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Lit Share your headcanons!

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Gruntz, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. MercenaryAce

    MercenaryAce Chosen One star 6

    Aug 10, 2005
    Ah, I hadn't heard of that.

    ...Though man, it would be weird to name part of the planet with the same name of the whole thing. Earth Island. Moon Crater. Mars Mountain.
    Riv_Shiel likes this.
  2. Coherent Axe

    Coherent Axe Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 20, 2016
    ...Kijimi City.
    MercenaryAce and K2771991 like this.
  3. clone commander bossk

    clone commander bossk Ostrich Velocity Expert star 5

    Nov 5, 2019
    I don't see why they couldn't just have multiple models of troop transport.
    MercenaryAce and K2771991 like this.
  4. comradepitrovsky

    comradepitrovsky Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2017
    Those space-englishmen Watched her very closely.
    MercenaryAce, Vialco and K2771991 like this.
  5. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    I'd love to see Sarah Michelle Gellar play that role in live action, to be honest.

    I suppose one could make the argument that she might be to old (since most of the Inquistors seem to be culled from padawans), but for all we know Seventh Sister was a knight like the Grand Inquistor and is closer in age to Vader then say, Kanan or Cal.

    That was my tought too - the ITT is like a Stryker of the M1126 APC varient and the 906 Marauder is like a M1131 FSV (perhaps "Trexler" is the base model name - so the proper name of the ITT would be "Trexler K79-S80 Troop Transport")

    I figure that initally the FO used Imperial suplus just like the other remnant factions (perhaps modified - for instances shields added to TIEs), but after expanding it's power base and gaining acess to actual industrial capabilities it started building the new designs we see in the films (IIRC the Resurgents are supposedly brand new by the time of TFA)

    Earth, Texas:p

    No, Tarkin fought a seperate group of Anzat years earlier (little did he know, however, they were working for Dooku:p)

    Yeah; that's my takeaway as well.

    Real militaries - especially ones with massive force projection capabilities and the multipule different mission requirments - don't just use one or two kinds of transport; the US Military has Blackhawks, Chinooks, C-130s, Ospreys, Lakotas, Aviocars, Globemasters, Spartans, Metroliners - even Gulfstreams - some fufilling overlapping roles, and others fufilling specific roles - the Empire would likely be the same.

    Something like...
    • Mando/OWK Transport = Black Hawk
    • Sentinel = Chinook
    • Gozanti = C-130
    • Imperial Dropship Transport = MH-60L DAP
    • Y-45 = CH-54 Tarhe
    • Theta-class Barge = Globemaster
    • Y-85 Titan = C-5 Galaxy
    • TIE Reaper = ACH-47A
    • Acclamator-class Assault Ship - Wasp/America-class Assualt Ship
    • Lambda - Learjet
    • T-5 Deliverance = HH-60L
  6. Chris0013

    Chris0013 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    Obi Wan kept Maul's lightsaber and purified the kyber crystals in them for spare parts.
  7. Kadar Ordo

    Kadar Ordo Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 9, 2021
    Legends headcanon:

    While Dooku was officially the Padawan of Thame Cerulian, late into his apprenticeship Thame went on a sabbatical due to a dispute between the Corellian Jedi and their Coruscanti brethren. During this time, Yoda took on Dooku as his apprentice, making Dooku one of the few Jedi to have a second master that was not brought on by a prior master's death. Thame would eventually return and be present for Dooku's knighting ceremony, although Dooku harbored a minor feeling of resentment towards his first master for what he perceived to be abandonment, and would therefore come to see Yoda as his primary teacher (at least until he left the Jedi Order).
  8. comradepitrovsky

    comradepitrovsky Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2017
    I will watch Sarah Michelle Gellar in anything. I think Seventh Sister is supposed to be dead, but when has that stopped anyone in Star Wars?
    K2771991 likes this.
  9. Chris0013

    Chris0013 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    She died in Rebels like GI and 5B...but could show up in something set before that.
    K2771991 likes this.
  10. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    @comradepitrovsky @Chris0013

    I was thinking in something set *before* she died, for clarification.

    Did'nt Legends actually have a expalantion for the Cerulian/Yoda discrepency? Something about Yoda being Dooku's mentor and confidant while he was Cerulian's apprentice and training him in lightsaber combat? Or am I remembering that wrong?
  11. Kadar Ordo

    Kadar Ordo Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 9, 2021
    Maybe. The fact that Yoda refers to Dooku as his "old Padawan" always felt like it suggested a more personal connection than simply mentoring Dooku on the side. I've also always struggled to understand why Thame Cerulian even exists due to that fact. The book he's from, Legacy of the Jedi, was published in 2003 so I doubt it's a case of the author going off an early AOTC script that didn't have the Yoda-Dooku Padawan connection.[/user]
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2022
    Riv_Shiel and Watcherwithin like this.
  12. RogueWhistler

    RogueWhistler Jedi Knight star 3

    Aug 9, 2021
    I think I've read somewhere (I want to say it was The Essential Reader's Companion?) that Thame Cerulean was actually created because of a specific LFL request for Dooku to have a Master who wasn't Yoda, which makes even less sense than a mistake.
  13. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    On a related note, I’m surprised that the dialogue in KOTOR 2 doesn’t refer to the Great Sith War as “the First Jedi Civil War” considering that Deesra Luur Jada calls it “the First Sith War”.
    In KOTOR 1, Canderous says that the Sith “retreated into their empire” before returning under Revan’s leadership.
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  14. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Confederation survived post-FotJ and ultimately was the source of the secession in the Legacy era, though Corellia remained with the GA, this time.


    retreated into their empire is such a key line, not going to deny it.

    I completely embrace a 50 year long Second Sith Empire ruled by Kun, Uln, Revan, Malak, Traya, Sion, Nihilus.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2022
    Golbolco and darklordoftech like this.
  15. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    Truer words have never been spoken. =D==D==D==D==D=

    Do we have any idea what became of the Second Sith Empire after Kreia’s death?
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2022
  16. Kadar Ordo

    Kadar Ordo Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 9, 2021
    I'd go even further and add Freedon Nadd to that list, making it a 450-year-long Sith Empire, since the Naddists always felt like a proto-Brotherhood of the Sith (especially since the Krath sprung from them, being led by the Nadd-influenced Keto cousins).
    Force Smuggler likes this.
  17. RogueWhistler

    RogueWhistler Jedi Knight star 3

    Aug 9, 2021
    Would you include the Onderonian royal family, too, as sort of "caretaker" Lords like Jorak Uln?

    For me, "The Sith had retreated into their empire" just means the handful of Sith Brotherhood survivors who ran off to Korriban, in the old Sith Empire. Just because Canderous can't tell the various Sith factions apart doesn't mean there's no distinction between them.

    I do like the idea of Nadd running a sort of underground shadow Sith Empire on Onderon, and later Teta. It's almost like the Mecrosa Order, if they'd been less tied to the Tapani sector.
    ColeFardreamer likes this.
  18. Kadar Ordo

    Kadar Ordo Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 9, 2021
    Probably. I suppose it would have been more of a "Sith Order" then a full-fledged Sith Empire. But in my mind, Nadd and his followers laid the foundation of what would become Exar Kun's Brotherhood of the Sith, which would then be folded into Darth Revan's Sith Empire. So, another way of putting it that the Naddists' were the first stage of the evolution that would culminate in Revan's Sith Empire. That's how I've always seen it, anyway.
  19. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    Eh, I perfer to use the term "Revanite Empire" as the formal term for the state ruled by Revan and Malak, and threat Exar and Ulic's "empire" as a loose confederation of rebel forces and rogue states (meanwhile Nadd was probobly just the first monarch of the "Kingdom of Onderon", only tied to the later Sith due to the Naddist's influance over the Krath and Nadd's postumous training of Exar Kun)

    "Second Sith Empire" is the term I reserve for Vitate's Empire - the actual, "true" sucessor state of the First (Old) Sith Empire; Kun/Ulic and Revan/Malak are like...I dunno, if a few decades apart the ANP and then the Proud Boys founded the "Fourth" and "Fifth" Reichs while conducting rebellions agianst the US goverment, all while the actual Fourth Reich, consisting of the descendents actual German Nazis who escaped the fall of the Third Reich, was hiding on the Moon under the leadership of an immortal Adolf Eichmann

    I always thought that was weird too; logically you'd think that the First Sith War would be the Great Hyperspace War,

    Given the context of what was introduced in KOTOR and TOR I always took this to mean they either retreated into the general territory of the Sith Worlds or (some of them) sought shelter with the actual Sith.

    It's worth remember that before TOR was made Vitiate's empire was'nt quite as secret and unknown as it later became; Kriea talks about it openly to Meetra and even Canderous is aware the Mandalorians were operating at the behest of the Sith

    That's similer to what I think; plus it provides anouther potential source of aid for Stazi's forces (and Fel's, for that matter).

    I always assumed the fleet at Telos was it's last big one, and that any notable remnants disintergated afterwards; some Dark Jedi and ex-officers/soldiers might have founded cults or become mercenaries, and others might have ended up falling in with the "true" Sith* (for a long while one of my headcanons - which was ultimatly rendered moot by TCW and then TOR - was that Surik sided with Valku and the latter later offered shelter to remnants of the Sith military after the deaths of the Triumvirate, giving his military a big boost in terms of experienced personal and acess to heavy warships capable of actually challanging the any potential attempt by the Republic to retake Onderon)

    *in The Journal of Ghost-Dural there's an illistration of what looks like modified Interdictor-class ships taking part in the Sith attack on Korriban at the start of the Great Galactic War, and one of Malak's Centurion-class Battlecruisers (the Tears of Taris) eventually became part of the Sith Fleet.
    RogueWhistler likes this.
  20. SheaHublin

    SheaHublin Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Feb 15, 2008
    This one is for my fellow longer-term EU fans: Admiral Ranes. Who, you might ask? He was mentioned only once, in The Longest Fall:

    [​IMG] we ever see this Admiral Ranes? I'd like to think so, and given that he's mentioned in the context of the others, nothing at all prevents him from being the Admiral executed by Vader in the events of Classic Star Wars:

    Nom von Anor, Vialco and K2771991 like this.
  21. SheaHublin

    SheaHublin Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Feb 15, 2008

    ...this interesting in-Universe piece was written by either Ars Dangor or Sate Pestage.
  22. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    I love how some of the Imperials in Legends were so cartoonish with their veneration of evilness; calling Palpatine a "bright darkness" and the "black center" of the Empire, bidding each other "Dark Greetings" as they go to worship at the Church of the Dark Side.

    Like they freaking live in Mordor or something.

    Likewise I headcanon this Imperial officer who greets Vader at Palpatine's palaces at the start of Extinction...
    As being General Tal Ashen
    Dream-Thinker likes this.
  23. comradepitrovsky

    comradepitrovsky Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2017
    It’s really nigh-impossible to square the Great Sith War as presented in the actual comics - which lasted like fifteen minutes - with what KOTOR and EGtW say.
  24. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    I always assumed we were getting a really in-focus look at a brief conflict, so it appeared even shorter then it actually was;

    The way I always plotted it out was

    3997 BBY
    • The Krath Holy Crusade starts as a seperate conflict but later came to be considered part of war (like how the Second Sino-Japanese War was eventually "folded" into WW2) after it was revealed that Kun and Ulic were working together.
    3996 BBY
    • "Offscreen" (between Dark Lords of the Sith 6 and The Sith War 1) Exar started recruiting followers within the Order as he trained his Sith, counting on Ulic to marshal forces while he did so. During this time he reconstructs the Dark Reaper and approachs Brezwalt III - the Tapani Empress - and courts her to his cuase.
    • Ulic's attack on Foerost ruined these plans and he was thus forced to order his acolytes within the Order and secret allies elsewhere to attack; this leads both to the mass betrayal of padawans that Jolee talks about in KOTOR as well as the Cleansing of the Nine Houses (which is Brezwalt targeting the Republic's allies within the Great Houses as well as her strongest opponents). The war proper begins at this point.
    • Fights break out across the galaxy; most are small skirmishes, but several large engagments (all Sith victories) occur as Kun strikes out from Yavin with the Dark Reaper and the Corsair. Meanwhile Brezwalt finds herself caught in a protracted civil war as House Pelagia rallies her opponents agianst her, and is thus unable to aid Kun and Ulic as was intended; the Jedi dispach knights to the Tapani sector to assist the rebels. The bulk of the Republic fleet finds itself either pinned down fighting Mandalorians in the Outer Rim or spread out trying to effect a blockade of the Deep Core in order to keep the Krath Fleet boxed in.
    • Ulic attacks Coruscant (costing him the bulk of the Krath's military forces), is captured and freed. The rebels subsquently attack Ossus and destroy it.
    • The Republic, having finally recovered from the shock of the inital attacks and galvanized by the attack on Coruscant and the murder of the Supreme Chancellor, rallies it's vastly superior military forces and counterattacks on all fronts. Ulic assists the Jedi in overcoming the Dark Reaper and Barrison Draay leads the assualt on Toprawa. Meanwhile Brezwalt is toppled and House Pelagia assumes the throne of the Tapani sector, ending the war in that theater. Meanwhile on Empress Teta the Krath, having fallen into disarray following the disertion of Ulic and the death of Aleema, find their rule overthrown by the masses.
    • The victory at Toprawa is the final nail in the "Sith Empire's" coffin, opening the way for the assualt on Yavin 4; Kun is defeated and the war ends.
    Post War
    • Sith survivors (the Mecrosa Order and various Dark Jedi) go underground to escape arrest. Some later resurface and join Revan and Malak. Hazaan, his betrayal of Draay unknown, begins his plots, leading him down the path that will eventually cuase him to become none other then Darth Sion.
    • The Mandalorians retreat to the Outer Rim. The new Mandalore makes peace with the Republic after the defeat of the Sith, withdrawing from captured territory and ending his predecessors crusades - an offer that the Republic is all to eager to accept as defeating the Mandalorians would exert a heavy toll - and becuase of this is able to retain his empire and his impressive military forces.
    • The Jedi Order spends many years in crisis, with debates raging over who and what is to blame for the lose of two promising Jedi to the Dark Side and what can be done to prevent such issues in the future. To settle the matter they eventually call the Exis Conclave, where the Order is reformed; marriage is forbidden, strict rules regarding attachment are put into place and a High Council is formed to oversee the Order and make binding dicisions for it's members. Nomi Sunrider, who with the death of Draay is the greatest Jedi hero of the war left alive, is elected to lead the council as the first Master of the Order.
    • With Ossus lost the Order relocates to Coruscant, where they transform a once-small enclave and holy retreat atop the Sacred Spire into a great temple complex.
    • The Republic begins to modernize it's military, responding to lessons learned during the war and newly-learned difficencies in existing starship construction. Parrellel to this advancements in blaster technology leads to the replacement of pulse-wave blasters by "modern" blaster weapons.
    (As an aside I like to headcanon that Ulic and Aleema concived a kid in Dark Lords 5 and that child suceeded it's mother as the ruler of Koros Major after her death (and became the ancestor of Sedriss), but to do that I have to put Dark Lords 5 in 3997 BBY when it's supposed to be in 3996 BBY according the chronology in order to present a plusable gap for Aleema to have a pregnancy before she dies)
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2022
    RogueWhistler and Force Smuggler like this.
  25. Dream-Thinker

    Dream-Thinker Jedi Master star 4

    May 20, 2020
    In my mind, there are three types of Imperials.
    1) The misguided kinda-dumb people who think they are on the good guy side in open defiance to all evidence.
    2) The stuffy, order-obsessed bureaucrat that layers everything in enough paperwork to fill a star cruiser.
    3) Those who know exactly what their role is in the narrative and embrace being evil British space Nazis.