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Star Wars Day 16th May > Feedback + Pics!!

Discussion in 'Archive: London UK' started by choccy31, May 16, 2005.

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  1. Kabe_the_chadra-fan

    Kabe_the_chadra-fan Jedi Youngling

    Apr 22, 2005
    bibfortuitous: Is this the intro video you're looking for?

    As I said I've got some other videos from the live screening before ROTS, but I have problems putting them online, as they have quite a large file size (around 40MB each), and I don't know how to reduce that for videos.
    Would be nice if someone could help me with that! :)
  2. Happy Ninja

    Happy Ninja Jedi Knight star 6

    Mar 20, 2000
    God bless you, Anne! I've been looking for that video file too! [:D] for your other files...What compression are you using?

    You might want to try compressing the video with Sorensen Video 3, and the audio with Qdesign Music2 - You might get some good file sizes with that.
  3. bibfortuitous

    bibfortuitous Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Oct 7, 2000
    That's the one! Many, many thanks for that :)

    Oh how I wish it was this time two weeks ago so I could live that day again =D= :(
  4. edgejedi88

    edgejedi88 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 13, 2005
    Jangofett9 - Sidious shouts 'omnipotent power!' just after Mace gets the chop! Thanks to a great Russian boot that is doing the rounds, I now have time to study it more.....and no - I havent paid for it to fund any underground gangster types - like the News of the World said - just one of the 6000 people a day downloading it (well not me - I just got a copy!).

    Thanks Mr Lucas.
  5. fizzbin

    fizzbin Jedi Grand Master star 1

    Mar 21, 2005
    According to the script Palps says "Power! Unlimited power!"
  6. edgejedi88

    edgejedi88 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 13, 2005
    Hi Fizz!

    Hope u got back ok from C day?!

    I stabd corrected then and am off for ears syringing - its an age thing! At least I was kinda near! LOL
  7. Raj_Vader

    Raj_Vader Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 28, 2005
    lol - if its any consolation Jase I had 'ultimate power!' for a few days! [face_blush]
  8. Happy Ninja

    Happy Ninja Jedi Knight star 6

    Mar 20, 2000
    "According to the script Palps says "Power! Unlimited power!"

    Yeah, I'm pretty certain that's what he says in the final film, too. Although, of course, with Ben Burtt going haywire, it can be a little hard to make out! :p

    Super-sweet scene, though! :D
  9. edgejedi88

    edgejedi88 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 13, 2005
    OK peeps - some other q's I have so here's tapping your SW knowledge.....I dont care how 'uninitiated' they seem or sound - I cant have the whole SW galaxy in my head!!!!! (but it would be nice)

    1. what are the names of the planets that are shown in the film, where all the jedi's get blown away after 66?

    2. where does anakin get the scar on his face from?

    3. could Sidious have 'created' Anakin and been the one who slew his sith master who had the knowledge?

    4. oh yeah - last one - and why the hell did Hayden C
    replace the original Anakin in the end scene of ROTJ DVD box set...

    Many questions I have....much to learn....

    cheers ;-)
  10. Happy Ninja

    Happy Ninja Jedi Knight star 6

    Mar 20, 2000
    1. what are the names of the planets that are shown in the film, where all the jedi's get blown away after 66?

    Not sure...I'm sure the list is out there, though. Kashyyyk is one of them (obviously because that's where they try to take out Yoda), Coruscant (where the Jedi Temple is), as for the others I'm not sure.

    2. where does anakin get the scar on his face from?

    During the Clone Wars - There is a three year gap between AOTC and ROTS, and the war has been tough. Anakin get's a scar, and Obi Wan goes grey! :p

    3. could Sidious have 'created' Anakin and been the one who slew his sith master who had the knowledge?

    It's possible -- The thought going round at the moment is that Darth Plaguies may have created Anakin before Sidious killed him...of course, that's all open to interpretaion...

    4. oh yeah - last one - and why the hell did Hayden C
    replace the original Anakin in the end scene of ROTJ DVD box set...

    Lucas thought it would have been in keeping with the PT, since that's when Anakin "died".
  11. Darth_Daver

    Darth_Daver Jedi Knight star 5

    Jan 23, 2005
    1.Aayla Secura (she of the bluebies) dies on Felucia.

    Plo Koon's fighter is blasted above Cato Neimoidia, I believe.

    There's Mygeeto (think that's where Ki-Adi-mundi dies)

    I think I'm forgetting one more.

    2. Asajj Ventress gives Anakin his scar in one of the Clone Wars comics.

    EDIT: Stass Allie (on the speederbike) dies on Saleucami.
  12. Number11MosEisley

    Number11MosEisley Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 20, 2005
    Any chance we can all keep each other updated about where there is May 16th pics and articles in magazines etc? I'm not a regular buyer of Empire/Total Film/SW monthly but if there was pics and stuff in them i would be making a purchase!
  13. orn-free-tada

    orn-free-tada Jedi Knight star 6

    Aug 11, 2001
    Rick McCallum asnwered my question to him on a hyperspace chat. I asked

    Rick, can you comment on your "star wars celebration day" experience at "the empire" Cinema with the 1333 fans watching the saga back to back.

    I was there. your appearance was electric!

    he replied

    That was the highlight for me for the last 3 weeks of traveling around with the film. To see a group of people who had been in a theater for over 12 hours -- I was just gobsmacked. The reaction was just so great, which is why I wanted to bring George and Hayden and Ian and back at the end of the film to just say thank you to everybody for being there so long. I thought I was brain-damaged, but my god! That was ******g awesome!

  14. ChrisLyne

    ChrisLyne Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 29, 2002
    NICE! I'm really glad he did bring them back, the atmosphere at that showing was electric, you couldn't ask for a better crowd!

    I'm hoping that the opening showing of Batman Begins at Manchester's IMAX will attract a similar group of excited fans, but I doubt it :(
  15. mastergreedo

    mastergreedo Jedi Youngling

    Apr 20, 2005

    I'm finally able to digest this experience since I've
    been on travel since May 14th. Thanks to Fizzbin for the FFUK badges, ChrisLyne and Ghostface for the info on the tickets as well as the many many other contributors. Also, I am especially thankful for the info provided by Darth_scotty who had the tip to get on the phone early and wait:) Thanks!!!

    The marathon was amazing, seeing all 6 and caping it off with GL, et al, and ROTS. I'm in the midpt of my Star Wars world tour. My mates and I went to London for the Marathon and on the next day to LA, where we saw rots in digital 13 times at the Westwood Village and Arclight Cinemas. Then I had a meeting in Canada so I saw it there and finally in New Mexico, so I'm up to 16 times. I was just telling my friend I think I've reached the ROTS high, analogous to runner's high, where you just need it more - so 16 times is the magic number for me. We experienced a similar 'jar jar high' for TPM at 13 times where you just marvel at the cg craftsmanship in creating jarjar. Next is Tokyo on July 9 and, hopefully nyc. So far, the best viewing was the Marathon. pics coming soon.

    -master greedo
  16. mastergreedo

    mastergreedo Jedi Youngling

    Apr 20, 2005
    3. could Sidious have 'created' Anakin and been the one who slew his sith master who had the knowledge?

    It's possible -- The thought going round at the moment is that Darth Plaguies may have created Anakin before Sidious killed him...of course, that's all open to interpretaion...

    I'm really interested in this. I've been reading the thread
    but I'm only on page 10 of 21, so I would rather post here where I know people are hard core sw fans and intelligent as well :).

    I think from the literature and from Ian's performance, Plagueis did exist and was Sidious' master. I think it can be argued that either Sidious or Plagueis manipulated the midichlorian to create Anakin.

    I also think you can make an argument that Sidious caused Anakin's dreams about padme (he was able to cloud everything for yoda in AOTC, afterall). In this case, nothing was wrong with padme. Anakin's dreams caused him to become obsessed with saving her, which eventually interested him in learning the dark side, which broke padme's heart and led to her death, i.e. a quintessential self-fullfilling prophecy. This is radical but no more so than Sidious creating Anakin. Curious what people think.. mg
  17. ChrisLyne

    ChrisLyne Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 29, 2002
    Wow! Wish I had the money to see it like you did mastergreedo! I'm glad your having fun :D

    I prefer the second theory as it explains how Palpatine knew Anakin wanted to save Padme's life, plus it seems far more under-handed and Sith like!
  18. mastergreedo

    mastergreedo Jedi Youngling

    Apr 20, 2005
    Just for your info,
    I am sure everyone is reading and, but for those who haven't this is my review. easteregg thread:

    More of a techinician's view. Very meticulous and detail oriented. They seem to go overboard on noticing things and arguing about what is or is not an easteregg. They also consider everything a 'nod' to some other movie. For example, they say that Anakin on the stretcher is a 'nod' to han solo moved in carbonite around Bespin. IMHO, it's just the technology of star wars. There some actual nods like the yoda ship - E.T. ship comparison. Also, they claim to see Vader's face in the lava ( a la face on mars:)!!). rots threads:
    These are fun, but there are loads. The only irritation is that they get on your case if you deviate from the official thread topic, yet don't allow you to create a new thread. Apparently only moderators can . That said, almost any question you have about the story or philosophy is discussed somewhere.
  19. orn-free-tada

    orn-free-tada Jedi Knight star 6

    Aug 11, 2001
    looks forward to the Pics greedo, did you amke a movie like your AOTC experience? :confused:
  20. electroretro

    electroretro Jedi Youngling

    Jul 8, 2003
    Due to a few people asking for this I have upped my 3 video files again I took from the celebration day inside cinema.

    I have put them up on and they only allow you to keep the files online for 15 downloads so if someone with webspace could host them it would be greatly appreciated :)

    I spent about 5 hours converting the files and editing them so would be nice if they could be shared with other people.


    sith film intro

    sith fan begining reaction

    cast talk after film

  21. Kabe_the_chadra-fan

    Kabe_the_chadra-fan Jedi Youngling

    Apr 22, 2005
    Hey, FINALLY my videos are up for download as well.
    I don't have any webspace either, so this is the only way for me to share them.

    inside the cinema:

    Ewan McGregor interview:

    Hayden Christensen interview:

    group foto:

    lucas interview:


  22. orn-free-tada

    orn-free-tada Jedi Knight star 6

    Aug 11, 2001
    those videos were excellent. I think on some videos if you listen closely theres mumbles that come from myself, richie and mark. so sorry lol
  23. Number11MosEisley

    Number11MosEisley Jedi Youngling star 1

    Apr 20, 2005
    I can't download, don't know why. Any ideas?
  24. edgejedi88

    edgejedi88 Jedi Padawan star 4

    May 13, 2005
    Hi all!

    for those of you that haveny seen their site and the HUGE archive of pictures from the day - visit the 501st site here - I thoroughly enjoyed it!
  25. orn-free-tada

    orn-free-tada Jedi Knight star 6

    Aug 11, 2001
    i dont know where abouts to look
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