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"Significant Other Griping Page"

Discussion in 'Denver, CO' started by Qui-Gone-Drinkin, Apr 15, 2002.

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  1. Qui-Gone-Drinkin

    Qui-Gone-Drinkin Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 12, 2002
    Gripe away...

    ive got my beef with JGoC, my prom date, this tease girl i know and another tease girl that i actually dig (and digs me back every 2 weeks)

    gripe!!! gripe gripe...
  2. Jedi Girl of Corellia

    Jedi Girl of Corellia Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 23, 2000
    Gripe gripe gripe.... :p

    Well, I've got to put up with QGD, it's really hard to stalk him you know... ;)

    Then there's Ewan. He's over in Scotland, do you know how hard it is to keep up a long distance relationship?

    Oh yeah, and then there's the kid my sis is trying to fix me up with :p
  3. Qui-Gone-Drinkin

    Qui-Gone-Drinkin Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 12, 2002
    why is it hard for you to stalk me? im slow, dim-witted, i cant run very fast, im practically blind, im too lazy to move, and i have no face.
  4. Lewis_Black

    Lewis_Black Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 6, 2002
    A girl that I've seen a few times was supposed to come up to Boulder so that we could rollerblade and do what Boulder people do. I was thinking starting a riot and make off with their EP I Pinball machines.

    But she stood my up. On Saturday, I left a message on her voice mail, but never got a call back. Maybe other plans came up.

    So I left a voice mail today tell her to call when she gets around for it. Now we are in the area of "If she doesn't call now, do I *ever* call her back? That's a rule somewhere, I'm sure.

    Here is the kicker. My mom spends time with 95% of her patients at Rose hopital, so she is well acquainted with the girl's mom. She said that the daughter went into surgery this last week and has been in a stupor state since.

    Here is my final question (about this girl, at least) is it too much to ask her to check her phone mail periodocally? Even if she's cannot walk too much (her surgery was on her feet, I just can't remeber which on; this girl has messed up feet) can't she hobble to the phone to tell me that she is sorry things didn't work out, but maybe this weekend I will be able to use my legs well enough to go out and party.

    My other misadventure I will save space for in another gripe area.
  5. Lewis_Black

    Lewis_Black Jedi Youngling star 2

    Mar 6, 2002
    The head of harem who gives to the other harem lip will be whipped and forced to sip the blood from her lip. Put another way, the head giving harem sips the lips until he is whipped away by a pimp swinging griped prisoners into nacho dip.
  6. Joseph_Orion

    Joseph_Orion Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 9, 2001
    Well, this past saturday, my friend David and I tried to get his wife and my gf to know everything there was to know about star wars. Unfortunately, she came right out and said "I don't like star wars" lol so all this time she kept saying "i like it, i just don't get it" and then the true feelings come out lol. David's wife straight up thinks it sucks except ewoks. So we try to explain everything to Renee and she was all shocked that Anakin was Darth Vader and it looked like she was coming around. We showed her Obi-Wan's death and she thought it was sad and then after all that she said "obi-wan in episode I is luke skywalker right?" and we explained it again and she said she doesn't like it at I'm alll allooooooone! But LB, i say screw the chick. No matter what's up, she should still call and let you know what's up. I say don't call her back and let her call you back. if she doesn't, she's not interested. I would play games with her. but that's just me lol
  7. arrowheadpodracer

    arrowheadpodracer Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 9, 2002
    my wife doesnt get SW either. "They're just movies!"-but she still et me turn the downstairs bedroom into the SW room. She always tells people about my "insane" collection like shes somehow proud of it, but she has had enough of the films themselves(&the money i spend)

    QGD-i say give it one more week & then one more call-or forget the whole thing now
  8. kitarusapien

    kitarusapien Former RMFF CR star 6 VIP

    Nov 19, 2001
    OK...I luv my wife like there is no tomorrow, but I gotta gripe! First, no matter how many times she asks me about something she saw concerning Nature, or humans, she never accepts what I say at face value...then, low and behold some stranger verifies what I said, and she tells me like I didn't know!!!!! AAAHHHH!!! Then, no matter how many times I fix something, she's standin' on my shoulders askin' me "what about that? "what about this?" "Don't you need to...?" AND I ALWAYS FIX IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME!! AAAHHH! Then, several times, I've been asked to help her with her computer....or I walk in the room to see how she's doin', and I find out she's stuck on some install or I try to help her, and all she says is "I tried that already!!!" But then when she finally gives in, and I get into it, again, low and behold, I fix it! Then she just giggles at me when I remind her "Not that I know anything, about anything...."

    But I luv her dearly.....WHY???? I have no idea!
  9. chunk_the_jawa

    chunk_the_jawa Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 8, 2002
    LB dont be a baby the girl had surgery thats nothing nice to go thru even if it was just her feet. I say you go see her and take her something cutie and sweet that says hay I was worried in a nice guy kinda way.not in the hay you wanna see the ceiling in my bedroom way.shes probly very depressed. and could use a friendly face to talk too. but if she doesnt tell you how sorry she is that she didnt get your messages or didnt return them . move on to the next fishy.
  10. PtrsonsZOO

    PtrsonsZOO Jedi Grand Master star 7

    Jul 30, 2001
    I've got these two friends, I've known them both for about 20 years. They both enjoy SW, once. But when it comes to the way in which I enjoy it, they get these blank looks on their faces like I'm speaking in tongues or something. They politely listen to my ravings about SW and then continue on w/ the conversation. However, what do I get for gifts every time, SW. They accept me for the fruitcake that I am, which is probably why we've been friends this long.

    Okay, so this was supposed to be griping, but at least I now have some friends who understand & share my insanity.
  11. arrowheadpodracer

    arrowheadpodracer Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 9, 2002
    i feel your pain kit. sounds familiar.

    evr have to help pick outfits for the next day? Im getting pretty sick of that one-especially when she already knows what she wants to wear & just wants me to agree. AHHHHH!
  12. arrowheadpodracer

    arrowheadpodracer Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 9, 2002
    boy PZ, that sounds familiar too. I know most of my friends dont get it so I try not to blab to much (its tough).I have one friend who gets it- who i met in line for Episode 1 !
  13. chunk_the_jawa

    chunk_the_jawa Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 8, 2002
    she wont put nem TP in the bathroom.
  14. kitarusapien

    kitarusapien Former RMFF CR star 6 VIP

    Nov 19, 2001
    OH!!! And yesterday...I found two pieces of clean TP layed neatly on top of the empty I have a talented 'dog', or what????
  15. arrowheadpodracer

    arrowheadpodracer Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 9, 2002
    yeah! what they heck is the deal with the darn TP ?! its never there & in my house its in the farthest possible closet from the bathroom too! whats wrong with under the sink! JEEZ!
  16. chunk_the_jawa

    chunk_the_jawa Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 8, 2002
    yes what the heck is up with that?

    And like kit said why must they always screw with stuff for ever before they ask for help? most of the time messing it up in the proces.
  17. kitarusapien

    kitarusapien Former RMFF CR star 6 VIP

    Nov 19, 2001
    YEA!!!! I fix the install on her Brother printer/fax, and she goes and uninstalls and then reinstalls(incorrectly, of course!)because there's a glitch with the scanner! Naturally, I had to go back in and reinstall correctly which took forever because she had to take notes....just in case!!!! AAAAHHHhhhhhhhh!!!!
  18. chunk_the_jawa

    chunk_the_jawa Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 8, 2002
    my ex wife did this
    I didnt know where to put the oil so I put it in here points to windshield washer fluid.
    oh was that fun to fix.

  19. arrowheadpodracer

    arrowheadpodracer Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 9, 2002
    LOL-thats a good one
  20. kitarusapien

    kitarusapien Former RMFF CR star 6 VIP

    Nov 19, 2001
    LOLOLOL!!!! Not mine....she calls out, TTTttiiiiiimmmmmm.....can yu put this wiper fluid in my truck? I go out to do so, and she follows me out, stands on my shoulder and then says "Are yu sure that's where it goes?!"
  21. chunk_the_jawa

    chunk_the_jawa Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 8, 2002
    yep that always used to happen to me and thats why shes an EXwife. are you sure your doing it right ? wel you know I dont think I'm even close but just to piss you off I'm doing it like this.
  22. Qui-Gone-Drinkin

    Qui-Gone-Drinkin Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 12, 2002
    so i tried callin the girl that i like who likes me off an on, but she was busy so she may or may not call me back later tonight... sigh... i dont know what to do... all you married/engaged/serious couples, any tips on things to look for in women as i meet them in the future?
  23. arrowheadpodracer

    arrowheadpodracer Jedi Master star 5

    Apr 9, 2002
    what do you mean?
  24. DarkJediDragon

    DarkJediDragon Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 5, 2002
    My only gripe is that I HAVE no significant other...don't even have any prospects ATM...
  25. darth_hair

    darth_hair Jedi Master star 5

    May 8, 2001
    i cant gripe here , kim would kill me !

    besides , i have nothing to gripe about .
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