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Discussion in 'Oceania Discussion Boards' started by Jedi Daniel, Feb 14, 2002.

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  1. MariaLuna

    MariaLuna Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 15, 2002
    I agree about Carousel shopping centre. Go to that newsagency next to Coles, they usually have it on display!

  2. Jedi Daniel

    Jedi Daniel Chosen One star 5

    Apr 7, 2000
    Anyone still collecting these?
  3. Kartanym

    Kartanym Jedi Knight star 6

    May 23, 2002
    I haven't recieved an issue in over a year from the distributor, so no.

    Stupid idiots they are, I should have pulled out long before and bought them at the newsagent. Too late now, I'm miles behind.
  4. Jedi Daniel

    Jedi Daniel Chosen One star 5

    Apr 7, 2000
    Ok then. Sorry to hear that Kartanym. I'm still getting my issues sent to me.

    CLONE-ME Jedi Youngling

    Apr 25, 2003
    I'm collecting them.

    I have a regular order with the newsagent down the road fom where I work, they put mine under the counter for me every thursday, very handy.
  6. Jedi Daniel

    Jedi Daniel Chosen One star 5

    Apr 7, 2000
    Anyone have any idea how many issues they are going to publish?
  7. BecJedi

    BecJedi Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 27, 2003
    Well, I wouldn't have a clue, sorry, Jedi Daniel. I'm sure someone else here does though. :)
    I would just like to know if you guys think it's worth collecting them. When they started coming out, I was really broke, and couldn't afford them. Should I bother hunting them down at a second hand bookstore? ?[face_plain]
  8. Saintheart

    Saintheart Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 16, 2000
    Actually, if it's real interior EU detail that you're looking for in the SW universe, look for some of the old West End Games Star Wars Roleplaying books and sourcebooks (not the current TSR d20 range). The Imperial and Rebellion sourcebooks in particular were busting with detail that Timothy Zahn and I'm pretty sure other EU authors delved into while writing the novels...
  9. Aztek

    Aztek Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 12, 2001
    I'm still collecting them, and I wish I knew how many there are going to be.

    They are pretty good I think, but if you had to try and dig them up you'd be looking at big dollars.
  10. Jedi Daniel

    Jedi Daniel Chosen One star 5

    Apr 7, 2000
    I'm still collecting them and they have been great so far. I recommend getting them. I just wish I knew how many there are going to be. When I first joined up it said there was going to be 73 issues or something. Well I'm into the 80's now so I'm not sure.
  11. Grizzly

    Grizzly Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jul 22, 2000
    I'd count on it going over 100 as a minimum. When I first saw the 73 figure it seemed pretty low, considering they were putting in all sorts of EU stuff, and there was still Ep3 to come.
  12. Jedi Daniel

    Jedi Daniel Chosen One star 5

    Apr 7, 2000
    Yeah that's for sure. I would say they would go for over 150 easily.
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