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ST Star Wars : Galaxy's Edge

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Adella7, Apr 17, 2019.

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  1. indydefense

    indydefense Jedi Knight star 3

    Jan 2, 2019
    The irony is that most of them are only successful due to Rian Johnson, so as much as they may hate him, they couldn't exist without him. It's like Batman and the Joker, day and night, hot and cold, etc. [face_laugh]
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
  2. MY Millennium Falcon

    MY Millennium Falcon Jedi Knight star 3

    Aug 9, 2019
    Wow, the best thing for any theme park is the annual pass, I must say... I had one for Legoland last year but due to it being located pretty far from Kuala Lumpur (the place is Johor Bahru, across from Singapore but a long 340km drive from my home), I only went there FOUR TIMES throughout the 365 days... :p

    How’s the crowd at Galaxy’s Edge lately? What with those clickbait YouTube videos saying that attendances have been declining, GE is a failure, etc... [face_laugh]
  3. StarYogi

    StarYogi Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 18, 2005
    So people "believing what they want" and having a world-view that you don't agree with is "a problem"? How do you intend to eliminate this "problem"? I'm far more terrified of people claiming to be "enlightened" (i.e. woke) with an authoritarian streak than I am of anything coming out of the mouth of "You-Know-Who" (who I don't particularly like either).
    Darth Smurf and guittarjedi like this.
  4. zackm

    zackm Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 22, 2015
    People believing what they want has long been a problem. I would eliminate it by teaching people how to think logically and critically.
    DarthPhilosopher likes this.
  5. Darth Chiznuk

    Darth Chiznuk Superninja of Future Films star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 31, 2012
    Let's just get back on topic. We have the JCC if you wish to discuss politics.
    Def Trooper likes this.
  6. Darth Corydon

    Darth Corydon Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 2018
    so when they hate Tros and J.J will they become the Batman who Laughs [​IMG]
    indydefense likes this.
  7. StarYogi

    StarYogi Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 18, 2005
    Wow, looks like you passed Fascism 101 with flying colors. When do we get to join your re-education camps? Fascism alive and well on ladies and gentlemen.
    Darth Smurf and guittarjedi like this.
  8. Darth Corydon

    Darth Corydon Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 2018
    DarthPhilosopher likes this.
  9. zackm

    zackm Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 22, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
  10. DarthPhilosopher

    DarthPhilosopher Chosen One star 6

    Jan 23, 2011
    Does anyone here actually believe the story?
  11. Def Trooper

    Def Trooper Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 6, 2019
    I try to block out the sensationalist nonsense, even as someone who's not a fan of how Disney has been handling things.

    I didn't even fully believe the lack of attendance at Galaxy's Edge thing until Iger himself brought it up. Like someone else said, there's enough wrong with the franchise at this point that there's no reason to just make stuff up. At the end of the day, we should be critical of Star Wars because we love it and want to see it improve, not because we want it to crash and burn (however, if that's the bed Disney makes, then they should lie in it. Just sayin').
  12. Oissan

    Oissan Chosen One star 7

    Mar 9, 2001
    How did you possibly read the posts and come to that absurd conclusion?

    Seriously, it is basically impossible. You are twisting the entire meaning on its head. The whole thing is about critical thinking and arguing based on facts, which is the exact opposite of fascism. In fact, fascism tries what is also being described in the posts, trying to present an alternative reality which then is argued to be of equal or even more worth than the actual truth. THAT is the entire point, people making up complete garbage and then getting all offended when someone dares to point out that their made up stuff disagrees with reality.

    I guess it wasn't particularly smart to open Galaxy's Edge while it was only half ready. I mean, they probably make more money out of it while oppening it early, but only because it is running longer.

    It also might not help that everyone expects it to be crowded. You might run into the effect of everyone waiting until the crowds have died down a bit, leaving you with something just below capacity because some people thought about it would be full instead of checking out if it actually was.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
    zackm and DarthPhilosopher like this.
  13. MY Millennium Falcon

    MY Millennium Falcon Jedi Knight star 3

    Aug 9, 2019
    Kinda ironic that despite being a latecomer to Star Wars (which became HUGE during the late-90s, when TPM was released), we Malaysians quite love our Star Wars Miniland in the Legoland theme park in Johor Bahru... Granted that's nothing compared with the sprawling Galaxy's Edge, but it's one of the popular attractions in Legoland, which draws long queues during public and school holidays... ^:)^

    I guess it helps that pretty much all dioramas in the SW Miniland focused on the PT and ST, as well as Clone Wars (the ST may be coming soon, at a later date in future)... Which is what tends to draw fans anyway, since they come to check out stuff like Lego models of my online alter ego as well as Darth Vader, R2-D2, Death Star, Naboo, the Genosis arena, and the Endor battle... =D=

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
    IlhamKamaruddin likes this.
  14. StarYogi

    StarYogi Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 18, 2005
    I'll post my reply to someone who asked me a similar question in a private message:

    "I wasn't talking about fascism as in a dictatorial form of government, but as a tendency towards silencing opposition and seeking to eliminate free speech and freedom of thought. Those are the aspects of fascism that I see coming from the very people calling themselves "anti-fascist" and it is frightening. There is a new tendency toward "group-think", especially on social media, with the idea that we must all think the same way and that freedom of opinion and thought must be suppressed when it disagrees with that of the "group"."

    The danger is massive when one group of people who deem themselves "enlightened" gain power and decide they want to eliminate speech they deem "hateful" according to their own standards, which are subjective. It's a dangerous path because when one like-minded group gets to decide what thoughts and opinions need to be "eliminated", oppression and authoritarianism soon follow. "Hate" speech soon morphs into "any speech I don't agree with", etc.

    To use an example from Star Wars fandom, what happened with Rotten Tomatoes is a good example. People had strong opinions about The Last Jedi and made it known there. An attempt was then made to silence and delegitimize their voices through labeling them "racists", "sexists", & "Russian bots", when the vast majority only commented on things like plot, characters, continuity with the saga, etc. Their opinions were deemed "not logical" by the media and the Twitter mob and therefore they needed to be "silenced". Do you see the danger in that?
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
    guittarjedi and Miles Lodson like this.
  15. DarthPhilosopher

    DarthPhilosopher Chosen One star 6

    Jan 23, 2011
    There is a difference between suppressing contrary views, and suggesting people are taught critical thinking skills. No one here has even remotely advanced a fascist mindset. In fact they are advocating for critical thinking skills as a defense against the rise of such things. Freedom of thought and expression must be combined with critical thinking skills.

    Jefferson said: An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.

    The person above, which you called out, was clearly talking about people believing obviously false news stories because they fit a certain narrative. That is a problem. For fandom it's just toxicity. For society it is deadly.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
    zackm likes this.
  16. Darth Smurf

    Darth Smurf Small, but Lethal star 6

    Dec 22, 2015
    At the moment The Lion King has 88% audience score and 52% from racist, sexist, altright, russian bot, toxic white masculine self proclaimed critics.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
    guittarjedi likes this.
  17. DarthPhilosopher

    DarthPhilosopher Chosen One star 6

    Jan 23, 2011
    In the case of Rotten Tomatoes it's difficult to asses how much it was bombed by such people without going through all the reviews. All I know is that a lot that I read where definitely sexist, so I would be hesitant in saying that it wasn't impacted at all. What can be said is that there is perfectly valid criticism of the film.
  18. StarYogi

    StarYogi Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 18, 2005
    I directly quoted two people who said "people believing what they want is a problem" that needs to be "eliminated". "Teaching people to think critically" doesn't work when one side believes they "think critically" while that other side's views must be eliminated. That's all I have to say.
  19. DarthPhilosopher

    DarthPhilosopher Chosen One star 6

    Jan 23, 2011
    I think it's pretty obvious that @Krueger didn't mean that people can't think freely, but that people are believing whatever fantasy they want. The quotes above are completely out of context. When people believe something because it fits their narrative, despite the facts, it is a problem. All he said is that it was a problem - you then brought up the spectre of 'eliminating' it.

    Being taught to think critically doesn't have a bias.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
  20. Miles Lodson

    Miles Lodson Chosen One star 4

    Jul 10, 1998
    We went to Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland in July. Since we were there for a week we actually visited Batuu twice.

    It was most definitely fun. Especially the cantina and the Millenium Falcon ride. The lightsaber workshop and build a droid were really cool - but doubt we would ever do them again.

    It was not crowded, and the rest of the park even less so.

    If you are not a Star Wars fan, there is no way you spend more than a couple of hours there.

    I definitely think they opened it too early. With Rise of the Resistance this would be a place you could spend half a day at (like the Harry Potter lands at Universal).
    Glitterstimm likes this.
  21. zackm

    zackm Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 22, 2015
    First, nobody said anything needs to be eliminated. That's a fabrication of yours.
    Second, nobody said the "other side's" views must be eliminated. That's another fabrication of yours.
    The irony of such an irrational response to a call for rationality is certainly amusing.
  22. Darth Smurf

    Darth Smurf Small, but Lethal star 6

    Dec 22, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
    guittarjedi likes this.
  23. zackm

    zackm Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 22, 2015
    Are you under the impression that you're making some kind of point here?
    The post quoted is a response to the question of how the problem of belief based on desire would be eliminated.
    It is not a declaration that anything needs to be eliminated. And it is not a declaration that the other side's views must be eliminated.
    Try harder.
    DarthPhilosopher likes this.
  24. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    DID @Darth Chiznuk STUTTER?

    Darth Chiznuk and zackm like this.
  25. Darth Smurf

    Darth Smurf Small, but Lethal star 6

    Dec 22, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
    zackm likes this.
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