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Star Wars One Sentence Challenge Stories

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by devilinthedetails , Nov 2, 2019.

  1. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Hello, everyone. This is the place to post your Star Wars stories for the One Sentence Challenge. Please feel free to post in the standard title, author, summary, and character(s) format for your one sentence stories, please be generous with your reviews to all who submit sentence stories, and please only submit one post with one sentence stories per day. Thank you, good luck with your writing, and enjoy reading the work of others! :)

    An Index of Entries by Author:

    From @Kit': Bury Them in Your Heart-Post #2; Best laid plans and all that...-Post #48; Lifesticks-Post #94; A Work Not in Progress-Post #118

    From @brodiew: Post TLJ, Legends, OT, and Pre-TFA-Post #5; ESB, ANH, ESB,ROTJ,TFA,TLJ,TLJ-Post #29; Turlock, Solo, Organa, Solo 2, Andor-Post #56; Laughter Among Friends, Soft Epilogue, Running Late, Again?, Heartbeat, Masterpiece-Post #66; Han and Leia (Three Sentences)-Post #76; Five Sentences-Post #81; Six Sentences-Post #112, One Sentence-Post #115; One Sentence-Post #117; Five Sentences-Post #121

    From @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha: No Sparks Here, Bitter Irony, A Miscommunication-Post #6; Finding Each Other Again, Dancing in the Rain, Getting Soft?-Post #24; An Unlikely Friendship-Post #32; Friends and More-Post #53; Hiding in Plain Sight?-Post #59; Behind a Waterfall-Post #64; Sisterly Approval, 'Bout Time, Take Some Getting Used to, Basking in the Bond-Post #108

    From @Raissa Baiard: Skywalker's Home for Wayward Clones, Not Just Another Life Day, Imperial Youth, A Pirate's Life-Post #7; We Meet Again, and My Spirit Animal is a Loth-Rat-Post #35; The Tragedy of Jocasta Nu, The Mandalorian Girl, A Mother's Heart-Post #61; Guilty Pleasures-Post #70

    From @pronker: Crescendo-Post #8

    From @Togruta: I'm Not Ready-Post #9; Sleeping Sith-Post #49

    From @devilinthedetails: First Sight, First Kiss, Dreams of being Queen, Queen One Day, Artist, Incompatible with Love, Chosen Politics, Fairy Tale Romance, Firepit, Vain Efforts at Diplomacy, Unafraid--Post 10; Adoption, Dreams of Flying, Just a Droid-Post #26; Hyperdrive, Free from Suffering, Slave to Fate, Sick of Red Sand-Post #38; Nightmare of Leaving, Back to Sleep, Climate Control, Forced Sleep, Needed Rest-Post #54; Retain Warmth, Number the Stars, Swiftly Spinning Planets-Post #63; From a Distance, So Small in Space, So Cold, Chilling Prophecy, Beginning and End-Post #68; Pierce the Atmosphere, So Much Water in the Galaxy, Master, Master in Reverse-Post #88; Happiest and Most Heart-Stopping, Pregnant, Mother's Love, Scandal-Post #90; Pretending Not to See, No Longer Turn a Blind Eye, So Sorry-Post #109

    From @Ewok_Slayer: Family Resemblance-Post #14; Memories-Post #23; Oversight, Betrayal, Human Touch-Post #30; Anakin's Burning Thoughts, Regrets, Baffled on Myrkir-Post #41; Mara's Musings, Soulmate, Fear of Temptation, In An Alternate Universe, In Another Time, Another Place-Post #52

    From @Mira_Jade: Respite, Azure, Warranty, Wager, Freedom, Ordnance, Outcry, Absolution, Autonomy, Impending-Post#37; Bemusement, Lucrative, Merciless, Courtesy, Reconsider, Next, Assess, Guardian, Type, Reflection, Precedent, Winding-Post #45

    From @Oddly_Salacious: The Good Transmitter Moves Along-Post #44

    From @Carlos Danger: Three Sentences-Post #79

    From @Jedi_Lover: One Sentence-Post# 93; Two Sentences-Post #123

    From @afterlight: PR Stunt, Pillar of Salt, A Balanced Diet, Jedi Mind Trick, Closure, Final Girl, Binary Suns, Turning Point, Desert Child-Post #95; Dust, Eternity, Relic, Stigma, Unreachable, Haunted, Cost-Benefit, Rejection, Cosmos Mariner, Spaces, Surprise, The Second Noble Truth, Balance-Post #105; Luminous, Ripple Effects, Pregnant with Anticipation, Aftermath, Biosphere, Roots, Tradition, Discontinuity, Traffic Stop, Paternity Test, Said in Ignorance, Woven, Last, Chosen One, Separation Event, Gravid, Meet Your Match, Time Enough At Last, Tikkun Olam, Pale Horse, Next-Post #125

    From @Cowgirl Jedi 1701: One Sentence-Post #98

    Important Indexing Note: If you'd like to add or change the title of any of your one sentence stories, please let me know in this thread or via PM, and I'll update the index to reflect that as soon as possible. Thank you.

    Top Ten Finishers:

    1) Guilty Pleasures by @Raissa Baiard and Beginning and End by @devilinthedetails
    2) Ordinance by @Mira_Jade and Desert Child by @afterlight
    3) Stigma by @afterlight, Lifesticks by @Kit' , We Meet Again by @Raissa Baiard
    4) Oversight by @Ewok_Slayer and The Good Transmitter Moves Along by @Oddly_Salacious
    5) Mara Jade was @brodiew, Such a funny little bag of @Findswoman, and So Small in Space by @devilinthedetails
    6) Baffled on Myrkr by @Ewok_Slayer, The second @brodiew, PR Stunt by @afterlight, Time Enough at Last by @afterlight, Master in Reverse by @devilinthedetails, and Spaces by @afterlight
    7) Mara's Musings by @Ewok_Slayer, Luke Skywalker was @brodiew, Free from Suffering by @devilinthedetails, I'm Not Ready by @Togruta, A Mother's Heart by @Raissa Baiard, I am Never by @Carlos Danger, and Sleeping Sith by @Togruta
    8) Master by @devilinthedetails, Ripple Effects by @afterlight, and So Sorry by @devilinthedetails
    9) Discontinuity by @afterlight, Impending by @Mira_Jade, Unafraid by @devilinthedetails,and Drained as he @brodiew
    10) Tragedy of Jocasta Nu by @Raissa Baiard, Reconsider by @Mira_Jade, and Takes Some Getting Used To by @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
  2. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Have been waiting all day for you to post this! So excited!


    Title: Bury them in your heart
    Author(s): Kit'
    Time frame: ROTS

    Bury them in your heart

    He looked down upon the little sleeping faces, the tousled hair, the dried blood, the bodies marked by a lightsabre’s destructive path and he wept.
  3. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Oh, wow, that packed a real emotional punch that took the breathe away from me. What a strong start to inspire everyone.
  4. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Thanks Devilinthedetails Can’t wait to read what everyone else comes up with

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. brodiew

    brodiew Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    And here we are! Glad to see this up tonight.

    If there was one thing Ansyn Turlock could spot a standard kilometer away, it was a gold-digger; an antiquated term, but he was a dealer in rare historical items, so it was apropos. (Post TLJ)

    It was bad enough when Jysella Horn was fawning over Zekk, but the prankster, Lens Eli, was about the meet the Sword of the Jedi, personally. (Legends head cannon)

    Lando Calrissian took his debts seriously. (OT)

    The loyalty of friends, the love of family, and trust in the will of the Force were not enough for Luke Skywalker after Ben fell the Dark Side. (pre-TFA)
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
  6. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    "No Sparks Here"
    As Tahl Uvain and Qui-Gon strolled in the lovely Room of a Thousand Fountains (as they were accustomed to do) they discussed their most recent missions with Obi-Wan and Bant and assiduously attempted to avoid any tender undertones, at which neither was completely successful.

    "Bitter Irony"
    Chancellor Palpatine bestowed a benevolent smile upon the Jedi Council via hologram as they strategized over the conflict with the Separatists; all the while, he inwardly laughed as he played both sides against the middle.

    "A Miscommunication"
    When Mara Jade showed up to the Yavin Jedi Academy for ostensible business reasons or training, Luke unabashedly wished she would stick around, but he was way too shy to say anything, to insist ... so, thinking he didn't care one way or another, she took off almost before she herself wanted to.
  7. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    Okay, I managed a few after all by reaching into my bunny hutch and trying to write the opening line, as @Togruta suggested:

    Skywalker’s Home for Wayward Clones (Legends)
    There were children floating in the spaarti cylinders, and Luke knew he couldn’t destroy them even if they were all clones of Emperor Palpatine.

    Not Just Another Life Day (OT)
    With their usual impeccable timing, the Empire chose the day before Life Day to attack the Rebel base.

    These are a couple of AUs from my Infinite Ezras project:

    Imperial Youth (pre-Rebels, 8 BBY)
    Major Charles Dotheby, director of the Wilhuff Tarkin Home for Boys, smiled at the sullen eight-year-old boy who had been apprehended picking pockets in the market that morning and told him, “The Empire welcomes you to your new home, Ezra!”

    A Pirate’s Life (Rebels S2)
    “I’m taking Hondo’s offer,” Ezra said, turning away from Kanan, “because let’s face it, I’ll be a better pirate than I ever would a Jedi.”
  8. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Ooh, nice to see this up and a Happy Time Change Day to those who are afflicted affected.

    Crescendo (Watsonverse and The Clone Wars mashup)

    "What does diva even mean?" shrieked Duchess Satine at the Jedi Master --- who erected himself like a blast door between his scowling teen Padawan and said Padawan's age-mate, Her Grace whom they pledged to protect (and had for close to one year now) and who looked as if she could duel them both despite being Force-blind --- making Qui-Gon regret allowing Obi-Wan to accompany Garen, Bant, Reeft, Siri, and Quinlan to the acclaimed Coruscanti Opera production of Carmen Elektra.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
    Ewok Poet, Mira_Jade , Kit' and 4 others like this.
  9. Saga_Symphony

    Saga_Symphony Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 30, 2010
    I'm Not Ready

    Vader heard the strange, jittery laughter and stopped in his tracks, looking upon his son... and perhaps it was a trick of the light, of the mist and shadow in this echoing, semi-dark carbon-freezing chamber, but he had not quite pictured the boy to be this... short... this buck-toothed... this... porous.
    Mira_Jade , darkspine10, Kit' and 4 others like this.
  10. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Title: First Sight
    Author: devilinthedetails
    Summary: Padme sees Palo for the first time. (Palo is mentioned in AOTC as the boy Padme first kissed.)
    Characters: Padme Amidala; Palo Jemabie.

    First Sight

    Padme’s gaze should have been caught by the grand rotunda they were receiving a special tour of on their first day in the Legislative Youth Program, but instead her focus was captured by a boy with dark curls who looked two years older than her and must have been an eternity wiser.

    Title: First Kiss
    Author: devilinthedetails
    Summary: Padme's first kiss.
    Characters: Padme Amidala; Palo Jemabie.

    First Kiss

    Palo Jemabie had dreamy eyes and dark curls a caressing hand could get lost in for days but when luscious-looking lips kissed Padme they were clammy as a frog that could never turn into a prince because life wasn’t an Alderaanian fairy tale.

    Title: Dreams of being Queen
    Author: devilinthedetails
    Summary: Padme shares her dream of being queen with Palo.
    Characters: Padme Amidala; Palo Jemabie

    Dreams of being Queen

    “I want to be queen,” Padme whispered, sharing her deepest desire with Palo as he held her against his chest on a bench before one of Theed’s thousands of fountains, the forever rising and falling cascade of water a musical counterpoint to her dreams.

    Title: Queen One Day
    Author: devilinthedetails
    Summary: Palo assures Padme she will be queen one day.
    Characters: Padme Amidala; Palo Jemabie

    Queen One Day

    “You will be queen one day,” Palo promised, his words warm as sunlight in Padme’s ear when she whispered to him her secret dream of being queen.

    Title: Artist
    Author: devilinthedetails
    Summary: Palo breaks up with Padme.
    Characters: Padme Amidala; Palo Jemabie


    “I want to be an artist,” Palo told Padme, and she knew that was his way of breaking up with her because she wanted to be a politician—a queen.

    Title: Incompatible with Love
    Author: devilinthedetails
    Summary: Padme loses her faith in romance.
    Characters: Padme Amidala; Palo Jemabie

    Incompatible with Love

    Padme lost her faith in romance the day Palo broke up with her because she wanted to be a politician and came to believe that pursuing politics was incompatible with love.

    Title: Chosen Politics
    Author: devilinthedetails
    Summary: Late at night, Padme regrets her choice of politics over love.
    Characters: Padme Amidala

    Chosen Politics

    Late at night alone beneath her cool shimmersilk blankets, Padme often thought she had chosen politics over love and sometimes regretted her decisions after bitter battles on the Senate floor.

    Title: Fairy Tale Romance
    Author: devilinthedetails
    Summary: Padme finally believes in a fairy tale romance.
    Characters: Padme Amidala; Anakin Skywalker

    Fairy Tale Romance

    Padme had never believed she would be part of a heart-stopping, happily ever after romance until she kissed Anakin beside the beautiful blue bowl of a Naboo lake.

    Title: Firepit
    Author: devilinthedetails
    Summary: Padme again chooses politics over love.
    Characters: Padme Amidala; Anakin Skywalker


    At the firepit in the lake country resort, Padme again chose politics over love even as Anakin argued and wept.

    Title: Vain Efforts at Diplomacy
    Author: devilinthedetails
    Summary: Padme at last chooses love over politics.
    Characters: Padme Amidala; Anakin Skywalker

    Vain Efforts at Diplomacy

    In the face of death in an execution arena on Geonosis when all her vain efforts at diplomacy failed, Padme could no longer deny Anakin or herself, choosing love over politics at last.

    Title: Unafraid
    Author: devilinthedetails
    Summary: Padme is unafraid; Anakin isn't.
    Characters: Padme Amidala; Anakin Skywalker


    Anakin never cared that Padme was unafraid to die; he was always just afraid of losing her.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
    Kit', Mira_Jade , Ridley Solo and 3 others like this.
  11. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    @Kit' Powerfully written. He was already 99 percent gone.@};-

    @brodiew Nice to see Zekk again.:p

    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Likewise Tahl and Qui-Gon.[face_love]

    @Raissa Baiard For the want of a nail (or other plot device) Ezra joins Hondo and the galaxy gets that much less solvent.=D=

    @Togruta I liked Vader's uncompromising ... crankiness over appearances, like his 'well, somebody ought to make everybody see the Right Way!!' in the meadow scene.

    @devilinthedetails Ahah, excellent progression from :amidala: to :padme: well done!
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
    Mira_Jade , Findswoman , Kit' and 3 others like this.
  12. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @brodiew Your Lando sentence captured Lando's essence perfectly, and your Luke sentence really conveyed Luke's feelings and sense of loss so well.

    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Your Tahl and Qui-Gon story warmed my heart and made me smile. Your Palpatine sentence captured his cunning perfectly. The Luke and Mara one made me feel certain that they would eventually get together despite the miscommunication;)

    @Raissa Baiard So great to see that you gave one sentence stories a try! The first one was very powerful for me, and I got a chuckle out of the wry humor in the first part of the second sentence.

    @pronker What a great idea for a story, and I really loved all the characters you managed to fit into it. Very creative. Also thank you so much for your kind comments about my sentences. I so enjoyed tracing Padme's progression in them, so it makes me super happy to hear that you had a similar experience reading them.

    @Togruta Excellent job capturing Vader's emotions and making them so relatable.
  13. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Great one-sentence stories all, a wonderful variety! =D=
  14. Ewok_Slayer

    Ewok_Slayer Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 24, 2004
    Title: Family Resemblance
    Author: Ewok_Slayer
    Time frame: Sequel Trilogy

    My son has my smile, his mother’s eyes, and unfortunately his grandfather’s temperament’, Han thought ruefully as the lightsaber blade slid through his heart.

    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
  15. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Oh, man, these are so Awesome. Let me see if I can keep my comments straight. So many great works! I tried to touch on at least one of everyone's.

    Oh man, what an emotional gut-punch!
    [face_laugh]Oh Jaina! I've so missed reading about her.
    Oh, classic Luke and Mara, always dancing around their feelings
    I just love what the title of this implies for the future for these child clones. I now want this fic!

    Satine! I love how her personality comes across so vividly in this.
    Oh! interesting idea to see Vader's thoughts on his first meeting with Luke.
    I loved this series but in particular this one showed Padme's determination.
    Oh, again, a gut-punch for Han's final thoughts.[/QUOTE]
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
  16. Saga_Symphony

    Saga_Symphony Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 30, 2010
    lol I get the feeling people aren't quite getting who the "Luke" is in my jokey story... but maybe it's just as well.
    Findswoman and pronker like this.
  17. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    *flails helplessly* Luke Wilson? ** cups hand to ear, awaiting Bingo! ** *** or something ***
    Findswoman likes this.
  18. Ewok_Slayer

    Ewok_Slayer Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 24, 2004
    I have to admit, I didn't understand it. Was Vader mistaking an Ugnaught for Luke?
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
    Findswoman and pronker like this.
  19. Raissa Baiard

    Raissa Baiard Chosen One star 4

    Nov 22, 1999
    I think I figured it out. Is it someone who’d be more at home in a pineapple under the sea? 8-}
    Findswoman and pronker like this.
  20. Ewok_Slayer

    Ewok_Slayer Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 24, 2004
    That would make sense.
    Findswoman and pronker like this.
  21. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    I just re-read it... felt like an idiot. Yeah, that would make sense.
    pronker and Findswoman like this.
  22. Saga_Symphony

    Saga_Symphony Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 30, 2010
    pronker and Findswoman like this.
  23. Ewok_Slayer

    Ewok_Slayer Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 24, 2004
    I thought you accidentally wrote porous instead of porcine.

    I have another one sentence story:

    Title: Memories
    Author: Ewok_Slayer
    Era: Sequel Trilogy

    ‘I am a Jedi, like my father before me’, Luke remembered those long-ago, optimistic words as he slurped down the thala-siren’s warm, green milk and wondered how it all went wrong.

    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
  24. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    "Finding Each Other Again"
    After the Battle of Endor and the subsequent decline of the Empire, each working to help other worlds rebuild, Rex and Ahsoka found one another again, when they had almost ceased to do so; memories of serving together in the 'Clone Wars' rushed back, and all the feelings they had for one another they were now free to express.

    "Dancing in the Rain"
    Luke and Mara were dancing in the rain; to be more precise, Luke was twirling Mara around… Luke had never lost his delighted fascination with the wet stuff, and their kids Ben and Ciera looked on indulgently as Mara pretended to scowl even as Luke kissed her breathless.

    "Getting Soft?"
    Han became an 'old softie' the day his twin girls were born; it became even more pronounced as they wrapped him around their innocent fingers... By the time they made he and Leia grandparents, he didn't even wonder at his unapologetic sentimentality.
  25. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Oh, what gems! These are all absolutely radiant! Everyone's really rising to the occasion on this. Love it. :cool:

    OK, I'm back and catching up after a very hectic weekend, but I have one to throw in the mix, too:

    Such a funny little bag of dirt...
    (Rebels, season 1 or early season 2)

    Such a funny little bag of dirt, the boy thought, as he yelled out, “Hey, Zeb, is this yours?”
    Mira_Jade , brodiew, pronker and 3 others like this.