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OOC Stan's Bar (OOC thread for Marvel Heroes: Resurgence)

Discussion in 'Role Playing Resource' started by greyjedi125, Feb 10, 2016.

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  1. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002

    I'm pretty certain the girls can find a suitable, acceptable and sanctioned combination for their uniform needs. ;)
  2. Zao Vizla

    Zao Vizla Jedi Youngling

    Sep 23, 2016
    Salutem. Gratias tibi Ameteth and Sith-I-5 for the warmest of welcomes. I am looking forward to sharing in the creativity that has flourished in the legendary greyjedi125 adventures. I hope to match the level of excellence in what I have already read while adding a sprinkling of haute couture and style. :cool:

    I look forward to adventuring with you all. :)

    Why did it have to be snakes? I hate snakes!!!! :_|
  3. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Welcome to Resurgence, Zao. :D

    We look forward to seeing your input. ;)
  4. Zao Vizla

    Zao Vizla Jedi Youngling

    Sep 23, 2016
    WookieeRage likes this.
  5. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    Welcome to Marvel Heroes: Resurgence, WookieeRage

    I sincerely hope you will enjoy your adventures here with us mere metahumans. ;)
    Ameteth, Zao Vizla and WookieeRage like this.
  6. WookieeRage

    WookieeRage Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2016
    Glad to be here, thanks for the opportunity. Looking forward to a change of pace from Star Wars RP's.:D And looking forward to posting with everyone.
  7. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Welcome, WookieeRage

    Nice avatar pic, and character bio.
  8. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002

    Woah! that's a lot of dice there! Thankfully, you'll only be needing a lucky pair. ;)

    *goes back to working on Game Update, and kicking DRL in the chins.
    Zao Vizla and WookieeRage like this.
  9. WookieeRage

    WookieeRage Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2016
    I didn't know quite what I was doing with the Dice there for a minute, I was hoping it would erase the old rolls but it didn't...:p
    Thank you Sith-I-5, I look forward to the adventure ahead.
    Zao Vizla likes this.
  10. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002

    Just FYI. Rolls on unedited posts are the only ones acceptable. Other than that, 'May the odds be in your favor'. :p
    Ameteth and Zao Vizla like this.
  11. WookieeRage

    WookieeRage Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2016
    Okay, makes sense.
    Zao Vizla, Darth_Elu and greyjedi125 like this.
  12. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Welcome to Resurgence, WookieeRage!

    I suspect you'll come to enjoy yourself here just as much as in the NST. ;) :D
  13. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    Very nice character Ravenous, surprised at the lack of fur. [face_thinking] I look forward to your posts.
    Zao Vizla and greyjedi125 like this.
  14. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    The fur will come later? :confused: :p
    Zao Vizla likes this.
  15. WookieeRage

    WookieeRage Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2016
    No, no fur. Just entertainment. I've wanted to get into another RP for some time.. glad it's with folks I'm accustomed to..:cool:
    Zao Vizla likes this.
  16. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
  17. WookieeRage

    WookieeRage Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2016
    Didn't you see? it was for the Homies..
  18. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    I did. Nvm then. [face_whistling]
  19. Zao Vizla

    Zao Vizla Jedi Youngling

    Sep 23, 2016
    WookieeRage likes this.
  20. Ameteth

    Ameteth Jedi Master star 1

    Mar 28, 2009
    Greetings and Salutations @WookieeRage, that bio came with some serious cinematography, I'm looking forward to more, thank you for joining and sharing your 'voice'.
  21. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002

    Is it alright if I solo the girls' trip back to their residence to unwind, unpack and do stuff?
    Zao Vizla likes this.
  22. greyjedi125

    greyjedi125 Chosen One star 6

    Apr 29, 2002
    By all means. You're good to go. [face_peace]
    Zao Vizla and Sith-I-5 like this.
  23. Kahn_Iceay

    Kahn_Iceay Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 5, 2006
    For those unaware that last post by me the other day takes place at the very end of Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning II: Path of Heroes, the predecessor of this game from eight years ago (grabs chest with a sudden fit of old)

    The game ended rather abruptly due to various reasons and whatnots and for 8 years it's kinda gnawed at me that it never got explained how Alastor, Erin, N'Dare, McTaggert, and the others at McTaggert's lab got away from the Skrull who were attacking. My original epilogue for the story took place several months later, with Alastor joining an assault on a Skrull ship, and didn't actually touch on their escape from the labs. So with a bit of inspiration I took to writing it out. At that point in time Alastor was keeping much of his power set secret, to those he was with he was only unique in his mastery of Gunkata, as Sage had put it in that RP. So Alastor put himself in a position where the others couldn't see him use everything he had, it was an enjoyable experience, as I do like revisiting Alastor's past, and the old Xavier's events, since he's the only returning character from that story, and it's repercussions are still being felt.
  24. Darth_Elu

    Darth_Elu Chosen One star 7

    Jan 2, 2003
    Zao Vizla, Ktala and greyjedi125 like this.
  25. Kahn_Iceay

    Kahn_Iceay Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 5, 2006
    Will be going dark for a few days, evacuating ahead of Hurricane Matthew. See you all soonish.

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