce Dallas
    Math Term: Hyperbola
    Word to which ?Re? can be Added to Form a New Word: Hash/rehash
    Cartoon Character: Headless Horseman
    Terrifying Thing: Horses
    Colour: Harvestgold
    Furniture: Headboard
    Thing Found in a House: Horseradish

    Mythical Creature/Monster: Horus
    Fruit or Vegetable: -
    TV Show: House, M.D.
    Thing Associated with Science Fiction: Havoc
    Actor/Actress: Hackman, Gene
    Math Term: Half
    Word to which ?Re? can be Added to Form a New Word: Rehash
    Cartoon Character: Hammy (from the "Over the Hedge" movie)
    Terrifying Thing: Heat wave
    Colour: Hot Rod Red
    Furniture: Heater
    Thing Found in a House: Hamburger Helper

    Jade eyes

    Mythical Creature/Monster Harpies
    Fruit or Vegetable habernao pepper
    TV Show House, M.D.
    Thing Associated with Science Fiction Hyperspace
    Actor/Actress Halle Berry
    Math Term hypotenuse
    Word to which ?Re? can be Added to Form a New Word rehydrate
    Cartoon Character Horton
    Terrifying Thing Hairy spider
    Colour Hot Fuschia
    Furniture Hatstand
    Thing Found in a House Heater

    Mythical Creature/Monster: Helead
    Fruit or Vegetable: haricot beans
    TV Show: How I Met Your Mother
    Thing Associated with Science Fiction: Heinlein
    Actor/Actress: Tom Hanks
    Math Term: hyperbola
    Word to which ?Re? can be Added to Form a New Word: heat
    Cartoon Character: Hong Kong Phooey
    Terrifying Thing: homework
    Colour: hot pink
    Furniture: hutch
    Thing Found in a House: handtowels

    1. Ceillean-15
    2. Jade eyes-8
    3. NYCitygurl-10
    4. Hazel-7
    5. Gunny-10
    6. DMC-11

    Round Two: same list, letter "K." 48 hours to submit lists. Have fun!
  11. Ceillean

    Ceillean Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Nov 13, 2001
    Jade_Eyes and I both have "hypotenuse" as a math term. Just to let you know. :)
  12. FelsGoddess

    FelsGoddess Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 5, 2004
    Whoops, thanks!

    Jade eyes
    Mythical Creature/Monster: K'Nei (from Asian myths; a sheep with one leg.)
    Fruit or Vegetable: Kale
    TV Show: Welcome Back Kotter tongue (I'm dating myself Fels) laugh
    Thing Associated with Science Fiction: Klingon
    Actor/Actress: Kevin Kline
    Math Term: Kilogram
    Word to which ?Re? can be Added to Form a New Word: kindle
    Cartoon Character: K-9 (from Looney Tunes)
    Terrifying Thing: Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat
    Colour: Kelly Green
    Furniture: Kitchen table
    Thing Found in a House: Kettle.

    Mythical Creature/Monster ? Kelpie ( )
    Fruit or Vegetable ? Kiwifruit
    TV Show ? Knight Rider
    Thing Associated with Science Fiction ? Klingons
    Actor/Actress ? Kathleen Turner
    Math Term - Kite ( )
    Word to which ?Re? can be Added to Form a New Word ? kindle
    Cartoon Character ? Kim Possible
    Terrifying Thing - Kracken
    Colour ? khaki
    Furniture ? kneeling-chair ( )
    Thing Found in a House - Kitchen

    1. Ceillean-14
    2. Jade eyes-18
    3. NYCitygurl-10
    4. Hazel-17
    5. Gunny-10
    6. DMC-11

    Same list. The letter is "O." 48 hours to submit your lists. Good luck!
  13. FelsGoddess

    FelsGoddess Jedi Master star 5

    Sep 5, 2004
    Mythical Creature/Monster ? Ogre
    Fruit or Vegetable ? Orange
    TV Show ? Once Upon a Time
    Thing Associated with Science Fiction ? Orbit
    Actor/Actress ? Peter O'Toole
    Math Term - Octagon
    Word to which ?Re? can be Added to Form a New Word ? Order
    Cartoon Character ? Olive Oil (from Popeye)
    Terrifying Thing - Oral Surgeon
    Colour ? Orchid
    Furniture ? Oval table
    Thing Found in a House - Office

    Mythical Creature/Monster: Og
    Fruit or Vegetable: okra
    TV Show: Once Upon a Time
    Thing Associated with Science Fiction: Odo (Star Trek DSN)
    Actor/Actress: Orlando Bloom
    Math Term: octagon
    Word to which ?Re? can be Added to Form a New Word: Orient
    Cartoon Character: Olivia Flaversham
    Terrifying Thing: octopus
    Colour: Orange
    Furniture: ottoman
    Thing Found in a House: oven mitts

    Darth McClain
    Mythical Creature/Monster: Orthrus
    Fruit or Vegetable: Ogonori
    TV Show: Outsourced
    Thing Associated with Science Fiction: Odd looking aliens
    Actor/Actress: Oldman, Gary
    Math Term: Omicron
    Word to which ?Re? can be Added to Form a New Word: Oxidize/reoxidize
    Cartoon Character:eek:swald the Lucky Rabbit
    Terrifying Thing: Oddjob, from Goldfinger
    Colour: Old Gold
    Furniture: Ottoman
    Thing Found in a House: Oxygen tank

    Jade eyes
    Mythical Creature/Monster: Ogre
    Fruit or Vegetable: Okra
    TV Show: Outer Limits
    Thing Associated with Science Fiction: Orions
    Actor/Actress: Olivia de Haviland
    Math Term: Octagon
    Word to which ?Re? can be Added to Form a New Word: organize
    Cartoon Character: Olive Oil
    Terrifying Thing: Octopus
    Colour: orange
    Furniture: Ottoman
    Thing Found in a House: Oven Mitts

    1. Ceillean-14
    2. Jade eyes-22
    3. NYCitygurl-15
    4. Hazel-25
    5. Gunny-10
    6. DMC-22

    Congratulations, Hazel, on winning this round! Enjoy your colors! :D
  14. Darth McClain

    Darth McClain Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 5, 2000
  15. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
  16. Hazel

    Hazel Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2010
    This might be the first time ever I've won Scattergories. Although I haven't played in many years.

    This was fun!
  17. The Loyal Imperial

    The Loyal Imperial Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 19, 2007
  18. NYCitygurl

    NYCitygurl Manager Emeritus star 9 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 20, 2002
    Congrats, Hazel!! And this was a fun game :D