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Ahsoka Shin Hati

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Current and Future Shows' started by Kato Sai, Apr 8, 2023.

  1. Lomer2012

    Lomer2012 Jedi Master star 2

    Dec 23, 2016
    You don't appreciate beauty;). Some people inspire just by being there. Fortunately, the raiders on Peridea quickly became Shin Hottie's fans and will make her their queen.
    CernStormrunner likes this.
  2. Foreign32567

    Foreign32567 Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 4, 2021
    Well, yeah, let's be honest - part of Shin's charm (and reason of her popularity) is that she is the first rather conventionally attractive live-action SW villain in a long time.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2023
    Lomer2012 likes this.
  3. Lomer2012

    Lomer2012 Jedi Master star 2

    Dec 23, 2016
    For the same reason Garsa Fwip will be long remembered despite her almost brief appearance.
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  4. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Really? She doesn’t strike me as conventionally attractive in most markets. Perhaps in Northern Europe, but otherwise, I think she’s rather unconventionally attractive.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
  5. Django Fett

    Django Fett Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 7, 2012
    Her attitude towards Sabine makes her very unattractive.
  6. Lomer2012

    Lomer2012 Jedi Master star 2

    Dec 23, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2023
  7. The Togruta Jedi

    The Togruta Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 22, 2020
    I like Shin because she is a character who exhibits personal struggle, and over-aggressive determination while also being skilled with a lightsaber. The character also has a lot of intrigue based on her association with Baylan Skoll and the appearance that she is/was his apprentice due to her (Jedi) Braid.

    Can we please stop talking about her looks and more about the character herself?
  8. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    IMO, she's a character with a lot of potential which has yet to be fulfilled. She really didn't do all that much so far. Let's hope she gets more purpose and development when her story continues.
  9. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    She’s a very understated character, in terms of the writing, but graced with a bold and memorable performance. That’s what makes her stand out, I think. Very curious what her Lawrence of Arabia moment at the end portends.
    Sarge likes this.
  10. Sproj

    Sproj Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 18, 2019
    But to me she didn't stand out. If she wasn't a force wielder and look the way she does, I doubt most people would even remember much about her at all, she'd be viewed almost the same way as Marrok who many have probably already forgotten was even in this thing.
  11. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Well, no, as Marrok said nothing and didn’t have a relationship with anyone. On the contrary, there’s a mysteriously layered relationship she has with Baylan and the Jedi. It’s all still rather vague, but it hints at a lot under the surface. That stood out to me.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
    ShayaLothal and The Togruta Jedi like this.
  12. Vasco_Rojo

    Vasco_Rojo Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 21, 2016
    She is the hottest chick since they ripped the jumpsuit from Padme’s belly.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. LazyJC22

    LazyJC22 Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Mar 10, 2002
    The only thing that stood out to me about that relationship was how quickly/easily Baylan ended it.
    I'll never forget the constant bug-eyed stare we got from Shinn in her fighter during the Ashoka-space walk episode, but that's about it with her character.
    Sproj likes this.
  14. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Well, it was clearly just the very beginning of a longer arc. I didn’t get the impression of anything ending. All of it felt like a beginning. A setup. And that to me is how a multi-season show should start.
  15. Glitterstimm

    Glitterstimm Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 30, 2017
    I liked her, she had great presence and intensity. She was even more an enigma than Baylan, but still memorable because of the mystery, hopefully they continue her story.
    Lomer2012, Sarge and Bor Mullet like this.
  16. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    I don't know if Wolf/Ren is going to be a thing, or just the internet is slashfic willing it to be. I think they just have a hate/hate relationship and Hottie got all stabby with Sabine. Depends where Filoni goes with it, I guess.
  17. Foreign32567

    Foreign32567 Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 4, 2021
    With Kallus and Zeb ultimately becoming friends (and maybe not only that), seems quite possible that Shin and Sabine can get along.
  18. Sauron_18

    Sauron_18 Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 1, 2005
    I was thinking about some old ideas from early Star Wars drafts this week and a question about Shin Hati popped into my head: How long has Baylan Skoll been training her?

    Because the logical answer is that he’s been training her since she was really young, which would’ve meant he started her training when the Empire was still in at its height. Which in turn means that he may have been training her for the purpose of taking on the Sith. She’s probably only a few years younger than Luke.

    That’s interesting for a few reasons, but one of them is that the two characters remind me of the drafts for TESB where it’s revealed Luke had a sister who was secretly trained as a Jedi by their father’s spirit (a separate man from Vader in this draft). And Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati do work kind of well as a reworking of those character concepts. In this case they no longer act as noble Jedi Knights, but the comparison made me realize that I can’t imagine them not turning back to the light fully eventually.

  19. Sproj

    Sproj Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 18, 2019
    I think logically, he has been training her since she was young but based on the script, it seemed like she knew very little about anything with the questions she asked. As you say though, I am sure they have been together since she was little and she will return to the light. He probably would have too if not for the actor passing.
  20. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    I think he started training her when she was very young (same as how the PT Jedi started training their students very young) and during the Empire days.

    I think he was training her to be neither Jedi nor Sith. Something different.

    And not necessarily owing allegiance to either the Light or Dark Side of the Force.
    Vader Bob and Sarge like this.
  21. Foreign32567

    Foreign32567 Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 4, 2021
    Wonder if the clan that was taken over by Shin is going to mirror her story in Season 2 with a reveal that in the past its members were servants of Dark siders, but later became independent.
    devilinthedetails likes this.
  22. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    That would be a cool parallel, but really anything involving Shin is cool in my opinion.

    The best part of getting a Season 2 of Ahsoka for me is more Shin Hati content:cool:
    Foreign32567 likes this.
  23. Bibliora

    Bibliora Jedi Knight star 3

    May 24, 2023
    Baylan has the Force ability to see into the future, if in a limited way. Like General Krell, he knew what was in store for the Jedi Order and took off and was not around for Order 66. It is possible he located Shin earlier than the rise of the Empire. Shin's character bothered me, she had so much unrealized story potential. I will admit, Sabine and Shin, are "Bound" hot.
  24. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    Was that in the show? I don't remember it.


    Bor Mullet and Cos Palpatine like this.
  25. Bibliora

    Bibliora Jedi Knight star 3

    May 24, 2023
    Several times. Morgan asked him several times what he "saw". He got that constipate Jedi look and said something not really ominous. Such as Ahsoka, though dead, was still coming to Peridea to kick their ass. Of course, he could be guessing.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2024
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