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Discussion Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Star Wars Movie - NOT FILMING April 7th, 2024 (Blame Fredrik!)

Discussion in 'Star Wars: Future Films - Spoilers Allowed' started by chris hayes, Oct 25, 2022.

  1. chris hayes

    chris hayes Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 13, 2012
  2. EHT

    EHT Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 13, 2007
    There are only two options for this:
    - It isn't happening
    - It's the first movie in a Babu Frik trilogy
  3. The Chalk Jedi

    The Chalk Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2019
    The writer and director sounds interesting.
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  4. Krueger

    Krueger Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2004
    I stopped getting excited for SW movie announcements about four years ago.
  5. bstnsx704

    bstnsx704 Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 11, 2013
    I bet it's about the Fish Nuns.

  6. Darth Chiznuk

    Darth Chiznuk Superninja of Future Films star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 31, 2012
    Finally some good movie news! I’m not a huge Lindelof fan but dammit a movie is being made! A real Star Wars movie! And we won’t be waiting until 2027 for it. That’s nonsense. Clearly this has the most momentum behind it and will likely be 2024 or 2025. I refuse to be cynical about this! This is where the fun begins! =D=[face_party]

  7. AvarandElzarsittininatree

    AvarandElzarsittininatree Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 13, 2021
    I'll wait until Celebration to think about this all that much.
  8. 2Cleva

    2Cleva Chosen One star 5

    Apr 28, 2002
  9. bstnsx704

    bstnsx704 Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 11, 2013

    Oh, I get it! That's why Dave Filoni was in the writer's room, as a sleeper agent to pull the proverbial football out from all of the other writers!
    Fredrik Vallestrand likes this.
  10. StarWarsFan91

    StarWarsFan91 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 14, 2008
    With all of the star wars news we have had for future films that haven't happened yet.....I doubt this is happening.....

    I'm down with a Tv series post ST that focuses a lot on world building etc, But after TRoS is a poor choice for bringing back Star Wars to the big screen because.......

    The galaxy needs a break post ST from galactic scale conflict/new threats/darksiders/Jedi dying off. Now they could create a film that deals with "small scale" and no darkside threats.....but that would feel a bit odd for the reintroduction for star wars on the Big Screen

    Here is a quick summary of what the Galaxy has had to go through since the Clone Wars....

    Clone Wars End/Order 66 19BBY
    19 years of Imperial oppressions, Jedi hunted down, Rebellion forms
    Galactic Civil War Open War 0BBY-5ABY
    Jedi back in few numbers but Academy destroyed in 28ABY
    One Jedi Left......
    New Republic KABOOM in 34ABY
    First/Final Order defeated in 35ABY
    Still One Jedi Left........

    I don't want Rey's generation after the ST to get further crapped on by massive wars and Rey having a very hard time bringing back the Jedi because of dead/failed apprentices. Though if Disney feels that will make more money then going the distant prequel route, I wouldn't be surprised if that happened. If they could make the big 3's lives miserable they can do the same to Rey and co.

    I like the idea of an eventual new threat (maybe being extra galactic, inspirations from the Vong) and also a new dark jedi, but that should happen long after Rey is dead (preferably dying of old age).

    Sure have some small conflicts/issues arise, maybe between criminals factions taking advantage of a galaxy with no Republic nor powerful First Order. Perhaps there are still a bit of remnants of the First Order causing issues. But overall the galaxy gets an era of "peace" and the Jedi get a generation to begin to rebuild without dealing with big wars/darksiders......

    On the other hand, the Old Republic is a way for us to have another galactic scale conflict on screen, Jedi in numbers, dark times, Sith in the open, Mandos going around conquering, without beating down the post ST galaxy with so much trouble. The fact that one can focus on Jedi whom have no relationship to Rey, gives a lot of freedom in storytelling. Because what happens to them does not affect Rey's journey. Same goes for darksiders. Many Sith existed for thousands of years, there is so much potential in tales of these Sith, all while respecting the TRoS ending, and (hopefully) keeping the Sith dead for good post TRoS. Besides people do love lightsaber duels, and in the very distant past is the best place for that.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
  11. ladygrey45

    ladygrey45 Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 30, 2015
    I think we need a fresh era we’re that’s the future or the past. The past we could have the first force users, almost Tolkien like in storytelling the first fall to the dark side medieval Star Wars would be so cool, then there’s the old republic a lot there, and why do we care about those characters because they come before and then the future also makes sense a whole new threat maybe a cult like full of dark siders , Plauegsis , something similar if not the Yuzun aliens there’s alot to pick from imo.
  12. rocknroll41

    rocknroll41 Jedi Master star 4

    May 28, 2013
    Hopefully Rey returns as a mentor/ side character for a new hero.
    DaddlerTheDalek and Mandor1138 like this.
  13. Pro Scoundrel

    Pro Scoundrel New Films Expert At Modding Casual star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 20, 2012
    "Hey, that boy is crying "Wolf" again!"
    "Well, I'm SURE it's true THIS time."

    If only they had a video of Lindelof climbing into an X-Wing. Then we'd know for sure. :p
  14. Jedi_Sith_Smuggler_Droid

    Jedi_Sith_Smuggler_Droid Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 13, 2014
    In the watchmen podcast Lindelof absentmindedly revealed he uses a bathroom stall and sits down to pee in public.

    It’s a weird yet funny stiry. The interviewer’s reaction is priceless.
  15. AvarandElzarsittininatree

    AvarandElzarsittininatree Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 13, 2021
    Him and Carlton Cruz would often say sarcastic things like that in their Lost podcasts as well. When Lost ended they filmed a bunch of secret endings for one of the late shows and in one of them the characters walk into a room to see him and Carlton sleeping together.
  16. Mostly Handless

    Mostly Handless Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Feb 11, 2017
    Yay for something set post-TROS. Lucasfilm has had a few knee-jerk reactions in recent years, so I’m glad they’re not abandoning that era of storytelling despite the mixed reaction to the ST.

    Now we wait…and see if it gets made.[face_skull]
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
    DaddlerTheDalek and rocknroll41 like this.
  17. Master Jedi Fixxxer

    Master Jedi Fixxxer Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 20, 2018
    Chris, you opened a topic just because of a rumor, when you have repeatedly insisted that there shouldn't be a topic about the Patty Jenkins movie because it seems to be on hold?

    On topic, I can't wait until we hear that it's cancelled before it even started.
  18. The Chalk Jedi

    The Chalk Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2019
    This movie is supposedly not connected to the Saga or Skywalkers, which suggests that Rey won't be involved.

    Or is it possible for Rey to be involved in a story disconnected from the Skywalker Saga?

    It seems like the ST characters involved might not be any of the major characters -- or perhaps Finn will finally get the attention he deserves?

    It also sounds like this project has been in development for a while and has a good chance of actually being made. I know many are skeptical that a film will ever be made again -- for good reason, haha -- but this seems like a highly probable project.
    ladygrey45 likes this.
  19. Glitterstimm

    Glitterstimm Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 30, 2017

    "I'm Rey. Rey Calrissian." :cool:
    The Chalk Jedi likes this.
  20. ladygrey45

    ladygrey45 Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 30, 2015
    Yeah it sounds like this one is furthest along and he can devote all his attention to it. Do we think that’s why it’s taking so long for films to get made people not ready to jump in and like Taika taking 2 years to develop a script?
  21. DarthPhilosopher

    DarthPhilosopher Chosen One star 6

    Jan 23, 2011
    It’s probably more of the fact that SW return to the big screen has to be a success, so they want to bank on a stand-alone they have put a lot of effort into developing, rather than sending out something half baked again.
  22. rocknroll41

    rocknroll41 Jedi Master star 4

    May 28, 2013
    You know, call me crazy, but I actually think this one is going to happen.

    Why? Cause Damon is not a “trendy” pick, that’s why. All other announced films have had directors who, at the time, were the “hot item,” until said director suddenly made a bad movie, thus souring their relationship with Lucasfilm.

    Damon, for all his success on TV, hasn’t had such a smooth history on the movie side, and the director they’re pairing him with directed the only low-rated episode of Ms. Marvel, and doesn’t have many credentials beyond that show (unless you count documentaries).

    So the fact that they’re trusting these people, of all people, leads me to believe that they must truly be excited for whatever story they have on their hands this time. Hell, they spent two whole weeks talking about it in a room!
  23. gezvader28

    gezvader28 Chosen One star 6

    Mar 22, 2003
    So - any predictions on who the actual director will eventually be?
  24. ladygrey45

    ladygrey45 Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 30, 2015
    But there’s more story imo to tell in multiple movies they just have to plan it out. Wonder if we’ll ever get the first Jedi and sith aka force users. It’s the one I want the most I think.
  25. DarthPhilosopher

    DarthPhilosopher Chosen One star 6

    Jan 23, 2011
    They probably have an idea of where they would go, but they want to put a stand-alone out there, see what the audience likes, what they don like, then build the story from there.

    The reports say Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2022
    Mostly Handless and rocknroll41 like this.