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SWC22 So How Was It? Thread for Good, Bad, and 'ARRGH!' Stuff

Discussion in 'Star Wars Celebrations' started by LAJ_FETT , May 29, 2022.

  1. ChrisLyne

    ChrisLyne Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 29, 2002
    Late posting this but here goes:

    The Good
    The panels. Our group got very lucky with the lottery, and with friends offering the LFL Showcase we didn't get access to, and the panels were amazing. Outside of the big morning panels, the others we attended were great as well. Plus Kenobi and Tales of the Jedi world premieres!

    The Mandalorian Experience. Just amazing!

    Droid Builders room. Always fun to see this (and the R5-D4 with the bad motivator was fantastic)

    The people. Just really nice to see everyone, and meet new people, after 3 years away.

    Location. Being so close to Disneyland was amazing and probably the best availability of local hotels of any SWC I've been to. I'm really happy it's back in London next year as it means I don't have to find money for flights, but I don't think anywhere can beat Anaheim for location.

    ADA was well run (with one exception).

    Morning security and line was really easy so that's always a positive. Security were actually really good at putting the tag on the lightsaber blades when requested instead of on the hilt (which can scratch it).

    Overflow lines for the major panels. Sorely needed in Chicago so nice to see them actually implemented here. Gave a second chance if you didn't win the lottery and if you were there early enough (not crazy AM or overnight) it seems like you had a reasonably good chance of getting in.

    Meeting Ewan McGregor!

    Vaccination verification was quick and easy, very smooth process with no wait.

    The Bad
    I missed the extra preview day we had in Chicago. Having that day to just explore the show floor meant the rest of the convention felt less rushed. Here it felt like we were trying to squeeze the show floor in between panels and other things so didn't really get to see it as much as we would like.

    No ADA access/line for The Mandalorian Experience. It was ok for Jane but I know it wasn't for others. It was also behind schedule so we ended up missing the AOTC 20th panel (managed to catch the last half at the live stage) but was totally worth it.

    Late communication. Just felt like everything was announced late/last minute this year (and compared to Chicago it was). We still knew everything we needed to before we got there but earlier and clearer communication would be nicer.

    Seemed strange that there was a closed food court then a few food carts instead in the main hall. Lines for food were big, and even bigger outside for the trucks, but that's to be expected.

    Guest list outside of the headliners was a lot smaller and lackluster compared with previous years. I get covid and shooting schedules were factors but we know a lot of people weren't even asked (including James Arnold Taylor despite Ashley and Matt both being there, and the entire Rebels cast). They really dropped the ball here.

    Getting reservations through the app each morning was hard. Appreciate this a supply and demand thing but definitely a stressful start to each day.

    No free show guide given out. I liked having the printed version of the show floor map, saved phone battery and was just easier for me.

    The ARRGH
    Not streaming the main panels. BIG mistake. Cut a little bit of footage from the live feed if you absolutely must but not streaming those panels was a massive unforced error on Disney/Lucasfilm's part. They have always done it since they started streaming. The show floor for IX was an amazing experience in Chicago. There was no reason for them to do this. Travelling all that way and not getting in the room is hard, but to not even get a show floor stream is devastating and there's no need for it.

    The mask mandate wasn't really enforced. They tried to in the lobby area but once you were in the arena or show floor it was a free for all.

    Show store supply - the store closed multiple times a day due to capacity/queue length and when you were in there getting what you wanted was often a matter of luck and just being in the right place as they brought stuff out. I know supply lines are messed up right now, but this was more a case of make more of the stuff you know sells (key art shirt and jacket, spirit jerseys, etc.). An out of hours store and/or multiple stores would be a massive improvement. Or let people order in advance and collect at the show.

    Overall the positives far outweigh the negatives, this was probably my favourite Celebration yet. Late communication aside, it looks like they did learn and improve a few things from Chicago so hopefully they will learn from this for London and we'll see more improvements there.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2022
  2. BrentC007

    BrentC007 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Oct 6, 2002
    One small frustration was that when you wanted to leave and walk back to your hotel, you had to go through the very crowded food truck area to get to the exits. I think the exits on both sides could have closer to the front of the convention center.
  3. j-jawa3

    j-jawa3 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2004
    Brent, was the rest of the front area cordoned off? restricted entrance and exit areas? I remember just leaving the building and going down the main avenue and getting to my hotel. also strange< wonder why that food court was closed, they knew tons of hungry people would be there, how rude.
  4. BrentC007

    BrentC007 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Oct 6, 2002
    Yes, it was closed off and once you got passed all the food trucks and before you reached the security check point you had to enter each time, there was exits on both the Hilton and Marriott sides. I think they could have had the exits set up between the entrance to the convention center building and the food truck area.
    I shouldn't complain because we were staying at the Hilton, so it wasn't far for us to walk.I am grateful and realize how fortunate I was for that, since due to my recent health issues, I just needed to get back to my room and chill for a bit at some points.
    One day we went over to the pizza place inside of the Marriott for lunch since the food court and food trucks were so busy and it was surprisingly quiet at the Marriott. The pizza was great too.

    The security check point was run very smoothly though and it was easy to get through every time we did.
    ChrisLyne likes this.
  5. j-jawa3

    j-jawa3 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2004
    Thanks! I stayed at the Marriott at the last Anaheim Cele. too. very nice.
  6. star_wars_is_good

    star_wars_is_good Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 14, 2002
    I was really grateful about Anaheim security. It was quick and easy to get through, but they were also really good about stopping suspicious people like this guy when the situation called for it.

    LAJ_FETT , ChrisLyne and BrentC007 like this.
  7. ChrisLyne

    ChrisLyne Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 29, 2002
    You had to keep that picture [face_laugh]
    star_wars_is_good likes this.
  8. star_wars_is_good

    star_wars_is_good Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 14, 2002
    They instructed me to keep it as evidence
    ChrisLyne and BrentC007 like this.
  9. MotivateR5D4

    MotivateR5D4 Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 20, 2015
    I know you have all been eagerly awaiting my Celebration review. So here it is:

    The Good

    Families and kids. The fact that families can experience conventions that are this big and this popular is something that I think is really cool for parents and the generation of kids being brought up today. The look of pure joy on every kids face throughout the entire weekend was really great to see. What an amazing event for a kid to experience that's unlike anything else out there. And afterwards I saw quite a few posts from parents who couldn't be more delighted at having taken their kid to Star Wars Celebration.

    The united fandom. None of the toxicity and bickering you see online seemed to exist in real life when the fans actually came together. Whether you love current Star Wars or hate it, everybody was there to celebrate the franchise and to be a fan. There was lively discussion that included both criticism and praise of current Star Wars, and all views were welcomed and respected.

    Things that made me go "ARRGH!"

    The panel reservation system each morning was utterly pointless. Because even if you had a reservation for a panel, you still had to line up early for it, you couldn't just show up 15 minutes before the panel and get in, since they already let in the standby line well before that, so at that point it didn't even matter whether you had a reservation for it or not. Not to mention, most of those panels didn't fill to capacity anyway, so the whole reservation/standby system didn't need to be there in the first place. And then for the AOTC panel, they offered reservations for the streaming rooms, which made it seem like the Celebration stage was already full, when in reality, they never even offered reservations for the Celebration stage and there was plenty of open seats at the time of the panel. If I had known that, I wouldn't have gone to the streaming room that I had a reservation for. It just seemed like they were making it up as they went along and trying to fix problems that didn't exist. The traditional way of lining up for panels would have worked just fine.

    Also, the main panel lottery system should have been handled better. It seemed like people either got picked for 3-4 lotteries, or none at all. I agree with what a lot of people have said, that when you have all these people who are traveling and making the effort to attend, there should be something in place that allows for each person entering the lotteries to at least get one main panel. ReedPop really dropped the ball there, especially being that this is the second time they've implemented the lottery system and they could have certainly figured out a way to do that.

    The Bad

    DJ's. I'm not talking about DJ Elliot. I'm talking about all the hype DJ's everywhere. On the show floor, in all of the main panel rooms. Not even playing Star Wars music or doing anything geek related. Just felt totally commercial.

    Too many big name vendors taking up most of the show floor. Funko, Loungefly, Disney Theme Parks, LG, Volkswagen. While vendors like Sideshow and Gentle Giant were only given a small space. In 2015 it was wall to wall exhibitors and smaller independent vendors, this year there were only a handful of those.

    Very little film representation outside of a few panels. It was all Disney+ and ILM. And the ILM content was just eye rolling at times. "First we did this thing, and it was so great that we did that thing. Then we did another thing, and it was also great that we did that thing. Then there was this other thing we did, and that was so great that we did that thing." What happened to Cantinarcheology and villains analysis?

    The Neutral

    All in all, Star Wars Celebration has changed quite a bit from when I attended in 2015 and 2017. It's clear that Disney had a lot more say in how Celebration was run this time around. In fact, looking at the programming that was offered and how it was offered, as well as how the show floor was structured and ran, it actually felt a lot like D23. Overall, it felt like more of a Disney+ convention than a Star Wars convention. A lot of that old school convention type atmosphere seemed to no longer be there. But I know there were plenty of people who had an amazing time, and to a lot of people it was everything a convention is supposed to be. It's really just the nature of how the media landscape has changed in recent years, and how events like these have changed along with it.

    I had a great time, and I'm glad I went. Particularly because it was in Anaheim again, which is kind of where my convention going days started at Celebration 2015, so it was really cool to bring that around full circle. And I'm glad I got to catch up with some of you from this forum.

    My guess is that Celebration will be back in Anaheim in 2027. It's got Disney right there, it's close to Hollywood so all the big names will probably give it one last go, and by then the Lucas Museum in LA will also be open. There's no way the 50th anniversary will be anywhere else. So I'm definitely looking forward to attending that.
    Ginkasa, ChrisLyne and JonSB like this.
  10. j-jawa3

    j-jawa3 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2004
    Thanks to all of you giving honest opinions! I also started going to conventions in 1977 at the L.A. convention, right before Star Wars came out. Did any of you see if 501st had a display room or were they only allowed a couple tables? I have always enjoyed all 501st convention activities! How was the costume event run? how different was it from the past? Were there a lot of entries? I've never been to aD23 or other Disney event, so I don't know how they run things.
    It seems like activities have become more complicated, getting into lotteries to attend panels vs. first come first serve. more complications for costume events-rules, more regulations for favorite groups, like 501st. Can I say that due to some of these "improvements" that Disneyland and Disney activities were more attended at than Cele.? I would hope not.
    When I go to Cele. I usually stay at Cele. activities( except for after parties) I have made more time at Cele. in the past to try to sit down(not on the floor that is) and appreciate costumes, decor of the con. area, fans in general. Cele. has a certain atmosphere that one can feel, excitement, peace, the yearning to have fun! friendliness, acceptance of all fans. no apprehension of fear!
    I'm hoping ,very much to go to the 50th Anniv. Cele. in 2027, I too think it might be in Anaheim, hoping to be able to get a VIP ticket for once and that the world will return back to the good old days of Cele.(?) oh... that George Lucas will be able to be there too!
    MotivateR5D4 likes this.
  11. LAJ_FETT

    LAJ_FETT Tech Admin (2007-2023) - She Held Us Together star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 25, 2002
    If you want a look at the first Celebration read Anthony Daniels' autobiography I Am C-3PO. There's a chapter on it since he was there.
    MotivateR5D4 likes this.
  12. StarWarsFan1997

    StarWarsFan1997 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Jun 22, 2005
    This is what we were saved from because of the lottery system:

    JonSB likes this.
  13. j-jawa3

    j-jawa3 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2004
    As for DJ's, remember Chicago and the one guy who played very loud,non Star Wars style music til it seemed the speakers started dying? that was annoying! DJ Elliott is great!
  14. Jedi_Five

    Jedi_Five Jedi Master star 1

    Jul 23, 2010
    I agree with you regarding the reservation system, however I enjoyed it since I could wait ONLY 20 minutes instead of an hour or more. I guess there would have been more people (a bigger line-up) for each panel if they hadn't used that system. I think I was lucky to get into the AOTC panel... I didn't get a reservation for the overflow rooms, precisely because I wanted to be in the Celebration Stage. However, I went to wait only about 25 minutes before the start of the panel. With 200+ people ahead of me in line, someone came up the line and told us we wouldn't get in because there were only about 200 seats left. While I was thinking about what to do (and many people leaving the line), I stayed in line and made it in!

    And Anaheim holds a special place in my heart, since it was my first trip to the U.S. and first Celebration in 2007. I think having Celebration in 2027 back in Anaheim for the 50th anniversary makes a lot of sense! I'm definitely looking forward to attending! I hope they find a way for everyone to see the 50th anniversary panel...

    I've been searching all over the Internet for Celebration Anaheim 2022 attendance numbers. I can't find the info, but I'm curious of how many of us were there...
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2022
    MotivateR5D4 likes this.
  15. StarWarsFan1997

    StarWarsFan1997 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Jun 22, 2005
    I don’t think 2022 broke any records, but it was well attended, as attested by the sea of people crowding in the food truck area every day.
    MotivateR5D4 likes this.
  16. JonSB

    JonSB Jedi Knight star 2

    Aug 20, 2018
    They finally sent a notice about the VIP exclusive poster.

    Hi Star Wars Celebration 2022 VIP Ticket Holder,

    One of your Jedi Master VIP entitlements for the 2022 event was an exclusive, limited edition signed print. As you likely know, the print was not available to pick up during the event this year after a series of unforeseen and unexpected circumstances.

    We know it has taken quite a few months to complete this project, but we’re incredibly pleased to announce that our friend Russell Walks – who also created the Celebration Badge Art for 2022 – has created an all-new piece of artwork, exclusive for the SWCA 2022 Jedi Master VIPs. The signed art will be shipping out to you directly next week.

    We thank you for your patience and we hope that you love the art as much as we do!

    The Star Wars Celebration Team
  17. j-jawa3

    j-jawa3 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2004
    What did the poster look like? I'm sure you were surprised , what a gift!
  18. Temp77

    Temp77 Jedi Knight star 1

    Mar 22, 2019
    I haven’t received the notification. I hope the fact I live internationally doesn’t prevent them from sending it out.
    JonSB likes this.
  19. BrentC007

    BrentC007 Jedi Grand Master star 2

    Oct 6, 2002
    Not that I'm blaming Celebration for this, but I knew I wasn't feeling 100% during it and kept having to go back to my hotel room to relax and take a break. The night at Disneyland I felt really bad and needed to sit down. Anyway, along with some other health issues, a few months later I also ended up having emergency gallbladder surgery. Thankfully, the surgery went fine and I've been doing much better since then.

    Despite this, I had an incredible experience at Anaheim(especially the opening day), although I'm still sorry that I wasn't feeling up to meeting up with @star_wars_is_good and only saying a brief Hi to @ChrisLyne in line for Ewan. Hopefully if we're all at the next US based Celebration, we will get a chance to meet up.
    ChrisLyne and star_wars_is_good like this.
  20. ChrisLyne

    ChrisLyne Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 29, 2002
    It was nice to meet you (however briefly). Glad your surgery went well and you're feeling better!