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Discussion in 'MidWest Regional Discussion' started by Boba_Binks, Feb 25, 2002.

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  1. Boba_Binks

    Boba_Binks Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 7, 2001
    Hello all you non-sith and fellow Sith Council members! :)

    toymanIN asked me to move the Sith Council Forum over to the Indy Knights forum thread(s).

    So here is the new home of the Sith Council Thread. Hopefully we will get more visitors here than at our old forum home.

    Tongiht was a great meeting! Many Sith joined us and even had a few that never showed before.

    I made some Sith Council busuness cards if anyone is interested in them.

    Well, May The Darkside Be With You!
  2. JediMasterDan

    JediMasterDan Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jun 12, 2001
    Hey, sorry I missed the meeting. Binks, drop me a PM on what went on.
  3. whojedi

    whojedi Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 14, 2001
    My first meeting and I had a great time, thanks to all and I can't wait to make it to the next one!!!
  4. Incom4

    Incom4 Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 4, 2001
    Did anyone see the new Teebo picts over Rebel Scum

  5. The_bald_ewok

    The_bald_ewok Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 12, 2001
    So does this mean that all messages will be posted here and not at SSG??
    If so, I wasnt informed about it!

  6. Boba_Binks

    Boba_Binks Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 7, 2001
    AH! Yes you are correct. It was not mentioned until the meeting was over. All Sith Council posts shold be here now.
  7. Shara

    Shara Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    So that also means that you want me to take that link of the SC page?
  8. Boba_Binks

    Boba_Binks Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 7, 2001
    I have not got around to e-mailing everyone yet. Um yes if you could change the link that would be great!
    Also you might want to know that my web URL has also changed. It is now
    So if you could please change this it would be appreciated.
    Thank You.
  9. Shara

    Shara Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    Not a problem. I'll be working on the website a bunch today anyways :)

  10. whojedi

    whojedi Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 14, 2001
    If anyone is interested in getting the new LEGO Jedi Starfighter, Wal-Mart in Noblesville has about 25 of them on the shelves. Plenty to go around!!!
  11. whojedi

    whojedi Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 14, 2001
    Just another little addition, for anyone who never got a chance to pick up the FX-7 or Zutton wave of figures, TRU in Castleton has a ton of them. They were, however, missing the Rebel Soldier and Eeth Koth, but they had all of the others.
  12. Boba_Binks

    Boba_Binks Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 7, 2001
    BoShek, Teebo, and R4-M9 found today on my way home at the K-Mart on West. Washington St.
    I grab the last of each so hopefully the other K-Marts will have them to.
  13. The_bald_ewok

    The_bald_ewok Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 12, 2001

    I will not be at the next sith council meeting. Shelley is leaving to go back to canada for the week, therefore I will be with her at the airport. Her flight leaves at7:30 and it is reccomended that passengers get to the airport at least 2 hours before the flight. So, for the first time I am going to have to miss the meeting. Which brings me to the next question. Do you still want to meet downtown?? Let me know ASAP so if I need to make arrangements or not!!

    the bald ewok
  14. master_vader

    master_vader Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 6, 2001
    Huge THANKS to Bilyoumaul for hooking me up with the Teebo wave!!! I got home checked the web, has photos of a variation on R4-M9. One w/ warning sticker and one w/ printed warning!!! I love variations and I have the warning sticker!!!!! This has got to be the first and harder to find version!! See...HUGE THANKS...Bilyoumaul is the man!! Thanks also to Binks for hooking me up with the elusive Rebel Trooper! See y'all at the next Sith Meeting. Later mastervader.
  15. whojedi

    whojedi Jedi Youngling star 3

    Nov 14, 2001
    Ditto. Much props to Bilyoumaul!!!
  16. Zuckkus

    Zuckkus Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 10, 2001
    Fellow Evil Doers,

    I hear lots about your meetings, but most all I ever hear is about collecting the new stuff. I am moderately interested in the new figures, but its the vintage stuff that I am totally in to. Does anyone there collect, sell or trade the vintaged stuff?
  17. Xizor@TheView

    Xizor@TheView TFN Collecting, Former IK President star 3 VIP

    Aug 9, 1999
    Speaking of the R4 variation, Has anyone founf Teebo WITH footpeg holes? The one I got from new good buddy Bilyomaul has none.

    From eveything I have heard this is currently the trend.
  18. Boba_Binks

    Boba_Binks Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 7, 2001
    Teebo wil not have foot holes accordign to Hasbro.

    GODD NEWS!! WAL-MARTS have the the PREVEIW WAVE OF FIGURES!! I got mine up at teh Keystone at the crossing Super Wal-Mart. They are limited to two of each per person per day.

    ToymanIN found them in Franklin.

    Happy Hunting.
  19. Boba_Binks

    Boba_Binks Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 7, 2001
    If anyone needs the EXCLUSIVE Toys-R-Us AT-ST w/ Paploo Ewok on Speederbike come to the Sith Council Meeting on Monday. I picked up one extra for someone in need.

    Incom4 and Bald Ewok I have yours. The next time I see you I will give it to you for the amount I paid.
  20. TK-616

    TK-616 Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 8, 2000
    Dont go to Keystone if your looking for Preview fig's, I go the last ones. However, If you want a set, go to the Nobelsville WalWart and look there. Also pm me, I can get you a set, or tell you where to "Find" one.
    Also keep and Eye out for Bended cards in the Indy area. The 2 clone troopers I found had bended cards, but on a different display, the others did not.


  21. Incom4

    Incom4 Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 4, 2001
    From Trade Federation:


    With all of the stuff that was shown at Toy Fair, a lot of our readers have been wondering what *wasn't* shown at the big show. Thankfully, our trusty Hasbro secretarial droid, H8-2TYPE, managed to smuggle out a little extra information for you, the faithful five or six people who read this stuff.
    First up is Anakin Skywalker (Hangar Duel) from the end of Attack of the Clones. His absence at Toy Fair could be explained by the theory that he may have a special removeable feature that Hasbro/LFL didn't exactly want to show off. Spoiler afficianados will know exactly what it is.

    Padme Amidala (Naboo Pilot) is another bit that would let the Nexu out of the bag. (The Nexu is the cat-looking beast thing from Toy Fair.)

    Darth Vader (Bespin Duel); Luke Skywalker (Bespin Duel); Darth Maul (Number 256)*; Ki-Adi Mundi; and Destroyer Droid (Arena Battle) are all pretty tame, standard stuff. (I'm sure they'll look great, though.)

    Another Jango Fett is planned, we assume this one will fit into his ship.

    Dexster Jettster, an old friend of Obi-Wan who owns an eating establishment in the lower levels of Coruscant, will make his plastic debut.

    Taun We, a Kaminoan official, whose species has been kept under tight wraps by LFL for a while now will also be in the house. My house, to be exact. Well, your house, too, but you've got to buy the figure.

    The "Rebel Officer" the Big H has on their schedule may in fact be General Crix Madine. Don't be shocked if Big Red Madine is on your store shelves before 2003.

    Ephant Mon (Fans' Choice), well, we all know he's coming sometime down the road.

    Teemto Pagalies with Scavenger Droid is an unusual choice, but he's on the schedule for this year. Teemto Pagalies is one of the Episode I podracers who looks a bit like a dog (see image), and the Scavenger Droid is the super cool droid from the E1 DVD. Now that has confirmed that Pod Racing will be seen in Ep2, this could very well be an Ep2 rather then Ep1 figure.

    Watto in his Episode II get up will be sporting his groovin' "salad bowl" hat. Speaking of silly hats, Lott Dodd is back in play. He'll be coming out in two forms -- as a standard figure, and as a hologram with Nute Gunray. (All of these figures were canned items from the E1 roster.)

    Another (!) Tusken Raider is on the menu, not served tartar either.

    C-3PO with Battle Droid will be issued as part of the two-packs assortment. Why? Well, we don't know why. Maybe he fancies one. Who knows?

    Speaking of two-packs, the Fan Club has two in store for us this year. The Stormtrooper Troop Builder Set and Endor Rebel Soldier Troop Builder Set (pictured) will be helping us round up our troops.

    Wal*Mart will have some exclusive two-packs on tap. Kitik Keed'lak and Greedo and Ponda Baba and Momaw Nadon. (Don't tell anyone, but they'll also have at least two exclusive sets of two packs of "Nightclub Aliens" from E2)

    On the vehicle front, we've got a few goodies coming out as exclusives! Look for 25th Anniversary vehicle sets: 25th Anniversary X-Wing with R2-D2; and 25th Anniversary Landspeeder with Luke Skywalker. FAO, the epitome of posh toy retailing will have the Shuttle Tyderium, the epitome of Star Wars toys.

    This year also marks the return of the Accessory Sets! Woo hoo! The Death Star Accessory Set comes with a new Death Star Trooper; the Jedi Arena Set comes with a Jedi; the Hoth Invasion Set comes with a Hoth Rebel Soldier; and the Endor Patrol Set comes with a retooled Scout Trooper. Good stuff!

    We'll follow up on this report as soon as H8-2TYPE's batteries recharge. This should tide you over for now.

  22. Boba_Binks

    Boba_Binks Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 7, 2001
    Cool! Now some of the things that I have been hearing about for the past six months is going to be a reality.

    Still no mention of the Han / Luke 2-pack?
    I have heard it is looking real good.
  23. Shara

    Shara Jedi Padawan star 4

    Dec 4, 2000
    I'm still hoping for an Aayla Secura figure. So please if anyone hears about one, pass it along to me. I know that Jan has seen what the actress looks like in costume (actually using a costume from the series "Darkness"), I'm just hoping for a figure.

    Also, other than a "fan's choice", have people ever successfully petitioned for a figure to be made?
  24. The_bald_ewok

    The_bald_ewok Jedi Youngling star 1

    Nov 12, 2001

    The next sith council meeting WILL take place at usual place!! The meeting will not be canceled!! I will be there, but it probably wont be until 8 or so. That is of course if you guys and gals think that you will be there that late. Binks, if the room is locked, dont dispair. Working that night is manager by the name of Mary Arvin. If the room is locked, go downstairs and ask for her. Tell her that you are with Ricky's group and that the room is locked. I talked with her, and she said that it wouldnt be a problem. So there you go!!

    questions comments
    reach me!!
  25. master_vader

    master_vader Jedi Youngling star 1

    Sep 6, 2001
    Hey kids, I just read on Rebelscum that the Imperial Officier and Rebel Trooper will ship with new head variations before EP2 stuff hits stores on April 23. I'm very excited about this info. Do you think they will be hard to find?? Lost in a see of Jango's and Clones. I can't make it to Mondays Sith meeting, don't have to much fun without me!!! Later Mastervader
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