Filoni can't afford to be anti-ST. George does not own Star Wars anymore and he never will ever again. Staying loyal to lucas does nothing as Disney will own Star Wars forever and will make constant Star Wars After Star Wars going forward. Disney is Filoni's boss. Disney is paying Filoni. Filoni's job isn't to please his previous boss. Its to be PART of the work force building this new canon THAT uncludes the ST.
Retcon doesn't mean deletion. The ST retcons itself. Star Wars has always changed things up when the creatives involve want to do so. If you want to call that retcon or not, whatever. But it's happened since the very beginning. I'm not sure where this holistic reverence to the ST being absolute set in stone comes from. Like it or not, the academy we see being built, and the world itself, in Mando, is different than the world and temple that's destroyed in TLJ. F&F could have made it exactly the same if he wanted to adhere to the ST 100%. They chose not to. They clearly wanted to give themselves creative freedom and elbow room to tell their story. That doesn't mean they intend to delete what occurs in the ST. It means that now that they're in charge of the middle parts, they're going to do what they want to tell their story. And besides, ST is vague as hell. There's plenty of opportunity to figure out what 'really' happened leading up to it. EDIT: I feel like the Legend of Filoni Loving TLJ grows by the day. By next month some will insist he helped write it.
The Jedi Acedemy is confirmed to me the same as in TLJ. And Filoni has said i liked the TLJ since it first camw out, he mentioned RJ plenty of time. A Filoni animation around the time of ST era mught come sooner or later.
I think at this point in time, SW should take a leap about 100 years into the future with no Skywalkers, Solos, Kenobis. It should be something completely new and not part of the Skywalker Saga. While the films focus on the far future, Filoni can perhaps work on an animated series about how Rey builds up a new Jedi Order, preferably built on Qui-Gon's Living Force concept. So the foundation Rey has set for a new Jedi Order will be the stabilizing force in the galaxy for the next 100 years, which will bring us to the timeline where a new generation of Force-users will face a new threat. And no, no more Palpatine too.
I personally don't want Filoni to work on any Skywalker stuff. You thought Rey was bad... I really don't want to think how he'd write his own Skywalker OC.
IT will happen, Filoni havent abondon The Skywalker saga so far. He had his chance with Tales of the Jedi.
Its fair to say that if you want to do a story about Jedi, then there is the old republic, high republic and even the PT era. So to jump ahead to do future jedi order stuff isn't really important yet.
Old Republic seems off limits now. So for now we got High Republic and Fall of the old Republic with Jedi stories. Thats almost 500 years. You might do some jedi stories with Luke, Ahsoka and Ezra post OT.
I don't think its off limits. its gonna be touched on at some point. But it would seem pointless to do a future jedi order and THEN go backwards to do stories in the old republic. Surely you focus on the old republic for a few years before you ever go about creating a future order. The old republic becomes redundant otherwise. And DIsney want as much content that will last them for several more decades.
I think the order doesn’t matter personally I would do force Origins first then old republic , and then the future but I think you could go way into the future and then the past, as long as each story is different and marketed so GA isn’t confused.
Filoni guiding the D+ series to lean in to the Chosen One concept guarantees he hasn't abandoned the Skywalker saga. He's tying the Skywalkers closer to the Force, not farther from it. They always will loom over the SW stories timeline.
I don't think he has ever said he is leaning into the chosen on concept with the D+ Shows. There is absolutely no reason to use that concept in these shows.
Yet he chooses to anyway. It's already been there throughout Obi-Wan, and we know Anakin will be involved with Ahsoka, more digital Luke is coming, and even the Acolyte will play heavy with The Force. Undoubtably the Chosen One prophecy comes with it as well. There are many at LFL who want SW not to be tied to Skywalkers - they obviously had their share of influence when the ST was made. Now they've all been replaced with people under Filoni & Favreau. Easy to see where this is going.
Using the Skywalkers is different to leaning into the chosen one concept. Really there is no reason for them to mention it in any of these projects including The Mandalorian, Boba Fett, Ahsoka and Skeleton Crew. Infact Obi Wan would have been the time to mention it and they didn't. It wasn't mentioned in tales of the Jedi. It wasn't mentioned in the revival of Clone Wars episodes they made. I dunno if it was mentioned in Rebels.
If you missed it while watching Obi-Wan you probably should re-watch. Its starts as soon as the intro. Its intertwined within it all.
Do you mean a flashback of him screaming "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE"? I don't think that counts. The only way that counts is if Disney were actively trying to ignore the PT. But since the PT is canon and its just a clip from the events of the previous canon film... i don't think that counts. For it to count Obi Wan would have to actually vocally acknowledge it in the series in none flashback clips. Especially if its Filoni's mission to make sure we all know how important the chosen one thing is. The truth is there is just no reason to mention it.
When Maul dies, he asks Obi-Wan, I think, if it's the chosen one he was protecting, and Obi-Wan says "he is", and Maul says that the chosen one will "avenge us".
It's hardly a fact. Filoni is a DFL employee. He's not about to start publicly criticising the ST. The ST is, in large parts, anti-Lucas era Star Wars. Filoni, for the most part, is 100% Lucas era Star Wars. I'd imagine Filoni shares a similar view to Lucas on the sequels...
Maybe, but we know of certain times they disagree. And all we know GL said about TLJ is its beautiful made. Filoni said he liked it and has good relationship with Rian Jhonson.
I think you need to separate having an 'appreciation' of something with 'liking' something. Not musically exclusive, but not necessarily the same thing. I have an appreciation of TLJ, but I don't like it.
Oh I know, witch is why I think GL appreciate it but dont like it mutch. Im unsure about Filoni, but I think he might like it. When you look at his comments. Like Luke's arc in TLJ being like Frodo.